Indian Trail High School Art Teacher Written Up For Having Secret Bed In Locked Storage Closet, Lying To Principal

Odin D. Cabal II (39) – Art Teacher, Indian Trail And Academy
(School Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

An art teacher was removed from his classroom last month and was placed on administrative leave. He kept his job and was allowed to return to teaching on January 6, 2025. KCE has just obtained his personnel file and learned why he was issued a write-up from KUSD. What was uncovered may shock you.

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According to Cabal’s personnel file:

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On the morning of December 12, 2024, the high school’s principal was informed by security staff that a custodian found an unlocked hallway door that leads to the storage room located adjacent to Cabal’s art classroom. They tried to open the door, but discovered it was barricaded closed with an “Alice” rope. For security reasons, they entered the classroom and went into the storage room that way. There was a makeshift bed discovered on the floor of the storage closet. 

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Cabal’s Homemade Bed

The principal was busy at the first part of the day so didn’t get to check out the storage room until 9:00 a.m. The principal enter the storage room and the makeshift bed was gone. The security staff, however, already took a photo of the bed. When asked about the bed, Cabal lied several times to his principal and told him there was no such bed in the closet. The principal then checked another storage closet and discovered three students, alone. One was on their phone, one was on their laptop, and the other was doing something else.

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The principal noted that these three students were not being supervised by Mr. Cabal. The principal then told Cabal that he would review the security footage to see if he was lying about the bed. Cabal then came clean and admitted that he had lied to the principal several times. He admitted to quickly cleaning up the room and hiding the bed from his principal.

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District staff seemingly investigated to see if there are any children ever in the closet with Cabal. They were unable to locate any evidence that this had occurred. Cabal told KUSD staff that he sometimes “took naps during lunch or after school” and that was the reason for the bed. 

On January 6, 2025, Cabal was written up for “insubordinate conduct towards a supervisor,” and “providing false statements to your supervisor or during an investigation.”

Kevin Neir – Human Resources Director, KUSD
(File Photo by Kevin Matheson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kevin Near wrote at the end of the letter, “If your behavior is not corrected, further disciplinary action may take place up to an including a recommendation to the Board of Education for non-renewal and/or termination of your contract.”

Cabal, while on leave, seemingly thought he was going to get fired. He posted on his LinkedIn that same day, “Currently looking to get out of education and find a new career path[.] [A]ny ex teachers with advice out there[?]”

He must not have known that Kevin Neir, KUSD’s Director of HR doesn’t fire teachers. He ignores misconduct. An Indian Trail parent told KCE “I find it deeply disturbing that a teacher lied to his boss about having a bed in a locked closet in his classroom. It doesn’t have a good look and I don’t believe his excuse. My kids won’t be permitted to be a student of his.”



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77 Responses

  1. Perfect timing with KUSD texting residents asking if we are voting yes to the referendum in February. Absolutely not. No more money for KUSD until they can get this district back in control.

    1. This has got nothing to do with the referendum. Is people to workplace all the time too stupid things. I work in large company that sells boxes. They do stupid things they’re here all the time.

      1. Taking naps is not a crime. He said he took naps on his lunch period and after school. He didn’t take naps while he was supposed to be teaching.

  2. Why is this dude back at ITA!?! I am so disgusted with KUSD with some of the teachers they hire and the lack of transparency on what is going on especially with this high school! I will be voting NO on the school referendum in February!

  3. Since this discussion has drifted off to a debate on the referendum…

    I will vote “no.” I will acknowledge that independent of KUSD mismanagement there is a funding crisis for many Wisconsin school districts. The state has a $4 billion budget surplus and yet many districts are going to voters asking to raise property taxes — one of the most regressive forms of taxation. I agree with the people who say that kicking the can down the road with massive property tax increases doesn’t solve the problem. Nor does partisanship in Madison.

    On the local level, KUSD has failed miserably to establish and maintain credibility in its stewardship of existing resources and management. This crisis in confidence won’t be fixed by text messages or mailings. With KUSD it’s a one-way street. It doesn’t listen and then it expects people to simply bow down and accept how it does things. If KUSD wants my vote it needs to clean up its own house first. If you want the public to have confidence in the public schools then show us why we should. That said, the Madison problem still exists and it’s time that the bickering stops and people come together to solve some of these problems.

    And, frankly, I think some of the blame also falls on some parents and students. Why should hardworking taxpayers pay high taxes for schools that your kids aren’t attending with their truancies often the result of your miserable parenting? And we need to instill in kids the notion that going to school, studying hard and succeeding is their job and responsibility. Perhaps reinstate a dress code. Too many kids — and teachers — look like crap. Maybe if they dress professionally they might start acting like it.

    If our schools are doing a worthy job, they won’t need a PR flak to tell us. It’ll show.

  4. The citizens of Kenosha should be asking…

    1. What is the District doing to collect past due school fees? Athletic fees?

    2. What about damage to District property, lost/damaged computers, text books, library books, musical instruments, athletic equipment, damage to buildings, building rentals etc.?

    There is no concerted effort to collect monies owed to KUSD. The day the students either move or graduate thousands and thousands of dollars walk out that door to never be collected.

    I know for a fact that Racine Unified will not let their students participate in any extracurricular activities if there are outstanding fees. Call and ask them!

    Kenosha citizens should not be paying higher taxes!

    1. I’m not sure where you are getting your information or just assuming, however you can’t participate in sports if your athletic fee isn’t paid AND before you can graduate, book fees, etc. do need to be paid!! At least this was the case these past 5 years!! Had to pay list book fees first my child and sports fees also had to be paid prior to playing sports!!

  5. You can’t make this shit up……. This whole county is like an episode of “shameless” on showtime tv. Just grab a beer and popcorn and tune into Kenosha county eye. You have to be at the paper and news won’t tell your the real shit that matter. They to busy promoting fish fry’s and coffee houses!!! KCE got the real tea!!!

  6. Written up? These liberals can be really harsh when they want to. We should bring DT to check on our infamous KUSD for 30 minutes, just 30 minutes and you’ll see how this county will be great again

  7. This guy has always been off. He used to go to the gym I go to and always made you feel uncomfortable. It all makes sense now

    1. Just looking at his eyes, creep you out!!! Another pedo, I’m sure!!

      If you want a nap, go home and take one on your lunch and why stay after school? Drive your sorry @$$ home, no reason you need to be there when school is done.

  8. It sounds like Mr Cabal took blankets that were in a storage closet out and placed them on the floor to nap. Video surveillance in all the rooms prove no student was present with him. Other storage closets not connected to him have blankets that kids are using but he wasn’t with those kids, weird that you added it to your article regarding him. Sounds like ITA needs to lock their storage closets and remove those blankets. Mr. Cabal did make a poor decision to nap on the floor but locked the door and was alone on camera. He lied to the principal, that was wrong and he got a write up he deserved. I’m sure he was afraid of exactly what you are doing, trying to make this into something sick even though it has been proven it wasn’t. They are ON CAMERA at all times and nothing happened. You know this but continue to pretend it was something else. It’s sad that when there are REAL PREDATORS out there you waste time vilifying a man who made a bad choice but hurt no one.

    1. Sounds like you’re a teacher at KUSD protecting one of your worthless pedophiles employed by the KUSD and a member of the KEA.

      1. I don’t work for KUSD. I just believe in truth and when an accusation is proven false we should all acknowledge that and focus on keeping our kids safe from those who are actually doing them harm.

    2. Sorry, no sleeping on the job. Go out to ur car. I don’t know any employer xcept fire depts and police letting worker bees sleep on the job…. if u think this is okay, u need attention

      1. Sure, taking a nap was a bad choice and he was written up. Is that what this article was written about? Because people don’t get called these names for napping during work hours.

    3. This is why I questioned whether it was a place for him to nap or if it was used for illicit purposes. Contrary to one comment here, there is nothing wrong with taking a nap on your lunch break — it’s your time — and that’s why when he was asked about it he should, if that honestly was the case, owned up to it. No harm, no foul. But not being truthful opened a whole can of worms, of course.

      1. The “teacher” shouldn’t be talking a nap PERIOD. That is fucking ridiculous! Stay home if you’re too fucking tired.

  9. I’m a “NO” vote for the latest KUSD money grab attempt. Until Weiss and Neir step down, I will not willingly support the failed KUSD admin.

  10. Sounds to me like a law enforcement investigation of some type needs to be started. Why do we rely on the district to investigate itself. Have an independent LEO of some kind or the new prosecutor investigate. Maybe the public would feel better?

    Where is the response from Dr Jeff? Where is he in all of this?

  11. Wow when I read this, I’m appalled. This is not some guy that’s working in a factory. This is a guy that’s teaching. the kids that we send to his school a closet pedophile this KUSD over the years. Here is one of the worst school districts in the state, if not the worst I will be voting no on August 18.

  12. wtf??…..he takes naps?….bullshit….it’s a make shift dong pad, why isn’t KUSD firing these SICKOS???..cmon people open you’re eyes!!!!… I won’t let my kid back to school until something gets done here, this is just pathetic !!!!!!!!!!!

  13. wtf??…..he takes naps?….bullshit….it’s a make shift dong pad, why isn’t KUSD firing these SICKOS???..cmon people open you’re eyes!!!!… I won’t let my kid back to school until something gets done here, this is just pathetic !!!!!!!!!!!

  14. AND KUSD wants MORE of our tax money? We are already supporting groomers, pedophiles, horrible school board members and an absolute loser of a superintendent!!! They deserve LESS of our money, not more!! My gosh, what more will it take to stop this?

  15. I cannot believe some of you are defending a grown-ass man who “takes naps” during the day while at work. No wonder KUSD is such a damn mess.

  16. Remember the episode of South Park where they went on a field trip to the museum of stereotypes and they got to the Mexican guy sleeping and it was supposed to be a stereotype of the lazy Mexican when the guy woke up and it was the janitor who said “sorry, I’m so sleepy.”

  17. KUSD doesn’t need any more of our money. In fact, if they were an enterprise with any competition, they’d be out of business by now, because they aren’t doing what they are being paid to do – educate children. While protecting them, btw. This guy, and the fact that he’s still employed there, is one small example of the low standards that are considered acceptable. Taking naps on the job? How unprofessional, at the best.

  18. KUSD is smaller version of Bidenomics.
    Waste money and then want more.
    Like AOC said “ why don’t we just print more money”. Clueless people in charge

  19. Let’s give kusd a 123 million dollars and raise your property taxes so employees and sleep on the job and have multiple teachers fired or resign due to grooming, and relationships. If we give them this money they will just hire more useless employees

  20. You should look into the misconduct of the CLS football team from a few years ago.
    Start with seniors showering with freshman and go from there.

    1. I heard about this, the freshmen eyes were all dipped down waist level in awe , it’s called “pubic envy”

  21. 3 students in a closet? This is very concerning on what is going on here. Is he sleeping on the clock? Is it being used for sexual misconduct??

  22. When are the teacher’s unions, etc going to finally care about the students?
    Start doing yearly psychological testing on each staff member for pedophilia.

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