Founder of Kenosha’s African-American Club
In 2021, a violent criminal and disgraced former Kenosha Police Officer started the Kenosha African-American Club. Many area democrats like failed candidate for state representative Crystal Miller and mayoral candidate Koerri Washington embraced the man’s assertions that he wanted to help the community. The first African-American gala didn’t make any money.

The next attempt at a fundraiser was even worse. On November 13, 2021, West hosted a fundraiser at the Kenosha Union Club called “Culture Casino 2.” West called police just after midnight. Police responded and noticed that West was acting very nervous and his eyes looked glassy. West told responding officers that he had lost the cash box. First, he said it contained $10,000 – $15,000 but later stated it contained $45,000. West said that he owed people money and used his credit card to pay for a lot of the fundraiser. He suggested that he wouldn’t be able to pay the vendors. He was asked to describe the circumstances of him losing the money. Police write that he “appeared withdrawn” and could not provide specific time when the money was stolen. Police asked who was responsible for watching the money and he didn’t want to tell police the man’s name. West also refused to provide the name of his organization to police. West stood up and left the room. When he returned, he told police he no longer wanted a police report and that he had to check with his attorney and insurance company.

(Stock Photo)
KCE is told that soon after the missing money was reported, West purchased an expensive Polaris Slingshot like the one depicted above. KCE is also told that West was unemployed at the time. We contacted West and asked him if he took the money. We asked him if he made an insurance claim. We asked how he got the money to buy the exotic car. He didn’t respond. KCE is told that other volunteers at the African-American club fear foul play with the mysterious disappearance.

West was a Kenosha Police Officer from September 3, 2013, until he was fired for misconduct on April 3, 2017. According to West’s 63-count letter of termination, on January 1, 2017, West attacked an on-duty Doctor at the former Froedert South hospital in Kenosha and nearly ran the man over – all while on-duty and ignoring 9-1-1 calls. West believed the Doctor was having an affair with his wife. This was caught on video and shown below.
West was charged by the Racine County DA, Patricia Hanson (D) with felonies, but she ended up dropping the felonies and allowed West to plead guilty to two counts of disorderly conduct. Judge Mary K. Wagner (D) approved this over-generous plea deal.

18 Responses
Berg and his crew all were at his events and talked it up. I remember. Way to go democrats. Support a domestic violence fired officer and who now steals money. I thought berg and the left wanted police held accountable? So they go support they very type of officer they want held accountable? Fucken hypocrisy
Berg is just trying to deflect eyes from himself so no one will suspect misuse of his organization’s funds. Start a non-profit to cushion your own picket.
If you can’t even come up with a better line of BS than that, then the judge should throw the book at you, out of your sheer stupidity. Like LE has never seen some of the BS movies and TV shows you stole this idea from? What a wanker.
“Canadians” make horrible public employees.
No morals
No morals, just anger. They have lots of anger. That is about it. He couldn’t even control himself and attacked a doctor. Garbage ?
For thousands of years the only thing they could accomplish was building mud huts. How can anybody expect them to integrate into white society? They weren’t brought here to integrate into society. They were brought here to destroy it.
Yet here you are showing how small of a brain you have being a racist. ?♂️ ? ?
They were brought here against their will, yet you say they came here to destroy society. They literally built this country for free. YOU are destroying it being a bigot.
You have to be one of the angrist most ignorant uncivilized mutts in this whole universe. Right under demonic so called Cristian who wrote these slanderous words. That I may add are not 100% accurate. Therefore he should be advised to sue this writer and the doctor who accosted his wife. Btw Black people are true masons who built this country as well as keep it afloat. And Black people are indigenous and autochthonous to this whole planet deriving from pangea. Including America. We weren’t brought anywhere idiot!
It appears that Kendal West is a graduate of the Patrisse Cullors School of Personal Enrichment by launching a minority promoting organization then absconding with the proceeds from donations for self gratification. Proving once again that social equality leaders play everyone else as useful idiots.
Very good point. In many ways, what this guy did is the same as what Trump has and continues to do to his “useful idiots.”
Sigh, why do so many racists follow these Kangs & Kweens grifters?
And this is exactly the type of morally bankrupt individuals that are hired on at KPD, they just haven’t been uncovered yet.
A few comments. First, the doctor has some culpability. He could have paid for a divorce. He knew she was married. People who messed with married people are truly screwed up. Second, the wife has involvement. She seems to play both sides. She could have walked away. Third, KW showed his true colors. His actions reflected against those officers who do the right thing. He was more than just a bad apple.
I call out the justice system if they are afraid to prosecute based on someones job or skin color.
And now as a civilian, his actions continue. True colors are being shown.
“Slingshot Americans” are so damned predictable.
Pat I would like to solve the puzzle…