A Village of Twin Lakes firefighter was cited for OWI, failure to keep vehicle under control, and failure to wear a seatbelt on Friday, January 27, 2023. According to a Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department Motor Vehicle Crash Report (MVCR), Justin Harman, 35 of Twin Lakes, WI, was cited after he apparently lost control of his 2014 Lexus and crashed into a utility pole in the ditch. Hartman was the only occupant of the vehicle that was traveling westbound in the 33500 Block of County Highway F, also known as Bassett Rd, in the Town of Randall. The Deputy who cited Harman suspected him of being intoxicated. The airbags were deployed and the vehicle was not operable and had to be towed. After Harman was transported to Froedert in Pleasant Prairie, blood was taken to determine his blood alcohol content. The results of that test, hadn’t been determined at the time the report was authored. KCE has learned from several sources that Harman is a firefighter for the Village of Twin Lakes, WI. According to the Twin Lakes Fire Department roster, Justin Haram is indeed a firefighter for the Village.

KCE attempted to make contact with Chief Stan Claus, Jr of the Twin Lakes Fire Department, who is aware of the OWI incident and crash. He declined to respond to KCE’s request for comment. We also attempted contact with Village Administrator Laura Roesslein and Village President Howard Skinner. Both declined comment, as is standard for the duo.
It is unknown if Harman is on leave from the Fire Department.
3 Responses
This is probably the only place we will ever see the results of this investigation.
Did you ever learn anything about whether the cop from Park City still has a job after 2 OWI’S?