(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha’s DJ Droop will hopefully no longer be in the hizouse – courthouse, that is. A liberal Kenosha Assistant District Attorney made almost all of the charges go away for less than the price of a speeding ticket last Thursday.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Democrat Sydney Star entered into a plea agreement with Ronald Akiyas Gordon, who is also known as DJ Droop. Gordon didn’t take his multiple warrants seriously, and neither did the Kenosha DA’s office, run by Michael Graveley (D).
Gordon got an OWI in 2012 and hasn’t had his license since. He still drives, however, and didn’t install an ignition interlock device in his vehicle as ordered by the court. Having his license revoked and breathalyzer in his car is supposed to protect Kenosha County from death or great bodily harm. DJ Droop doesn’t care, and neither does the Kenosha DA’s office.
Kenosha County 2019CT258
On March 3, 2019, Gordon was stopped and arrested for driving on a revoked (due to OWI) license and failure to install ignition interlock. He was charged with both misdemeanors on April 2, 2019. He was released on a no-cash bail. He missed his very first court date of May 16, 2019, and Judge Schroeder ordered a $500 cash bond.
On August 19, 2019, the Kenosha DA’s office charged Gordon with bailjumping for missing court several times.
After almost three years on the run, Gordon was arrested on January 9, 2023, by the Pleasant Prairie Police Department for driving on a revoked (due to OWI) license, failure to install ignition interlock, and bailjumping. His girlfriend posted $600 cash bail and he was released pending a new court date. He was charged formally by the DA on February 1, 2023. Gordon was in court for this hearing. He was given a no-cash bail.
Three days later, Gordon was again arrested for driving on a revoked (due to OWI) license, no insurance, and bailjumping. He paid $2,000 cash bail and was released with a court date. On March 9, 2023, Gordon missed court again and a court commissioner ordered a $500 cash warrant.
On March 11, 2023, Gordon was involved in a disturbance at George’s Club Highview Tavern and police came. They charged him with obstructing an officer and took him in on the warrants.
In all, between all four criminal cases spanning four years, Gordon faced ten misdemeanor charges and almost eight years in the county jail:
5 Counts of Bailjumping
2 Counts of Failure to Install Ignition Interlock
3 Counts of Driving on a Revoked (due to OWI) License
Prosecutor Sydney Star dismissed 2 cases outright, and dismissed eight of the ten charges. He pled guilty to 2 counts of driving on a revoked (due to OWI) license. He was fined $150 per charges, less than a speeding ticket.
Gordon has a lengthy criminal history:
(3) Domestic Battery
Burglary any Building or Dwelling
(6) Disorderly Conduct
(4) Resist/Obstruct Officer
(7) Bail Jumping
Criminal Damage to Property
Criminal Trespass to Dwelling
Intentionally Contact Victim or Co-Actor
Habitual Criminality
Probation Violation
1 Year 7 month Prison Sentence
(3) Operating While Suspended/Revoked
Urinating in Public
Possession of THC
Possession of Intoxicants in Motor Vehicle

(File photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Uncharacteristically, Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Gerad Dougvillo signed off on this plea deal. The overly-generous deal was reached with the DA, undoubtedly due to Gordon’s ties to BLM and other left-wing organizations. This sends a message that in Kenosha County, skipping court, driving on a revoked license, OWI, and other crimes will be treated lightly, if you have the right political stance.
KCE isn’t the only media outlet that has noticed the soft-on-crime criminal justice system in Kenosha. Mark Belling, a conservative radio host out of Milwaukee, recently went on a long rant about just how weak the Criminal justice system in Kenosha. (00:09:45 Minute mark)
Let’s hope Gordon stays out of trouble.

10 Responses
That’s because they was kangz.
This is insanity and why crime is perpetuated in this state. We have weak DA, weak judges and we give breaks to people because they are black. What will it take for you to do your jobs? Are you waiting for this guy to drink again and kill someone? Imagine what would have happened had he been white–he’d be serving decades in prison.
We’re looking at a Gold Star Prosecutor here. The word that follows BLM is HAMAS.
A fat snoop-dog. He and the libs are frens!
Star sucks. I hope all people, even white folk, get this same type of deal when they commit all these crimes. Slap on the wrist.
I have this strange feeling, that his overconfidence will eventually get the
best of his fat ass.
People should be upset by the lack of accountability here. There are people who annoy us, people who scare us, and folks who simply made a mistake. He falls in between the first two, not someone who simply made a mistake. This plea bargain was wrong and sent the wrong message. The ignition interlock device was part of the court’s sentence that he didn’t follow. Same for bail jumping. He is not some 15-year-old kid. He knows better.
The Kenosha Criminal Justice System is a mess and has been for decades. Often, too much time and money are spent on cases going nowhere which takes away those resources from the cases that need it. Poor mental health/drug treatment facilities and programs for a city this size. Revolving door — no plan to deal with chronic offenders. In fact, no plan at all.
Enough already, with DJ poop. Repeat scofflaws need to be serving some time, not making cucks out of the entire city from their cars
The justice system and law enforcement in the city are so afraid of being perceived as racist that they don’t treat all crimes and cases the same regardless of skin color. BLM aplenty has a heavy influence on the Distict Attorney’s office, especially with Gravley. He is terrible for our city. I am particularly following the Curtis Tolefree case to see how it is handled. I know someone ( who is white) who was charged with similar crimes and sentenced to 25 years in prison. I am interested to see if Tolefree gets convicted or just a slap on the wrist.