(Kenosha County Sheriff)
Kenosha, Wis. – A 75-year-old man was sentenced on Thursday to four years in prison for a fatal hit-and-run that claimed the life of a pedestrian in Kenosha in 2023. William E. Koprovic pleaded guilty to Hit and Run Involving Death, a charge stemming from the June 25, 2023, incident in which he struck and killed 42-year-old Scott Mingilino. He owns Rendezvous Tiki Bar in Kenosha.
Kenosha County Judge Anthony Milisauskas handed down the sentence after reviewing the details of the case, which were outlined in a criminal complaint filed by the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department.
Mingilinl’s father previously told the court:
“..On the early morning of June 25, 2023, Mr. Koprovic mowed down my son with his vehicle, decided to leave the scene, only stopping a little ways ahead to possibly have a vantage point, where my son could be seen laying on the ground, and a Sheriff’s Deputy can be seen pulling up and performing life saving measures. Mr. Koprovic, [], then turned around, drove towards the incident, where he could possibly see my son laying on the ground, and the heroic Sheriff’s Deputy trying to save my son. For reasons only known to Mr. Koprovic and maybe some people that were with him at his drinking establishment, earlier in that evening, he decided to leave the scene rather than do the compassionate, caring, selfless human being thing. I’m not judging because nobody knows what they would have done, but I would like to think they would want to answer for what they did…Since the incident Mr. Koprovic seems to be in self preservation mode and not doing the right thing. There is no reason for us or the court to think that is going to change…”

(Kenosha Sheriff)
The Incident
According to the criminal complaint, Deputy Bourdo of the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department was traveling westbound on State Highway 158 at approximately 2:22 a.m. when she noticed a vehicle pulled over ahead. Due to heavy rain and distance, she was unable to fully see the vehicle. As she reached the intersection of Highway 158 and County Highway H, she saw a man lying unresponsive on the shoulder of the highway.
Deputy Bourdo and a Good Samaritan, Steven Osterman, attempted life-saving measures on the victim, later identified as Scott Mingilino. Despite their efforts, Mingilino was pronounced dead at the scene by Kenosha Fire and Rescue personnel. A squad camera later confirmed that the suspect vehicle, a Cadillac SRX, had initially stopped but then drove past the scene without stopping to assist.
The following day, Koprovic turned himself in at the Kenosha Public Safety Building. His Cadillac was recovered from his residence after his wife, Patricia Koprovic, led authorities to the vehicle. Koprovic refused to make any statements upon his arrest.

Prior OWI Conviction
Court records show that Koprovic had a prior conviction for Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) in 2018. According to police reports, he was stopped by Kenosha County Sheriff’s deputies after weaving between lanes on Highway 158. Upon questioning, Koprovic initially denied drinking but later admitted to consuming alcohol at his bar, Rendezvous Tiki Lounge. He failed multiple field sobriety tests and registered a 0.11 blood alcohol concentration on a breath test, above the legal limit of 0.08.
During that 2018 arrest, Koprovic displayed physical signs of intoxication, including red and glassy eyes and a strong odor of cologne, which deputies believed he had used in an attempt to mask the smell of alcohol. He was ultimately cited for OWI and several other violations, including operating left of the center line and driving without proof of insurance.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
At the sentencing hearing, prosecutors argued that Koprovic’s past offense and decision to flee the scene warranted a harsher sentence. Judge Milisauskas imposed a four-year prison sentence.
Koprovic is expected to begin serving his sentence immediately.
43 Responses
Should be LIFE in prison, or at the very least 20 years. You get behind the wheel drunk and kill someone, that is not an accident and shouldn’t be treated as such.
They don’t know if he was drunk
Yeah WTF is up with another woke judge who supports cronyism? Meaning this guy has no remorse as he just attempted to get his revolked bar license back and was denied. I also buy my fish on Friday at Olivers Bakery owned by a cop or once was. Koprovic has worked there for many years in the morning. Minimum should have been 20 solid years, so in this state a 50 year sentence. This piece of shit never stopped to rendor help to the victim than attempt to hide being OWI. 4 years? Judge Milisauskas imposed a four-year prison sentence? What a disgrace. Please step down Judge, I have no use for you.
OMG I knew he looked like the same guy that’s at Oliver’s!!!! holy cow
Life is cheap in usi.
Can’t wait for the cartel to visit you faggot
Who cares if he is a ‘faggot’ or likes the same sex? Grow the fuck up!
The article did not mention that he was sentenced to an extra ten years for having a bad toupee. However, that part of the sentence was stayed.
He also worked at Oliver’s Bakery long term. I really hope he has remorse for hurting another human being.
4 years will hardly do it, only hope at 75 he is carried out of prison in a wooden box.
Hurting???? He killed someone! Wtf?
He was actually a really good baker.
He did not do the baking, they have people come in early…he used to be at the counter (or so he used to say).
The bakery has nothing to do with this !!! That owner works her butt off and helps EVERYBODY 🙄 very sad people wanna bring her business into this smh!
It is sad, Oliver’s has NOTHING to do with this.
If you knew him. You’d KNOW this is eating him up. Hes the sweetest person
Wait, wasn’t this the case where the guy who had died actually had been involved in a head on accident minutes and was running from that scene?
Head on accident minutes earlier* (in other words, he was drunk, too)
Sure was. Nobody deserves to die, but, this dead guy was drunker than a skunk and most likely stumbled out in traffic. .011 is awful low as .015 used to be the threshold. I have met Mr Koprovic and I know he was extremely upset over this whole thing. Do not judge unless you know everything. It is just sad that the first man’s drinking cost two people their lives and others a ton of money. Ask the person Mingilino drove head on into then AND FLED the scene how he feels about it. I just hope he has recovered from that incident and was made whole.
I also thought 4 years was ridiculously low and should have been minimum 20years. Then I read in another article that the victim (Mingilino) of this hit and run had allegedly been involved in his own hit and run earlier that day! If that is true, it just seems like karma is really in control of this one.
No way lol that is instant karma if that is true, I love it. Nonetheless, this dip shit should be dying behind bars for his actions.
Should be locked up for life!!!
Imagine yourself driving home sober in heavy rain at 2:25 AM and hitting a person in the middle of 158. Glare, dark, horrible visibility and not expecting some idiot to be on the road. Not seeing what you hit, the last thing you think is that it was a human because humans typically are not in the middle of the fucking road at 2:25 in the morning during pouring rain. Garbage is in the middle of the road at that time of night, as it was here as well.
Now imagine how dumb you would have to be walking on 158 at 2:25 AM in the pouring rain.
Dear Dad,
If your son wasn’t drunk and fleeing from a head on collision and not walking on 158 at 2:25 am, he would still be alive.
Any person with half a brain.
If I was in a jury for this case, innocent would have been my determination. Anyone of us could have easily been in Kaprovic situation even if completely sober or even a couple drinks if we are being honest. Do people get locked up for hitting a deer or raccoon at dusk or in the middle of the night? It’s the same situation .Only a couple if any here would be dumb enough to flee a vehicular hit and run and walk down 158 in the pouring rain. Darwin Award.
I’m sorry for Mr Kaprovic and his family and I’m sorry to the deceased family that he was the victim of his own stupidity. Sounds like he should have been helped by authors of letters before his own demise.
Agreed. The son played stupid games and he won a big stupid prize! The son was drunk, too, obviously….
If this is true, it’s an injustice, and the deceased man’s family should be honest with themselves.
4 years maybe entirely appropriate. It seems there is a real disconnect between this story and the one we were reading immediately after the accident happened. I certainly don’t expect Kevin to rehash everything, but there seem to be lots of other factors in this particularly the victim being in the roadway and having a event or three just before this happened that could have been contributing. I absolutely agree with the four years because had this person been sober, they might have been able to avoid hitting the person, but that is a dark area and even doing the speed limit is over driving headlights when it comes to a dark object being in the roadway. Are we going to start citing people for hitting deer at night, because they were driving too fast for conditions?
I would be in favor of citing people for hitting deer in the road, especially ir it can be shown they were exceeding the posted speed limit when they did so. It sucks to see the guts of your animal friends sprawled out on the road because some POS couldn’t obey the speed limit.
WHERE does it state that Mr. Koprovic was intoxicated?! To my best knowledge, he no longer consumed alcohol (since 2018?).
He is, truly, a very nice person, too.
Spoiler alert……..he was drunk.
Who was drunk? The driver or the victim? It is never been stated whether a sobriety test was taken of the victim after he had just had a head on accident on Green Bay Rd. and ran from that scene.
Sobriety result: he couldn’t stand up.
I wonder if Kenosha County Judge Anthony Milisauskas thinks his own life is worth 4 years in the slammer.
At 73 years old 4 years is a quarter of his life. Hope none of you are forced to work in your elderly years and are in the wrong place at the time.
I do not know this guy, but he looks
to be extremely young for 75.
He’s only maybe 3.5′ tall too.
The bakery has nothing to do with this !!! That owner works her butt off and helps EVERYBODY 🙄 very sad people wanna bring her business into this smh!
What’s going to happen to his bar does he have a business partner? is it closing? Is he running it from behind bars?
So just reading what is on line, the weather could have played a factor for both events. I’d like to know the BAC of the dead guy. I want to know if he was OMVWI also. What happened to his car? What happened to the person in the semi that he ran into?
This story is about William. It seems he paid his price for his actions.
If you side with Scott, then shouldn’t you side with the victim in the semi he crashed into?
Justice Prevails.
Not once was it mentioned that he was drinking. This is a 73 year old man who got out of work late (old eyes) in the down pouring rain and stated he thought it was a deer. He did look and didn’t see anything concerning. The reporter should be ashamed of themselves for painting such a nasty picture. Also doesn’t mention the fact that the man who unfortunately lost his life was involved in a head on crash involving a semi and was running from police at the time of this accident. If he would have stayed put then this ELDERLY man who was exhausted from a long days work wouldn’t have ACCIDENTLY hit him. He did as advised by his lawyers as far as speaking goes. This is a horrible situation and nothing brings the gentleman back. Making a good man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time rot in jail doesnt fix anything. This is a good man a wonderful father and grandfather. Not a man who spent 70 years being trash. He spent 70 years serving this community and Im disappointed in how this all played out. Whatever happened to unbiased reporters?
It all boils down to did he know he hit some one. If he did, then his crime is very bad indeed, and he got off easy.
I know Bill and I think he’s a wonderful man who made a mistake for leaving the scene but maybe he really didn’t know that he hit a person. It was dark and raining. It could’ve happened to any of us. I don’t understand why anybody would be walking on 158 at 2:45 AM in the pouring rain. I am so sorry for the victim and his family but I also feel compassion for Bill.