**This story has been edited since its original publication to include the alleged suspect’s name and details. 11/8/2021 @ 10:08. It has been reported to the Kenosha County Eye that the man who fired the fatal shot is a Racine man named Roberto Contreras that worked security Saturday night for 3 Kings Security. Contreras is a licensed private security person, but his employer, Nighthawk Security Solutions, LLC out of West Allis, WI is no longer licensed to practice according to the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services ***
Early Sunday, November 7, 2021 the City of Kenosha had its 14th homicide at about 12:50am. A man was gunned down after one neighbor reported “about 30 gunshots” were heard in the area where dozens of patrons were leaving The Vault Nightclub. Management invited Milwaukee rapper “MikeMike” to perform for many that were in attendance. Three Kings Security reportedly had 15 security guards present, mostly armed. According to another neighbor, after the shootings, more people arrived on scene, including children. According to a patron that spoke to KCE on the condition of anonymity, KPD was at the business about two hours before the shooting saying that there was a “report that a fight and/or shooting was going to go down.” We were also told that armed security shot also. Early Sunday, KPD Detectives Kukowski and Kenesie went into the building connected to The Vault Nightclub with a key-holder. Police were also gathering video footage from local businesses. State police were on the scene gathering digital 3D imaging and taking photos with a drone. Two evidence technicians, Officer VanWie and Officer Weidner were collecting spent shell casings an locating more with a metal detector in the grassy area that once contained the condemned parking garage. KCE photographed blood on the sidewalk and broken fake nails near them, suggesting a female melee. We also photographed countless evidence makers and shell casings. The wind speed was higher than usual, so police had a hard time keeping them stationary.
Here is the breakdown of homicides in the city:

and Anthony Huber as murders unless Rittenhouse is convicted. Also, a murder victim in 2021 was pregnant, so we counted the unborn baby. An unborn baby is a human being.
Of course the buck stops with Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian (D) and we reached out for comment. He didn’t respond. He is busy working on another public housing project that is expected to get unanimous City Council approval. The scene of this homicide is about four blocks from the Mayor’s front porch and only two blocks from the Stella Hotel, housing dozens of journalists from all over the world covering the Rittenhouse self-defense shooting prosecution. Many of these journalists may have heard the gunfire. There are almost two more months in 2021 and the city of Kenosha is almost certain to triple the amount of homicides from the last decade. We reached out to The Vault Owners Kevin and Shel Parham and they didn’t return our call. See below for photos and videos from last night and this morning.

5 Responses
Quite ironic this happened now with the trial going on. It definitely has some relation.
My guess is that MikeMike (with his fake Burberry) is not a country music musician. It was just urban youth being urban youth last night, as usual. This type of hood mentality is why Blake ended up getting rightfully shot, too.
The city (well, not the mayor…..he could care less) is tired of these ghetto/hood POS walking through our city. The domestic shootings, etc…..are not the problem here. It seems no one wants to do anything about the gang and hood problem in this city that has gotten ridiculously worse in the last 5-7 years. That Somers House shooting? That was prototypical hood shit. The shooting yesterday…..the one last week on 60th and Sheridan…..again, more hood shit.
They need to start putting the places out of business who are catering to these people. All of these places who cater to these people are shitholes…..plain and simple.
The city needs to send a message! Pull the license from the Vault and put a end to a Red Zone problem in the making. This morning is a matter of public safety . The ball is in the court of the city council for action
The investigators didn’t interview all the bullies who were chasing Rittenhouse. I have been listening to one brag about his involvement for over a year.
If you haven’t learned already- the Kenosha community has been devastated and the damage that has happened will probably not be recoverable for many years- if at all. is not recoverable. All of this is in the hands of a Mayoral administration who was gutless in the stand for law and order. The effects of the community policing themselves is a cascading effect. If I were a Kenosha resident I would be gathering names for a recall election and fire each and every person responsible for the increase in crime. Hint- This cannot be pinned on K.R.
It’s very sad you are not safe any where you go! I’m terrified to let my kids go outside and be free! I’m afraid to go outside at night once I make it in from work! This world we are living in is very sad and sickening ! knowing marquis was a good man with a heart like gold he would give his shirt off his back to a stranger just to see them smile! A good father to his boys marquis jr & major he made sure he was active in their life always putting his boys first! It just breaks me down knowing my son has to grow up without his father over nonsense ! Do everything that needs to be done so Justice can be served ! I love you marquis