We told you about the violent, multiple felon Kevin Glowicki back in November of last year. He is a dark man with a very, very violent past. He calls himself an “independent journalist” and writes blog posts. He identifies as a BLM sympathizer but weirdly enough, he commonly uses the “n-word”. He was arrested for DUI in 2016 and called the police officers who arrested him the “n-word” many times after he vomited on the side of the road. He admitted to that in the video at the bottom of this article. He hates police. He’s not shy about that. He also streams for sometimes 8 hours at a time on YouTube. He is hopping from hotel room to hotel room and begging for donations for food and hotel bills. Glowicki made several very broad and burdensome open records requests to the Kenosha Police Department. Theses requests were not specific and would have required police to spend many, many hours tracking down records with no real specificity. In Wisconsin, you must be very specific on what records you are requesting. Kenosha Public Information Lieutenant Joseph Nosalik is in charge of Internal affairs and public records requests for the City of Kenosha Police Department. He denied several of Glowicki’s requests. Glowicki begged for money online and raised the $165 dollars and filed suit against the City of Kenosha asking a Judge to force KPD to turn over the records. He is now asking for $80 to have the City served, which by law he needs to do and hasn’t yet. This lawsuit is poorly written, without merit, and will likely get tossed pretty quickly. He asked Judge Kerkman to seal his home address because of “threats from militia members.” Kerkman granted the request which is the right thing to do even though these threats haven’t been produced by Glowicki.
Sometimes KPD gets bad legal advice, but we will say, Lt. Nosalik is very transparent and always makes every effort to get us the records we request in a timely manor. We are very critical about some government agencies and are not afraid to let you know who plays games with transparency.
Lt. Nosalik and others at KPD were alerted to a series of blog posts by Glowicki that sound more like wild conspiracy theories and unfortunately, some people believe the things he posts. This rose to the level that forced KPD to issue a statement today. It reads in part:

“Independent, investigative journalism has become a mainstream reality for the City of Kenosha Police Department. This type of journalism is no less important than the larger, corporate media outlets, whether they are at a local or national level.The Kenosha Police Department encourages and supports fact based journalism and news reporting; however, we cannot sit idly by and allow articles to be written that clearly appear to be intended to fan the flames of conspiracy and cover up.”

We are heartened by Kenosha Police admitting that us small guys are just as important or more than other news outlets. The Kenosha County Eye received almost 100,000 visits to our site in March. That’s significant. The Kenosha News, for one won’t report on many things that are important to us because of various reasons. That’s why we exist. You are not getting all the news, only what they want you to know.
What we nor anyone else should stand for, however, is #fakenews. That is exactly what Glowicki is doing on his blog. He recently told his few readers that there was a fourth person shot by Rittenhouse. KPD says this simply isn’t true. They told him this and he refused to take down the posts. We reached out to Glowicki and didn’t hear back.

Glowicki was cited for curfew by KPD during the riots, but is claiming through his far-left activist attorney, Deja Vishney, that he is exempt because he is the news media.
Citizen journalists help our communities to stay informed, but reckless people like Glowicki don’t help. They hurt. Some people believe what they read on the internet and we have a duty to write the truth, and in the rare scenario we make a mistake, correct it.
7 Responses
This guy is a joke. Tried to benefit off the riots because he seen how everyone took to korei. But his bias and constant crying lost him viewers. He begs for money on every post, and begs to sleep in people’s home, runs his mouth online and cries when someone calls him out. He thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread with his 3 followers. And they are probably just him on a fake account. Beat his wife and can’t see his kid, no job but has the nerve to criticize others. He worked at derangos for Christ sake and cried and said he had to leave his job because he was threatened. Also refuses to get a job because he gets free money. Also tried to get free nights at a hotel and tried organizing a protest because the front desk was mean to him. Dudes a begging man, and looking to win a lawsuit for money.
At least he kicked his heroin addiction.
Possibly. But he begs for money like a addict. His page asks for money every min of a live and every post
Was just joking….simply commented that because he looks about 60 in those pics. He obviously has done his fair share of dope.
Also, just realized the same attorney’s name popping up again…..hmmm.
Shocker. Shooting in MN. And he’s online asking for money for a hotel. What a great journalist. As he’s sharing a stream from someone else. While asking for money to get there. What a guy huh! And get this. On his own live from someone’s basement, is googling what news feeds say on the investigation, and giving his “facts”. Real good guy
His battery charges and criminal record goes back to 2001 not 5 years ago as he claims! He’s a racist scum who abuses women! He infiltrates the movement from his desk to have his life paid for on conspiracies to incite another riot!! He’s a dangerous individual, believe it or not! Stay far away and don’t trust him!