Liberal Prosecutor Running For District Attorney Drops Serious Child Rape Charges Against East Troy Man

Clifford L. Rohadfox (61) of East Troy
(Kenosha County Sheriff)

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On June 24, 2024, Deputy District Attorney Carli McNeill (D) dismissed two serious charges against an East Troy man. McNeill, who is running to be the next Kenosha County District Attorney, dismissed one count of 1st Degree Sexual Assault With A Child Under 13 and one count of 1st Degree Sexual Assault Of A Child Under Age 12. Each count carried a maximum sentence of 60 years behind bars for a total exposure of 120 years. McNeill cited new evidence in her decision to drop all charges.

Carli McNeill (D) Candidate for Kenosha County District Attorney

According to the criminal complaint:

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Rohadfox was a foster parent in Twin Lakes, and according to “Lilly”, the alleged victim, who was 8 and 9 years old at the time of the allegations, had cameras “everywhere” in the house. Lilly stated the cameras were in the den, downstairs, upstairs hallway, in her bedroom, and even in the bathroom. Lilly said she and her sister were changing one day in their room and they noticed a red dot “beeping” in their closet. The opened the closet and saw a camera recording them changing.

Lilly stated that Rohadfox was married, but that his wife didn’t live with them. She told police that the sexual abuse started during bath time. She said Rohadfox touched her breasts and “down there.”

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Lilly went on to tell police that Rohadfox had brought her into his bedroom one night and vaginally raped her with his penis. After learning of the allegations, a Twin Lakes police detective attempted to speak with Rohadfox. Rohadfox, however, lawyered up and plead the fifth. Rohadfox hired a high-profile Racine-based attorney named Patrick Cafferty. McNeill charged Rohadfox on January 11, 2022.

“This is a terrible situation,” said a Kenosha criminal defense attorney who wished to remain anonymous for obvious reasons. “Either one of two things happened here – McNeill let a dangerous child sexual predator free, or she kept an innocent man in the system for over two years unnecessarily. Either scenario is indicative of an incompetent prosecutor, and I hope she’s not elected to lead the office in November.”

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McNeill will be facing off against local conservative attorney Xavier Solis in the November general election. There will be no primary for this position.

According to the United States Constitution, Rohadfox is presumed innocent of these charges.

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43 Responses

  1. Demons need willing Hosts to possess them and their attributes will display the demon’s intentions and objectives.
    Kenosha has an overpopulation of this demonic spirit.

  2. Thank you for posting the story. People need to know who they’re voting for (or in this case who they are NOT voting for).

  3. This is beyond belief. Carli McNeill and the DAs office refused to prosecute Enright until parents protested. Now McNeill allowed a sexual predator go free in our community.

      1. So Crooked Carli kept an innocent man in jail and the system for two years. She is very incompetent as an attorney.

  4. People should protest these things with as much enthusiasm as they protest
    convicted career thugs that they claim dindu- nuffin.
    Because you know they would, if this allegedly innocent gentleman
    actually went to trial and was convicted.

  5. for a 1st or 2nd simple marijuana charge under an ounce, the DA’s office has the ability to fine $!00-$1,000. The DA’s office always goes with the higher dollar amount for a simple marijuana charge. Carli was asked about her position and she stated that the DA’s office will continue to follow the law. So all you weed smokers out there, Carli wants to take more money out of your pocket instead of just charging the simple $100 that she feels she has to charge.

  6. This individual paid a $30,000 dollars bond. Imagine if he didn’t have that money. Or have a lawyer like he did. He would still be in jail or prison. The crooked District attorney office is notorious for keeping innocent people in jail. That office is incompetent and lazy. How many more people are in jail with trumped up charges. Carli is not fit to be our next DA. No one in that office is competent

  7. “Lilly went on to tell police that Rohadfox had brought her into his bedroom one night and vaginally raped her with his penis.”

    I cannot believe what I am reading. My children are not safe in school or in the community. These pedophiles are being let free by Carli McNeill. Or slapped on the hand like the KUSD teacher

      1. Joel, stay focused man. I know you hate this topic, but pedophiles are bad. Repeat after me: Pedophiles are BAD.

          1. I think you really want to lay with him. Why do you keep repeating yourself on this platform? Is it to deflect from the story at hand?

            1. I think it’s awesome. Straight White Male is clearly triggered by being outed as a closet homo.

              1. Yes, we should. Straight White Make has been struggling for years dealing white his deep seated desire to lay with a man. Now he knows that other men like him have the same frustrating problem. Straight White Male is now empowered to change the course of his life and be who he really is, Good for him!


              2. I will pat myself on the back, SWM argues like a toddler and deserves this karma. I can’t wait till the pictures of him at icon are leaked.

  8. Let’s all remember that thanks to lunatic anti-smoking freak, Bev Jambois (wife of former Kenosha County DA, Bob Jambois, who over charged every defendant in order to terrify them into copping a plea to a “crime” they didn’t commit), who was in charge of the foster care system in Kenosha, no one who admitted to smoking cigarettes was allowed to qualify to be a foster parent in Kenosha County. I know because I applied to be a foster parent & was rejected because I was a smoker.

    Evidently, the fact that I raised a child who managed to have a 4.0 GPA & has 2 Master’s degrees despite growing up in the home of a smoker, is irrelevant to these nutbags. No pedophilia here, just smoking!

    Wake up, people! Vote Xavier Solis for DA. Stop these lunatics from wasting our tax dollars with political prosecutions.

    1. Bev and Bob were the originators of the lawfare we see happening today, but now it’s happening to political opponents. Bob had one of assistant DA’s do that to me after my family member won a motion hearing, K Richard Wells, charged me with a crime and I had to lawyer up, to prove my innocence. What a douche. He’s now in private practice in Milwaukee. Notice how these lawfare criminals never stick around after they leave their government job?

  9. McNeil is as guilty as the pig who abused the girls! Shame on her and i hope she does not get elected! Vote Solis!!

  10. In the olden days, they would investigate FIRST, and then prosecute if warranted. Today, it’s more like a conveyor belt on the assembly line of injustice, producing poor quality widgets.

    1. That’s the truth. Law enforcement arrests, DA issues complaint without independent investigation.

  11. What additional evidence was presented? WAS it actually evidence or did the girls get talked into recanting their story?

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