A Wyoming man who is known for streaming video of riots around the country on his platform CJTV, has obtained a temporary restraining order against a Kenosha man. Carl John Halliburton (42) of Wyoming petitioned the court on Monday, November 29, 2021 and Court Commissioner Pfeuffer (D) signed the temporary restraining order (TRO) the same day.
Halliburton claims that a Kenosha man named Kevin Michael Glowicki, who we’ve told you about before, has been stalking him. Glowicki is a violent felon with a long rap-sheet. Glowicki claims to be a journalist but can usually be seen chanting obscenities at BLM rallies. He has been called out by the Kenosha Police for writing #fakenews. Halliburton says in the petition that Glowicki has been making threatening statements in public including “aim for the head,” “kick his ass,” and “fuck him up.” Halliburton continues to write that Glowicki’s verbal assaults, like calling him a “fucking faggot” turned physical on November 21st, 2021. “His aggression escalated and he continued to put his hands on me and shove me. When I refused to engage, he doubled his efforts to provoke me and a physical response.” Halliburton also said the Glowicki has threatened his sister, who works with him.
Both men are convicted felons. Halliburton also has a checkered past. A quick glance of his criminal record out of Washington State shows convictions for felony meth possession in 2013 and felony domestic battery in 2017.
They are both scheduled to appear in court on December 6, 2021. A commissioner will decide of the TRO will be extended to a 4-year order.
Neither of the two men responded to our request for comments.
Bonus: Video of the MSNBC producer who was pulled over by Kenosha Police for following the jury bus:

8 Responses
Laughing at calling Glowicki a journalist. He is a fraud and begs for money. He talks tough in his videos like he’s someone and now crying on his live. He is jealous of CJ. I’m sure Kevin’s 6 loyal fans are so supportive.
At least he has fans! Why you here Q? What news website you run?
Kevin Glowicki is a career criminal who isn’t even allowed near his own children. His lives panhandling streams while sitting behind a desk drinking has proven his ways have never changed. He’s a danger to society!
Why he is allowed to walk around wearing body armor as a multiple career felon blows my mind! He doesn’t know how to stay inside the law and never has!
Possession of body armor by a person convicted of a violent felony is a felony in Wisconsin. Thus prohibited.
I’m sure it isn’t actual armor. That fraudulent loser don’t get enough donations to have real. It’s just a vest he painted a punisher symbol and press on. He’s literally a no body. But he should be locked up for sure
He stole it from the “Katie” he use to date and film with! He did get caught with plates in it and got a warning! So now he calls it a pocket vest to hold supplies!
False-light of wearing a bulletproof vest plates in or not is illegal if your a felon! Period!
Kevin is do fussed about CJ because he dated Katie! He needs to put the bottle down and grow a pair, get a job and stop mooching off hard working citizens!
That is facts!!!!