Rittenhouse Added To Federal Lawsuit By Man Whose Arm He Shot During Riots

Gaige Grosskreutz and Kimberly Motley – Jury Box For Rittenhouse Trial
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted by a jury of his peers for the August 25, 2020 self-defense shooting death of two men, and the non-fatal shooting of a third man, Gaige Grosskreutz. Like the other two men, Grosskreutz is a career violent criminal. About a week before Rittenhouse’s criminal trial, Grosskreutz filed a federal lawsuit in the Eastern District of Wisconsin against The City of Kenosha, Kenosha County, former Sheriff Beth, former police chiefs, Daniel Miskinis and Eric Larson, and John & Jane Doe police officers 1-100. Notably missing from the list of defendants was Rittenhouse himself. The lawsuit was filed by far-left activist attorney Kimberly Motley. Motley herself, is currently defending against a federal lawsuit that alleges she committed conspiracy, tortious interference with parental rights, assault, fraud, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and false imprisonment. This suit is brought by an Afghan couple that accused Motley of helping a U.S. Marine abduct their infant relative.

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Motley was present at Rittenhouse’s trial the day her client, Grosskreutz, admitted that Rittenhouse didn’t shoot him until Grosskreutz pointed his handgun at Rittenhouse. This likely made any civil suit from the career criminal nearly impossible. Most thought that was what happened. Most of us thought Grosskreutz and his lawyer abandoned the idea of a lawsuit. Almost 500 days later, the federal judge assigned to the case, Lynn Adelman, noticed the lawsuit had never been served on the defendants. He issued an order on February 1, 2023 saying that he would be dismissing the lawsuit if Motley didn’t have the documents served before February 22, 2023. Motley filed an amended federal lawsuit and added Rittenhouse last Tuesday, February 14, 2023. She is now scrambling to have all of the defendants served. All will be easy to serve, with the exception of Rittenhouse. Motley can ask for more time, but a reasonable judge would deny the motion.

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According to the lawsuit, that reads more like political hyperbole, “Kyle Rittenhouse crossed into Wisconsin from Illinois, carrying an assault rifle on the streets of Kenosha, in open violation of the law.” The lawsuit also falsely asserts that police deputized Rittenhouse and other armed citizens. The lawsuit claims that Rittenhouse brought with him to kenosha a “band of white nationalist vigilantes.” Motley also claims that Rittenhouse“fired his assault rifle indiscriminately multiple times at citizens on the street.” It seems that Motley is hoping that no one watched Rittenhouse’s trial. This allegation is obviously false. Motley also wrote that “Grosskreutz tried to end Defendant Rittenhouse’s homicidal rampage.” Finally she alleged that myself, Rittenhouse, and at least nine law enforcement agencies conspired to deprive Grosskreutz of his constitutional rights.

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Here is a reminder of Grosskreutz’s criminal history:

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Gaige Paul Grosskreutz ‐ Criminal History (Click here to read entire history)

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#DatePolice AgencyNature as Indicated in Police Reports
111/17/2010West Allis PoliceSimple Assault/Domestic Violence
   Alleged to Have Slapped Grandmother and Smashed Lamp
25/27/2012New Berlin PoliceBurglary of Home/Criminal Trespass to Dwelling/Disorderly Conduct
   Alleged to Have Entered Home and Stole Video Game Equipment and Broke the Lights with
35/27/2013West Allis PoliceCriminal Damage to Property
   Alleged to Have Smashed Window of House Where Girlfriend Was and Threatened Her
45/9/2015Greenfield PoliceDUI/Possession of Firearm by Felon/Possession Firearm While Intoxicated
   Endangering Safety by Use of Dangerous Weapon/Warrants
   Blew .159 while driving/Possessed Loaded Firearm While Intoxicated and Being a Felon
511/4/2019Ashland PoliceLoud Noise/Obedience to Officers
   Loud Music and Refused to Provide Police With ID  
68/16/2020West Allis PoliceProwling
   Videotaping Personal Police Officer Vehicles in PD Parking Lot
710/6/2020West Allis PoliceOWI #2
   Blew .212 Blood Alcohol Level. Governor Tony Ever (D) Appointed Judge Dismissed Case.

During the riots, Grosskreutz was photographed many times holding a pistol. A little more than a month after the shooting, Grosskreutz told TMJ4 reporter Stephanie Haines that he had a valid concealed carry permit. He testified during the Rittenhouse trial that he did not have a valid CCW license. After KCE contacted TMJ4, they issued the following correction:

Editor’s note: This story was published in September of 2020, before the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. During the trial we learned Gaige Grosskreutz’s concealed carry permit was expired.” KCE believes the Concealed Carry License was revoked, not expired. Here is a copy of Grosskreutz’s license that he posted online. The licenses didn’t expire until 1/10/2023. The WI DOJ likely revoked his license, meaning he lied under oath and T. Clair Binger knew it, or should have known it.

Gaige’s Now-Revoked CCW License

Simply put, Grosskreutz committed perhaps several crimes on August 25, 2020, but was never charged by progressive District Attorney Michael Graveley. Grosskreutz in the process of legally changing his name in a secret court proceeding.

Wis Stat. §786.37 Allows for a name change to be done confidentially, but Grosskreutz will have to show “by a preponderance of the evidence, that publication of his or her petition could endanger him or her and that he or she is not seeking a name change in order to avoid a debt or conceal a criminal record.”

Is Grosskreutz asserting that he is in danger? Is he trying to conceal his criminal record? The judge bought it and the hearings are behind closed, locked doors.

KCE reached out to Grosskreutz’s attorney Kimberly Motley for comment, but she didn’t respond to our request.



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34 Responses

  1. Kevin,

    It wasn’t their baby…. The other articles I’ve read stated that the parents are deceased, the marine took the baby in, and they know believe they have found relatives. It’s been awhile since I’ve read the article, but that was my take away.

          1. The video footage is clear and was used in Rittenhouse’s criminal trial. Grosskreutz was forced to admit under oath he pointed a handgun at Rittenhouse. With a criminal record like Grosskreutz has, it is a crime to posses a hand gun. This is a waste of federal court time!
            And since this is a civil suit, the other parties will likely counter sue Grosskreutz for court and attorney costs… which Grosskreutz is such a loser, he will never have the money to pay!

  2. That clown ran out of all the BS donated money and is looking for a payout to continue to be a lowlife. He received a ton in go fund me and other donations, he blew it all. Just looking for a payout again

  3. We need to flush these turds down the toilet of time…. Go away, enjoy your new name, just disappear. Nobody needs your insignificant, useless self anywhere. You were wrong, you brought this on yourself. Take accountability, live with your outcome. Oh- and definitely don’t drive without a front license plate near Lincoln park, that’s accepted in that neighborhood to shoot at people with no front plate…

  4. Why has Binger not been disbarred? The fact that Binger put 3 witnesses on the stand in the Rittenhouse trial when he knew (or should have known) that they would perjure themselves (Grosskreutz and Car Source bros) is outrageous. He even led Grosskreutz through his dishonest testimony about his CCW license status! A revocation is NOT an expiration and every lawyer knows this.

  5. If Rittenhouse isn’t afraid of losing this case, why is he avoiding being served? A man would face his problems head on.

    And Mathewson, I love your content and keeping us up to date!

  6. he lied about a conceal and carry lc , he lied about being a paramedic, that also is a state lc which he don’t have LOSER get a life .. This guy needs to serve some time, he thinks he above the law, o wait let’s make him major or something. lol …

      1. That night he was dis-armed, he was wearing a hat that said “paramedic”, but his paramedic license had expired in 2017.

  7. Ah, the fake paramedic carrying a firearm, providing assistance to those that destroyed our town? Yeah yeah, the guy with an attitude lying while testifying during the Trial. Hopefully the Federal Judge will make him pay court costs after denying the claim, the last think I want is to pay taxes to compensate that F Face

    1. Unlikely. The Huber lawsuit is almost identical and the judge allowed that to continue.

      Grosskreutz isn’t a fake paramedic. His license was expired (running theme here) but he definitely had paramedic training.

          1. Only thing remotely felonious on his record was in 2012… photo of CCW shows expiration in 2023. as much as I dislike this turd, what you’re saying doesn’t add up.

  8. Paramedic.
    But he was wearing the Paramed hat.
    Three Band-Aids in his back pocket.
    A Glock in the front pocket.
    All pmeds carry Glocks. Uh-Huh.
    Now you are a lefty. Not that you were not one before.
    GG. Go away.

  9. Grosskreutz CCW permit was valid on August 25th, 2020. Before anyone starts downvoting, look it up with the Wisconsin Department of Justice yourself.

    Makes you wonder though, who told who that the permit was “expired” and who went along with who during that line of questioning….

      1. All I’m saying is, look at the timeline of his criminal history that you yourself provided. I know you’re a thorough investigator so that’s why I’m shocked you didn’t notice this.

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