Root-Pike Watershed Initiative Network (WIN) and their affiliates through the Wisconsin Stormwater Collaborative (WSC) invites communities to get involved in the state’s 2nd Annual Wisconsin Stormwater Week, from September 21-29, 2024. This week-long campaign will include three virtual webinars, a variety of passive educational outreach initiatives, and various in-person events held throughout the state by the WSC, a partnership of municipalities, stormwater entities and non-profits raising awareness about stormwater and the challenges and opportunities it creates in communities.
Stormwater runoff impacts our rivers, lakes and drinking water. With every rain event, pollutants like fertilizers, soil, pet waste, oil, and leaves and other organic material get washed into our surface waters. These pollutants cause excessive weed and algae growth in our waters, harmful algae blooms, sedimentation and many other water quality-impacting problems.
You can learn how to address stormwater issues by attending the following webinars and visiting www.facebook.com/rootpikewin throughout the week to view and share posts that provide tips for protecting vital freshwater resources from stormwater pollution. Want to learn more? Visit www.wistormwaterweek.com.
Tuesday, 9/24, 2024, 12-1 pm: A Salty Situation
Learn about the environmental issues of road salt that negatively impact freshwater resources in Wisconsin and throughout the United States.
Speakers: Allison Madison, Program Manager for Wisconsin Salt Wise and Laura Herrick, Chief Environmental Engineer for the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
Registration Link: www.tinyurl.com/SW2024salt
Wednesday, 9/25, 2024, 5:30-6:30 pm: Stormwater Pond Problems, Solutions and Reporting
Stormwater pond owners and managers will learn solutions for common stormwater pond problems from WIN’s newly published Stormwater Pond Playbook, which helps reduce stormwater pond maintenance costs and improve water quality. Then, the DNR will share information about privately owned pond inspection, maintenance, and reporting requirements.
Speakers: Root-Pike WIN and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Registration Link: www.tinyurl.com/pondplaybookwebinar2024
Thursday, 9/26, 2024, 12:00-1:00 pm: Is Stormwater Treated?
Only two cities in Wisconsin have a combined sewer system that treat stormwater runoff pollution. Learn the differences between combined and separate systems, and how you can prevent stormwater pollution in areas where treatment isn’t available.
Speakers: Megan Hõgfeldt, Water Resources Specialist for the City of Superior Environmental Services Division and Cari Roper, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD)
Registration Link: www.tinyurl.com/SW2024sewer
Root-Pike Watershed Initiative Network Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit that restores, protects, and sustains the Root-Pike basin by building partnerships, finding funding, and managing projects to improve some of the most impaired Lake Michigan tributaries in Wisconsin. The vision of the organization is to create places where people want to be through projects and programs that improve water quality, increase habitat diversity and decrease flood events. These projects are defined as recommendations in the Root River, Pike River, Oak Creek, and Wind Point Nine Key Element Watershed Restoration Plans championed by Root-Pike WIN and approved by the DNR and EPA. Some of Root-Pike WIN’s major restoration projects include Cliffside Park, Klema Creek, Pike River South Branch, Pritchard Park, UW-Parkside XC-Course, and Lamparek Creek. www.rootpikewin.org
6 Responses
Maybe Kenosha can celebrate by enforcing the law and stop sump pump discharge into the street.
I agree.
Pumping it up and out into the street severely affects
the efficiency and lifespan of your pump.
Pump it into the floor drain.
No thanks, I don’t need more propaganda from tree-hugger libs. Lm
The people who bitch about salt runoff are the same people who bitch about the roads not being cleared of every single snowflake the second they hit the road.
I believe this is just another scam for the Govt to collect more money and enforce more regulations in the end. Just like the water that rains in our coverts when they started charging the “clean water” charge…what a joke! Just another scam everyone is falling for! Keep those masks on people! People believe anything these days!
I’m sure SOME guru will come on here and not agree and go through all the “science” and “studies” organizations have done to say different, but I won’t be sold on it! It’s a joke!
The sky is falling!!! The sky is falling!!! SMH
The head grounds keeper at the municipal golf course blows the leaves and grass into the creek I was an eye witness to it many times as I golf there a few times a week