(Photo Courtesy Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department)
Kenosha Police today announced that they are recommending that the suspect in a shooting from Friday evening be charged with first degree recklessly endangering safety. Rodney Ulysses Robinson, Jr of Kenosha is the suspect that allegedly shot a 13-year-old girl that stole his vehicle near the corner of Sheridan and 50th St at about 5:30pm according to a source. She was allegedly leaving the area with his vehicle as she was shot. She was taken via flight for life to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. This charge carries with it a maximum sentence of 12.5 years in prison. Since he used a “dangerous weapon” under the statute, he could be charged with a modifier that adds 5 years. The maximum sentence as recommended by KPD is 17.5 years. Police are also asking the DA to charge the alleged car thief.
Kenosha DA Mike Graveley (D) has the final say in what Robinson will be charged with, if anything at all. Robinson is expected to appear in court Monday afternoon at 1pm in intake court. It could be a bail-only hearing or an initial appearance.
Rodney Ulysses Robinson, Jr of Kenosha is a registered voter that lives a less than 5,000 feet from where the shooting occurred. He has a non-criminal conviction for drug paraphernalia and some minor traffic convictions. We located no serious criminal record in our investigation.
We have requested to send a photographer to court tomorrow. We will provide more details if and when he is charged.
7 Responses
I think it should be wholly permissable to shoot a car thief. Clearance rates for auto theft are riduculously low–in Chicago, it’s at about 2%. Shooting a few of them will deter others.
Maybe we ought to hang a rope from the limb of a tall oak tree and round up all of those bad boys and hang’um up in the streets for all to see.
Why don’t we hang you from a tree for all to see! Wtf is wrong with you?
Given the information presented here. I think Mr. Robinson was justified in shooting a car thief just as KPD Officer Sheskey was justified in shooting Jacob Blake. If you do evil, then expect evil to do you.
If the shooter were smart he would throw down the BLM card at which point Gravely will be to frighten to charge him. Then the car jacket can seek asylum under BLM and again spineless Gravely will decline to charge and everyone goes home happy.
Once again, the KCE has shown its value to our community. Thank you for breaking the story.
I’m wondering what this guy would have been charged with if he had not stopped her and she killed one or more people with his car.