40 year old Angela Marie Aker. Most of us don’t know who she is. Consider yourself lucky. Angie Aker is so far to the left, that people within her own party seem angered by her childish antics.
Here is when her words cross the line:
She commonly cheers on violence against Police Officers and seems to incite it. As most of you remember, KPD Captain Hamm was hit in the head with an heavy object, possibly a brick, that purportedly knocked him unconscious. The FBI is in charge of this investigation. This was the Sunday night hours after the shooting of Jacob Blake. Here is what Angela put on twitter:

And most recently, she posted a video of a Highland County Sheriff’s deputy chasing an escaped prisoner who was injured and sustained a concussion and four broken ribs.
Aker posted on Facebook “It’s been a week and I thought you might want to see something beautiful”. She later comments “So many amazing moments. The lady clapping. The cop completely missing his target and the step by step sliding down. The last cop doing his very best to get down stairs fast”. She later “liked” a comment that read “Amazing! We all know who we’re rooting for.”
This “defund the police” nonsense has gone too far. And to cheer and get excited when these brave men and women get hurt protecting us? Unconscionable!

See below screen shots:

7 Responses
Love her.
I cant imagine having a dick this small and being this angry. You keep rolling out these articles. Hilarious ??
You keep rolling out that body shaming too, Haley F. Oh, but it’s ok cause it’s the male anatomy you are shaming, right? Rhetorical question.
Sure seems like you’re going after her for targeting your illegal post about Kenosha Teachers. Butthurt much?
I have definitely heard of this extremist leftist. She is so wild, talking about wanting everyone to have healthcare and basic human rights. Everyone knows those things are impossible in the US. What are we, Denmark or something? You are doing the right thing in focusing your attention on this one woman and not on frivolous problems like the growing poverty and homeless rate, or impending economic collapse. This is Important.
Did Eric Cartmen write this piece? Jesus fucking christ is this amateur at best.
This lady is a narcissistic, self important, attention craving wack job. Hard to believe people like her actually exist. It’s comical.
It wasn’t illegal. Nothing illegal about it. I know you all really want it to be, but check the laws pertaining to that.