The Kenosha County Fair is a tradition as old as even the most senior of Kenosha County residents. An exciting part of the fair? The “Fairest of the Fair” competition. This year, the website read:
“Calling all men and women who live in Kenosha County or have shown at the Kenosha County Fair!
The Kenosha County Fair is seekings all individuals interested (yes that’s right – MEN and WOMEN) interested in representing the Kenosha County Fair!“
This year, for the first time ever, a man is competing. Most people KCE spoke with oppose the measure as “woke” but don’t necessarily blame the young man, but the board of directors that voted in 2019 to allow men to compete.
One Kenosha County mother found the allowing of a man in a women’s event to be extremely woke, and told KCE “This whole convolution of what men and women are is just tiresome at this point. At what point do the leaders of our states and counties and cities stop letting women be erased by beta men?“
Many people, including a Pleasant Prairie mother speculate that the man will be chosen simply because he is a man. “That isn’t fair to women, and no pun intended!”
Jill Gillmore is no stranger to pageants and other similar competitions. She was crowned Mrs. Wisconsin and her daughter, Margaret Gillmore, was recently crowned Ms. Bristol. She has been married for 21 years and has seven children.
“It was wonderful to see the advertisement today for the Kenosha County fair. 4 contestants for Fairest of the fair, that’s a huge improvement over the 1 single contestant that they had last year. Any one of these 4 contestants would make a wonderful Fairest of the fair.
One thing I did find very unique and interesting was that Alexander Hannah was running. I was surprised to learn that the Kenosha fair board passed a rule that allowed males to compete. He is an outstanding Youth. He has been around the fair as long as I can remember. He’s always been a leader in his 4-H club and has shown his birds at the fair for at least 10 years probably longer. He’s a recent graduate from Central High School where he was an outstanding student and role model for those in our community. While many may think this is odd, Alex is a great kid who has committed his childhood and youth to serving his community and the fair. He just like any one of these individuals would make a wonderful fair ambassador,” Gillmore told KCE Wednesday.
KCE called Jenny Hesse, the fair director and she was happy to talk about the Fairest of the Fair. She was candid and suspected that some members of the community wouldn’t be happy with a decades-long women’s event to be joined by men. However, she wants people to see the positive.
“That decision was made back in 2019. We changed the program back in 2019 to allow anybody to run. And the purpose of the Fairest of the Fair isn’t about like being a queen or a pageant or like a female representation of that crown.The purpose of that program is to help young individuals learn how to have marketing skills, business skills, promotional skills, and be truly an image and a resource for the county fair throughout the entire Kenosha County area. So that’s kind of why back in 2020, the state level was allowing any gender did not matter. And that’s what our competitors do, is after they compete at a local level, whoever wins then competes at the state level. And so they had no gender preferences. And it was the same thing. It’s more of a marketing and like an advertising kind of role for whoever is wants to be that ambassador for the county,” said Hesse.
Although Hesse described it as not being a pageant, the website and Facebook page is littered with crowns and all things feminine.
Here is a list of the board members that are allowing men to compete. These members didn’t necessarily vote to allow men in 2019, but still support the practice.
KCE’s Opinion: KCE thinks this is nothing but virtue signaling – much like a man named John Smith putting ‘he/him’ on his email signature. It serves no legitimate purpose but to let others know you are a liberal. Women don’t have many things to compete in that are exclusive to only women. Men posing as women are trying to take over women’s sports and other activities. It isn’t fair. It shouldn’t happen. Pageants remain one of the last types of these events. For crying out loud, let the Women have something special!
To the board members that voted to allow men to compete and the current members who aren’t throwing your hands in the air and demanding a vote to undo this madness – you are doing a disservice to this community. To Mr. Hannah – It’s certainly your right to join and compete in this process, but you surely know that you do this at a risk of being embarrassed. We wish no ill will towards you and wish you the best of luck. The woke board set you up for any embarrassment or uncomfort you might experience. You seem like a great kid, but let the women have their own competition. Let’s not break tradition. Let the three seemingly bright and talented women have their time to shine.
160 Responses
Let Jenny know I will not partake in any fair that promotes such BS. Count me out! Hope others join me.
Yeah, we were going to go, but not anymore–too bad, the fair missed out on my husband, me , our son, daughter-in-law and three of our grandchildren. That’s a lot of money they will be out due to their wokeness
I bet they are shaking in their boots Karen
Geez, I hope the fair survives this loss of $125…..
It would be great info people had this much passion for “real” problems. Does this competition really have any impact on any of us? Will it matter in a week? This isn’t a matter of fairness like a trans athlete.
There’s no such thing as trans, it’s a mental disorder.
As a right winger, this person is an expert in mental disorders.
That made zero sense LMAO
in the long run it does–this is a systematic pushing out of women. i am sure you are a liberal man, you wouldn’t get it
Really? No big deal huh? I guess if you allow men in the woman’s bathroom and your daughter or granddaughter gets raped…no big deal…not a “REAL” problem, right?
I imagine you are okay with KUSD and all the sex crimes going on with the kids and the teachers just being allowed to resign and go to anothrr school and do it all over again? Yeah, this is where it starts, with people like you who think we need to focus on “REAL” problems!! Sick!
Why don’t you people understand the inconsistency of what you believe?
If your daughter or grand-daughter is an actual victim of a sexual assault, you insist that this victim be forced to carry that evil spawn, give birth, and then raise it.
You complain about women being treated so poorly, yet you deny women the right to control her own body.
I am sorry to stay that you people really are weird.
Hey “weird” is the new liberal talking point fyi (you will hear them use it repeatedly referring to the right)..Why choose this word in particular??? So they can project just how f’d up they have become onto the other party.
If the shoe fits. . .
Yes, you people are weird. Just as weird as the Branch Davinian cult members.
Tell us again about your obsession with young people’s genitals, and then explain how you’re not weird.
Yes because God created that life, not the rapist. Abortion is murder.
No, the rapist and victim did. God may have helped man create the medical technology and procedures to spare that woman of the anguish and trauma of being forced to carry and raise that evil creation. God does not give us the right to impose our barbaric beliefs on women.
Yes, you people are truly weird.
LOL is “weird” the new replacement for racist, or misogynist?
Guess what you can never replace- God 😊
He creates life and loves you too.
“Weird” new liberal word. They are trying to redefine the meaning. If you don’t believe it look at how they weave it into most political posts and commentary. Forward Kenosha is running with it now too. LOL
It describes the MAGA/Trump cult members perfectly. They are weird.
Forward Kenosha hahaha what a bunch of tools
Deflecting…the defense of the radical left. That and name calling. I guess staying on topic would actually require you to have a legitimate counter point.
Those problems you speak of are the “real” problems. Not a county fair contest. Also, What does this have to do with sex crimes and corruption at KUSD? A boy is entered in a contest against girls and suddenly now we go right to that? Come on. That’s children being abused. Nobody is going to be hurt or abused in this county fair contest.
Both of my kids go to KUSD. Both of them had Enwright and one was in orchestra with Gardner. Should they have to deal with that shit, no, but they know right from wrong. All this starts at home people. Watch over your kids. Pay attention and what’s going on. I’m not going to homeschool them just because some teachers and administrators suck. There are plenty of people in the real world that suck too so they may as well be ready.
What do you think I mean by real problems? Some liberal fluff? I mean real problems. Not the county fair. Inflation, corruption, infrastructure, unemployment, violent crime……now those are real problems.
Anyone have a direct number to call?
Wow. I know both of those woman, and I wouldn’t describe any of them as “woke”. I wonder who crafted Jill’s PR answer.
Jill is certainly not woke and she crafted her own statement. She is very bright and I served her community with distinction. You are a cowardly internet troll
Interesting comment, I basically agreed with you, and you call me a troll….
You asked who prepared Jill’s statement. You alluded to the fact that she isn’t smart enoughbtonvraft it….
You made a big assumption. The statement was very well written and crafted to not take stance, she didn’t directly answer then question. It was spun very well so there was no appearance of taking a side. Very Spin Doctor. She is extremely conservative.
It’s very well spun to not answer the question. She is very conservative.
The fair is very corrupt. Jill likely has to be careful how she answers, as her children still show livestock and she wouldn’t want to get them blacklisted at judging or auction.
Piss off the wrong person and even a Grand Champion steer winds up with a pink ribbon. At a lot of fairs, pink ribbon animals aren’t eligible for auction.
That’s not how the auction works LMAO
In many counties, only Blue, Red, and white ribbons auction.
You also have Fair Board members making money on the fair. Whatever happened to conflict of interest? Kazmura and Klemko are just two examples. Shameful
The mind virus is alive and well. Common sense people see what is happening slowly but surely. Our society has become afraid to demand norms stay norms, the backlash is you must be racist, sexes or are a hate monger, so the masses will stay silent. Once the mind virus affects the masses, we will be doomed, IMO.
Let’s consider what is happening to gender. Is it wrong to expect Women to compete with biological women only? Is it wrong to have a beauty pageant for the fairest of the species. Why is it we don’t see women wanting to compete with men in sports? Why is society afraid to do things to keep our species strong and prosper. Society will create a new mindset that I believe will weaken our place in life, whether your God fearing or don’t believe, the outcome is the same. Being inclusive is not an issue within the boundaries that it helps society. Can society go too far with inclusivity? I think we are watching the train wreck right before our eyes. I don’t think the fact a man is included in this contest is the issue as much as the stupid board members that are obviously clueless too their audience. Re-name the contest to King/ Queen of the fair. This is where the mind virus seeps into our everyday life. There is a hidden agenda here, right? If you slowly change common sense norms in very small increments , nobody will notice and it works. I wish people could think differently and accept that certain contests are not for them, so what. Many people want to be something they can’t, like can a blind person driving an automobile or flying aircrafts in any safe measured way. So what, find your above normal skill set and prosper. We all have limitations in life, but to take from one to give to another to just to be inclusive is a road society better rethink. How will our society survive if we don’t teach our offspring the differences between the sexes, these differences make us special but don’t need to be inclusive for all. Perception matters, I hope this board realizes and changes the name, women have given up enough in the battle of inclusivity. Re-name and move on, easy.
If there is a change, I think there should be 2, one for women and one for men. No renaming. Let’s stand up for our values and stop being afraid that someone is not going to get a prize! Goodgrief! Not EVERYONE is SUPPOSED to get a prize! How will kids learn or strive for something better if every contest they enter gives them a prize? People need to pull their kids from the woke public school! Homeschool.
I know a couple of kids who were homeschooled because their mom wanted more jesus and rush limbaugh in their lives. Now they’re both grown up with zero real education, no common sense, and deep-seated personality disorders. Oh and the son is a molester. Worked out great!
You’re right- Pull your kids out of government schools! If you cannot homeschool them, send them to a Christian school at least.
Absolutely homeschool! The indoctrination centers that are public schools are now grooming centers as well!
It’s a good pr answer
I’ve known Jill Gillmore for nearly our whole lives, and there are few times I disagree with her. This is not the time for a male to participate. A great situation for him to showcase his 4-H participation would be as an Outstanding 4-H Youth, or participating on the Fair Board (ope, but it’s a good old boys club!) but NOT Fairest of the Fair.
Ask yourself- if they wanted to allow for male or female in this competition, why didn’t they get rid of “Fairest of the Fair” and just call it “Fair Ambassador “ ?
As I said. This wasn’t woke. It was asleep at the switch.
Edquist would be a no vote, darn sure.
Stfu you all get so triggered
Triggered because once again something is being taken away from women? Really? Men in women’s sports, men in women’s bathrooms, men in women’s gyms.
Now, men in women’s pageant competitions? Seriously?
If you don’t see a problem with this, it’s not that people are “triggered,” it’s much more likely you’re not using critical thinking skills.
You are insane. Seek therapy please, or the end of a heater 🫡
You imply that men belong in women’s “spaces” but I’m insane?
I do not think that means what you think it means 😂
Well, men still cannot be servers at Hooters, so there is that…
Give it a minute…
The girls should drop out. Just say, “Thanks but no thanks. Don’t want to participate in something that’s become a big woke joke.”
Last year had a single contestant. If no girls are applying in the first place, why not open it up to everyone?
Homeschoolers are the best!
Wow! Even Wisconsin hates women. When will this end? Will it be when we completely eradicate all women from society? Is that what these woke imbeciles want?
Just make fun of the guy. A little constructive criticism. It’s not illegal to give a Simpson’s “Ha Ha” laugh when you see the kid.
I don’t think this is “woke” at all. It’s “asleep.”
While retaining the accoutrements of a quasi-beauty pageant for young women they decided to open it up to young men. Fair enough (pun intended) but then why not do what they said they were looking for — an ambassador for the county fair — and scrap the pageant and replace it with a competition for fair ambassador open to anyone? From his resume Mr. Hannah sounds like an excellent candidate.
This wasn’t “woke.” They were “asleep” at the switch.
nice suggestion that someone else already made 🙄
lol jealous troll?
My husband said it should be called, “Fairest of the Fairy”
This belongs on a tee shirt, like I put in the comment below yours!
Someone could make an absolute KILLING selling tee shirts that mock this situation. Set up a stand down the road, something like, “Wrong kind of Queen,” “Fair Queens are Females,” or “Ladies only” with the dude’s face and a 🚫, and make it easy for anyone who wants to, to make a mockery of the fair board’s decision.
Wow, a lot of hurt feelings from the “F Your Feelings” crowd in here
Don’t misinterpret disgust for hurt feelings. I’m not hurt, I’m not offended- I’m disgusted. I find it gross that males feel the need to put themselves into female roles.
King and Queen of the Fair.
Male and Female at their finest !!
While I , a Boomer, don’t support this current change, if things ”Need” to change, let’s add not subtract.
Put it open to boys and girls. Young women and Young men.
I’m sure this board can figure out how both can serve admirably in this capacity.
By the way. How does this mesh up with other county fairs across the state ?
Smartest idea today. Great idea!
Racine County 4-H used to do a 4-H King & Queen, but they changed it to “Outstanding 4-H Teens” which was disappointing.
Much like there’s no good reason to include men in this competition, there is no good reason for Kenosha to have a Fair King & Queen.
County Fair Queens turn around and compete for Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs. His participation, as well as altering it to be a male/female competition, makes a complete mockery of a longstanding, statewide tradition.
Don’t f*ck with the county fairs!
As I said above, I don’t support this change. And I do now remember that this position does travel to the state level competition.
Best left alone.
Though I do thank Kevin for his support
Things to ponder…
It says, Fairest of the Fair.. not Fairest of the Female Fair. Fairest of the Fair is an ambiguous term.
I love the King and Queen of the Fair!
But, then that would imply 2 genders….
So, then we are back to Fair Ambassador……. sigh…. its NEVER. ENDING……………….
Newsflash: there are only 2 genders.
Aren’t there only two genders??? Did I miss something?
Yes and to state otherwise is “weird”.
The sarcasm in my 2 gender response was obviously missed….
Another event that I will no longer support!!!
And screw the poor kids that work so hard on their livestock all year.
That definitely seems to be the attitude of the Fair Board, eh?
That made no sense- elaborate please
So it’s just your feelings then- no proof. Gotcha.
You must have run out of things to report on. I’d feel more upset if they had DEI in their bylaws or tranny sh*t all over their website. I think this is just people who weren’t thinking.
I’ll still attend the fair bc I support the 4H kids who have nothing to do with it.
If you’re going to go to the fair, go to the auction to buy animals. Spend no additional $$. Don’t spend money at the vendors, at the carnival rides, or the food truck. Don’t attend the pulls or the other grandstand events. Spend as little as possible, unless you’re buying a 4H kid’s animal. Then- bid high and often! Going to the fair to “support the 4H kids” really isn’t a thing, because they’re going to get their premium dollars whether attendance is up or down or stagnant. The livestock kids need auction buyers and bidders. Otherwise, your attendance doesn’t impact the kids one way or another. The best way to support the kids through this is to let the fair board know that fair queens are girls. Signed, a Racine Co. 4H parent & former Kenosha Co. 4H’er.
I agree about the auction but yes- going into the barns to see the kids animals is supportive as well. My 9 year old is quite excited to tell everyone about her hard work with her steer.
Be a good parent & don’t let your kid talk to randos.
What’s a rando? I speak English
Random individuals who decide to go to the county fair. Don’t let your kid talk to strangers.
That’s common sense. Use of deductive reasoning would have helped you figure that out. So, maybe “I speak English” helps you feel smart, but not being able to understand a commonly used slang word for “random individuals” indeed actually makes you look inept.
the kid is at a work setting for them
should the 16yo taking your fast food order not speak with you either RANDO
If you don’t see the difference between a 9 year old girl talking to strangers in a relatively uncontrolled environment where there’s a lot of hustle and bustle and strangers *everywhere* and a 16 year old taking fast food orders at work, where there are many areas that are off-limits to the general public with doors that are easily locked, it’s not me that’s the dumbass.
Protect your children- 9 years old is still just a baby. Have you learned NOTHING on this site? There are pedo’s EVERYWHERE. Stop expecting other people to behave properly and put your child’s best interest FIRST.
LOL clearly I struck a nerve and forced you to use real “big boy” words. That’s better, you did great 👍🏻
You do realize that “LOL” & “rando” fall into the same category of modern slang, right? So while you’re attempting to act superior, you sound like someone with little dick syndrome.
Triggered again 😉
don’t be dumb
Honestly, you have got to be kidding me. The fair board couldn’t figure out how to run a separate male competition and a separate female competition simultaneously
so they added males in with the females—together?? To steal away the chances of the females? Do they not realize there are local young ladies who have been
dreaming —FOR YEARS—of running for fairest of the fair?? This is so ridiculous and so obviously unnecessary it’s fucking hilarious. No ill will meant for the young man—
he is just following rules set by a laughable fair board too woke and incompetent to run separate male/female completions. What’s next, they gonna start judging
the bulls with the heifers?
Went to the fair every year since I can remember. Now another thing I won’t be spending any money at or attending.
Thoughts and prayers to you
Are you Straight White Male? Or, are you just another self-loathing cowardly soul who has repressed deep-seated and long-standing desires to lay with a man?
Do us all a favor and don’t come to the fair. Your stench will not be missed!
Hi Joel! Did you go to the fair piggy?
Fags are destroying the country
Yes, cigarettes are unhealthy.
That’s true.
So we all have to pretend that this is normal now?
BARF! How disgusting! The sad part is that we all know who’s going to win.
That’s precisely why the ladies should drop out. If he’s going to win, let him win because he’s the only contender.
The ladies should walk away from this. There is not one single good reason for any of these wonderful ladies to continue on with this competition.
This will make the boxing portion of the judging more exciting.
There are thousands of women in Kenosha county eligible to participate in this. Of those, a grand total of 4 appear to have expressed interest in the contest in the last two years. Seems there’s plenty of room for all women who want to participate. Also sounds like the main problem with this contest is its ability to attract contestants – having one single participant last year doesn’t make for much of a competition. There might very well be other and better ways of increasing participation than opening the contest to men but it doesn’t strike me as an unreasonable thing to try. It’s not like men will have an automatic advantage over women here – it’s not a weightlifting competition.
So wait……real question….is he just a male kind of screwing around and running here?
Or is he a male identifying as female now? There is definitely a difference and I think the clarification needs to be made.
So…. the old codgers insist on only having girls compete? Because it’s always been about little girls putting on a show for the creepers. Just like beauty pageants and swimsuit competitions.
The world has changed for the better. We don’t need old pedos leering at the girls for prizes and scholarships. Kids can be judged by who they are, not what they look like.
And the small group threatening not to go? Good. No one wants to see you in your stupid red hat talking nonsense to everyone. Stay home and watch Fox News.
Seriously! I usually never go, but now I have too!
Calm down, you’re swaying from your MSNBC talking points.
If they are fags then I judge them as defective humans.
Is it also true the bikini contest was replaced by a hoodie walk.
I mentioned it in another thread. Conservatives complain about woke but embrace it at ever turn. Much like a perverted Catholic priest does, after he is caught molesting little boys.
Or a groomer reading story in drag.
We’re all just in awe of your wisdom. Wise up.
You speak for experience
Another moral lib. No transcendent standards. All is “if it slgerls or seems good” let it happen. Road to death.
Stop saying Woke.
Is this is a bit silly sure. But it’s basically a nothing burger that I shrugged and moved on. So many people get all riled up over things that dont affect them. But then it becomes a talking point amongst some people who think everything is “woke” and it snowballs into a controversy when it really isn’t.
I simply think there are things for women and things for men. Have a fair king and queen. I don’t understand how women continue to allow themselves to be marginalized.Men and women are different, it’s the science that our dear leaders want to champion when it comes to taking away rights but not when it doesn’t suit their woke agenda.
I know most of the fair board members. Not sure what they were thinking but we are slowly slipping into the abyss.
For those of us who have participated, this *is* something. I was Fairest of the Fair in a nearby county. I competed against 6 other women and won. If Kenosha County isn’t getting much interest or participation, maybe they need to look at the event itself. Kenosha County is a bit of a joke when it comes to their fair. It’s pretty well known in the ag circles that Kenosha County Fair board is a bit corrupt, they have been known to interfere in judging, and bend the rules for their friends. Many fairs operate like this- but Kenosha is by far the worst in the area.
If Kenosha County isn’t attracting participants/competitors, opening up to men and disrespecting the tradition of Fairest of the Fair is NOT the answer.
Agreed on the corrupt fairboard. It cannot get much worse
I was going to run as a Senior (69) but I suppose I would get mocked because I have gray hair and wrinkles. Why can’t a male representative do the job just as well as a female?
Thank you its not a pageant its an ambassador competition but they want to direct it towards women only so they can make it a pageant.
Wear your wrinkles and gray hair with pride!
I simply think there are things for women and things for men. Have a fair king and queen. I don’t understand how women continue to allow themselves to be marginalized.Men and women are different, it’s the science that our dear leaders want to champion when it comes to taking away rights but not when it doesn’t suit their woke agenda.
I know most of the fair board members. Not sure what they were thinking but we are slowly slipping into the abyss
wow simple things of the past have now been made complicated .Go back to the drawing boards and get VERY SPECIFIC
Soon to be a drag Queen event. Stop the insanity, now. Prohibit biological males now.
Give it a rest with all this dramatic pearl clutching, my god.
Calm your t*ts, you’ve commented 4 times in 3 min. Lmao
Its not a women’s pageant so what’s the problem he’s competing as a man and the competition is about being an ambassador so why cant a man be an ambassador for me it would be different if he was competing in women’s clothing and things. Its a women dominated event but that doesn’t mean a male cant join. Nowhere in the competition does it state its only for women the fact that men have never signed up is a different thing let him compete in peace if its for ambassador reasons. the women are just scared to win to a boy.
Sounds like his mommy is finally chiming in.
Nope im not even White Lmao
Thank goodness you told us you’re not white! Now we have to take everything you say seriously
If it was truly an ambassador program, they would call it such. It’s “Fairest of the Fair.”
The problem is they market it as a pageant that’s not what it is your fault you cant understand what an ambassador competition is.
I WAS Racine Co. Fairest of the Fair ~20 years ago. I am much more aware of what the program is intended to be, than most are. There’s 4-H ambassadors, there’s ag ambassadors. There’s Fairest of the Fair, *not* Fair Ambassador. There’s the county Fairest of the Fair (s) which then go on to compete in the Wisconsin State Fairest of the Fair.
Calling it an “Ambassador program” and including males is desecrating a decades-long tradition.
A decades-long tradition of finding someone to give free PR to the county fair for a year. It’s a cute contest for fun, what exactly is there to desecrate?
Shut up you dried up old bitch.
..”the women are just scared to win to a boy.” Really? Liberals are the real woman haters. SMH
If they wanted men to compete, have a separate one for men. Very simple. Because yes the LGBTQ activists will most certainly vote for the boy simply for that reason. Not a fair competition
The Covid shot will get you. Turbo cancer knocking on your door. Bye
Situations like this it’s best to step back and ask yourself: is there any point in getting worked up over a situation so inane? Maybe it’s worth taking a break from getting mad on the internet and go touch grass.
Someone posted that the Kenosha County Fair is a joke. I don’t know if it is a joke but it seems to be weak compared to other county fairs. When was the last time it had a stellar grandstand act?
What happened to women rights? We worked so hard to have our own rights to give them back up for men? I’m tired of the mental ill taking right away from women! God made 2 genders!
Right on Mary
Which story is going to hit a nerve.
This one sure did
Not very responsible to say every board member is a believer and supports this. The board who approved it was in 2019. Many have changed.
And you don’t simply as one member throw up a vote and change the rules
Regardless I’m not sure why this was reported in this light like the fair was gone all woke. When I saw the story it had an ad for the fair in the banner above, this is what you do to your advertisers?? Wow.
This is an easy decision for me. I will not be attending the fair. I will not support this stupid decision with my money.
I’ll be going for the auction and the kids who had nothing to do with this crap. Won’t spend any money aside from the auction and to get in and see the 4-H ers.
No conflict of Interest for Kenosha County Fair Board Members making money at the fair every year? The Barrel Room, the concrete and other work another board member got paid for around the grand stand? Sounds like a good story.
Why deleting this post? Is there No conflict of Interest for Kenosha County Fair Board Members making money at the fair every year? The Barrel Room, the concrete and other work another board member got paid for around the grand stand? Sounds like a good story.
Elaborate, no one knows what you’re talking about. How does concrete help a board member 🤦🏼♀️
I think they wanted the concrete work but they didn’t get it – someone else did bc they know the board.
the contract? was given to a great friend and sponsor of a certain race car drivers team that is also a board member. This same board member made the money off of the concrete being poured because all of the excavation was done by his excavation company. ALL of the construction work should be bid out but no, they are given to said company. ANY dirt brought in, any gravel brought in, any building materials are brought in by the members company This is a HUGE conflict of interest
Luckily the dude didn’t win.
I am so happy that so many raging bigots are boycotting the fair. It’ll be nice to enjoy the fair without all of the inbred, mouth breathers stinking up the place.
You all are so brave behind anonymous accounts where you can let your hatred fly. You have absolutely no courage, no integrity. You could learn a lot from the bravery that this young man has to stand up to hateful people such as yourself, in a public space undergoing an insane amount of public scrutiny. You will never be as brave as him. Kudos to him, I wish him a great experience. Great job to the Kenosha County Fair Board for making this a gender inclusive event.
Sorry you Man didn’t win.! lol. Funny that you have some much courage and integrity you refuse to post your own name. It’s not hatred to post the fact that there are only two genders. Bravery? You need to look up the word.
I concur. Two genders, stop making shit up. Why do liberals hate our female youth?
What appalled me more was still calling it “fairest of the fair”. If it’s truly about exemplary youth and both genders are eligible, change the name.
Kenosha = Liberal, DEI [DIE] Sh*thole. I am glad I have moved out of it. My Conservative state does not state endorse this crap.