Kyle Rittenhouse Attacker Gaige Grosskreutz Hit By Car In Milwaukee – New Name Revealed: Video

Paul Prediger (Formerly Known As Gaige Grosskreutz) Being Run-Over By Marvin Thomas
(Milwaukee Police)

The criminal Paul Prediger, formerly known as Gaige Grosskreutz, chastised Kenosha County Eye for reporting first, that he secretly asked a judge to change his name. Grosskreutz is known for being the man who pointed a gun at then-17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse during the riots of 2020 and was shot for it. Rittenhouse was acquitted of any wrong-doing for shooting the career criminal.

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Grosskreutz told the judge in Milwaukee that his name change needed to be secret in order to protect himself from “far right” people who have been threatening his life.

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Paul Prediger (Formerly Known As Gaige Grosskreutz) Doing An On-Camera Interview With WISN 12

Although Grosskreutz would have us believe that he is in fear for his life, he couldn’t help himself when he decided to go on WISN 12 ABC news to talk about being run over.

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According to WISN12, Grosskreutz suffered a lacerated liver and multiple broken bones. He is trying to raise money on GOFUNDME.

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Marvin Thomas (32)
Milwaukee County Sheriff

The offender in the alleged hit and run, Marvin Thomas, was charged yesterday with two felonies related to the crash. He is holding on a $1,500 cash bail.

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***Thank you LS for your investigative assist.***

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146 Responses

    1. I really hope the EMS showed up wearing blue latex gloves…. ???. That would be a really good trigger for him. If I still frequented Kenosha I’d wear them the entire time I was there. ?

    2. Ironic that a black man criminal is the one that hit him. I wonder if he will sue this poor sole, or if he is still for defunding the police?

  1. Dang, how does this guy keep dodging his destiny? Strike 3 you are out, Paula. He is reaping what he has sewed.

    1. I dunno, but I hope fate continues to follow him at a short distance, nipping at his heels like an angry little chihuahua.

    1. This is a comment from Grosskreutz himself trying to encourage violence against my family by posting my home address. Gaige. Why don't we set up a boxing match and have somebody neutral be the referee. I'm a fat overweight bald guy but I'm pretty sure I could kick your ass. The loser pays $1,000 to the winner's favorite charity and non-abortion related. Deal?

      1. Lol. He’s his own charity. He can’t afford his bills he says. What did he do with all his poor me money after being legally shot? He’s another clown mooching off the system. Was he drunk again when hit?

        1. Just another d-rat loser.
          Like all the traitor rats now.
          The “kenosha hat trick” was awesome.
          3 criminals = 3 criminals DOWN.

      2. Gaige loves letting people know he knows where they live! He thinks being a human white pages is supposed to intimidate people. C’mon Gaige, you can do better than this.

      3. I would like to personally take you up on that offer. Your children will miss you. I think I will take your wife as my trophy and then discard it.

      1. Even spelling it properly – “kharma” – just sounding it out will give the image.

        A better use would be, “Kharma ran over Gaige Grosskreutz,” and it would probably be more accurate besides. It’s something I’d rather see – albeit with an autonomous rig or, perhaps, an RPV – but it’s something I’d sooner see happening with autonomous directory since that lets humans off the hook almost totally (there are the AI programmers to consider, but that’s indirect fault. They programmed the decision trees, but the decision trees didn’t work properly that time.)

        (Yeah, I’m a pedant. Can’t help it – it’s an engineer thing. Precision of expression…)

  2. Man if only Kyle had been a better shot and if only the guy driving the car had gave it a little more gas there would be one less dummy in the world.

  3. Gonna call racism on Gaige. How dare he get in the way of a black guy’s car. I bet he dented it. Hope he has to pay reparations for the damage he did to it. BLC, black cars matter!

  4. This video clearly shows the car was merely travelling in the same direction as the weak bolshevik, not running him down.

  5. The tape clearly shows the SUV was trying to defend it’s self as Gaige was running towards the SUV with a pistol. Earlier that day, Gaige Grosskreutz crossed state lines before being struck by that car.
    Black Cars Matter!

  6. Bet Marvin Thomas targeted him because he was white. It’s becoming a pattern among URMs. Look up Michael Mammone and Andreas Probst.

  7. Omg the absolute irony of it all
    >be Gaige
    >be out protesting for BLM
    >f around, find out
    >years later
    >change name
    >trying to forget, live life
    >blasted by a dindu in a car
    Circle complete

  8. I don’t wish harm on anyone. But karma is real! If this useless person who thinks the world owe him a living, doesn’t want to work, and keeps doing bad things, he will be bitten the rear.

    1. When the world lays claim to all the land, yeah, you do owe him a living. Or is it that you wish for him to voluntarily be a slave to your bidding, forced to purchase your goods and services, while claiming that’s not slavery?

  9. Sounds like ol Gaige need to keep his ass in mama’s basement and keep the fuck off the streets, it’s too rough for him, he’s about to run out of lives.

  10. So I guess black lives no longer matter with Gaige. This poor guy was only arrested because he was black. Where’s the riots? /s

  11. Well, the far right finally got him. The Aryan driver in disguise did the job!
    The Long Arm of the White Supremacy got you

  12. Idk, maybe he’s really Jay Walker? Difficult to tell who had the right away. I mean he did step out into a road that cars drive on, wasn’t like the driver drove onto a sidewalk.


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