On November 16, 2020, the Kenosha City Council passed an ordinance that mandates masks in the City of Kenosha. It allows the health department and police department to fine people $100 and businesses $250 for each occurrence PLUS costs of prosecution which are pricey. Alderman Bill Siel, a former employee of the Kenosha News, is a proud liberal. He strongly believes the government has a right and duty to tell people what to do for their own good. That’s why he wants to extend the mask mandate, which is set to expire on March 31, 2021.
Here is the thing, though. Bill doesn’t follow the law he wrote and championed. Bill was seen at a local pub in Kenosha last Saturday without a mask on. We spoke with Siel and he said that “I can confirm that indeed I was out with my wife and my two friends at ***** last night. ” He contends, however, that he wasn’t violating the ordinance. The ordinance says that:
“All persons in the City of Kenosha must cover their mouths and noses with a face covering when in any building open to the public.”
There are some exceptions in the ordinance. The one for bars and restaurants states that the following are exempt:
“Persons who are seated at a restaurant or other establishment that offers food or beverage service, while they are eating and drinking, provided they maintain a six-foot distance between individuals, not including individuals who are members of the same family or household or are together with only infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity.“
Siel doesn’t meet this exemption. These 5 people are not members of the same household. He can’t be eating or drinking while his hands are folded. They were all within 6 feet of each other. Siel broke the law by our interpretation, just like Nancy Pelosi (D), London Breed (D), Gavin Newsom (D) and many many more. But Siel wants you and I to follow his command. He certainly doesn’t think he needs to. If he thinks masks are so necessary and he wants to use his authority to force compliance, he should set a good example. He should wear a mask all of the time while in public. Alderman Siel, you should go to the health department and report yourself, pay the fine and apologize. It’s the right thing to do. And to the City Council: no more extensions. Vote no.

Click here to read the ordinance.

8 Responses
P.S. The re-enactment of “The Last Supper” @ Grace Lutheran was something to behold today.
Thank you for your excellent reporting. This is information the public deserves to see but the fake news won’t report.
Journalism is dead on the left
The Democrats (DEMONAZIS) are such HYPOCRITES!
Cmon now is this any surprise. They are catering to their Democratic voters when they cry about masks and staying home. Just like Biden promising money to all to get votes , and yet he is taking care of immigration over Americans. No surprise is today’s government anymore. All the political stunts and “fundraisers” are Just a ploy to tend to a party. Sickening and disgusting.
This is very upsetting to see. When I supported the mask ordinance, I thought Ald. Siel, the sponsor, would be the first to encourage compliance and comply himself. After reading this, and hearing from the people of 4th District…I will NOT be supporting an extension.
Speaking of politicians, isn’t Andy bergs district where all the shootings are happening and the one last night? He was very vocal on it was his district when Blake was shot but quiet with all these. Maybe he should focus on that instead of free meals
Even more so….if that’s where he lives, he should concentrate more on getting his family out of the hood. Maybe get a second job.
Too busy on other things. Only seems to care when a police involved shooting happens