A Kenosha teacher who was recently fired and charged with 22 criminal counts for allegedly grooming a 12-14 year-old child for sex, has called Kenosha Police three times lately for what he calls “harassment.” Christian Enwright is also being sued by his victim’s parents for “grooming [Holly] for sex.”
Enwright called police on May 18, 2024, June 9, 2024 and again on June 10, 2024 to report neighbors and passerby’s driving by and calling him a pedophile and “perv.” Enwright says that he felt scared for the safety of his newborn. His wife Leah, a former teacher at KTEC who recently resigned from the school district is “standing by her man” literally and figuratively. Leah accused Holly and this publication of lying about the accusations that Christian groomed a 12-14 year old student. She believes him despite the voluminous evidence.
On May 18, 2024, Enwright called police to report that people were yelling “pedophile” out their windows while driving by his house. An officer responded and while he was there, a woman drove by and said “PERV!” out her window. The KPD Officer then seemingly illegally pulled the woman over and berated her, defending Enwright. He seemingly lied and said that there were neighbors that were “disturbed” by her calling Enwright a “perv.” He falsely stated that he was also distrurbed, and he could have arrested her on the basis that he, himself was disturbed. Ultimately, the KPD did not arrest the woman for utilizing her 1st amendment right of calling an alleged pedophile a “perv.”
On June 9, 2024, Enwright again called the police. This time, he was upset that his neighbor was filming him outside of his house and had a bumper sticker that read “kill your local pedophile.”
A KPD Office was dispatched to the home, and this officer seemed to have a better handle on the first amendment rights of citizens.
The next day, on June 10, 2024. Enwright called for a third time to complain about free speech. His concerns were added to the report, but no officer was dispatched. No arrests or citations were issued.
Enwright is due in court next week.

93 Responses
These two think they are really special.
I’m hoping swift justice comes this guy’s way real quick, he deserves it.
Press charges for calling him a perv? Ya ok dude
She looks like a prize.
Both a buncha fucken losers. Call the cops because someone called ya what ya are?
Not sure when 3 became, “many”, but everything else seems accurate 😉
If somebody calls me fat, I’m not calling the police.
Why’d that cop tell
him he could record and take pictures of kids in the park? Thanks for giving the pedo ideas 😬
This guy is a perv but you have to be a real special piece of work to drive by someone’s house and yell shit, too.
This guy needs to move far away from here…..it’s as simple as that. Do it for your kid.
I figured he’d move to Ireland to be with his brother but then again the long arm of the Googles is worldwide
Yeah Ireland. Instead of children he’ll be doing sheep.
Seriously, poor his family.
Shame the fuck out of those people. Good on his neighbors! Fuckin pedo
Hey, I just want to make sure you are ok and not confused. It is common for men like you to struggle with your thoughts when you finally submit to your yearning to lay with a man.
Just to be clear. You can lay with any consenting man, as long as that man is an adult. I am sure you will steer clear of teenaged boys. We all agree that laying with teenaged boys is perverse.
Don’t be afraid.
Joel!!! Another comment on an article about a pedo? We’ve told you this isn’t the place to pick up men ya cuck. Put an ad in the paper or join Jerkmate like your boy Andy.
I don’t know who Joel is. However, I appreciate your advice. I am concerned about Straight White Male’s struggle to deal with his deeply held desire to lay with a man. This is tough for an alpha male like him to reconcile. I hope he gets through it without too much self-loathing.
I know you are concerned. I’m concerned that you are spending your days on this site trying to court men you know nothing about. Maybe try Tinder.
trust me if you are on this site you know Straight White Male is a little faggot
I hope the pedo moved, he can be more comfortable in an area full of them.
If only he was religious like you, you know they never do anything bad like this……
Keep deflecting Lib. Pedos are bad, all of them.
That was my point. Straight White Male says no bad comes from the church. Ask him or go look at previous article’s comments. He’s the biggest deflector there is.
Are you more worried about SWM than the actual pedo teacher and his enabling wife? I’m concerned your priorities are way off. Hopefully you are an enabler like Joel.
*aren’t a pedi enabler like sicko Joel
I am not concerned about the Enright, he’s caught and will get his, just like you.
Everyone is a sinner…so your comment is irrelevant.
Thanks for proving my sarcasm directed to Straight White Male is correct.
Your trolling doesn’t work LOL
I think it does, Straight White Male cries every night questioning his sexuality.
That’s just the sound of your pouting bc no one cares 😂
sounds like you do care 🤷♂️ otherwise you wouldn’t be chirping
Are you more concerned about SWM than you are the pedo teacher and enabling wife?!?!?!?!
yes, that little bitch hasn’t been caught like pedo teacher
Will you be in court next week??
I mean I guess the truth hurts ….but he’s more than a PERV!
What kind of woman stands up for a boy in men’s clothing. She’s acts like there is no evidence. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt
She’s in on it.
Hey faggot, some dude’s looking for you in the comments for a hook-up.
I got your faggot right here bitch. Let’s meet up for a beer. Fuckin homo
Joel wants your booty.
You should have a beer. It will loosen you up in several ways. It could help you work through your struggles caused by your desire to lay with a man. You know you want to.
You probably fuck the same way you post – VERY predictable
Like a creepy predator that trolls news sites for c$#k.
You DO talk about pedos a lot. Like…. a lot!
Maybe feeling those rainbow feelings a bit?
This article is about a convicted pedo teacher numb nuts!
Awww I was called a faggot by the biggest flaming homosexual there is. Where we meeting your house or Joel’s???
Ok Christian
STFU Christian.
Dumbass wife of his. That poor baby.
It’s called karma, Christian.
There is no escaping karma.
Karma is a bitch if you are.
Anyone else here not surprised he has a Bears hat on? It’s on brand….
And Sgt Hard is a Sox fan 😖😫
Yes, one of my first thoughts.
Okay, now you’re harassing the guy! Let him be, what’s the point of reporting this. Do you not have anything better to do???
Same goes for you commenting on this article, loser.
Then don’t do bad stuff.
A pedo has his feeling hurt…
Is this Christian?
Yes this is him Christian enwright
Oh poor guy. Forget the underage girls he harassed. So mean!
“Disturbed” is not something you are protected from.
There is no law covering that.
I think I will be driving past his house today
and honk the horn on my way to
KPD being disturbed by name calling but not the pedo behavior is why it took Rittenhouse to end the riots 😂
Rittenboy has done nothing useful in his life up to this point. He a junior grifter just like tRump.
Just avoid them and their supporters and you will
enjoy a happy life. That would include
avoiding me. You anonymous little prick.
Quit calling people out for being anonymous when you are too. Being anonymous is what makes the wild west comments here so great.
All dozen of them…
Calls a former president & real estate mogul a “grifter”, anonymously, on a local news site 😂😂
F’n loser 😂🥳
You can buy your $299.00 Trump shoes right now. Y’know, from his grifter collection.
Do you even know the definition of the word “grifter”?! If you did… you wouldn’t be using it so completely inappropriately.
Let me guess, you’re probably a KUSD teacher 🫣
Have you moved to Canada yet? I will help load your luggage
Most people don’t want to move from THEIR country. They just want stupid people to stop wrecking it.
Project 2025 for example. Telling Americans their rights will be stripped from them by Trump and friends.
Oh hell no… not in MY Country!
I LOVE project 2025, it’s amazing! And I love hearing how much the libs hate it bahahahaha
Project 2025 is a left wing conspiracy. No conservative I know has a clue about it. Keep peddling your bullshit. Eventually it may stick.
I’m curious if the wife actually left him now, his address has been changed in ccap
He still lives there with his wife. I’m his neighbor.
Nice…..I’ll just wait in the street for pedophile boy…..let’s see how badass this pervert is hahaha…..he definitely is ignorant to the law, @among other things “I really like your legs in those shorts”, remember that pig wife
Let’s camp out in from of his house like college kids do!
Lol what did he think would happen smh! I personally wouldn’t yell shit, let the system handle it. Hope the system is tough on him but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re not🤬
This pedophile whiner thinks he is special I guess–but he doesn’t care about the little girl he harmed. His wife is a moron to stand up for this monster. Frankly, I would be worried at what he might do to their baby. He belongs in prison where he could get all the “special” attention he deserves
The voluminous evidence as mentioned above makes it difficult for any sane person to give Christian the benefit of doubt. This sick bastard has been exposed for who he is and what he was doing to an underage student.
His wife should divorce him before he bankrupts the family trying to defend himself.
I would have liked to been the person pulled over on the 18th by the Police, that would have been a fun interaction to have.
Any comment from KPD brass?
This is such a mockery and just a shit show! Please Please PLEASE convict and blast the shit out of people that commit murder and actually hurt somebody but are walking free in society!
Are you sure he’s not from Twin Lakes? He’d fit right in with the meth heads and baby mamas.
To all u cheddarbillies that think ALL FIBS are pervs/pedos I give u this : https://youtu.be/VfCYZ3pks48?si=rao1Y7ihGshx0Mte
SGT HARD!! CHRISTIAN !!! Let’s do a redux !!!
Is Kenosha county sheriff law enforcement or feelings enforcement? Pulling a car over for free speech? I’d have told the cop fuck you which is also protected free speech. What is wrong with that cop? Enforce the law not your feelings. The lady cop on bodycam did well explaining first amendment rights. Sounds like KCSD needs a first amendment audit.
Funny how he is playing victim. You know what you did and there no remorse just excuses. you need real mental health help.
Let us for a moment forget Christianity… let us remember the traditions of Uppland , Sweden ….. the blót…… “Christian” Enwright is a perfect ….. PERFECT…..heathen to ….. partake DIRECTLY in this ancient tradition….. to satisfy ODIN
How is he affording a house payment, a kid and 2 dogs without any income coming in?
This disgusting pervert lives a couple houses down from me and the whole neighborhood hates him.
You and Your wife deserve all the Karma you get on this one. You have violated the most trusted position in our community.
you are a pig, and your wife is just as bad, plus i have seen you out at the local bars, you really think you are some kind of bad ass.
you are nothing but a ignorant person. And that is not going to help you when you go to prison. where you belong.
Chris Enwright, and for wife Enwright too, Chris is a pedophile, and a pervert, look up First Amendment…..I’m making up a song for you Enwrights…..lol
Oooh which bars?…..I’ll show him what a badass is…..id say he’s a weak little pigggggggggggggg