(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha Unified School District today announced changes to the structure of KTEC effective at the start of the second semester.
A review was initiated following concerns raised about the commingling of funds between KUSD’s KTEC 4K-8 program and KTEC High School—an independent charter entity unaffiliated with KUSD—that revealed prior KTEC 4K-8 leaders and Governance Board members engaged an external fiscal agent without the district’s knowledge or authorization.
KUSD leadership shared these findings with KUSD’s KTEC 4K-8 Governance Board representatives in a meeting on December 5, 2024. On December 10, district leadership and the KTEC 4K-8 Governance Board mutually agreed to pursue ending the charter agreement.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In November of 2020, then-KTEC principal Angie Andersson and then-assistant principal Scott Hodges pitched a “KTEC High School” to the Kenosha Unified School District review committee, comprised of 15 district administrators. The committee of 15 wrote a scathing opinion report about just how terrible the idea was, and denied it. One of the committee members wrote:
“Finally, I will point out that I was put off by the comment that KTEC plans to seek an outside authorizer should KUSD decline their proposal. They admit this program could and likely will be hurtful to existing programs, but if KUSD decides it is not in their best interest to approve it, they are going to go ahead anyway. Some thoughts:
- Can a KUSD staff member (s) co-lead a KUSD school and a non-kusd school at the
same time? Would we allow that as a district? - Where is this thing going to go? It is going to take at least a MS size building. If
KUSD does not offer that, where will it go? Is KTEC going to ask to use KUSD carry
over dollars to help fund a building? (If they are authorized by the state?) - It is clear that a lot of time and thought went into this proposal. Now, there is a plan
fully developed by a staff of people paid for through KUSD funding. Does that not make
the plan KUSD’s intellectual property?”
Andersson and Hodges decided to “take their ball and go home,” almost literally. They applied for a grant and started “KTEC High School,” which is failing miserably. KTEC High School, with an abysmal enrollment is planning to move to the dilapidated Pick N’ Save in the Brass Neighborhood.

Hodges accepted a job at the non-KUSD “KTEC High School”, which is explicitly prohibited in his contract and work-rules manual. Hodges, in addition to his six-figure salary, was also taking secret checks from KTEC High School, a non-KUSD school.
Hodges won’t tell us how many checks for $4,300 he accepted and KTEC High School won’t either. On April 13, 2022, then-superintendent Bethany Ormseth sent Hodges a letter making one thing very clear. Stop working for KTEC High School or be fired.
“It is the district’s understanding that you may have been working with and/or compensated for assisting Angela Andersson and others, in either the planning process, writing of grants, and/or developing curriculum while using district resources in an effort to support the expansion. It is also the district’s understanding that you may have been completing these tasks during KUSD work hours… You must cease all work on behalf of KTEC high school independent charter School. If you are unable to abide by these rules, we would ask that you resign your KUSD position immediately. If you do not resign and you continue your work on KTEC High School independent charter school expansion, KUSD will consider you in breach of your employment contract and will pursue termination of your employment contract with KUSD.”
On October 19, 2022, Hodges sent Kevin Neir a letter, apparently upset that this letter was in his personnel file saying:
“I am officially requesting that the “breach of employment contract” letter issued to me on April 13th 2022 by the superintendent be expunged for my personnel file. I would assume since my professional career was threatened, this was a form of progressive discipline, and proper protocol should have been followed.”
The letter was not removed from his file.
Andersson was placed on leave for concerns of misconduct in 2022. According to an April 11, 2022 letter, if she didn’t resign, the district would terminate her. Jeff Weiss took over as Superintendent and he allowed Andersson to stay, taking advise from Andersson’s friend, Chief of School Leadership, William Haithcock.
In addition, KUSD leadership has decided to transition KTEC 4K-8 from a charter school to a district-operated choice school that will be renamed LakeView K-8 Academy. These changes will be presented to the Board of Education for discussion and possible action on Thursday, January 16, 2025.
Starting with the second semester, on January 27, LakeView K-8 Academy will continue to operate as a STEM-focused 4K-8 choice school fully supported by the district. “This transition is an exciting opportunity to enhance LakeView K-8 Academy’s programming by aligning it with the award-winning Blue Ribbon high school programming already underway at LakeView Technology Academy, which is ranked the #2 high school in Wisconsin by U.S. Reports. By making this transition, we are laying the foundation for a seamless educational pathway that fosters STEM excellence from early childhood through high school and beyond,” said a KUSD spokesperson.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kensoah County Eye)
“We want to reassure families of our unwavering commitment to providing an exceptional STEM education,” said KUSD Superintendent Dr. Jeff Weiss. “This transition will not affect our dedicated teachers, staff, or the high academic standards families have come to expect. LakeView K-8 Academy will continue to be a cornerstone of STEM innovation in the Lincoln neighborhood.”
But KCE allerted KUSD and Weiss to the shenanigans years ago – he took no action. Not until he had to. There was a lot of pressure put on Weiss to do something about the misconduct.
A parent meeting will be held at KTEC on Wednesday, January 22, at 5:30 p.m. to answer questions.
“KUSD looks forward to supporting LakeView K-8 Academy as it continues to offer exceptional student opportunities,” a district spokesperson said.
Andersson didn’t reply to our request for comment.
After publishing this story, the KTEC Governance Board provided KCE with the following statement:
“We are writing to share an important update about KTEC’s charter school relationship with the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD).
For 17 years, KTEC has operated a charter school under a contract with KUSD. This agreement was designed to allow KTEC the autonomy to implement our unique, innovative STEM-focused curriculum. However, KUSD has recently begun limiting our independence and decision-making ability, making it increasingly difficult for KTEC to maintain the level of education our families expect from us.
Pending Board approval, KTEC and KUSD will mutually end our charter school contract for the 4K-8 KTEC charter school. On January 24, 2025, KTEC will cease to operate the 4K-8 charter school currently located at the Lincoln Middle School building. On January 25th, the responsibility of educating students currently enrolled at the Lincoln Middle School site will transition solely to KUSD.
Our Governance Board will formally vote to end the charter contract at our meeting tomorrow evening, Thursday, January 16 at 6:30 PM. This meeting is open to the public, and we welcome all members of the KTEC community to attend virtually via the link here:
Why KTEC has Agreed to End its Charter Contract with KUSD KUSD has recently taken actions that have severely limited the KTEC Governance Board’s ability to deliver our proven, innovative educational model. These include:
● Relocation of Facilities. In fall 2023, KUSD required KTEC to move from our two previous school facilities to the Lincoln Middle School building without our consent. Due to limited space and the costs associated with necessary health and safety repairs, we believed this facility was unsuitable for KTEC’s program.
● Limiting Enrollment. Over the past two years, KUSD required KTEC to reduce our enrollment by 10%, in direct violation of our charter agreement. In addition, the move to Lincoln Middle School caused more families to leave KTEC, causing further enrollment declines. This led to a significant loss of per-pupil funding and dozens of students being denied access to KTEC’s educational model.
● Replacement of Principal. In 2024, KUSD unilaterally removed our existing principal and brought in a new principal. The KTEC Governance Board was not allowed any input or consultation in this decision.
As a result, KTEC can no longer ensure the innovative educational model that has defined our
school can be delivered under the current conditions. We are left with no choice but to end our
agreement with KUSD.
Our Commitment to Fiscal Accountability
In advance of the board vote, KUSD leadership has raised baseless accusations about KTEC’s
fiscal management. KTEC is proud of our history of fiscal and operational excellence, and we
categorically reject suggestions of financial misconduct. KTEC has constantly met a high
standard for fiscal management of our schools and the philanthropic funds intended to support
Commitment to a Smooth Transition
The KTEC Governance Board is deeply committed to ensuring that all students and families
experience a smooth and supportive transition as we move forward. Above all, our priority is to
continue serving the best interests of our students and families during this time of change.
We understand that this is a lot to process, and we are here to answer any questions you may
have. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at questions@ktecschools.org. We are grateful
for your ongoing support and dedication to our school community.
Renetta Patterson
President, KTEC Governance Board
Peggy Schofield
Vice President, KTEC Governance Board
48 Responses
Andersson is gone. Now the KUSD Board of Education should terminate Scott Hodges‘ employment. He effectively stole from the taxpayers. They tarnished a once great school.
KUSD Board and Leadership is driven by power, greed, and revenge NOT education. It seems like information on what they did not know was available for years. see: —- http://www.kusd.edu/ktec/investing-in-ktec/endowment/ —- and —- http://www.kusd.edu/ktec/mission/in-the-news/ —- (use the wayback machine if they are gone). It shows the endowment aka external fiscal agent and information on KTEC High School unaffiliated with KUSD. Did KUSD not read their own web site. The pages that have been up for years. KUSD leadership and board were looking reasons that would fool most people into thinking something was wrong. As you can see it fooled some people. None of the money KUSD is complaining’s about was KUSD’s money. It was also not public or tax dollars. Why would KUSD have a say on how it was lawfully raised or spent? True they want a say on how you spend your personal money (increased taxes). The lack of questions by the school board tells you it was something they wanted to do and were looking for something that sounded good even if it was not valid reason. Was it a move to control KTEC fund balance? How much money is that? Do they want to cut spending at the school to get more than the 20% of the dollars they are already getting? How much did the forced move cost the school in lost building renovations in the prior 5 years and new building renovations? We should be looking at how KUSD wasted millions or dollars on building renovations district wide in buildings that are gong to be torn down or not used as schools. Now they are asking taxpayers for 20+million more per year to bail them out for their poor planning and choices. Maybe they should have looked are their charter schools instead of closing them as they ran on only 80% of per student funds with 20% going to the district. There are KUSD employees, parents, and community members that fear KUSD will bully, attempt to blackmail or spread misleading information if they speak out against them. You must pull the company line or else (look above). KUSD has lost its way. KUSD needs to get back to focusing on educating ALL children in our community and the responsible use of tax payers dollars for that purpose.
I actually live here, shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up? You know how many kids have been uprooted because of your sneaky weird bullshit? The audacity 😂 try, fuck you dude. From every parent that’s had a kid at ktech since we found out who you really are.
You live where?
Is this Tanya Ruder ?
Uncle Leo?
Make sure to vote NO on the upcoming referendum!!! Talk to your friends and neighbors. Rents will go up, property taxes going up to fund these corrupt and lousy Kenosha schools!
Umm, the corruption came from the charter, not KUSD. It says right in the article that KUSD discovered the mismanagement and ended their involvement.
Maybe stop voting for Republicans that keep diverting public money to private entities.
Enrollment is down and you want the gravy train to keep going because you are likely part of it. Just another whiner supporting legacy costs of a garbage school district that refuses to reform itself. 🤡
💯% accurate
Public money would be better in anyone else’s hands, quite frankly. “Let’s throw a hefty salary the way of another groomer today, Bureaucrat A!”~ “Gee whiz, Bureaucrat B, are you sure we can afford to after our latest catering bill here at Castle ESC? What do you think, Tinpot Dictator JW?”~ “I think I’m paid enough not to care either way, just keep us out of the national headlines so I don’t have to pretend to care! 😉” A DAY AT KUSD (probably)
yes, exactly. This one sentence is so telling from Kevin’s story.
“But KCE allerted KUSD and Weiss to the shenanigans years ago – he took no action. Not until he had to. There was a lot of pressure put on Weiss to do something about the misconduct.”
KUSD and Weiss do not care about your kids. All they care about is money–taking your money and putting it into their pockets.
I will vote no . Enjoy the next 12 years.
Trump for 4, Vance for 8.
The government (“public”) has NO money other than what it takes from the people via taxes. The government does not own the children, or have the right to dictate how they are educated/indoctrinated like the German Nazi party and every communist country claims The children belong to their parents. So no, stop with the baloney about how parents who want to direct their own childrens’ education are somehow “stealing” from the public. It’s always been a lie.
Not only should Hodges be fired, DA Solis should bring charges of theft to the greedy prick.
Unbelievable that Lego Boy still has a job.
BIG NO on giving KUSD any money from the hard working tax payers of Kenosha, time to clean house.
Did you read the article or just come here to yell about voting no?
Is this Jeff Weiss ?
Vote no
Vote no on that referendum.
Also, isn’t the date coming up in February where they count attendance to get more funding? Make sure you keep your kids home on this day.
You’re a week past that
Nice try. You’d have to keep them home the whole school year in order for them not to be counted. Baseless tactics from soulless people.
I hope you’re not an English teacher.
No count day in February. Count days are in September, which is what is used for funding and January count date just past. Get your facts straight.
No count day in February. Count days are in September, which is what is used for funding and January count date just past. Get your facts straight.
No that is the third Friday in September!
Who’s on first? Lol
Despite the recent troubles and the Enright situation, this school remains outstanding. The dedication of the teachers and staff is truly remarkable. Having been a parent for over 30 years with children in various schools across different states, I can say this school stands out as a top-notch, blue ribbon institution for a public school system.
I disagree. My son went there and it has gone waaaay down hill. Angie is a fake narcissist who tries to placate parents with her fake smile and fake empathy.
Your son “went”there? I have to agree with writer that it is one of the best schools in this area . Compare it to others around here tell us one better to help other parents.
As stated Angie is not there so why would that matter now?
They go above and beyond. They’ll message your 13 year old daughter how sexy she is at 2 am. Now that’s dedication….
I remember a teacher saying there is more to it. No joke. They are sick!
Reading is fundamental that writer wrote about that incident” Enright” ! That was only 1 teacher and it’s happening everywhere my guy not just this school ! Basic parenting would have caught that before it got out of hand and no I am not victim blaming ! Enright is f******* sick but parents need to monitor the actions of their children nowadays from friends, video games to phone !
KUSD seems to constantly fail in an epic manner not enforcing thier own procedures and work rules.
Lots of mistakes made by whoever the fuck is supposed to be running the show.
Liberal democrats = Losers.
End it , close it down , there no need for his crap ,
open the schools that KUSD closed and send are kids there
KUSD hoping a referendum for millions in raises, security etc., not once but year after year.
We are in favor security cameras in every classroom, hallway’s, every room in any public school with access being given to parents of surveillance on an app. The teachers union would go absolutly ape shit over this thought. To bad, no privacy anywhere anymore, deal with it.
Not all teachers are bad though there are enough bad to justify surveillance. As far as upgrading school door’s and cameras wouldn’t a more cost effective solution be to contract with a security guard company who generally pay low wages and little to no benefits to stand at each door with a Garrett metal detector and wand students for weapons. The cost of a Garrett metal detector is around $250.00 each which could be a security company obligation to provide for a contract. We will vote no on the upcoming referendum.
Time for parents to homeschool their children.
It’s hard to keep a scorecard on “KTEC”. Does this involve the proposed high school next to Gateway which would be “no tuition” but a “charter school” funded by the UW System, no tuition, and not part of KUSD, which would compete with the new Lakeview Tech building for students, owned by KABA which will be rented to KUSD, similar to the old Lakeview Tech building on Hwy H which was owned by KABA and rented to KUSD. There are a small number of high school students in an old building with some kind of KTEC affiliation but who are projected to attend the proposed, tuition free charter school funded by UW? What a clown show. UW System money competing with local KUSD taxpayers for limited number of qualified students.
Didn’t they just appeal to the City of Kenosha to close a Public Roadway in-between the two Lincoln school???
I do not trust the K-Tech admin nor do I trust KUSD. K-Tech covered so many problems up failed to call KPD for legitimate issues, and discouraged their teachers from filing reports when some of them had been battered by students. Anderson was a key part of that.
Kusd needs to be restructured and the all mighty top heavy admin needs to go. They have too much power, and should be disbanded. Vote no!!
well now KUSD can use the funds from this school to fund all their pet projects thereby eliminating the need for that disgusting referendum. All they seem to do is provide groomers and molesters who harm the children.
This school hasn’t provided an enhanced STEM curriculum for years. It’s all smoke and mirrors to stroke Dr. A’s narcissistic ego. They had subs with no license teaching science in middle school.
And phy ed
How do you move ktech into Lincoln Jr high without permission..who the heck is in charge of this….