Joint Services Fleet Manager Pat Sepanski (Top)
Recorded Interview
Kenosha Joint Services is an intergovernmental agency that provides 9-1-1, police records, identification, evidence, and fleet maintenance services for the Kenosha Police Department and Kenosha Sheriff’s Department. A four-month-long investigation into serious misconduct allegations has concluded. The allegations were made against fleet maintenance manager Pat Sepanski. The whistle-blower made these allegations to KCE after Joint Services Director Josh Nielsen refused to investigate an internal complaint. We notified Nielsen of the allegations and he started an “in house” investigation only after we notified the public.

Kenosha Alderman David Mau and Kenosha County Board Supervisor and long time Attorney, Terry Rose, didn’t think that was a good idea. The duo demanded a criminal investigation. Only then did Nielsen turn over the investigation to police. The Walworth County Sheriff’s Department handled the case. The allegations made against Sepanski were:
1. He and his relatives frequently collect scrap metal (rims, rotors, exhaust systems, radiators, scrap metal, etc. and sell them for profit and keep the money.
2. He keeps 11% Rebates from Menards when purchasing items with JS dollars.
3. He purchased vehicle lifts from the old JS garage for less than they were worth and sold them for a profit.
4. He currently is storing personal items in the new JS garage taking up space that is needed for JS business.
5. He fixes his personal vehicles in the JS garage with JS tools and while being paid.
After an investigation was conducted by the Walworth County Sheriff’s investigation, theses allegations would all turn out to be true. Luckily for Sepenaki, the statute of limitations has passed, so criminal charges are not possible.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Nielsen didn’t wait until the criminal investigation was completed before he issued a one month suspension to Sepanski. Sepanski was also back to work while still being criminally investigated according to Nielsen. The members of the Executive committee seemed less than thrilled with this decision and Nielsen’s lack of candor. Supervisors Geersten and Bashaw suggested an outside consultant intervene to see how the important department is being ran. Supervisor Zach Rodriguez didn’t mince words. He told Nielsen that he didn’t believe Nielsen was running the important agency well.

Stephanie Lorenzo, the assistant director told the Walworth County Sheriff that “the only [allegation] that has been substantiated is that Pat may have kept Menards rebates… for personal use.” The agency, however conducted a very thorough investigation and interviewed at least eight witnesses and debunked Lorenzo’s findings. Lorenzo asked Sepanski about profiting from the sale of scrap metal and he was adamant that he never did. He lied to his boss right off the bat. He had the courage to lie to his boss who claimed she had had “no idea” that her husband had a cocaine problem when he overdosed in the same room as her. Sepanski would not, however, lie to law enforcement when they got involved. Sepanski also denied profiting from Menards rebates. He lied to his boss again.
He also told Lorenzo that the expensive vehicle lifts were never given to him, but given to a contractor, Ryan Conway of RC Property Works. He conveniently forgot to tell her that Conway was his cousin. After being lied to twice, Lorenzo believed Sepanski when he told her he didn’t split the money with his cousin. He admitted to the other allegations, but Joint services found that him storing personal items in the garage and fixing his personal vehicles with government property and tools was OK.
Detectives from the Walworth County Sheriff’s Office interviewed more than two employees of Joint Services that worked for Sepanski. “John” told detectives that Sepanski once made him help load up the scrap and bring it to the scrap yard in a Sheriff’s vehicle. He said they got weighed and Sepanski was given a check made out to him. John told detectives that for the last ten or so years, Sepanski’s cousin Ryan Conway came to take the scrap. John told detectives that all of the employees thought it was a conflict and he remembered one time that a scrap company was coming to get 8,000 pounds of metal, but Sepanski cancelled the pickup appointment and said “I’ll have my cousin come get it.” Another employee, “Peter” told detectives that he too was made to help Sepanski bring metal to a recycling center for money. He said he remembers one such check, made out to Sepanski was for over $450. Peter thought this was wrong, so he refused to make more trips, telling Sepanski he didn’t “want to get involved with it.” Peter said that Sepanski said he kept all of the money from the metal in a “kitty” but he didn’t believe Sepanski. In 2012, an employee of fleet maintenance was fired, allegedly because he blew the whistle on Sepanski. At that time, then-director Tom Genthner told Sepanski to stop profiting off of the metal in 2012. All parties agreed that Sepanski’s cousin Ryan Conway took scrap metal so many times, that no one knew how many. He took metal for ten years. Sepanski told his boss that he didn’t get any of the money, but his cousin told police they split it, in a recorded audio call from detectives obtained by KCE. KCE called Conway Thursday evening to see if he split the money that he made selling the lifts with his cousin Sepanski. Conway avoided questions, saying “read the reports you got.” We told him that the answer wasn’t in the reports, and he hung up on us. In 2020, Nielsen stopped allowing Conway to take the scrap and used a third party company. In an ambush interview with KCE, however, he said he never knew about the metal for money scandal:
Walworth County detectives noted in their report that the statute of limitations of three years has ran out, so Sepanski couldn’t be charged criminally. No charges could be referred to the DA’s office. As far as discipline, Sepanski was suspended without pay for one month. KCE asked Josh many questions after receiving the investigative reports.
Why did you lie about your knowledge of the misconduct?
Why do you believe that Josh didn’t split the money for the lifts with his cousin?
Why didn’t you fire Sepanski?
He didn’t answer any of our questions, but said:
“The discipline and subsequent treatment of the two individuals you have named were handled as confidential employment matters in accordance with KJS policy and in compliance with the law and appropriate legal guidance. Throughout this process we have worked to verify the allegations brought forward, report truthfully to appropriate individuals and boards, and correct any inappropriate actions or practices in order to safeguard KJS and establish best practices for the future.”
While the investigation was ongoing regarding the Menards rebates, a second employee was discovered to have used rebates for personal use as well. It was learned he did use $46.87 of JS rebates on personal items but told detectives it was a simple mistake. Unbelievable, this employee was also suspended for 30 days.
22 Responses
Does anyone else think Steinbrink, jr. would be steaming after reading this?
Whatever happened with Jr? Haven’t heard the final details yet.
Any news on him?
RC Property Works is horrible! The workers have no concept of professionalism whatsoever. They work at an apartment complex right next to my house and they think it’s perfectly normal to stare in our windows. It’s messed up. Would not doubt that they only hire cocaine dealers and users.
your nuts maybe there really not looking at you but past you dazing off from working outside. Get over yourself. Thats the only reason why you think RC Property Works is horrible?
Is that how you “daze” off? You look in private citizens windows and stare “past” women getting dressed?
stop getting dressed in front of the window.
Stop looking in windows, creep
In the words of Maxwell Smart: “Missed it by this much.”
Corruption in city / county government? NO ! The elected leaders of this county and city should be looked at ! This goes back 10 years of stealing county / city property and this guy comes away with a slap on the hand . The elected officials who have the power to do the right and decent thing here and send this guy packing are content to turn a blind eye to this . You get what you vote for Kenosha !
I feel your pain but it isn’t always as easy as you think. But I agree that he should have been canned even if the statute of limitations expired.
Statue of limitations for doing what?!?
O where, O where can those rebates be?
Some middle manager took them away from me…
Big news!! Sounds like a WHOPPING 50 bucks between the two of them… Sounds more like they made a mistake mixing the work rebates with their own to me… This is NONSENSE!!!
Welcome to Kenosha County, Wisconsin, where Crime Pays Well.
Looks and sounds just like Steinbrink JR! Good grief! Could SOMEONE share with all f us how we can stop all this madness? Years ago we were told the VPP will only keep “records” up to 7 years! That’s ridiculous! How can these cities,counties, and villages KEEP getting away with all this!?
Record retention requirements are in state law.
This crap isn’t right but as far as real “corruption” goes it’s a rash on the ash.
Come on….it’s obvious when people like this are kept around it’s because they know a hell of a lot more about what other people have done that hasn’t been uncovered yet.
Let’s be honest, people. Yes, corruption is wrong (so don’t get caught taking a pen home from work or making copies for yourself on the office copier). But the worst evil for taxpayers is when we pay taxes and the job isn’t getting done. Incompetence and laziness aren’t crimes but lackadaisical performance hurts more. And there’s much more of that.
Does Joint Services get the job done consistently well? Ask the police officers who work with it. Sometimes good, sometimes not but not consistently well. Now look at Steinbrink. Forget for a moment the crap he’s accused of doing. Were the village streets plowed and salted? Mostly yes — and mostly better than the job the city does. Of course he shouldn’t have done what he shouldn’t have done but the great evil in any organization is when mediocrity or worse become the performance norm. THAT is what screws taxpayers the most.
Joint Circuses?
Looks like this investigation was a big load of CRAP!!! Waste of government resources to investigate missing scrap GARBAGE and a Menards rebate!
What a COLOSSAL waste of taxpayer money and time trying to get someone fired!!
I hope Sepanski gets an apology from all aqousiors for this nonsense!!