(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A woman over 50 who served as a juror in the Kyle Rittenhouse case spoke exclusively to Kenosha County Eye Monday night. We will call her Kimberly. Kimberly came across as genuine and kind. She kept all of her answers to our questions very positive. Kimberly told KCE many times times how proud she was of her fellow jurors. “I am very proud of our work. Justice prevailed.”
“Judge Schroeder told us to put away everything we’ve heard and read about the case and decide only based on the evidence seen in court. I thought long and hard about that, and I was able to do it., with honor,” Kimberly said confidently. This was Kimberly’s first ever time serving on a jury and she remembers hearing the same from many of the other jurors as well.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kimberly didn’t have anything negative to say about any of the lawyers from either side. She did, however tell us that she thought Judge Bruce Schroeder got an “A+” for his overseeing of the case. During the long trial, which Kimberly described as “intense”, Kimberly wanted to act with honor and deliver the right verdict.
When asked about the length of deliberations, Kimberly told us that the jury “went through the thirty-some pages of jury instructions sentence by sentence and every piece of evidence with a fine toothed comb. Every time you watch a video again, you see something new.”
“In my opinion, every member of the jury, all 12 of us were 100% confident in our decision.” said Kimberly. Now that 6 months have passed since the trial started, Kimberly still stands by the jury’s verdict, saying “This case renewed my faith in the Judicial System. When followed properly, [the Judicial System] makes me proud to live in this country.”

Kimberly assured us that the rumor of the Jury waiting for the pizza on the final day of deliberations was just a coincidence. “I didn’t even remember the last meal we ate together, but they fed us well.” Another rumor that Kimberly was able to squash is that the jury heard Schroeder’s multiple admonishments of the prosecution. “Even in the library, we didn’t hear anything in the court room, even when we stopped chatting. We didn’t hear any yelling, ever”

Kimberly’s generous decision to grant us an interview is appreciated and her attitude can be summed up as positive and optimistic. She said many times how proud she was of the 12 jurors that decided the fate of Rittenhouse. “He’s a young man with his whole life ahead of him and I wish him luck.” she said.
13 Responses
God Bless ‘Kimberly’ and the other jurors…and Judge Schroeder.
Justice prevailed!
Rittenhouse for mayor!
Riot John the mayor is a coward!
A real man of Christ would not let people have usernames like this on his website. Disappointed.
Good morning. I don’t sensor.
Hey look it’s HANNAH! Hannah git-things. Hannah the lying grifter!
Thanks for posting this. And a thousand thanks to Kimberley and the other jurors, who kept their
heads and didn’t let all the screaming wear them down.
Thank you jurors for delivering a just decision! You restored my faith and many others in our fellow man & Judicial system. Kenosha can be proud of the decent citizens we have here!
I listened to the trial everyday while working on our commercial fishing boat, streaming the trial live. I prayed for the jury everyday, the judge, kyle and his legal team, as a mother, I also included Wendy rittenhouse in my prayers. My husband, who passed away in January, also prayed for yall everyday. Both of my sons also prayed. Yall did a fine job. Thank you for your civic duty as a contributing citizen for justice in kenosha, Kimberly.
Sorry for your loss, Jogie. Gotta admit I thought you were a fella.
As for this piece…kinda disappointed it’s so short. I’d have liked to hear a LOT more if possible. This was one of the heaviest trials ever. Should never have even been a trial, but since it was…I’d like to hear in-depth interviews with anyone who would talk.
Just wondering…and hoping…that you prayed for the souls of the two DEAD GUYS and their loved ones too! Looking back at this point…what a waste of life and our attention. And now it’s a cautionary tale to be sure…what fools!
I served on a jury once, in a medical malpractice case with a two-week trial. Like “Kimberley”, I came away from that experience with my faith in the judicial system deepened. Perhaps the most amazing thing to me was that two parties with an intractable dispute were willing to turn the decision over to twelve fellow citizens, more or less picked off the street at random. That shows enormous faith in the intelligence and good will of our fellow citizens. In my experience, the jurors worked very hard to review the facts in the case and render a just verdict. Yes, jury duty is a bother; but being a citizen in a republic, in which public affairs are in the hands of “we the people”, requires work an involvement at times. The Wokesters on the Left would gladly relieve us of that burden and take all these powers into their own “expert” hands – and they will if, through our sloth and lack of involvement, we let them.