The two hospitals in Kenosha offer “Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring” tests, both for $49. No insurance? No problem. Yesterday, I paid $49 and got my heart scanned. It took about 7 minutes, but could take longer, but not much. I’m only 40, but I’m a big boy. Better safe than sorry. This non-invasive scan does not require injections, needles or contrast dye. With the scan results, you and your doctor will be able to determine the best approach for reducing the risk of heart attack or other heart problems.
Who Should Get a heart scan? Anyone, with a note from your Doctor, but here are the conditions that suggest who should get one:
- Smoker
- Men over 45
- Women over 55
- High Cholesterol
- High Blood Pressure
- Diabetic or Pre-Diabetic
- Postmenopausal Women
- Family History of Heart Disease
- Overweight or physically inactive lifestyle
Unfortunately, I had a couple friend pass away recently that were seemingly cardiac-related and it shook me up a bit. When the results come back in about two weeks, I will either have a peace of mind, or a stark warning, which could cause my Doctor to order more tests.
For $49, who not? Here are your options:
Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin
Aurora Healthcare
Give your heart a hug! KCE recommends it!
20 Responses
Thank you!
$50 bucks !! Been there. Done that !
Can’t Beat the Value.
Almost like that old joke of meeting a mugger on the Street,
Your Money or Your Life ? Pick one.
Simple test, great preventative measure!
A very wise move. Proud of you for doing it.
They should add “those who received the COVID jab” as someone who should get the scan.
You meant to say the people who got covid right? Please look at facts and not your stupid fear mongering. Or talk to any cardiologist.
LMAO, nope I meant COVID jab.
My cardiologist told me not to get any more COVID shots. Did specify exactly why, and I didn’t ask, only said that he’s seeing many issues.
Pfizer has a warning about myocarditis and pericarditis after getting the covid shot….so there’s that. Right on their own website and the FDA website.
Not necessary in most cases and exposes you to radiation. Radiation is cumulative. Ask your doctor if it’s appropriate.
It also sets a baseline for the future
There’s no need for a baseline. We already know what the baseline is because it’s an objective test. The only time actions ever need is if it’s over a certain number and it does no good to know your number if it’s not a problem.
A baseline is an individual measure not the test measure. Each person has to start somewhere and each person is different. You may want to go back and read up on it and the concept of establishing baselines.
There is no information as to how to sign up or proceed with this task
call one of the hospitals and tell them you want to schedule a $49 heart scan. They know exactly what it is and how to schedule it. No referrals needed from any doctor to have it done either.
Insurance doesn’t cover this because it is not a definitive test. Winding up on unnecessary or wrong meds. If your GP wants you to get it go to a cardiologist and get evaluated correctly.
This is not a diagnostic test, its only a “test” to give you and your doctor an idea of what your arteries look like and if you should make changes to prevent any issues in the future. I know of at least 7 people who had this test and 4 of them found out they had (excessive) plaque buildup that they would not have had any idea about had they not had the test. There are almost zero warning signs of a heart attack. This scan more than likely saved their lives or at least saved them from having a heart attack. Its less than 10 inutes of your day and a $49 investment into your health. Why wouldn’t you do it?
I’ve been to very reputable cardiologists and 2 stress tests and all the EKG’s. All is good according to the stress tests. 3rd stress test and I was told I had a small blockage. I kept persisting and finally a catheterization procedure to find out my LDL was 98% blocked. For the cost I would do the scan to evaluate the calcium build up and likelihood of heart disease.
Just get it done….
Don’t make excuses.
Just get it done.