(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha, Wis. – A Kenosha woman has been charged with first-degree attempted murder following a brutal attack on her roommate in the early hours of March 17, 2025. Jessica D. Lentz, 46, faces additional charges, including battery and disorderly conduct, each accompanied by three enhancers: repeater, use of a dangerous weapon, and domestic abuse. If convicted, Lentz could face more than 70 years in prison.
During her initial court appearance, Lentz exhibited erratic behavior, screaming long before her case was called. Court Commissioner William Michel II granted the Kenosha County District Attorney’s request for a $100,000 cash bail. Lentz’s disruptive outbursts during the hearing led to her removal from the courtroom before proceedings concluded. Among her remarks, she shouted phrases such as “Rock and roll baby, Judas Priest,” and later proclaimed, “I am the savior of the world.” When her defense attorney asked for a competency evaluation, Lentz shouted, “Of course! I gotta be crazy because she was a cannibal! She was eating people, drinking blood.” Her attorney tried to silence her to which she responded. “Who are you to tell me to stop? I am God. I am God!”
While being removed from the courtroom, she reacted with further erratic statements, including unfounded accusations that jail staff was being rough with her. Corrections officers had to restrain her multiple times due to her behavior.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Violent Assault Reported
According to Kenosha Police Officer Boeck, law enforcement responded to the 5400 block 14th Avenue Upper at approximately 2:47 a.m. on March 17, 2025, after receiving a report that a female had been struck with a “sledgehammer.” Upon arrival, officers found Teresa Santiago seated in the kitchen, bleeding heavily from the back of her head. Santiago, though alert, appeared to be struggling to remain conscious as she was being assisted by a male subject, Cortney Brantley.
Santiago recounted to officers that she and Lentz had exchanged words earlier in the evening over Lentz’s behavior around another man. After their dispute, Santiago had gone inside to do dishes when she was suddenly struck in the head from behind with force so severe she nearly lost consciousness. As she attempted to protect herself, she was struck twice more, including on her hand as she tried to shield her head.

According to witnesses, Brantley and another man, Adam Rocha, intervened and pulled Lentz away from Santiago. Witnesses identified a 24-ounce rubber mallet as the weapon used in the attack, which was later found on the kitchen counter by officers.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Lentz Arrested Following Disturbing Statements
Kenosha Police Lieutenant Zukauskas located Lentz walking on 7th Avenue shortly after the attack. When questioned, she reportedly admitted to her actions, stating, “Vengeance was taken.” Officers transported her to the Kenosha County Jail, where she reportedly asked police if Santiago had died and appeared disappointed when informed she had survived. Lentz then allegedly muttered “damn” under her breath.
During an interview with Detective Traxler, Lentz waived her rights and made a series of bizarre and disturbing statements, accusing Santiago of cannibalism and child trafficking without any evidence. When pressed about her intentions, she laughed and admitted, “Yeah, I was trying to kill her,” and justified her actions by calling Santiago a “serial killer.”

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
Repeat Offender with Violent Criminal History
Lentz has a long history of run-ins with law enforcement. Her past convictions include:
- 2008: Charged with felony domestic battery and intimidation of a victim, later sentenced to eight months in jail after violating probation.
- 2009: Charged with criminal trespass and felony bail jumping, resulting in probation, which she later violated.
- 2013: Convicted of armed bank robbery, serving eight years in prison.
- 2024: Arrested for felony cocaine possession; received probation despite previous violations.
At the time of the attack, Lentz was still on probation for her most recent drug-related offense. Critics argue that lenient sentencing in previous cases allowed her continued criminal behavior, culminating in this latest violent attack.
Next Court Appearance Scheduled
Lentz is scheduled for a preliminary hearing on March 25, 2025. Prosecutors are expected to push for the maximum penalty given her extensive criminal record and the severity of the attack.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
31 Responses
Our old DA allowed crime to go unpunished for far too long. The “Soros-backed DA’s” around our nation have allowed people like her walk free. Good to have someone in charge who is looking out for law-abiding citizens and not the criminals. She needs to be committed.
Soros doesn’t exist. It’s the cia that funds this crap. For 80 plus years the cia has been in business. If you think one individual with dementia is the finance head or the brains you’re wrong.
Both are accurate
NOT committed, CONVICTED!
She’s not crazy… she’s just fried her brain from all the drug use. Let Taycheedah have her for 40 years. No loss to anyone.
Alright stop. Hammer Time 🎵🎵
You mean attempted first degree…but nonetheless she seems like a real piece of work.
Hope she gets life
She could be the official mascot of Kenosha, loserville.
Solis is soft on crime, probably going to get something close to the minimum sentence
Solis soft? He has been doing great, considering that half of the office’s ADAs, led by the defeated Carli, left their posts without caring how badly they paralyzed our justice system. This created a real intentional mess along with some useless who are still working there. He still has some housecleaning to do; however, he is doing much better than the disaster the DA’s office was before January 3rd.
When you think you seen it all
What a wack a doodle! Although, why did it say sledgehammer when it was a rubber mallot? Don’t get me wrong, still is dangerous but is a big difference in weapon. Throw away the key. No amount of mental health resources is going to help that individual….yikes!
They’re all smoking meth and this is what happens, arrest them all!
Theresa is well known for drug-hosting and a human-trafficking ring in her apartment with others. Been going on for decades.
Of course she’s acting dumb so she could go to a mental house and not do jail time. Alot of drug addicts in kenosha
The eyes are the tell. She’s mental!
They might need to check her and her allegations. Satanism is alive and well in these United States.
Anybody but the real perps buddy. I can see right through you.
She’s a good actress
The bad part is that her mental health may be used
To get a lot of it. She is coo coo for cocoa puffs! Yeah she using some bad drugs!
She obviously has a screw loose but what do you do with these nut jobs and other libtards?
One way plane ticket out of the USA
So it’s rational to send US criminals to Mexico 😂😂😂 brilliant 😈
She needs to be put away for LIFE
Gotta love the call out to Judas Priest
When does she start at KUSD?
I’m so tired of people claiming mental illness! These people are drug addicts that fry their brains! Then they try to get SSDI….no!!!!!!! Put this bitch away forever!
She could be a guidance counselor for the KUSD.
Unless you have lived with Teresa Santiago, don’t judge because that woman is sick af, she wants attention from everyone and anyone and she pushed Jessica over the edge, Jessica is a great person and yes she is very mentally ill but you can only be used and abused so much before you lose your mind, Teresa was not bleeding and was hit with a rubber hammer not a sledge hammer! One of these days Teresa will get the karma she deserves, she’s a legit piece of garbage that deserves to trade places with Jessica, I’m glad I escaped Teresa’s cult or it would be me in Jessica’s shoes, praying everyday that Jess gets help and T rots In Jail ! NO ONE LOVES TERESA, NOT EVEN HER CHILDREN LIKE HER! SHES TRASH! #GETJESSHELP