(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Over the years, it’s been universally accepted that our local rag, “The Kenosha News,” leans heavily to the left. They don’t deny it, in fact. That’s why it should come at no surprise that the paper selected a left-leaning extremist as its 2023 “Person of the Year.”
Announced yesterday on their Sunday paper, prominently above the fold, The Kenosha News proclaimed Deacon Wilson Shierk as its 2023 “Person of the Year.” Shierk was heavily involved in the extreme left activist group Congregations United To Serve Humanity (CUSH). That was, until the Archdiocese told him he couldn’t anymore.
In November of 2023, KCE ran a months-long investigative story about two rogue churches in Kenosha that belong to CUSH. CUSH supports many issues that are at odds with most Christian denominations – especially the Roman Catholic Church. Some examples are pediatric gender mutilation, pornography in schools, LGBT issues, drag queens reading to children, and more. Our article seemed to spark much outrage against the Milwaukee Archdiocese. So much, in fact, that Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki has ordered the rogue churches to sever all ties with the group.

The Kenosha News refused to report on this big issue. Kenosha News editor John Sloca declined comment when reached by KCE. The Kenosha News seemingly wanted to voice its support of CUSH, not by coming out and saying it, but by a subtle endorsement against one of its biggest former contributors, Wilson Shierk,

(photo: Archdiocese of Milwaukee)
Father Nathan Reesman, Vicar for Clergy for the Milwaukee Archdioceses, sent a letter to Father Roman Stikel (D) of St Mary’s. The letter was sent with guidance and permission from Listecki. The letter says in part:
“The Archdiocesan Offices continue to receive questions and concerns about support for, and affiliation with, the community organization Congregations United to Serve Humanity (CUSH) based in Kenosha, Wisconsin… I am providing guidance and clarity in response to the questions we have received, as well as directives from Archbishop Jerome Listecki”

Reesman goes on to say that the money grants given to CUSH ended this year, at the direction of the Archbishop. “These steps were taken because of a clear divergence by CUSH and its leaders from established Catholic teachings on a variety of social and ethical issues. This divergence prevents the Archdiocese from partnering with the organization.”
Finally, the letter makes the Archbishop’s directives clear: “For theses reasons none of our parishes, clergy, parish leadership, and staff as official, public representatives of the Catholic Church, can support, or publically be affiliated with CUSH.”

Photo Blurred for Copyright Reasons
Wilson Shierk, 87, of Kenosha, reached by phone, also declined comment.
58 Responses
The worst thing about the Kenosha News is their failure to do any investigative reporting. They write nothing critical about local government. They are lap dogs, not watch dogs for Kenosha citizens. They have lost any legitimacy and have become a glorified daily shopper. The Kenosha News is an enabler of the corruption that infests this community.
I ended my KN subscription just a few months ago after many decades of getting the paper first in print then online only.
I sent a email to Sloca complaining about lack of local coverage, (no response) specifically the saga soap opera formally known as Salem. Plenty to write about yet virtually nothing on the corruption that came from many angles.
After I canceled ( which wasn’t easy) I was actually still billed and my credit card was run trying to get paid again ! Luckily when I did manage to actually talk to a live person I demanded that they delete my credit card info to ensure that they couldn’t charge me again. (Because I knew they would) Yet they still tried.
I again sent a email to Sloca threatening to sue if I received any more re-up calls and billing attempts. Since then I’ve received continuous email daily issues each morning. Un wanted. Un paid. Un questioned. I don’t know why. They are either trying to pacify me, entice me back or my guess, they are just plain incompetent.
With KCE around I don’t hold much confidence that the KN can survive much longer.
Either by sheer incompetence or just market forces I give them 5 more years at best.
Good Riddance !!!
I cancelled KN a few years back and had the same issues with payment, also received ongoing phone calls, and to this day I still receive daily emails with link to their publication (can’t really call it a “news” paper.) I was actually able to open and read the content for several months until the paywall finally appeared. I thought it was just incompetence on their part. Perhaps not. I cancelled because of the obvious editorial slant AND because local news that I had first or second hand knowledge of was so obviously misrepresented or just plain wrong. Good luck. For me, it’s just more junk email now.
Worked there for 30 years and don”t admit it anymore not a newspaper anymore!
Sloca It’s not a good man and is so blatantly liberal. That whole paper should be shut down and rebuilt There is no reason that they have to be so biased. In my opinion, they are responsible for much of the filth that’s going on in our county. Most of their employees are disgusting humans
While I have never thought much about it I’m of the opinion that the primary purpose of a newspaper (or any news organization) is to seek and root out any reports of corruption or wrongdoing. Then bring to the light of day all that they find.
Isn’t that how you draw readers and subscribers ??
True, part of the business model is to get paid advertising along with subscription revenue but it’s the investigative news that brings readers to your paper. Then the advertisers follow and pay.
They seemed to have lost that direction.
Why ? Because they think they’re influential and powerful just by “ being” ??
Hardly !!
Lo and behold the daily email KN has STOPPED !!!
I guess Sloca reads these comments.
Anybody else ??
Just like Spectrum news – all one sided liberals
I started tossing any donation appeals from Listecki some time ago, but almost forgot why until KCE covered the relationship “C.U.S.H./Lori Hawkins” has with some of Kenosha’s Catholic churches.
Really did not need a reminder, but this is just another reason to view the Kenosha News, Democrat Party, and Milwaukee Archdiocese as nothing more than low life grifters.
Being a humble servant must mean that you can’t question organizations that support the killing of the unborn. All the Kenosha News cares about is its next advertiser.
That’s it
We need to bombard the archdiocese with requests to revoke his ordination.
Catholics all about money. Sick.
No. Not all. Just some of the hierarchy
Are you pro-Capitalism…then you are all about money. Instead of buying a new car that you don’t need, donate money to feel the hungry. Instead of buying a bigger, newer house that you don’t actually need, donate money to house the homeless. Instead of buying the latest and greatest technology, donate money to help the sick get care/treatment.
Instead of focusing on more THINGS that you don’t NEED, consider those who have NEEDS and think about how you can be of service to others.
I disagree, it’s nobody’s business if I buy a new car, bigger house etc I work hard for MY money and I’ll do with it as I please.Who are you to judge anyone? Help those in need to help them selves. I don’t mind giving a hand up and not hand outs. I donate to various agencies and all the things I donate to St Vinnys, Goodwill etc that’s a way to help others. Nothing is free and everyone is hiring so no excuse for those who are. “ capsble” of working but choose not to.
Disagree all you want. The point is that CAPITALISM and MATERIALISM is a bigger threat to Christianity than queers and trans and abortions. What are the teachings of Christ? It isn’t to have all the things and to have bigger and better and show off all you have. That is antithetical to Christian teachings. Christian teaching would tell you to spread your wealth to others. Christian teaching would tell you to love your neighbor and not judge them. So, if you are a true follower of Christ and a true Christian, you should take a look at yourself, what you do, how you do it. Scripture tells us that.
ALSO beware not to place political figures in a position to be deemed above others and one that you pray to and for-as God doesn’t like when you put someone on or near his level. God also wouldn’t want politics in the pulpits. If you don’t agree, try picking up the Book and reading it again. It’s a very good read.
Oh really? No excuses? Really? I’ve been persecuted and abandoned by everyone, including my own mother, the loyal wife of Wilson Shierk, because 35 years ago when I was but 20 years old I made mistakes, went to prison for weak sexual mischief, and till this day I am persecuted and unemployed and lucky to have social security or I don’t know what I would do. Deacon Shierk forbids me access to my own mother. My oldest sister, Rita Davis is easily worth 10 M yet worked behind the scenes to brainwash mom to cut me out of will. Get off your high horse and get a little humanity.
Starts at the top. The Vatican is sitting on billions if not trillions of gold.
In this case, it’s the Catholics who are all about morality, and the sick leftists who only care about $$$.
That’s the truth
Is that why Catholics & Jews get along so well in the Big Apple ? 😂
This is absolutely disgusting. This deacon is supporting LGBT ideology, Mutilating the genitals of children, and killing the unborn. This is one reason I stopped getting the kenosha news long ago. It’s an evil, disgusting rag that supports every perverse ideology known to man and every liberal politician.
In the county. They don’t do any investigative journalism whatsoever, even if it was thrown in front of them like a steak dinner.
Supporting LGBT PEOPLE, allowing hormone treatments (which have been in use for decades without you crying about it), and eliminating a fetus that is unable to survive outside of the human body…THAT is what is being supported. If you looked beyond your petrified little nose and realized that the boogy man is NOT coming for you and that you can go outside without being scared of the big scary queer dressed differently than you. It really has to be hard to go outside with all these scary things.
Must really be hard having to resort to lies to support this priest who tries to represent both heaven and hell.
Must really be hard having to resort to lies to support this priest who tries to represent both heaven and hell.
Kenosha Fishwrapper isn’t even real as it’s printed in Racine and owned by a national corporation, Lee Enterprises Inc. Lee owns 46 daily newspapers and holds a joint interest in two others, along with digital products and nearly 300 specialty publications in 21 states.
You seem pretty sure of yourself. You think the paper is printed in Racine? Oy Vey, what year are you living in?
Best thing you can do is get one of those paywall apps so you can still read the paper without paying them….that’s the best way to stick it to them.
How do you do that?
When the revolution occurs in our country the far left, liberal elites must be forced by law to be governed by those on the fringes of society.
Their wealth, money and property will be seized and redistributed to the fringe populations.
These recipients will include illegal aliens, poor segments of the black population, felons, homeless and the poorest white and native American populations.
Liberal elite billionaires, university professors, those running the media, finance and educational institutions will be sent to reeducation camps or imprisoned.
If there sons, grandsons, daughters and granddaughters wish to procreate they must do so exclusively with the black populations they care about so much.
The nation wreckers must pay for poisoning our country, our culture, our children and grandchildren.
They have sold us out to our enemies.
We are in a severe decline and this is perhaps our last chance to right the ship.
Heil Hitler and go Trump go!
You need help if you praise Hitler!
Hitler = Trump. Trump wants to do the same thing Hitler did. Are you saying that all of us MAGA’s need help?
Is not FJB & connected dems are already imitating the fascists? Vote fraud. Lawfare. There is more. I cannot list it all.
What did Trump do?
He stood for the USA. Energy independence; we exported oil and gas. Low, virtually no inflation. No wars. America first. Strong military.
The Big Guy? Burisma? Hunter. China and Russian deals. Sell oil reserves to China. Buy oil from Iran. Afghanistan. Drugs. Prostitutes. Filthy self-videos. Graft. Sniff hair. Shower with your daughter. Affairs. Grab ass. Nearly 50 years of public “service” with nothing to show for it except locking up blacks on drug charges. There is much more.
DJT is far from perfect. His morality is questionable. But he stands up for the USA. MAGA!
Hitler was a tool of the usa, uk and the Zionists
yes I agree the anti God, anti family, anti White Christian European male psychopaths in the United States must be ground into the dust once and for all.
What if they believe in God, but not YOUR teaching of Him? What if they believe in a family that is different than yours but supports with unconditional love? What if they are BLACK CHRISTIAN EUROPEANS…are you still suggesting we ground them into dust? Just making sure your TRUE colors show.
The far left lunatic fringe of the Catholic church must all be excommunicated.
Far too many sodomites, pedophiles, and sociopaths that have no religious or spiritual values what so ever.
Yes! Bergoglio is fueling the heresy and confusion, too. We’re in wicked times.
Just so you can fact check yourself…
Oh and can’t forget this one. Not sure I’ve seen RuPaul’s name in these articles…
In 1993 my wife and I moved to Kenosha.
Started getting the Kenosha News right away.
For many years, I wrote letters to the editor at the paper. Some of you may recognize my name.
I dropped my subscription 3 or 4 years ago .
Couldn’t take the bias anymore. This latest thing doesn’t surprise me a bit. It’s unfortunate.
Which is why they can’t even give the paper away.
You are actually correct. Long after I discontinued my printed subscription, they continuously sent me offers of 30 days for 25 cents or a penny or whatever and I won’t even take them up on that because it is that distasteful to even think of giving what is left of the Kenosha News even a penny. I miss the wonderful Diane Giles “Old Kenosha” articles, but at least I don’t get all the liberal tripe and old Bradford Band stories. (Or is that worthless supposed reporter and editorial hack finally gone?)
Thats funny thinking Roman Catholicism has anything to do with Christianity.
Have not subscribed in decades
You’re joking! Those evil bastards are reading to children?!
We have to stop these predators from reading to Children. These pedophiles that are praying on our children and grooming them. The moral obligation is for us to protect the children from the harm these people cause.
Kenosha news definitely a waste of time and $.Wilson has done lots of good for many people through the years but poor decision to align himself with these derelects.
I am telling you, we gotta keep an eye on these leftists. A good eye.
We have enough with Worst Ever(s).
Thanks for your hard work, Matt Kevisgston!
I canceled my subscription to the Kenosha News a few years ago. I was fed up with their fake news. In my opinion, the number one terrorists in this country are the fake news reporters!