I just wanted to quickly address a topic that I have been asked about a lot lately – censorship.
There are some people that read this website very often and insist that I go through the hundreds of comments that are posted on stories and erase those that some people find offensive or disagree with.
From time to time I have erased comments that threaten me or others. Other times, when there is risk of some type of harm. A lot of my readers lean to the left and want me to act like Mark Zuckerberg or Jack from the old Twitter. They want me to assume the title of “fact-checker” and “First Amendment police officer.” I choose to be neither of those things, and you have to remember something – I was permanently banned from Facebook for advocating for the first and second amendments. I was censored by Mark Zuckerberg who declared himself the king of everything that is true and relevant.
Believe it or not, there are even some of my readers on the right that want me to censor free speech.
Yes, there have been some comments on my articles that have contained vile statements, bad language, or other offensive material. I agree with you. But I am a huge supporter of the First Amendment and I choose not to spend so much of my precious time moderating the comment section.
Although I do earn some money with KCE, I don’t earn enough to check my phone once an hour for comments that some people find offensive. Also, my website does not work like other social media sites where I can simply “ban” someone. The Kenosha News used to allow letters to the editor from people anonymously, remember that? Several years ago they removed that option and required people to provide the Kenosha News with their name, address, and phone number. I will never require such information and will always allow people to post anonymously. This encourages a more spirited and candid debate and eliminates the possibility of some community members being canceled by writing something that others don’t agree with.
There are some prominent public figures, business owners, and even politicians that I know participate in the comment section of this website. They are less restricted and can feel assured that they can state their opinion without fear of retribution.
For those of you who don’t like some of the comments in that section, I suggest that you skip over it. You have to scroll pretty far down in order to see those comments.
It is not my intention to alienate any of my readers, but I simply refuse to decide unilaterally whose comments are worthy of contributing to a discussion, and whose are not. I have noticed that some people who say things that are very questionable, are naturally policed by other contributors to the comment section.
I’m sorry for those of you who disagree with this decision but I can’t in good conscious remove somebody’s voice because I don’t agree with it or somebody else doesn’t agree with it.
I hope you understand, and thank you to everybody who takes time out of your day to read the content on KCE.
Kevin E. Mathewson
37 Responses
Im thankful you let it all out there brother….amusing and informative!
Rah rah Kevin…demerits to control freaks…kudos to those who skip over questionable comments…you will note the questionable comments are sually far afield from the story content… ie. Not worthy of your time
To those who need a safe space, just read Kevin’s story and skip the comments…practice developing a thicker skin.
You will be better for it
When and why did we all get so sensitive?
Meh….I’ve had comments removed on here that weren’t at all threats or anything like it. It is what it is….
Wah wah wah…
Don’t whine
Grow up.
Yeah to hell with Mark Zuckerberg and his liberal buddies! ???
Be honest. You remove comments correcting you and criticizing you. Let’s see how long you leave this one up.
If u r criticizing the author you are off topic..
Stay on topic like the big boys do.
Thanks, Kevin. You’re right. There are some rather crude comments by readers. However, I assume that at least most of us here are adults, and just need to deal with it. There is no constitutional, or any other, right to “not be offended”.
And there are those Little Johnny’s who thrive on shock value and are encouraged at the least “don’t do that or “I am so offended” comment…
I personally laugh at them, reminding me of a snot nosed brother who was a bully until senior year when he found out he had a persuasive smile and could razzle dazzle just about anyone. Until this realization he heard a lot of lafter from those who really counted…
Maybe have a disclaimer that comments are the opinion of the readers and don’t necessarily reflect your opinion.
If you ask me, I feel that not censoring, or removing
comments, adds to your credibility and support of 1A.
Is disclaimer enough.
Do you need sumbody to hold your hand while u read?
Smh at so many needy people!
Mark Zuckerberg = Jew and he couldn’t have KM showing We The People the power we truly have to overcome evil within our country and communities as they were lighting up city after city using black crime, white crime and police “brutality” to justify destroying our cities. BLM is a terror organization operated and fully supported by you guessed it…Jews. (Fact check me.) That’s why you were banned. Very simple. Jews literally hate whites, blacks and all that aren’t theirs. They do not race mix nor do they have open borders in that area of land they stole from the Palestinians called Israel (which is also named to confuse the masses). Blacks, you need to realize these same people were the ones that owned the slave ships and the slave trade business and have destroyed your families and culture through the trash culture they push on you. You are taught to hate yourselves, police, whites through your music. The drug, thug, pimp, player, hustler game destroys your race and teaches you to blame everyone else for your lack of privilege as they call it. You call it “white privilege” because that’s what they told you to call it so you could hate white people more. Of course your lives matter but they don’t matter to the Jew. You are a tool for them to sew division and destroy communities. If they cared about you there wouldn’t be federally funded planned parenthood’s throughout your communities and using you to do their hating. Usury and Jewry go hand in hand. Are you seeing yet?
While my comments can be crude they are on point. My goal is not to divide but to wake people up. Everyone knows things aren’t right in the country but nobody seems to understand the source. The right blames the left and the left blames the right. Proverbs 4:25 -4:27 gives instruction on this. Bible also addresses avoiding evil and I am guilty of poking it right in the eye here but faith without works is not good either. That’s why David picked up the rock. David was an Israelite from the tribe of Judah. Israelite means descendant of Jacob whom God changed his name to Israel, it doesn’t mean Jew, this is where people start getting confused. The descendants of the 12 tribes of Jacob went on to form many great nations (white nations). Countries within Europe, Russia, Netherlands, Canada, US, South Africa. All the ones with now open borders and now being destroyed from within. All you reading here know about migrant crisis, placement of “refugees” in our own country. This is how it works and how those on the right get fooled: Migrants coming up through Mexico illegally, people on right are pissed at the left. Republican governor of Texas is going to show those democrats and busses migrants to democrat cities like Chicago and Martha’s Vineyard . People on the right cheer for getting back at those democrats. All missed what happened! The left let them in and the right distributed these foreign invaders throughout our country. You were to divided to see what was taking place and fooled and even cheered. All need to wake up.
The ones pushing the agenda that is destroying this country from within and those other countries from within are always the same. They do it through the central banking system. Money buys power and pays for politicians, district attorneys and even judges unfortunately. We see this in our local court systems and schools. There is a double standard and without question whites are made examples of while others get off easy. You can see it in local court cases. ie Darryl Brooks who had a $500 bond after running over someone and then goes out and did what he did but with much more damage. We know Soros = Hungarian Jew, funds many politicians and District Attorneys (probably Gravely too who we know was talking to BLM prior to the Kenosha riots – see the connection!) Not all Jews are bad but all the bad people destroying our country from within are led by Jews. This is what I want people to see. We can’t be united while being torn apart and to survive we need to be united and to be united we need to be able to recognize who’s tearing us apart. We can’t get caught up in the arguments but need to see through the arguments. This is why so many even here want me cancelled.
Thank you for not caving to real fascism Mr. Mathewson. I’m sorry for the trouble these people have caused you prompted by me revealing the source of division in our world, our country and even our own community. If I didn’t care I wouldn’t be here. I am sorry for sometimes lowering myself to the level of my critics but I know who our enemies are and I know who hates us and why. They hated Christ and his Israelite bloodline first and put him on a cross. Here on KCE they talk about “worshipping a corpse on a stick” and want me removed. They are the same then as they are now. Blasphemous and Evil and they silenced God Himself and those who have God within. There is nothing new under the sun.
May God Bless all of you and if you haven’t given your life to Christ, please consider doing so. Christ came not in peace but to be a sword. Matthew 10:34 – 10:36. We are in a fight of good vs. evil. The battle is for your souls. The country is losing its soul from evil by the synagogue of Satan, masked as Jews who pull the levers of society and cult-ure.
When you start to see, things will come into focus quickly. I hope that me providing a little education and history here will give you the eyes to see for yourselves what is so clear.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Jesus was a Jew (often referred to as “rabbi” in Christian literature). Red Pill Hates Jews. Thus, Red Pill hates Jesus. But he or she weirdly advises others to “give your life” to Jesus, whom Red Pill obviously hates. Red Pill is a certifiable whack-job. I have no idea who wants Red Pill “removed”, but I would vote against his/her removal. Red Pill is a posterboy (or postergirl) for increased access to mental health care.
too many words by redpill.
I have more important things to do, like read all the other comments. If i could block him, I would. He is always off topic, never contributes real on topic commentary and is usually flaming someone and taking or trying to take the commentary to a personal level. I think he is a lonely person; perhaps well read but certainly lacks guidance and level analysis. Listening to ones own mindset all the time, makes for a sway that is not normal.
Too true. We can all guess who redpill is right? Troll.
that poster boy really gets you worked….try prozac, indica or getting laid…wtf pshyco
You are annoying as fuck…like half the shit you spew is just…..odd.
I stopped reading your comment at “We The People”. Why do you and so many others use this phrase as if you’re speaking for everyone?
I’m just going to leave it at that.
Thank you.
REDPILL, you will not get your point across because people wont take the time to read thru the divisive, biased, prejudicial clutter. You are not embracing.
To anonymous: 8:33 AM April 21, 2023 ….I read it.
Kevin, Thank you for everything that you do. Thank you being what a news person should be . I don’t alway agree with everything that you write. But it allow for a discuss which is what should happen in a free society. Thanks for protecting the 1st amendment
I highly agree. “I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.
Why do we continue to act like we are all victims of absolutely everything under the sun!
We all have a choice to what we decide to read or not read. I peruse the comments and I choose which ones I will take my time to read or skip over. Period. No one has a proverbial gun to my head saying you must read every comment on KCE.
The onus is on each of us and not the responsibility of someone else. Afterall, although it would be great, we cannot control what comes out of the mouths of others.
Kevin, you’re doing a perfect job censorship was created in this country when billionaires wanted to control the narrative on their sites we need to go back to when the news was reported not when someone gave an opinion on how they wanted to be on top of that you should run for mayor of the town and get rid of this liberal douche bag that runs this town into the ground with all the debt.. thank you for all you do
Just keep on doing what you are doing. You speak to us about things we don’t usually find out about through the normal media outlets. Keep up the good work.
Thank you! You are SO MUCH BETTER than the VERY liberal Kenosha Snooze
Just don’t mention the cocaine use in the county by the “authors” comrades, your comment will be fine. Change is coming!
Libtards always resort to unproven personal attacks on the people who risk their lives for their families and communities. If you have proof of something then put your fucking name on it and grow some balls. Before you attack people without proof, look in the mirror Mr. Charleton and stop accusing anyone who has common sense of personal unproven and slanderous buĺlshit. Ur skeletons are going to continue to erode the little bit of intelligence you once had. Try defending your disastrous and corrupt policies and the results that have put you where you belong…exposed for the lies you spew and awful cover up for your commrades
I tried to avoid political comments until too many lies and attacks were posted against President Trump.
I’m free speech all the way.
I’m against threatening people. If a true threat is posted then that post
can become evidence.
I like to laugh.
Sarcasm is my third “language.”
I trust you Kevin.
Let Kleenex stock go up as the crybabies wake up every day looking for a reason to stuff a wet tissue in their blue mom-jeans.
☆Allegedly, IMO.
Hey Kevin, I forgot to congratulate you on your amazing photography with your article covering lil’ Joel “Trolldell” Trudell’s court appearance!
A “must see by KCE!”
I tried to avoid political comments until too many lies and attacks were posted against President Trump.
I’m free speech all the way.
I’m against threatening people.
If a true threat is posted then that post can become evidence.
I like to laugh.
Sarcasm is my third “language.”
I trust you Kevin.
Let the Kleenex stock go up, as crybabies wake up every day looking for a reason to stuff a wet tissue into their mom-jeans.
☆Allegedly, IMO.
*Hey Kevin, I forgot to congratulate you on your amazing photography with your article covering lil’ Joel “Trolldell” Trudell’s court appearance!
A “must see by KCE!”
To those of you who get offended…listen to George Carlin about being offended! LOL!