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Kenosha Mayor Seeks To Ask Voters To Allow Biggest Tax Increases In Kenosha’s History – $2.5M Every Year Going Forward

Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian (D)

“Under state law, the increase in the levy of the City of Kenosha for the tax to be imposed for the next fiscal year, 2023, is limited to 2.654%, which results in a levy of $75,763,738. Shall the City of Kenosha be allowed to exceed this limit and increase the levy for the next fiscal year, 2023, for purpose of additional police and fire protection services, by a total of 3.3%, which results in a levy of $78,263,738, and on an ongoing basis, include the increase of $2,500,000 for each fiscal year going forward?”

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This will be a question on the ballot in the form of a referendum on August 9, 2022 if approved by the mostly-democratic City Council.

This would mark the biggest tax increase in the history of the City of Kenosha.

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The State of Wisconsin statute caps how much cities like Kenosha can tax its citizens. Mayor Antaramian has always been a staunch critic of this statute. He wants to decide how much taxes go up, not the state. So he is using a loop-hole. He will ask the voters to cast their ballots, and if most of the Kenosha tax-payers vote “yes”, he can raises taxes more than the state law allows. The Mayor says it will allow the hiring of 10 police officers and 6 fire-fighters. The Resolution, however does not guarantee that is what the money will be spent on. The Police Department and Fire Department both are running below staff-levels and are struggling to hire candidates. It is unclear, if this measure passes, if it would even result in the extra officers.

We reached out to every Alderman, the mayor, Police Chief, and Fire Chief. We will let you know if we hear back from any of them.

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Kenosha DA Has Secret Program That Dismisses Criminal Charges Against Illegal Aliens During Secret Meetings

KCE has just learned that Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley (D), with the support of current DA candidate Carli McNeill (D), has a secret program that dismisses criminal charges against illegal aliens. Illegal aliens who get caught without a license, get a non-criminal citation that includes only a fine. For second and subsequent charges, illegal aliens are supposed to be charged criminally. Not under Graveley and McNeill’s watch. There is a different set of rules

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Manhunt Underway For Lawrence G. Franklin, JR For Double Murder, A Man Who Was Given Many Breaks From DA’s Office

A state-wide manhunt is underway for 25-year-old Lawrence G. Franklin, Jr. for the double murder that occurred yesterday afternoon at about 4:28 p.m. Franklin allegedly shot and killed his girlfriend and unborn child. Unfortunately, according to federal law, this is tallied as only one victim, but KCE and most reasonable people consider it a double-homicide. According to the sister of the murdered woman, Franklin pulled out a gun and shot the victim in the head, leading

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Kenosha Police Conduct Manhunt For Man Who Murdered Pregnant Girlfriend, Unborn Child

Just after 4:30 p.m. on Friday evening, police were summoned to the intersection of 13th Avenue and 65th Street for a report of shots fired. A woman caller told police that her sister was shot in the head by her boyfriend. It was later revealed that the victim was pregnant. Kenosha Police spent several hours searching for the offender. According to police radio traffic, the firearm was located, but KCE cannot confirm this to be the

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Kenosha Man Connected To Many Area-Democrat Campaigns Charged With Two Serious Child Abuse Felonies

“I know too many people in Kenosha – no one would believe you.” This was a statement allegedly made by Robert J. Moore II, 38, of Kenosha. He said these words to his wife, when she complained about alleged domestic violence and serious child abuse. Moore was charged on June 27, 2024 with two felony counts of Physical Abuse of a Child – Intentionally Causing Bodily Harm. Moore faces a maximum sentence of 12 years in

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Neighbor “From Hell” In Legal Trouble For Cutting Down Neighbors Trees

A 65-year-old Somers man named Michael Boozer shares a property line with seven neighbors in Somers. KCE is told that none of them speak with him. Some call him the neighbor “from hell.” The neighbors have had it with Boozer to the point where two of them are suing him. Today, Boozer didn’t show up to court and Judge Heather Iverson entered an injunction against Boozer prohibiting future conduct. Boozer didn’t like that so he quickly

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Kenosha Dumb Criminal – Man Breaks Into City Hall To Charge Cell Phone

A Pleasant Prairie man is accused of doing something very dumb. Police and prosecutors say that 27-year-old Damarroe La-Von Roy broke into City Hall on August 29, 2024 to charge his cell phone. It was during the popular Peanut Butter and Jam concert, so there were many witnesses. He was charged the next day with disorderly conduct and criminal damage to property. Many people, including KCE thought that some type of felony would apply, but Assistant

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KUSD Places Bradford Teacher On Leave In Response To Allegations Of Grooming At Previous District

A newly-hired Math teacher has been placed on administrative leave from Kenosha Bradford High School, the district has confirmed. KCE isn’t releasing his name, as we are not in possession of any records at this time that document wrongdoing. Many KCE readers tipped us off to the following TikTok video: A man named Ken, with the TikTok handle KENSCONSIN posted a video five days ago and had the following to say, in part: “My very own

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Disgraced Former Politician Due Back In Court – Allegedly Stiffs Lawyer For $10,000

Andrew “Andy” Berg (D) is a former County Board member, Wisconsin Corrections Sergeant, and amature porn content creator. He is also under criminal investigation for embezzling thousands of dollars from his now-defunct charity, Garden of Eatin. Yesterday, September 4, 2024, Berg was slapped with a $10,000 lawsuit by the law firm that represented him in his recent divorce. According to documents filed in Kenosha County Circuit Court, Berg has an outstanding balance of $9,603.11 with the

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Union Pacific Employee, Killed By Train Near 13th Avenue And 69th Street

A Union Pacific employee was stuck and killed by a Metra/UP train at about 12:15 p.m. today in a freak accident. A 34-year-old Burlington, WI man named Austin Scott Raysby was reported to be the victim. “We are saddened by the loss of a Union Pacific family member in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and extend our deepest sympathies to his family and the employees who worked alongside him…Our emergency response team is on-site investigating the incident. No one else

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Kenosha County District Attorney Deciding Whether Or Not To Retry Hung Jury Marijuana Trial

On May 30, 2023, a Kenosha County Sheriff’s Deputy pulled over a car with three young adults occupants in Bristol. The trio drove about four hours to the state of Michigan to buy some marijuana. There was a Memorial Day sale and they wanted to stock up. It seemed like the three were casual marijuana smokers and THC users. Law enforcement agencies throughout the county have told KCE that street marijuana is often laced with Fentanyl,

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Update: Kenosha Police Locate, Arrest Bank Robbery Suspect – Was Recently Paroled For Similar Crimes

On July 13, 2024, Kenosha Police asked for the public’s help in identifying a man who they say robbed two banks at gunpoint in a three-month period. KPD released the following photos: The first robbery occurred on April 13, 2024 @ 9:54 a.m. and the second, on July 13, 2024 @ 11:30 a.m. They both occurred at US Bank at 1800 22nd Ave on the north-east side of Kenosha County. Unfortunately, one of the tellers was

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Kenosha Mayor, City Council, Allow AFL-CIO To Hold Annual Labor Fest At No Cost For City Resources

Tomorrow Monday September 2, 2024, Labor Fest will take place after a one-year hiatus. This year, however, for the first time in many years, it will be held at a City Park – Penoyer Park. Nothing unusual there. What is unusual, is that the City of Kenosha payers will foot a big chunk of the bill. The group, AFL-CIO is a democrat political action committee and many people believe that the City footing much of the

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29 Responses

  1. I think it’s a great idea, actually! The Police and Fire Department in Kenosha deserve more financial support, in my opinion.

    1. True, but there’s one problem:

      “The Resolution, however does not guarantee that is what the money will be spent on.”

      That alone is enough to raise the red flag.

      1. I wouldn’t doubt the taxation revenue will go to public sector Union city employee wage increases. A way to secure their Democrat vote. They have a red wave to stymie.

  2. How about sueing BLM & Antifa along with Sheriff Beth for restitution for all loss of property and city services in the aftermath of the riots in 2020?

  3. I’m all for it but it should’ve been done earlier but people can’t afford their taxes now or the rent here

  4. This is about as racist as it gets!
    Democrat politicians always adding taxes keep the poor exactly where they are at. Not very welcoming to poor folks. Typical democrats.

  5. Everybody loves police and firefighters but now isn’t the time to raise taxes. Let them fill their current positions before asking taxpayers to pay more. Inflation is hurting badly and we are having to work overtime to pay bills and necessities. The increase in taxes won’t stop with this. Next they’ll ask for more money. You can bet the school district is already planning to ask for more too. If they want more people, reduce their pay to pay for more employees. They make probably twice as much money as us and we struggle.

  6. I am wondering out loud how much the City spends on litigation and damages awarded to people that suffer harm due to the actions of city employees. I suspect the amount is very high. Maybe it is higher than the Mayor’s proposed increase.

    That would be a great story for the KCE to cover.

    1. An excellent question, “how much does the city spend on litigation?” Another question is, could money be found in programs that the city has enacted and do not produce many results? I am all for more police, fire , etc., but do we need to do it by raising taxes?

  7. Everybody loves police and firefighters but now isn’t the time to raise taxes. Let them fill their current positions before asking taxpayers to pay more. Inflation is hurting badly and we are having to work overtime to pay bills and necessities. The increase in taxes won’t stop with this. Next they’ll ask for more money. You can bet the school district is already planning to ask for more too. If they want more people, reduce their pay to pay for more employees. They make probably twice as much money as us and we struggle.

  8. Its not financial that the police are running short. It is getting new recruits. After 2020 rioting. This money is not guaranteed to go to this project. Democrats would rather spend than look at other places to save.

  9. Blatant money grab. Notice that they are not asking for a one-year increase, and they are not guaranteeing how the increase will actually be spent. They’re asking for the $2.5 million increase for every year going forward. Remember how you voted when you receive your property tax bill every year from now on.

  10. So at this point, and Ive been thinking about this for a while now, its time to start putting together a list of residents that we know ARE UNARMED.
    I have liberal democrats living on both sides of me that dont have guns. I also know a family of women, one just rails on Trump and his supporters who I got to know that dont have guns.
    We need to put a list together of all these folks and give it to all the illegals coming over our southern border and left to find jobs and money on their own.
    Those illegals should start at these folks homes, there will clearly be no resistence from them and I dont want to shoot people when they come throigh my door, but I will and it will be messy.
    So why dont we save all the trouble for these illegals and just hand them a list of homes that have no guns in them……….for everyones safety!
    Im betting at least 4 of 5 on that parks commision dont have guns in their homes.
    Lets get this started!

    Is this a great idea or what?

  11. Anne made a great point. “The Resolution, however does not guarantee that is what the money will be spent on.”

    J makes a great statement and thought to ponder.

    TGHW made and excellent point which I suspect is the case. No way in hell do I believe The Mayor is concerned about the amount of Police we have or firefighters as I truly believe after the riots, he doesn’t give a damn about Kenosha. He’s close to retirement he will leave Kenosha because he knows his game has been exposed. He’s a coward.

    Flood his office with calls starting Monday protesting this attempt to circumvent the state law on property taxes and continue weekly forever like his proposed taxation, at the same time ridicule him for his Parks Committee’s agenda. Just another example this left wing administration does not love Kenosha and cares only about fleecing the tax payers.

    Mr. Mau, we are counting on you to rally the troops or raise some hell. Facilitate change.

    There is no way in hell I believe a vote on the tax issue would be honest ore fare. I believe just setting the bait for the average Joe stupidity test as far as he’s concerned. It just another of theMayors bullshit scam any way you want to look at it.

  12. Be a watchman on the wall and stay on guard every single second of every single day because the left will stop at nothing until they destroy our faith, our families, and our freedoms.

    ~ Marjorie Taylor Green

  13. Consider that the Mayor’s political career is over with so if this turns out to be the rottenest screw job in Kenosha history who are you going to punish?

    Would be interesting to find out if when and if this passes if the city sells the guaranteed $2.5 Million to some investment firm and the actual amount received is much less. Think about other “investments” and how they turn out…like the teachers pension “investment” and school budget increases. I doubt the taxpayers of Kenosha have any clue as to how much they will be on the hook for.

    And, so once it’s passed it appears it in perpetuity, like to Miller Park Tax that never seems to go away. What if at some point a new legislature raises the tax levy limit?

    Better think about this an find out who is behind it and if there are consultants involved look into past history where this has been pulled off.

  14. Raising taxes to hire more police and fire fighters does not buy respect. Our first responders have been demonized by the media, the politicians, and those they serve. It’s no wonder why there’s a shortage of new hires. And I echo the sentiment…”there’s no guarantee of where this money will be spent.”

    1. Beth makes a good point. And again as others point out there is no guarantee the City Council will even do what they promise.

  15. Average UAW retirement back in 1990 was less than $20,000. per year which in 2022 with Democrat BidenFlation purchases about half, so that $20,000 pension today really only is worth $10,000. Of course there is a huge number of retirees and those on fixed income who desire to hold on to their homes, many of which keep neighborhoods stable and in nice shape. The Mayor could care less.

    So why does the City Council wish to destroy the financial well being of it’s senior citizens and the younger generation who yearns to own their first home? The Mayor likely is well off what with taxpayer funded pensions from holding elected office.

    But the rest of the the City Council—Why do they want to do this? Maybe someone will publish a list of names and contact info so those who will be hammered by high property taxes can ask why is the city council doing this, and do they stand to profit?

  16. Interesting that the major wants more money to fund more police and fire protection. When I asked him a few months ago at a city council meeting about hiring more firefighters he told me there was no way that was going to happen because of Act 10 and the Republicans, or if there was a redistribution in the current funds or going to a referendum. At no time did he mention considering any of those ideas. And now he wants the tax payors to foot the bill?? I’m all for it IF IT ACTUALLY GOES TO FUND POLICE AND FIRE. I hope when he retires in two years he stays in Kenosha to help with his share of raised taxes upon the middle-class workers.

  17. Ok because of the Mayors poor fiscal management. He now wants the Citizens to exceed the state level limit. The City has never retired a TIF district. If the Mayor would retire a TIF the increase value would give him the capacity to fund additional first responders. if you do the calculation he is asking for about a 6% increase
    From 73m to 78m. Vote NO until the City is fiscally responsible. Stay within the levy limit that’s why we have a levy limit. This is just poor planning on the part of our spend and tax leaders

  18. The city assessor this year will be increasing assessments on your homes. Your taxes are going up with out this plan. During the pandemic the city 8.4 million for a parking garage? He has plans for a new city hall and then determines we need more cops. Not one city bureaucrat was layed off during the pandemic while thousands of Kenosha workers were without jobs and this putz increased taxes during those years. Take the money out of your you budget.

  19. With inflation going astronomical especially gas & food, how can people on a FIXED INCOME come up with more money??? I have to live on a budget, why doesn’t the city? I support the police & firefighters 100% but there is no guarantee the money will go for them. Stop donating thousands to the Democrat’s Labor Day Picnic every year!!!

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