(Kenosha County Sheriff)
Kenosha Police Car On 73rd Street In Whitecaps Neighborhood
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Last Thursday evening, August 24, 2023, at approximately 6:42 p.m., Kenosha Police were summoned to the 9400 block of 74th St in the western-Kenosha neighborhood of Whitecaps. The caller said that he saw and heard men inside the home from a remote surveillance app on his phone. No one was supposed to be home at the time.
According to the criminal complaint:
The first officer to arrive parked down the road and approached the home on foot. Officer Clark observed a male white or Hispanic exiting the side gate of the north side of the house holding several items in both hands. This male subject was wearing all black clothing, a black baseball hat, and black gloves. Officer Clark unholstered his duty weapon and pointed it at the subject giving lawful commands to stop, while identifying himself as police. The suspect dropped all of the items he had in his hands outside of the gate and closed the gate before running back into the back yard.
Officer Clark also heard another subject in the back yard running, but was not able to see him immediately. Officer Clark then ran to the south side of the house and saw the suspect jump over a neighboring fence to the south. There was a female in the back yard of this house yelling at the suspect asking why he was in her yard. The suspect continued to run southbound through back yards from police.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Officer Sheskey reported that he responded to the scene to assist as a drone pilot. Officer Sheskey reported that while flying the drone, he located a male wearing a white t-shirt and white shorts traveling westbound through backyards in the area and jumping fences. Once in the backyard of a home in the 9400 block of 70th Street, the subject grabbed a piece of fabric off of a deck and went under a gazebo. This information was relayed to officers who located the subject.
Officer Guetschow responded to the backyard of a home in the 9400 block of 70th Street and observed that Sergeant Brennan and Officer Fikejs already had the subject in custody. The subject was identified verbally as Brayan Steven Castro Pena, the defendant. The defendant was secured in handcuffs. He was wearing a white long sleeve Timerbland shirt, white jeans, and white and orange sneakers. Officer Guetschow searched the defendant and located one small red coin purse, and one small black coin purse from the defendant’s right front jean pocket and a large amount of U.S. currency, later determined to total $150 in his left front jean pocket. These items were secured by Officer Guetschow.
Police noticed that certain items in the house were targeted, seemingly by someone acquainted with the family. As it was determined the defendant only spoke Spanish, Officer Aquino responded to assist the officers. Officer Aquino spoke with the defendant, who said he wished to speak with a lawyer before any questions were asked. Officer Aquino informed the defendant of his charges. The defendant, without being questioned, then stated he has lived in the United States for two weeks, lives in a hotel downtown (unknown what city or what hotel), and sells water downtown. The defendant said he was approached by a subject in a white vehicle and asked if he wanted a job. The defendant asked if he would be able to call his uncle from jail. The defendant stated his uncle lives in Colombia and his mother lives in Mexico City.
Officer Aquino noted that the defendant does not have any local jackets, a Wisconsin DOT record, and had no matches during a Fast ID check. The defendant stated his birthday is May 16, 2001, which would make him 22 years of age, however, the defendant stated numerous times that he was 21 years of age. FBI fingerprints were later collected and emailed for possible ID confirmation. At the time of this complaint, no confirmation of positive ID has been received.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Castro-Peña was in court on Friday and Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner William Michel II set his bail at $40,000 cash, taking the side of caution due to the seriousness of the charges and the fact that the defendant hasn’t been positively identified.
Castro-Peña is due back in court on September 19, 2023 for a status conference.
24 Responses
Welcome to Kenosha Pancho .Help yourself to whatever you want .Bring some friends .
Someone has to mower your lawns. Pedro for the win.
Lucky Pedro for the cemetery if enters the right home illegally.
Thank you Joe Biden.
As mentioned, thanks so much President Griften. Should be held without any bail until positive identification is made. If we don’t know who it is, we need to keep it in a cage until we do.
Thanks Brandon for opening the flood gates of dangerous illegals all over the country! You’ll be known as the guy that tried to kill America.
Sadly, they’ll end up releasing this imported criminal. I hope he will ultimately arrive in Wilmington, Delaware with directions to the garage of a 1967 Corvette Stingray surrounded by boxes of US Documents labeled Classified.
JimBob you’re a riot!
Just ANOTHER law abiding DEMOCRAT dreamer…
Thanks Biden
I hope all you Democrats who want open borders realize this is the people who are coming here. Not the law abiding people who we should welcome. Those law abiding will come here legally. It’s the criminals who are crossing because they know they won’t be allowed in legally. I’m hoping that this makes people realize that Democrats don’t care about your safety or property. Vote them all out!
Why would they realize that? Most Dems are the same type of people as Juan.
So what is hinted but not completely said is why did they target this house? Maybe the family has some drugs they were trying to find. Who knows. Something seems fishy and when it seems fishy, it usually is!
I’m wondering who knew this family that hired him to do it? A person who does house cleaning for this family? I also wonder if the family might be thinking twice about the illegals coming over (if they think it was okay). What did they steal besides 150.00? Was expensive jewelry targeted? I think something isnt getting reported by the police here. Weird it was only 150.00????? He.dropped things…what were they?
That’s a lot of work for the police just for Gravely to later dismiss the charges or if by some miracle the case proceeds, for the guy to get probation.
Keeps them all employed at the taxpayer expense. It’s a rigged system, just like food corporations/hospitals/pharma.
Close the fucking borders. Mass deport ANYONE foreign that isn’t legal, no more anchor babies, and start shooting invaders on arrival. Bring back tar and feathering of politicians, and public hangings. Make America America again. STOP PAYING TAXES.
Did you all see it? Deleted again.
KCE – Making IsRaEl great again!
Wow! Good Bye.
Shut up fucktard.
Free speech is still real douchebag
What was deleted? I’m interested. Especially interested in free speech.
Great work Kevin. Just a note. You refer to the suspect as a defendant when he has arrested but he is not a defendant but rather a suspect. A defendant is somebody who has already had criminal charges filed against them by the district attorney. That was not the case at the time with the suspect.
Also just make sure you’re spell checking before you publish articles. I noticed that you often misspell because as becuase but that’s likely because you are typing quickly.
In this case I don’t believe there were any criminal charges referred so technically he is a defendant in municipal court because the police can charge ov’s.