(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Both the prosecution and the defense scored small wins in court today, in reference to the Chrystul Kizer case.
Chrystul Kizer is charged for allegedly shooting her sex trafficker, Randall Volar III on June 5, 2018 twice in the head, burning down his house, and stealing his car. He was being investigated at the time for serious crimes including sexual assault of children and child pornography. The Kenosha DA did not charge him with a crime. We told you how Mike Graveley’s office was responsible, in part, for Volar’s death by dragging its feet with the investigation after Kenosha Police recommended many felonies and had mountains of evidence against him.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kizer was initially given a $1,000,000 bail, but Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge David Wilk lowered the bail down to $400,000 on February 6, 2020.

On June 22, 2020, a liberal activist lawyer named Sharlyn Grace (D) (they/them), of the Chicago Community Bond Fund, posted the $400,000 for Kizer to be released. Grace works for the Cook County Public Defender’s office and thinks that cash bail should be eliminated – ever for murder.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kizer found herself in more trouble this January and caught five new felonies in Kenosha and a misdemeanor charge in Milwaukee for assaulting her convicted pedophile boyfriend and jumping bond. Co-prosecutor Zachary Brost asked Judge Wilk to raise her bail from $400,000 to $1,000,000. In a court filing by ADA Brost:
“The defendant’s actions cause concern for both the appearance of the defendant in court, as well as protection of members of the community from serious harm, as the defendant is alleged to have engaged in additional acts of violence subsequent to her release from custody.”
Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley (D) zealously argued for a $1,000,000 bail, citing the need to protect the public and the strong evidence of Kizer not following her bond conditions. Kizer’s attorneys argued for no change.
Today, judge Wilk split the difference and raised Kizer’s bail to $750,000. To be released, Kizer would need to pay the extra $350,000 for the murder file, $60,000 for the bail jumping file, and whatever bail is set in Milwaukee, if any. In Milwaukee County Court today, a judge signed an order to produce and Kizer is expected to make her initial appearance there soon.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Another motion before the court today was the matter of a joinder. A joinder is when two criminal cases are tried together with one jury. One of Kizer’s attorney’s, Gregory A. Holdahl was able to convince Judge Wilk that the statutory conditions for one trial weren’t met. Kizer will stand trial for the homicide alone. DA Graveley, however will be formally asking the judge to allow the Jury in the homicide trial to hear evidence about Kizer’s “other acts” of violence.
Wilk ruled recently that jury will be permitted to view hamade sex tapes that the pedophile, Randall Volar III, made at his home with underage girls, saying that “Kenoshans are made of sterner stuff.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kizer’s defense team recently asked for the June 10, 2024 trial date to be delayed due to the unavailability of an expert witnessed that has not yet been named. This seems to irk DA Graveley, who is hoping to try this case before he retires early next year.
Kizer is due back in court on May 9, 2024. Judge Wilk is expected to rule on the trail delay and on the “other acts” motion.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
24 Responses
It wouldn’t be an issue if “actual court ” would happen and she ends up free or in p prison. This jerking around creates the problem.
Good thing about it?
It gives KCE the chance to tell us who the worthless judicial players are.
Anyone with “they/them behind their name needs to be locked up. Bring back mental institutions!
yes please!
So Sharlyn Grace “thinks” that cash bail should be eliminated – ever for murder?. All these crooked Joe followers have all these brilliant Revolutionary ideas. Of course, she comes from a Sanctuary county where they deprive tax payers from their right to access education to use those schools as migrant shelters. Let’s make sure they don’t take our State. There’s no doubt the main goal of these donkeys is to destroy our Country. Disgusting.
The best part of the story is that Gravely will be gone early next year. I know be careful what you ask for but…
Good. Murder, felon, abuser. She should be locked up for life
Any word on bergs recount Kevin?
I did int dew nuffin.
Grace looks like a dude, which is probably appealing to her girlfriend.
See attachment below . 😎
So, you’re telling us she doesn’t forfeit that 400K to the court for violating the conditions of her first bond? He communist friends don’t only need another 350K for the win? I now agree with the communist activist from Chicago, end bail since it means nothing.
Graveley could have asked for that Bond be forfeited but he did not because he wants that group to get their money back.
I guarantee Gravely would have taken Kyle Rittenhouse’s bond if he could have. Shows the liberal bias in Graveley.
…so that group has the Funds available for a future bond in a future racial crutch case…
Wow! These same pricks wanted to throw me in jail for a disorderly conduct charge and made me submit to drug screens every week while the case worked it way through the (cough) court system. She’s be treated with kid gloves… No jail house snitch?
Why is it necessary to give her “pronouns”? She is a she…nothing more. He is a he…them,they,it,was,there,here,anywhere,is all just a Dr. Seuss book! I don’t think anyone should give her the satisfaction of naming stupid pronouns to her in an article. The alphabet group will never be satisfied with anything.
When someone with schizophrenia says they see bugs and you don’t, agreeing with their delusion does not help their mental illness. They need competent professional help.
That said, there are only boys and girls. Any other “gender identity” is a mental illness.
(…notice I said “gender identity” …not sexual preference.)
Why has it taken 6 years? Rittenhouse had a speedier trial.
I used to think she was innocent, but innocent people don’t go on the run
Activist Liberal Lawyer, Sharlyn Grace (D) (they/them), identifies with plural pronouns enabling her, they, them, thit to expect multiple ballots, one for each identity on election day.
Is there proof that Vollar trafficked Kizer?
Wi Statute 940.302 1.d. States: (d) “Trafficking” means recruiting, enticing, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining, or attempting to recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide, or obtain, an individual”
Was there proof od debt bondage?
Wi Statute 940.302 1. b States: (b) “Debt bondage” means the condition of a debtor arising from the debtor’s pledge of services as a security for debt if the reasonable value of those services is not applied toward repaying the debt or if the length and nature of the services are not defined.
Doesn’t KPD have a trafficking investigator?
She shot a man twice in the head, killing him .
Probably with his own gun . Then burned down his house , endangering the neighbor’s homes , then stole his car. I’m no lawyer , but this chick is clearly a danger to society. She needs to be checked into the Crowbar Hotel , permanently.
Monkey bitch’s cut wasn’t big enough
Two shots to the haid. Hope she used armor piercing ammo yo avoid avoid a ricochet .
This case is heartbreaking, not enough justice in the world for those who’ve been victims of sex trafficking, torture and abuse.
Thanks CK! One less pedophile off the streets!