(Kenosha County Sheriff)
A 24-year-old Kenosha man was shot to death early in the morning on Friday, June 21, 2024. According to court documents filed today, it appears it may have been a self-defense shooting by the resident of the apartment where police found the dead man.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
Izerion Cooper, a multiple-convicted felon, who was recently released from prison, was found dead by Kenosha police at approximately 4:25 a.m. Friday morning. The man’s sister was with the man when police arrived and the people on the scene seemed to have mislead police.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
A Kenosha man named Dieonte A. Lee, Jr (20) Lincolnshire, IL, who was on the scene, initially lied to police and said that he was sleeping during the shooting, but later told police a more accurate story of what really happened. Izerion Cooper lived with his sister, Tomorrow Wright, across the hallway from a man named Anfrnee Cystrunk Taylor, the man who shot and killed Cooper. Wright, Cooper, their cousin DaPrince and their friend Lewis were all hanging out and drinking. Cystrunk Taylor was drinking with them at one point in the night.
According to texts on Lee’s cell phone, the deceased man, Cooper, asked the others to distract Cystrunk Taylor so that he could burglarize Cystrunk Taylor’s apartment. At one point, Cystrunk Taylor returned to his apartment to find his apartment ransacked. He had a gun missing and cash missing from a safe. The missing gun was found in Cooper and Wright’s apartment later by police. Cooper apparently left his cell phone in Cystrunk Taylor’s apartment while he was burglarizing it.
Cystrunk Taylor came back into his apartment and called 9-1-1 to report the burglary. This is when his door opened and the three armed men came into his apartment, according to Cystrunk Taylor. Cystrunk Taylor was in fear for his life and tried to grab the gun out of Cooper’s hands. Cystrunk Taylor had a gun in his own waistband and eventually shot Cooper in the head, killing him instantly. Cystrunk Taylor told police he was scared and jumped off of his second floor balcony to escape the other two men.
Police made contact with Cystrunk Taylor and Cystrunk Taylor told police what happened.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
“[I] was scared he had a glock we tussled over it cause I didn’t want him to shoot me in the kitchen he already had pushed me into the stove an over trash an the living room…fired my fire arm over my to the left I was terrified because there where 3 of them as they all had guns an they had already had taken my other firearm an every thing a turas g2c an clips an money I had in the safe the first chelf (sic) in my room I had the other gun on my person..I locked the door an jumped off the Balcony called 911…I am not running I should have stayed”
Detectives found Cystrunk Taylor’s gun in Cooper and Wright’s apartment and hidden. Cystrunk Taylor finally turned himself into the hospital to treat the injuries he sustained during his leap from the second story balcony. Cystrunk Taylor had a misdemeanor probation warrant and is in the Kenosha County Jail. DaPrince Lewis seems to be wanted by Kenosha Police for questioning and may be a suspect.
Asked if Cystrunk Taylor would be charged with anything or if it was determined to be self-defense, Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley said he can’t comment yet.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In court today was 20-year old Dieonte A. Lee, Jr, 20, of Lincolnshire, IL. He was charged with Felony Burglary – Armed With A Dangerous Weapon and Theft of Movable Property (Special Facts). He faces more than 20 years in prison if convicted.
On June 16, 2021, Cooper was charged with:
Armed Robbery with Threat of Force
Theft-Movable Property fr. Person/Corpse
Intimidate Victim/Threaten Force, etc.
Misappropriate ID Info – Obtain Money (Three Counts)
False Imprisonment
The Kenosha DA’s office allowed him to plead guilty to only Theft-Movable Property fr. Person/Corpse and Misappropriate ID Info – Obtain Money. All other charges were dismissed and he only got 30 months in prison, but got program eligibility for early release.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
This is a hard case to follow, so KCE is posting the entire criminal complaint:

42 Responses
……It all makes sense. Self defense.
Stop naming your kids ridiculous names. It’s like scrabble tiles tossed in the air. Adding “Y”s, silent “X”s and extra syllables of nonsense sounds won’t make them better people. Teaching them not to beat, steal, maim and kill WILL help them.
This story is basically criminals robbing criminals. Do any of them actually have jobs?
They are members of a well regulated militia.
In 2008, in District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess firearms for certain purposes, including at least self-defense in the home.
……. and circular Firing Squad
what a racist prick
You spelled “realist” wrong.
what did he say wrong?
This is the whitest comment ever!
you sound like a racist.
And the Dindo tribe strikes again….
Another RACIST prick!!!!!
Realist. 13% of the population commits 60% of violent crime. Stats and facts cannot be racist. Eat a bag of dicks and choke.
nah, he’s just a prick. Are you supporting these thugs and behaviors?
My brain hurts from trying to sift through this scenario.
And the names….🤣🤣🤣
My brain hurts trying to read their first names!
Probably doesn’t take much.
Another IL ****** bites the dust.
Stay the hell out of Wisconsin and stay in the ******* you created.
****** huh your definingly a Racist Prick or let me better say Cunt!!
To anonymous 6/25 @ 9:25 am
You’re and definitely are the correct words you ignorant
bastard or bitch. If you want to insult me use proper English.
say it with your chest. what you hiding for???
In the meantime 2 brothers named Oranjelo & Lemonjelo were seen leaving the scene and are wanted for questioning
That herpes you contracted rotting your brain?
Yah you should tell your mom to take care of that before she gives it to other dudes
They left town I believe.
Uhnaste is still here though.
Get them ALL out of that apparrtment complex!
****** and ****** deleted. Truth hurts.
The truth that your a Racist Prick and Cunt
To anonymous,
Is prick the only word in your limited vocabulary or is that the only thing that goes in and out of your mouth.
Where were these Amish gentlemen living. I need to tell everyone to avoid
How did the beach bar end up in Kenosha?
How does someone on probation for resisting arrest have 2 guns after having 3 felony charges all dropped by the kenosha district attorney, then still gets a ccl? Then he kills someone, leaves the scene, and disappears for 2 days until he finally had to go to the hospital where he is arrested but again, recueves no charges? Is this all part of the district attorneys soft on crime policy? Keep refusing to prosecute Kenosha. Working out great. Sure hope we don’t end up with another libtarded district attorney after Gravely is gone.
Liberalism is a cancer
Obsession with orange man is a cancer.
Resisting the police isn’t a felony. People who aren’t felons aren’t prohibited from possessing firearms. Trump, for example, is a felon and may no longer possess firearms..
Christina Peterson’s 30 judicial misconduct charges unrelated to recent arrest. The metro Atlanta judge arrested outside a Buckhead nightclub after allegedly hitting a police officer has lost her job in response to 30 ethics charges brought by the Georgia Judicial Qualifications Commission.
Please keep talking.
Resisting is different than Battery.
Might be an informant, you never know.
We got Cistrunk , Diontae , Da Prince .
I smell a sitcom ! Admmitedly , we will have replace Izerion.
Yall needa focus on that Keneth Davidson case feels like no one’s cares about it