After the 14th murder this year – about three times the average, Kenosha’s Democratic mayor has finally responded to KCE’s request for comment. In this statement, he seemingly blames guns and liquor licenses for the cities sharp 300% increase in homicides, year to date. He says that guns are a problem in Kenosha and throughout the entire country. He also wants the city council to punish all taverns for the actions of one, referring to a moratorium on new licenses. The mayor does not mention any of his policies being possibly to blame. He doesn’t mention the influx in public housing projects that he has championed. In what many say is a typical response from a large city Democratic mayor, he doesn’t give any real plan to reduce the bloodshed. Gun rights advocates claim that punishing law abiding gun owners for the mistakes of criminals is not the answer. He fails to mention that two murders were done with a machete, and many others with knives this year. Restaurants and other establishments that wish to relocate or build in the city of Kenosha will now have a roadblock if they wish to sell wine beer or alcohol. They now may look elsewhere.
Here is the Mayor’s full statement:
Statement from Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian Following Fatal Shooting KENOSHA – (November 8, 2021)
Once again the City of Kenosha has experienced another senseless act of violence. I continue to meet with the Police Chief and we continue to pursue every measure that we can to try and prevent future tragedies where gun violence forever affects the lives of our residents. I am working with the police chief and city attorney to review all legal actions I can take as we move forward. Kenosha Police Chief Eric Larsen and his department are working together to hold those who are responsible, accountable. Recently the Common Council approved a moratorium on new liquor licenses issued in our city. I will continue to work with the License and Permits Committee and the Common Council on legislative action that will hold the licensed establishment that allows this type of behavior to be held accountable for the action of their patrons. We have seen gun violence take far too many lives in the City of Kenosha, and quite frankly nation wide this year. I thank our police department, in addition to the other area law enforcement agencies who rushed to help yesterday. I also offer my sincere condolences to all the families and residents affected by these incidents. I urge our community to share any information regarding this incident to contact Kenosha Police investigators at 262-605-5203. If you wish to remain anonymous you may call Kenosha Crime Stoppers at 262-656-7333.
8 Responses
No, this needs to be done for existing liquor licenses, too.
Unless you are dense as fuck, the owners of The Vault know the type of crowd playing rap can bring…..and then to schedule it during the trial? BAD. Bad optics.
The Mayor quick to blame law abiding gun owners for the upswing in criminals roaming the streets of Kenosha. Typical socalist response ! The Vault or the new red zone attracts a element from south of the state line
. The Vault is accountable for what took place over the weekend! For the council to squash and further liquor license is to deny economic growth to the city and further paints every license holder with the same brush has the Vault . That Is a insult to the many business people who work hard to support this community. The Mayor has proven himself a coward during the riots hiding from the public until the all clear was sounded . Did he and the council ban gas stations ? Paint cans ? Did they hold publicly BLM for burning down the city? I think not ! Let’s be a good socalist and blame the citizens instead of being a responsible leader ! Let’s Go Brandon !
Well said JFW!
You need to wake up. You mention these places are attracting an “element from south of the state line.” No, these people are here….in Kenosha. These people live here now. Kenosha is worse than Waukegan or Zion and it’s not particularly close anymore, either.
For some reason, switzerland doesn’t have a problem with booze and alcohol.
There’s over 680,000 licensed hunters in Wisconsin alone that reflect a responsible and safe record that is nothing short of stellar, proving the fact it is not, as the mayor states, “gun violence”.
Sounds like bad city leadership at fault to everyone else.
The public housing will be the death of whatever might be left of the city. Years ago Chicago’s Mayor Daily had the right idea when he shut down Cabrini Green. Unfortunately, that pushed a lot of the shit up our way. Now Antaramian wants to build his own projects and roll out the red carpet for the rest of the Illinois shit that has resettled in Kenosha. Typical democrat, society destroying, policies. I grew up in Kenosha and now live in Pleasant Prairie. It’s heart breaking to see what democrats have done to a city that was once a decent place to raise a family. As Kenosha goes to shit, I’m starting to wonder if it isn’t time to sell my house in Pleasant Prairie. The is getting to close to home.
Democrat politician’s including the scumbag Soros owned Democratic District Attorney’s are the reason for inflated crime around Kenosha and the entire Country! Maurice Freeland or “Jump Kick Man” as Binger and Krause nicknamed him to avoid identifying him! Freeland is a prime example! How long is his rap sheet? Yet Binger and Associates had no idea who he was? They’ve released him into the public on numerous occasions instead of locking him up, their Communist playbook was revealed during the Kenosha Riots! These Traitors are directly involved with organizing and funding the Riots, they’re responsible for their foot Soldiers who were killed! Free Kyle Rittenhouse NOW! Lock up these DIRTBAG Commie Propagandists in the MSM and Politicians destroying America from within!