(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A Kenosha man is facing almost 100 years in prison after being charged today with seven serious felonies and six serious misdemeanors. The crimes allegedly occurred while the career criminal was on bail for three other felony cases. Jason T. Barnhill, 43, of Kenosha was charged today with Felony Second Degree Sexual Assault (Repeater), Felony OWI (4th), Felony False Imprisonment (Repeater), four counts of Felony Bail Jumping, Fourth Degree Sexual Assault, Criminal Trespass (Repeater), two counts of Battery (Repeater), and two counts of Disorderly Conduct (Repeater).

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
*Disturbing allegations and foul language*
According to the two criminal complaint filed today in Kenosha County Circuit Court:
Yesterday, August 15, 2024, Kenosha Police were summoned to the home of a former girlfriend of Barnhill for multiple crimes. The woman told police that Barnhill forced his way into her home without her consent and sexually assaulted her. Barnhill was drunk and told the woman “I’m daddy, and you know you want this.” He touched her inappropriately on her thigh. She retreated to her bedroom where Barnhill followed her into the bedroom and said “You know you want me.” He then pushed her onto her bed, which caused her pain. He then pinned her down, didn’t let her leave and severely sexually assaulted her in many serious manners that KCE won’t elaborate about. Barnhill then slapped the woman, again, causing her pain. She was then able to call 9-1-1. Barnhill left, but later returned while the police were at the woman’s home. Barnhill first told police he didn’t have sexual contact with the woman, but later changed his story and said there was sexual contact but it was consensual. Police suspected Barnhill was intoxicated when he drove up to the house.
For this incident, Barnhill was charged with Felony Second Degree Sexual Assault (Repeater), Felony OWI (4th), Felony False Imprisonment (Repeater), two counts of Felony Bail Jumping, Fourth Degree Sexual Assault, Criminal Trespass (Repeater), Battery (Repeater), and Disorderly Conduct (Repeater).
On July 12, a former girlfriend of Barnhill called Kenosha Police to report multiple crimes. According to the woman, on June 21, 2024, Barnhill showed up at her house, uninvited at 1:30 in the morning very intoxicated. Barnhill immediately pinched her nipple, which caused her pain. When she asked why he did this, he responded by saying “because I can., I’m daddy.” Barnhill then began yelling at the woman calling her a “fucking cunt,” “lazy whore,” and “worthless gold digger.” The woman’s 15-year-old daughter told police she heard Barnhill call her mother a “cunt.”

The woman offered to drive Barnhill home since he was drunk, but he then left on his own. Barnhill was on a two seperate cash bails at the time – $1,500 for two counts of Unlawful Phone Use, Threaten to Harm and Felony Bail Jumping. He was also on a $15,000 cash bail for ten counts of stalking and and eight counts of Unlawful Phone Use, Threatens Harm, and Disorderly Conduct. For this incident, Barnhill was charged with Fourth Degree Sexual Assault, two counts of Felony Bail Jumping, Battery, and Disorderly Conduct.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In Court Today, Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Drew Burgoyne asked for $150,000 cash bail for both cases, saying, in part, “[These] are shocking, violent offenses. There’s a danger to the community.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner Elizabeth Pfeuffer agreed with the DA’s office and set bail at $150,000 cash, saying, in part, “[Barnhill has] been previously on bond of increasing value and we still have two more criminal cases.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Previous Record
Barnhill is no stranger to the criminal justice system. He has a long history of mistreatment and violence towards women. While his juvenile records is unknown, below is his arrest and conviction record:
September 25, 2003
License Suspension
OWI #2
June 21, 2006
Convicted, 10 Days Jail, One Year License Revocation
OWI #3
May 25, 2014
Convicted, 90 Days Jail, 27 Month License Revocation
Order of Protection From “Mary”
March 18, 2018
Mary stated that She dated Barnhill, who was violent with her repeatedly throughout their relationship.
A Four-year restraining order was granted.
Two Counts of Knowingly Violate A Domestic Abuse Injunction – “Mary”
April 25, 2018 – May 7, 2018
Convicted of one count, Fined
Knowingly Violate A Domestic Abuse Injunction – “Mary”
August 22, 2018
Barnhill contacted Mary on Facebook and said he wanted to “crush her head in.”
Convicted – 18 Months Probation
Three Counts of Knowingly Violate A Domestic Abuse Injunction – “Mary”
September 29, 2018 and October 1, 2018
Convicted of one count, 18 months Probation
Order of Protection From “Jenna”
Jenna alleged harassment and threats.
Jenna didn’t show up to court, and the temporary order was dropped.
Felony Stalking, Nine Counts of Telephone Harassment
May 27, 2023 – June 22, 2023
Barnhill repeatedly messages another former girlfriend woman, Jenna, stalked her threatening to kill her and her friend, called her friend a “nigger” several times, threatening to “fuck you both in the ass.” Barnhill also threatened Jenna not to come to court.
Felony Bail Jumping and Telephone Harassment
August 27, 2023
Barhill contacted Jenna while on bail during a “no contact” order.
Two Counts of Felony Bail Jumping
April 26, 2024
Barnhill contacted Jenna against court order and sent her a message disguised as being from a woman, that read “Leave my dude alone. You miss him and his dick but he ain’t coming back. I know you love him and his big cock. Stop or we’ll have legal problems”
Unbelievably, for the above three pending cases, Judge Angelina Gabriele has approved a plea deal with the Kenosha District Attorney’s office, where all felonies were dismissed and Barnhill pleaded guilty to only three misdemeanor counts of Telephone Harassment – Threaten to harm. On September 10, 2024, Barnhill will be sentenced and the maximum sentence is about 200 days in jail.
When Barnhill was arrested yesterday, multiple people tipped of KCE, wondering why the Kenosha DA has allowed this man to abuse many women and avoid serious consequences. Barnhill’s step-mother is a prominent democrat and business owner of Coffee Pot in Kenosha.
Barnhill is due back in court for the two newest felony cases on August 22, 2024.
136 Responses
Thanks Judge Angelina Gabriele for protecting scum bags, you will be a one term and done judge!
Remember she came from DA office!
We need a tough on crime conservative to replace her
I am “jenna” and I was disgusted that they gave them the deal they did with my cases against Jason. Maybe if they would of listened to me and everything he put me through that I did NOT go to the police about and how dangerous he was this wouldn’t of happened. I am not happy that this happened again but it was bound to happen SOONER then later.
* I want to clarify, I went to the police about a lot more but I was ignored or not believed. I don’t know if this was because of my past or what it was. Maybe if they would of taken me seriously this wouldn’t of happened. Everyone deserves protection.
Absolutely crazy that a victim, (you) wasn’t taken seriously. NOW, the KPD needs to open an investigation into the the detective you reported these crimes to. I am not familiar with how bail works in WI, but $150k is not enough, should be $1 mil. He will get his karma in the form of Bubba stretching his butt hole out while he is prison labeled as a sex offender. They better not plea the class C felony down, this alcoholic, thieving rapist needs to be sitting in prison for the next 15 years.
I suggest you get a firearm for protection and learn how to use it proficiently. This guy sounds like a rabid animal.
I’m sorry you and so many other women had to endure this
Why has Jason gotten away with so much? I was married to one of Jasons uncles. reading this reminded me of my former husband and all the things he got away with over the years. He, too was a wife beater and a scoundrel. Everytime I called police..somehow my husband got away with whatever he was doing. I am so sorry all you women are going thru this. who keeps bailing him out?? what does his step mother being a prominent Democrat have to do with this? Interesting, why would the author mention this? She has nothing to do with what Jason does. He is a grown man (child). What an insult to WOMEN.
Janice doesnt deserve to even be connected to Jason’s crimes~! sickening.
Let me guess, you are referring to Mark Barnhill who is also a narcissist, little man piece of shit that suffers from Napoleon Complex like his nephew. I took great pleasure in watching his business (RBS Kitchen and Bath) go under with the way he treated his customers. And yes, when his step mother bails him out, she is condoning this rapist, who brags about stealing money from Toys for Tots to take vacations to Vegas. So everyone that is reading this, boycott the Coffee Pot, post reviews on Google informing the public that the owner supports thieving, women abusing sex offenders. It is from my personal experience that I can say the entire Barnhill family is just more Kenosha trash.
Jason’s FATHER always bails him out…not his step mother, .
His dad is on his fifth stroke and has Heart problems he’s barely even there in his head…. He isn’t on top of this like you think he is. He’s just kind of there. He’s just as sick of Jason ‘s shit as the rest of the family the only person That does support her son Jason is his biological mother Kathy , Who thinks He didn’t deserve this, and that all the women are lying about her sweet little boy. He’s an only child
Laura Hawkins:
Alias ToraToraTora.
Most despicable female on earth, on husband #7
This is a bizarre contrast with KCE’s earlier article where basically every defense attorney in town said she’s the harshest, most pro-prosecutor in Judge.
Judge Gabriele does every single thing that the state wants her to do, including soft sentences. There is no contrast.
If I’m 15, and this little worm is in my house drunk calling my mother a c*nt, he’s going to have a limp. Good job Judge Gabrielle, you’re making a difference.
What’s taking so long to get him off the street? Answer: limp judges
And his parents continuing to bail him out and get him good criminal attorneys at any cost.
amen Janice–let him sit in jail and suffer the consequences, his father has created a monster by continuing to bail him out. For Goodness sake the guy is in his 40’s! ..n now he is back on the streets?
And his parents continuing to bail him out and get him good criminal attorneys at any cost.
Limp district attorneys. Why aren’t they asking for his bond to be revoked in the existing case with the bond?
The victim has a 15 year old daughter….not son.
Thank you for the correction. Corrected
“The woman’s 15-year-old daughter told police he heard Barnhill call his mother a “cunt.” This hasn’t been corrected…”he” should be “she.”
call the grammar police, this is bad 🙄
You still have “The woman’s 15-year-old daughter told police HE heard Barnhill call HIS mother a “cunt.”” I put the words you forgot in all caps, I hope that helps you correct them to “she” and “her”, I feel bad for this teen having to experience that trauma by that abusive jerk
Maybe he’s trying to protect the victim and their family… especially if it’s a minor. Some things don’t need to be know. All that needs to be know is that it was the victims child.
Then he should have left his error of son instead of “fixing” it
Run your own damn paper then, who the fuck cares about some mundane mistakes?
It isn’t completely fixed
And you end up in cuffs then have to battle a case in juvenile court while this worm gets a plea deal
That’s America little pink house for you and me ..lock his ass up .. I give up ..
And this is what happens when the justice system keeps failing women over and over again!!! A slap on the wrist every time and the reign of terror on women was allowed to continue!!!!
Yes, they failed me. I am “Jenna” and they didn’t want to listen to me when I told them how dangerous he was. I went through so much with Jason, the Kenosha news does not know the half of it and what the police put me through reporting Jason. It was as if they didn’t believe me.
And my daughter is “Mary” and what I saw her being put through, the hoops she had to jump through, the begging, the pleading for help and safety for herself and her daughter and it was all treated like a big joke and disregarded as not important enough.
I went to high school with this creep. He was always a pompous jerk with napoleon syndrome. I see it has caught up with him. I’m sorry to hear that it took so long and these women were hurt in the process.
Where did he go to high school?
Kenosha Tremper
A lot of downvotes on this, must be his scummy group of pool buddies.
Had to bounce this creeper for harassing my bartenders with his thousand mile stare.
This is the same guy who ran a Toys for Tots pool tournament to raise toys for needy kids are Christmas. He did this for years. His problem stems from his alcohol abuse. Am I defending him? Absolutely not! I’m just pointing out the fact that some people can’t handle their alcohol. Sexual assault, drunk or sober is disgusting and he deserves to be locked away. Shame on this justice system for allowing this predator this many chances.
Yea, it was great he ran toys for tots. However, he would keep a decent portion of the donated money to go on trips.
This is absolutely true. I saw him do it “Jenna”.
The money he raised for toys for tots Was always kept for his own profit. Several people have seen the money after it was over and he would go to Potawatomi using the money to try to double it. None of the money was ever donated to for tots. It was just a scam. He scammed his friends, family, and pool community into giving money that went into his own pocket year after year. Do not trust this man he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. None of the money was ever donated to any nonprofit. There are no receipts of it. It never happened and anyone who thinks otherwise I I’m sorry. Everyone wanted to believe he was a good guy, but he wasn’t.
Yea, it was great he ran toys for tots. However, he would keep a decent portion of the donated money to go on trips.
This scum needs to be in jail. The justice system is failing these women. Way to go judge for allowing this filth to live amongst us.
Why is he being offered a plea deal?? He’s clearly a repeat offender. Can we get Judge Schroeder back??
That’s what I wondered as my heart dropped in court when I heard he was being offered a plea deal after bringing ME to court saying I was harassing HIM. He tried to file a restraining order against me to make it look like I was the crazy stalker when he had charges. The commissioner threw the order out as soon as he saw how it was complete non sense. I still had to turn MY PHONE IN to the detectives to prove that I wasnt harassing him when HE WAS THE ONE WITH CHARGES. This whole process has been traumatizing for me and how the police treated me, just because he accused me with no proof of harassing him and his now ex gf who is now a victim. I am once again JENNA in this article. The DA also promised me that they were going to ask for jail time, which they did NOT.
They should have already had an extraction of his phone which would have showed that you were not contacting him. They probably just wanted to see if they could get any evidence of you committing crimes.
Detective Howard sa8d that they asked for his phone but that he never turned it in and that they could not make him do that. Because of this the harrasememt claim would ultimately get dismissed but the emotional trauma it caused was EXACTLY what he wanted.
They connected her case numbers to your case numbers that he pled to one charge each on, but didn’t tie it back to your case number that was only bail jumping, probably since it was entirely dismissed.
So the DA never revoked his bail ?
Kate–Stand Strong!
Again the unpredictable angalina Gabriel…. exactly what I was saying
Jason and Judge Gabriel are friends….prolly why he got a sweetheart deal
They are even friends on Facebook!!! She shouldn’t be able to even try his cases in court.
She’s probably bought palm trees from him. That POS sells palm trees.
Carli McNeill and Gabrielle walk around and tell everyone that they are tuff on crime and support the police. That is a bunch of bs. Their records state otherwise. We need to get rid of both of them if we want our children and women protected in this community.
Carli McNeill and Gabrielle walk around and tell everyone that they are tough on crime and support the police. That is a bunch of bs. Their records state otherwise. We need to get rid of both of them if we want our children and women protected in this community.
The most sickening part is this creature has a little girl. How can you brutalize women when you have a daughter yourself? Those women are all someone’s little girl! Thank God he’s finally locked up in a cage like the animal he is!!!
Didn’t the Coffee Pot just “burn down”? As a result of an “accident”?
And the stepmother that owns the coffee pot just Shelled out another 14k To protect him in court, so he has a lawyer to get him out of this. Why can’t his family just realize that he’s not going to change? The only person this will change is the face reality his actions. But his family continues to enable and Support him financially. Making sure he has the best lawyers , Making sure his game fully employed by their business. It’s sad
The step mother is enabling him ! She bonds him out she pays for his attorney. There is so much that people have no idea about.
Why bring the coffee pot into this??
Well let’s see…… maybe because if a business/corporation is in anyway aiding in bullshit, we as consumers can influence how much money they have to provide to said bullshit.
Next time you get you large cup ‘o Joe from them you can make an extra donation to the “Barnhill bail fund”
This dude is a POS but I always question the women who get involved with these types because, at this age, they know what they are getting into and normally they don’t get involved with these types unless they are a little drama themselves.
And yeah, the woman has lots of her own drama, too. Do a CCAP search. She has dated these types in the past, too.
So your saying just because I have had my own past that means I deserve to be raped, belated and stalked? I had an addiction problem and now I am one year clean after finally leaving Jason. I have never dated anyone close to the kind of man Jason was and I’m not sure where you are getting your information from. I have redeemed myself and fought long and hard to be where I am today. I don’t care who you are or what you have done NO ONE DESERVES TO BE TREATED THE WAY JASON HAS TREATED ME OR THE OTHER WOMAN. Talk about stigmatization, way to be a walking billboard for it.
Why not put your name out there anonymous??
Because it’s one of his POS friends that’s why , he has friends that are just like him. I’d bet everything it is one of his friends or family. I wish the victim could speak . But she’ll get to and the truth will come out in court
Are you actually saying that it’s the women’s fault for getting involved with him?? Are you actually saying trying to lay some blame on the women that it was her fault thar she was being stalked AFTER she broke up with him and tried to get away from the abuse ? Are you actually trying to make this not so much his problem because the women he choose to abuse had a confidence issue? I say that’s an easy target all the way around. The cops don’t listen to the victim and he continued to abuse like he was the victim. That continued even after she broke off the relationship. Wow anonymous
So its the victims fault? Your a POS just for saying that. Hope you sleep well looser. Hes guilty hes admitted it, hes plead to it hes been guilty of domestic and assault. Wait till you start hearing the women speak out who did not ever file charges yet he has attacked and assaulted physical, mentally, sextualy, traumatized them actually. If you knew the level of manipulation this man is capable of you wouldn’t dare speak words like this about the victims no women no matter her struggles deserves this . To try and discredit the suffering and assaults at his hands. You sound like the problem,
the family, the judges, and lawyers who keep getting him out to harm more. They harass people and lie for him. He has only lived a lie he believes and everything and everyone else is only an object for him a toy he fakes love for to teardown at his desire. A truly evil soul.
What you just said is what’s wrong with the WHOLE justice system and money and might make right.
This was so the asso that said the women “asked for it” and that she is basically a POS. Shame on YOU
How dare you !!! You must be one of his friends . Ignore this ignorant comment
We certainly have a lot of filthy pigs living in Kenosha–we need MUCH stricter laws and punishments
Tough guy needs to be executed
I have put my name on here because I am not ashamed of where Ive come from and who I am today. I am grateful I got out of that horrible lifestyle, and have the chance to make this city a better place for those that suffer from addiction and for woman who have been abused. I am proud of myself and the other woman who did turn Jason in. I’m sure there are more out there.
Are you able to ask the judge to refuse the plea deal?
They put the deal in and moved on. The DA dealt it Kate spoke up and the assistant DA victim witness texted him that this is not what Kate wanted but they just moved on. Kate was intimidated because of his family namely Tom staring her down. The whole time she had been telling the DA’s office that she needed this whole thing ro be over and time after time they agreed to move the court cases out. That’s why he had so many bail jumping clearly he didn’t care. Clearly he knew he was going to get away with it. The last time he contacted Kate’s friend about Kate victim witness told her to turn it in but tge DA did not pick it up. He would have had more bail jumping if Drew had.
Kenosha County has to have some sort of Victims Advocate, right? I know if they do, they probably haven’t told you about it. Has this plea deal actually been accepted already by the court? I am so sorry the DA’s office lied to you about going for jail time.
Yes it was and I am.not sure if the judge knew about it and asked for it or if Drew the DA just had his own thing going but Kate was not protected. She told them many times how much she was stressed out about all of the delays amd they continued all the while he continued to try to humilate her and menace her. We tried to find her an attorney but we were told she didn’t need one. We trusted the DA and they let Kate down just like Heather and Nicole. Not a word of any of this in the Kenosha News. Not a word. They called to see if Kate was ok after Nicole attack… Kate reminded them she hasn’t be ok through out all this. That it was HARD for her the WHOLE time.
It’s in the Kenosha news now
I’m proud of you for getting away from him and improving your life!! With some attention on Kenosha today for the Chrystul Kizer sentencing, it is a great chance to go to all the media about your experience with law enforcement and the justice system in Kenosha County. From KCE, WISN, TMJ4, FOX6, to the New York Times and Washington Post (they did the investigative articles on the Chrystul Kizer case), to YouTube (from Court TV and Law & Crime to true crime to lawtube aka lawyers that comment on various court cases on youtube) there are lots of ways to get your experience shared with the public if you’re willing. Don’t forget that there is an election coming up for Kenosha DA, and from an outsiders perspective, it sounds like your choices are continuation of DA Gravely’s awful practices vs a guy in private practice who simply categorizes the Kenosha DA’s office as soft on crime. The Kenosha DA’s office right now seems somehow both soft and tough on crime. Maybe it is a combination of laziness, covering up poor investigations, preferential treatment to those they know or are well connected, and taking a personal interest in prosecuting certain cases. I’m not sure. It is a mess though, and if you’re wanting to improve your community, shining a spotlight on the mess that is the DA’s office using multiple forms of media before the election will hopefully get the people of Kenosha to come together to fix it. No matter what, good luck to you and stay safe!
how would one come forward? there is more.
Contact the DA.
Contact the police and file a report, contact the DA, walk into the police department and ask to file a report. Kenosha police non emergency number 262-656-1234
So its the victims fault? Your a POS just for saying that. Hope you sleep well looser. Hes guilty hes admitted it, hes plead to it hes been guilty of domestic and assault. Wait till you start hearing the women speak out who did not ever file charges yet he has attacked and assaulted physical, mentally, sextualy, traumatized them actually. If you knew the level of manipulation this man is capable of you wouldn’t dare speak words like this about the victims no women no matter her struggles deserves this . To try and discredit the suffering and assaults at his hands. You sound like the problem,
the family, the judges, and lawyers who keep getting him out to harm more. They harass people and lie for him. He has only lived a lie he believes and everything and everyone else is only an object for him a toy he fakes love for to teardown at his desire. A truly evil soul.
Barnhill has narcissistic personality disorder. No one else matters to him.
In his mother and Kate is a drug addict and lair. Jason is a good guy . I stand by my son. He may have a drinking problem but he is a good guy. He helps me with my lupus and now his father and I with health problems may not see our son. His daughter won’t see him until she is a teenager. Heather his daughter’s mother has done nothing but try to break him down. Kate is a herion addict and he was trying to help her. I pray my son gets out. I need him
I hope his kid is an adult when he gets out and they realize how terrible he is and never wants a relationship with him. Because he’s a rapist. And you should go to jail too for continuing to support such a sick POS and trying to cover up his mess. You are just as bad as him.
Oh wow, you are a piece of shit like your son. You just reinforced every comment referencing your son being a narcissist, now we all know where he gets it. Your son has much more than a drinking problem, he deserves to spend the next 20 years in prison. His daughter is better off and hopefully when he is released from prison he will have no family left and will swallow a bullet. Listen, the piece of shit stole thousand from Toys for Tots and is a rapist woman abuser. There is no place in society for him, lock his ass away. Go find pity elsewhere and STOP blaming the victims. If the victims are so bad, then why would your son break into their houses and rape them? Why would he stalk them?
Here is to hoping Jason,the fuck twat Barnhill is able to collect social security when he is released in 20 years.
Oh Kathy, how delusional you truly are. You were well aware of the abuse. As a matter of fact, you are the one who drove our daughter and I to the hospital the morning you had to escort him out of the house as he screamed in my face how he hated me while I was holding our sick daughter right after surgery. I have not tried to tear your son down, I have tried to hold him accountable to his obligations and responsibilities, something you clearly never have. Had you held up to your responsibilities of supervising him (court ordered) with our daughter, he likely would not have been driving drunk perpetually with her in the vehicle. She has also endured the rage of him, especially while intoxicated.. ON YOUR WATCH. Although I should expect nothing less, you yourself stalked me after he and I broke up. Driving by my house, asking my neighbors whose vehicles were in my driveway. 3 women back to back have come forward with black and white evidence of his abuse. If you’d like I can pull out the TOTE full of paperwork and you can refresh your memory. Amongst it you will find a wide variety of physical threats, pictures of marks he left on my body and a colorful array of slanderous Facebook posts and messages. I can even screenshot the threats that have continued over the course of the last 6 years. Not surprising though, you and he have both tried to create emotional chaos in our daughters head also. Filling her head with lies about us, trying to create an emotional divide for her. Shame on you. Inflicting emotional damage on a young child. The best thing for you to do right now is self reflect and break the unnatural emotional relationship and dependancy you have developed with your son. It’s disturbing. Your son is not a “good guy” and none of us deserved what he did. None of the women did. Even the ones who weren’t strong enough to report it. Our daughter will never be in his crosshairs. I have and will continue to fight for her emotional and physical safety.
Kathy, thank you for showing everyone here where Jason gets his inability to accept responsibility for his actions. It’s from you.
While you were busy maintaining an unhealthy relationship with your son and running around town harassing women second hand for him, Jason was busy believing that he was untouchable. Had you done your job as a mother, Jason would have faced the music years ago and this may never have happened. YOU padded his butt every time he messed up and now he’s paying the piper.
Jason abused Heather, Kate and Nicole. All of them. He’s a violent sex offender, a waste of flesh, and a raging alcoholic. Heather held him responsible and tried everything to keep her child safe from him. Kate did what your son is incapable of, and she got sober and has been bettering her life. Nicole is a good human being who suffered at the hands of Jason after the DA & Judge failed them.
Lastly, please don’t pretend Jason is good for ANYONE. His daughter is better off and safer without the exposure to his constant intoxication and frankly, he’s of zero help to any family member that is sick. Let’s be real here friend, stress is awful for Lupus – and your son has caused enough stress to turn you yellow. Wake up, stop dragging innocent women’s names through the mud.. and maybe Kathy, just maybe, you should also stop harassing them all unless you’re trying to get yourself as close to your sleaze -bag-crotch-goblin as you can. In which case, I suggest getting a tan to go with your new orange attire.
Gosh do I hope the DA starts dropping charges on you too. Then Heather’s daughter won’t ever need to be exposed to someone as obtuse as yourself.
Is this the same Barnhill that lived on Q by the bike trail?
Thank you.
Some would think he got his training from another well known Marxist eatery in town. Choo-choo! Garbage plate time.
Frank’s Commie Diner?
Jason is a creep, always has been and always will be. Shocking that he was still ‘free’ and isn’t a convicted felon for his theft from Toys for Tots for personal entertainment. Its also no secret that the KPD is a racist police force, Jacob Blake deserved 2 bullets, they other 5 should be allotted for this rapist. Hopefully the past will catch up to him and be a consideration when sentencing comes around.
I used to go to The Coffee Pot once or twice a month. Those days are over. I don’t want my money going to support a shitbag like this guy.
Wait until the DA’s office decides they can’t win the case so they just arbitrarily drop the charges with zero effort.
I’m also glad to find out where my money from the Coffee Pot is going. Plenty of options in town. I’ll be moving on.
KCE … thanks for making us all aware of this dangerous criminal. Keep pushing, this needs to go national to put some heat on the judges in Kenosha. All women in Kenosha and surrounding communities need to know who this guy is.
He’s always been a piece of shit, thinks his money will buy his way out of everything.
Thats another one of his lies. He has no money. He live vicariously through his dad.
Dad sold poluted former Chrysler property on 52nd to some idiot hedge fund managers in New York for 13 million recently, so plenty of bail $…
This is so frustrating to read. My ex wife accused me of abuse as a reason to get me out of the house. I did not even get to tell my side of the story. A detective was even kind enough to come drive her to and from the police station. Hmmm….
In the end it cost me $6000 to get everything dropped as there was zero evidence and I have no previous record of anything.
My point is that was hell. He’s repeatedly terrorizing women with no repercussions. Scary and corrupt. It’s who you know for sure. Or if you’re attractive female you can convince KPD of anything.
You must vote republican and believe in your rights. Because when you do that in Kenosha, they will try and destroy your life. Lawyers, Judges, and the other scum that encompass Kenosha County courts!
Cops need numbers too
Can anyone explain why Judge Gabriele was allowed to quietly recuse herself from the case? I saw she unfriended Jason on Facebook as well. Seems to me there should be repercussions for her hand in this.
Barnhill’s lawyer asked for a new judge. She did not recuse herself. I don’t have any idea about them being Facebook friends or not
I know I seen it , i’ve been friends with him for years and I’ve been trying to get him to get help but he doesn’t think he needs help but he did brag often how he and the judge were friends on Facebook and he showed me one day when we were at the bar so he was indeed friends with the judge While the entire case with Kate was going on. That case needs to be tried Over again