(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Whether it be Lake Winnebago or Lake Michigan, Wisconsinites love the water. Peter Barca, however, prefers the crystal blue waters of Barbados.
It turns out Barca’s former company Aurora Associates International was among the numerous corporations listed in the infamous “Paradise Papers.”
From Politico:
“The former company of Peter Barca, a Democratic congressional candidate who is running as a candidate trying to cut taxes for families in Wisconsin, was registered in the offshore tax haven of Barbados, Daniel reports.”
“Aurora Associates International, a former development project management firm where Barca worked for 15 years starting in August 2003, is listed in the “Paradise Papers” as having registered in Barbados the month before, according to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists’ Offshore Leaks Database. His name is not listed as an officer of the company among five names in the Paradise Papers, one of them being Robert Walker, who was CEO and board chair at the time.”
“At Aurora, Barca was first vice president and later bought and became president of the company, which has worked in more than 25 countries. He led the company’s projects in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, India and Tajikistan.”
Not only did Barca spearhead Aurora’s business ventures in foreign countries, but his company stashed away its fortune in the lucrative tax-haven Barbados. To make matters worse, Barca cannot pretend he was simply some humble paper pusher. He purchased Aurora and served as its president after initially beginning as their vice president.
While Peter Barca has many questions to answer about his shady offshore business dealings, voters in Wisconsin’s 1st District know the right answer for this November’s election: re-elect Bryan Steil.
“While Peter Barca profited off corporate tax evasion through offshore havens, Congressman Bryan Steil has consistently put working families first. Barca’s heart and money are in Barbados. Congressman Steil is focused on what matters to Wisconsin families.” —WisGOP Chairman Brian Schimming

(Re-published with Permission, Wisconsin GOP)
16 Responses
They complain that Trump and other billionaires don’t pay enough taxes.
But everything is according to the existing laws.
Don’t blame the people the follow the laws. Democrats as well as Republicans wrote these laws.
Change the laws and stop complaining.
Trump will lower corporate tax rates to make going off shore not as attractive. Bringing that capital Home.
Remember, don’t blame people for knowing the laws. Blame those that turn a blind eye !
Trump is open and admits it, and wasn’t in politics for decades and isn’t responsible for it. Can’t say the same for Barca.
It sounds like he was doing what is fiscally the best for his employer.
Most of the people here on this site have absolutely no clue what that means….so you have to consider your audience.
This site has hundreds of thousands of clicks a month… You know all those people?
How very pompous of you . Loser
Corrupt two face liar. He’s out for himself
I think the main question for Barca is whether he’s serious about representing the First Congressional District in the House of Representatives. If anyone has followed his campaign you won’t see a lot of depth or discussion of the issues. For someone with his experience that’s surprising. He doesn’t seem to be working very hard at it.
They have the votes already marked waiting till election day to turn in .Rotten scum!!!
He a washed up liberal tool. It’s good of the mainstream media not to mention this.
Never heard of Barbados Barca…only free buffet Barca
Not to be confused Buffet Bob Wirch…..another well known Dem Lib.
This reeks of a money laundering scheme. How is it that Barca owned a company that operates outside of our country and no one knew about it until now?
Peter Barca has used politics as his vehicle to enrich himself for a long time. He is a back slapping, baby hugging con artist who manipulates residents for the vote and has gotten away with this for far too long. Do yourself and your neighbors a favor and don’t put him back in the elected office gravy train.
Met both Wirch and Barca at an event. Wirch seems like a normal guy, disagree with him politically but he is someone I wouldn’t think twice about seeing at a bar tipping back a couple beers and cheering the Packers on.
Barca is a weasel with the appearance of one. He reeks of being a unlikable weirdo. Saw him at Kwik Trip a few times too. Just comes off as a fraud politician.
I wouldn’t trust Barca further than I could throw him…though I’d love to see how far that actually would be.
Peter barca is a piece of shit loser. Ask him about his reputation with somers. He’s a loser so are the convicts of somers village board