Kenosha County Eye now has a mobile app. You can download the app to your Apple or Android. You can use one of two links to download the app. When you’re on the site on your mobile device, you will see a “Mobile App” link to click. (Example Below)

You might also get a pop-up too. (Example Below)

This new app, as well as the site looking good, have been made possible by David Mau, KCE reporter, local IT specialist, and Alderman in Kenosha. Any compliments on the website design, functionality and sheer beauty should be directed towards this man.

4 Responses
It’s not working for me… 😟
Disregard the above.
Finally got it worked out. 👍🏻
Will true comments that are critical of J*ws and Freem*s*ns (biblically known as the “synagogue of satan”) still be deleted if using the app? Also, will using the app keep my ip address blocked as it is now from making comments without a VPN?
Can you tell us if it is keywords that prevent posting certain comments or if it is selective deleting by Mau or Matthewson?
Lastly, Have either of you abandoned Christ and are now converts to Judaism and/or are you freem*s*ns yourselves?)
Is iron sharpening iron or is iron trying to sharpen wailing wall sympathizers?
Can advertising be paid in useless central bank fiat currency or do you accept shekels as well? (same issuer really)
Congrats on the app, still love the site and pissing degenerates off with inconvenient truths.
Hey, remember that time that one guy said he was responsible for bringing your website to its knees when really you were upgrading and now you are launching an app?!