KCE has just learned that Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley (D), with the support of current DA candidate Carli McNeill (D), has a secret program that dismisses criminal charges against illegal aliens. Illegal aliens who get caught without a license get a non-criminal citation that includes only a fine.
For second and subsequent charges, everyone is supposed to be charged criminally. Not under Graveley and McNeill’s watch if you are in the country illegally. There is a different set of rules for illegal immigrants.
A local legal professional told Kenosha County Eye on the condition of anonymity:
“Soon after President Trump was elected, a local attorney named John Cabranes (a now-prosecutor in Rusk County), sought a meeting with DA Mike Graveley. Remarkably, they reached an unprecedented agreement. This agreement involved sparing undocumented individuals caught driving without a driver’s license (second and subsequent) from severe penalties. Specifically, these individuals were subjected to a $400 fee and had to attend a driving class at the Kenosha Transit Center – no jail time. The criminal case was dismissed from their record to prevent their potential removal from the United States.
These secret hearings have been held in a jury room located on the third floor of the courthouse. While taxpayers waited interminably before a commissioner, these undocumented individuals are being treated with undue privileges. The attorney who gave Graveley this idea, would dispatch bilingual staff members to interpret, conducting these proceedings with utmost secrecy.
This mirrors the conduct observed in California when Kamala Harris, acting as Attorney General, refused to turn over violent convicted felons to ICE for their removal.”
When defendants arrive for traffic court and they are selected by the DA’s office for this special, secret program, they are quickly shuffled out of the main courtroom for traffic court and brought into a locked, secret room down the hall, which is normally for jury deliberations. This room is inaccessible to the public, media, or anyone else. Only the lawyers are allowed, and a hand-picked interpreter from the DA’s office.

KCE made contact with DA Graveley and DDA Carli McNeill and didn’t receive a response. McNeill, who is running for Kenosha County DA supports and participates in this program.
KCE has made a public records request to DA Graveley for a Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) like the ones being drawn up and signed in secret. Graveley has denied our request, saying that they are “confidential prosecutor files.” The Racine County DA, Patricia Hanson, however, disagrees and has provided them to KCE in the past.
KCE is planning a lawsuit against the DA’s office next week, seeking a court order forcing Graveley to hand over the records. This would be KCE’s third successful public records lawsuit against the DA’s office.

As KCE is known for doing, we got a copy of one such secret agreement:

They even have copies of the secret documents in spanish:

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Local attorney Xavier Solis, the Republican candidate for District Attorney, said he has used this secret program in the past for his clients, but he will eliminate it if he is elected DA. “I think that all defendants should be treated the same, no matter what. This program seems to disproportionately benefited illegal aliens, and not US citizens,” said Solis.
McNeill ignored KCE”s request for comment, but she did take to social media to praise the program. Several of her Facebook friends seemed disturbed by her open support of the secrecy involved.
106 Responses
WTF Gravely and McNeil. How is this ethical or even legal? Its like you are discriminating against people who actually have a license.
It’s illegal to discriminate against people based on citizenship status. This is likely a violation of the 14th Amendment’s requirement of equal treatment.
Kevin, when you get the documents, please share these with the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty so they can sue the heck out of Kenosha county.
Graveley works for the State of Wisconsin. Wouldn’t WIIL need to sue the state?
No. They sue the county DAs office. The office is county but the employee is state.
I second that motion! Sue Kenosha and the corrupt DA Gravely and “DRAIN THE KENOSHA AND DC SWAMPS”!!!! GO SOLIS!! GO HOVDE!!! GO TRUMP!!! ✊️✊️✊️
Yes! Thank goodness gravely is out, his office has been corrupt since day one
True, but they could report them to ICE.
ICE doesn’t deport anyone anymore
Because they are both LIBTURDED DUMOCRATIC SCUMBAGS who work to please the Biden administration and the Kenosha & DC swamps!!! Lock the SCUMBAGS up!!!!
Wanna bet Carli howls at the moon?
She’s a moonbat.
This is ALL FAKE. Get your facts straight before you believe this bullshot.
DemoRATS hate Americans especially white conservatives. Carli McNeill goes on the radio and says she works closely with Gravely. And this position should be nonpolitical. ALL THEY DO IS PLAY POLITICS!
Screw them both!
They are using our hard-earned tax money against us to give special treatment to illegal aliens? What the hell is going on here?
Hispanics will be running America soon and the whites will be the minority. America as you knew it is gone.
About Time can’t wait 🤣🤣
Troll on, troll 😂
White men, lock it up. Brown people “get the privilege.”
Andy Berg’s crime tells a very different story.
Justice in Kenowhere??? Yeah sure. I was falsely accused of DA, later allowed to be changed to DV, by a woman I dated until I found out she’d been lying, stealing, a serial cheater and called it quits…and I was arrested. We neither were in a relationship, lived together, nor did she have any legal or financial claim to my home I own or anything in it – and the police ON THE SPOT awarded her everything. I was made homeless. It took 30 days and thousands of dollars to a local POS “defense attorney” who proved to be part of the crooked clique, before I could get back in my home. It had been raided, damaged, robbed of about 10 grand in cash and personal property. I made an itemized list and took it to the police. Their response?…Nada. Zip. Other than to tell me it was a crime to go after that woman…who I learned too late has a history of doing the exact same thing to men and when they kicked her to the curb she retaliated with false charges. I was the 4th man (that I know of). She was afforded anonymity by law so was free to do it over, and over. Nothing even shows in a background investigation. I know because I paid for one shortly after meeting her.
The DA’s office either ignored all the text messages, screen shots, pictures, and concrete proof of my innocence that I provided to that POS lawyer…or he didn’t give it to the DA’s office.
I’ve never been in trouble with the law and raised my children to respect police and the Justice System. Now I don’t trust the police of Kenosha’a courts one damn bit.
Most people on this site back the blue no matter what they do.
You should pick better women then…
The Kenosha county court system is a complete crooked joke!!! I’ve been in similar situations and know of others who have as well. It takes thousands of dollars to get through. It’s guilty till proven innocent in Kenosha unless you are a “real criminal” or an “illegal immigrant”! LOCK GRAVELY UP!!! His buddy Ted Kmiec can visit him in jail until he gets there too! LIBTURDED DUMOCRATIC SCUMBAGS!!!
Hi Andy .
And McNeil wants to be the first trans DA in Wisconsin. Good luck buddy!
The only place trannys belong is in “HELL”!!!
I’d like the 2 people who put thumbs down to this comment to please step forward 🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
She is not trans.
Didn’t say she was
She looks it
America is officially turning Hispanic. Game over
She’s a man baby!
You give me too much credit. I had zero power to establish or lobby for the establishment of a traffic diversion program, which by the way, are not unusual in many Wisconsin counties. The program was never secret. ******
Attorney Cabranes. Your guess as to the identity of my source is incorrect. I’m glad that you are making yourself available for questions. 1. Did you or did you not approach the DA’s office to enact this program? 2. Have you ever been audited by the IRS for under reporting income? 3. Do you believe that illegal aliens should be treated better than United States citizens? 4. Did you used to be a Republican but then switch to the Democrat party when Trump was elected because his strict border policy made you make less money? I appreciate you taking the time to come on here to answer some tough questions.
The least you can do is get my name right, which you failed to do just like you failed to get your facts straight. While I have no reason to answer your insulting questions I will because I have nothing to hide and your insinuations need to be answered. First, I did not approach the DA’s office to establish a traffic diversion program. Never happened. You should inquire of Attorney Solis whether he did.Second, I have never been audited by the IRS for any reason. If you have proof to the contrary present it. Third, I believe that all people living in this country have rights and that everyone’s rights should be respected equally. Let me repeat, equally. Lastly, I am a lifelong Republican. I have never been a Democrat. And to be clear, before the Trump years, during the Trump years and after the Trump years I practiced a fair amount of immigration law. Trump’s policies didn’t cost me a dime. In fact quite the opposite. I’m done answering your insulting questions. You and Xavier Solis can go back to the drawing board to see what other nonsense you can come up with to smear me.
Mr. Cabranes. I had no intention and smearing you with this publication. It sounds like you agree with the program so why are you so afraid to admit that you still support it and helped with its creation? I’m surprised that you claim to be Republican but you supported the political prosecution of Kyle Rittenhouse. Republican? That’s funny. You must be a Liz Cheney / Lisa Murkowski. Anyway, I do not have time to debate but I wish you the best in this next role of your life. You should know however that although you support the Democrat in this race, she recently said that defense attorneys are harmful to our country. I’ll leave it at that
Hey John I hope you are doing well. Just to clarify, when I left your office 11 years ago, I was unaware there was any remaining animosity between us. I immensely enjoyed our time working together. Unlike my opponent, I gave my opinion of this program. I wish you luck in your future endeavors!
Tell these motherf****rs something they don’t already know about me!!
So because illegal immigrants are “living” in our country even though they were let in here “illegally” by libturded dumocratic scumbags to achieve more scumbag votes, you wanna give them “rights”????? Pull your head out your asshole and do us all a favor and get the fuck out of politics you idiot!!! GO SOLIS!!! GO TRUMP!!! DRAIN THE KENOSHA AND DC SWAMP!!!
Enough is enough. This is a bunch of bs. KCE you should ask if these illegal aliens also get driver’s licenses and voters IDs in this secret courtroom. Typical democrat policies creating sanctuary cities.
I hope they do I hope they come and do the same stuff that was done to this country 500 yrs ago take it over steal it and then make their own rules this ain’t American land this is stolen land see everything is coming back full circle. 🤣🤣🤣
Lmao troll on, troll.
They destroyed their own countries with communism and racism. And now they want to come to the USA with the same policies. You are more than welcomed to go live in Aurora Colorado.
Nope I’ll live right here in Kenosha Wi and watch the wrath of this country happen because it’s about time it does…except back in those days it was done with liars befriending to excute their plan now the Hispanics are coming full force no lies just action…I love to watch it 🤣🤣
I do too, then my lawn is well cared for.
This is the one of the dumbest comments I have ever heard. All land is stolen land. Duh
What a dipshit. All over the earth someone else has lived at some point. Get real.
You fuck load .
Hovde IS the swamp. “Draining the swamp” would have been electing Raveendran.
Any time the party-selected candidate wins, the swamp grows.
While Raveendran is very nice and has an incredibly inspiring back story, she did not fully understand the job, could not raise money, and stood no chance of beating Baldwin. Just because the party sees a good candidate who can win and gets behind him, that does not make him the swamp. He’s quite far from it. Republicans need to be more strategic and stop fighting each other. Winning a primary is great, but it’s the general elections that matter the most!
You eat with that brain ?
Drain the swamp was a 2016 election promise that turned out to be a lie. It will always be a lie.
It;s called buying votes!!!
This is enough! settle this like men. Thunder Dome two men enter one man leaves, Kenosha Steam Baths with guest ref BERG. Looser has to marry Doctor Niccolai.
Loser is a hard word.
I look forward to never reading about this in the Kenosha News. They’re still stuck on the “Suckers and losers” lie.
The Kenosha News Pamphlet must be subsidized by Soros to feed low information older voters Associated Press propaganda.
No way just advertising supports that rag.
It wont be around much longer.
Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts
Oh my gosh! This is highly illegal, it causes all of us to pay higher insurance premiums and puts us in danger! Gravely and McNeil need to be arrested for this
It’s because this country is a piece of shit. Your birth certificate makes you a share in the corporation of the United States of America. Your “citizenship” means that you voluntarily participate in maritime law instead of common law. Common law is Gods law. Victimless crimes/fines are only possibly through maritime law. Because illegals aren’t “citizens” they are not under the same statutes as “citizens”.
The sad truth is that you are better off renouncing your citizenship and becoming a sovereign citizen of the state in which you reside. File a W8 instead of a W2. You won’t get social security that you won’t live long enough to collect anyway but you won’t be paying all the taxes to a corrupt system that pays those that call themselves Jews before its own people. Andy if you are young enough you won’t have to worry about being drafted to fight in another Jew bank war.
Jews are the chosen people.
You spelled “Synagogue of Satan” wrong.
you spelled “not so secret closeted gay” wrong
Pretty sure I wasn’t trying to spell that, but good effort. Shalom!
You spelled shalom wrong. 😉
No. You’re a shlomo
Unbelievable crooked BULLSHIT!! Gravely needs to be ousted and prosecuted!!! He would fit into the DC swamp perfectly!!!! Go figure, he’s Ted Kmiec’s buddy too!! DRAIN THE KENOSHA SWAMP!!! DRAIN THE DC SWAMP!!! GO SOLIS!!! GO TRUMP!!!! Let’s help rid the world of libturded dumocratic scumbags!!!!
The district attorney office along with the sheriffs office are known for doing political favors. Some of the reasons my family has been going through hell in Bristol. I Gurantee McNeil is cleaning out her emails along with gravely to detach themselves from Bristol administration. I’ve never seen a person run for public office avoid someone like she did me a village meeting. I can’t wait until they get on the stand and have to answer for breaking code of conduct
Too bad my reply to you was deleted. You are a POS.
Someone give these commenters a chew toy, they seem restless.
She reminds me of Ashley Broad from
that pawn shop TV show.
If this doesn’t scream we need a change, then nothing will reach you. 1 law for all not sneaky deals for some. Vote for SOLIS for Kenosha County DA. Register at your city or village hall if you’re not registered. Register your friends at the.same time
Then in November bring them to the polls to vote. Kenosha needs a change SOLIS IS THE ANSWER!!!!
As much as I back the badge it”s getting harder to support them! There backing McNeill is beyond crazy. Who’s side are they on protecting us or ????
Because they work with her on a daily and know that she isn’t some crazy left wing libtard that Kevin wants everyone to think. She is great to work with, reasonable and cares about putting criminals in jail, where they belong.
Not all law enforcement is backing her. All her supporters and donors are anti police and extreme liberals like Peter Barca, Lydia Spottwoods, Sabrina Landry, Jodi Mueroff, Sharmain Harris, Rob Moore, Ray Roberts and so on. and the only person she cared about putting in jail was Kyle Rittenhouse. Yet dismisses charges for illegal aliens. If it walks like a rat. Smells like a rat. Then it is a rat. A demoRAT!
If it’s a rat 🐀 STOMP ON IT!!!
Please clarify, Solis took advantage of this in the past and if elected will eliminate it now? So why did he participate in the first place knowing it was unethical and just plain wrong? If he loses the bid for DA will he continue to support this secret courtroom? I’m confused,so please clarify. If he wants my vote I need an explanation. Thank you !
Thank you for your question. And just to clarify this benefited any individual that I represented and not myself which was a small handful. The individual makes the decision whether or not to participate. It is my job and ethical duty under the Supreme Court rules to advocate for my clients. And yes I will immediately end this program when I am elected as District Attorney. I will NOT give preferential treatment to illegal aliens or anybody else. Under the Constitution, We are all equal.
Just clarifying…you will raise our taxes as DA? Ending this program will cost us taxpayers a lot of money.
I think it’s time we take a deep breath and have a reality check.
First, aliens can lawfully drive in the United States because of treaties if they have a valid license in their home country and it’s a treaty signatory. Doesn’t matter if the alien is here legally or illegally.
Second, Wisconsin used to allow illegal aliens to hold driver’s licenses. There were few, if any, complaints. A 2005 federal law essentially nixed that. This increased the number of OWL cases,
Third, just as Americans who lost their licenses continue to drive so will illegal aliens. The difference is that the Americans lost their licenses because of bad driving. Regardless of the politics of and need to control the borders, Jose and Marie going to work to feed their children are not public menaces. They won’t stop driving but have stopped driving legally in 60% of the states.
Fourth, Illinois adopted a guest driver permit law in which illegal aliens who pass the tests and show proof of insurance can lawfully drive. 40% of the states have some type of similar law. Many are more liberal than Illinois.
Not being able to legally drive in the U.S. isn’t going to stop people from crossing the border or driving. I think Illinois may have a good answer that at least tries to ensure driver competency (pass tests to drive) and financial responsibility/protection of the public (mandatory insurance).
The “secret” DA program here doesn’t protect the public like Illinois’ guest driver permit law.
As for the border problems, remember that the last time Congress did anything serious about immigration was 1986.
you ready to pick cotton? you better be if you deport them all.
So you are saying we need illegal immigrants because they pick cotton? Are you for real?? What year are you living in???
In a nutshell: an illegal alien is illegal.
Send ‘em back and build a wall. Enter the right way like the rest of us did. ✌🏼
These are all reasons why we need to drain the swamp not only in Kenosha but in DC! GO SOLIS!!! GO TRUMP!!!
I don’t understand why we even need to have these types of conversations which include “illegal aliens”. To me, the “only” thing we should be talking about when it comes to “illegal aliens”, is “deportation”! THEY ARE ILLEGAL!!!!!
This is so misleading. First, ICE does not deport for a low level offense of driving without a license. They just don’t have the resources for that. This has been the situation under both Rep and Dem presidents. Second, before this program, the county/state was wasting too much money on interpreters, attorneys, and court time on these low level cases. Taking away resources from more serious cases. Third, we cannot jail people for this because the cost to the taxpayers is exorbitant. Instead, this program has saved so much taxpayer money and resources and the end result is the same – they do some things like stay out of trouble, find other methods of transportation, and then THEY PAY us a fine- it’s a good punishment and deterrent. So instead of losing money, we are making money. It isn’t perfect but it is a good solution under all the circumstances.
But of course this article doesn’t present the cost saving benefit to the taxpayers and instead pretends these people would be deported. Also, it’s not a secret. It has been a part of presentations to the county board and at other forums with public officials.
Citizens who are charged with this same offense, also get a citation and a fine once they prove they got a valid DL.
So once again making money & punishing people financially instead of wasting money
Ok Carl
Oh the naivity. How many of these people actually show up and pay this “fine”? We don’t even have a tracking mechanism!!!
McNeil is a pig. Gravely is slime. Disgusting filthy pigs covering illegals from crime.
You mean the publicly available program that SAVES tax payer dollars and judicial resources?
The one proposed to the county board that SOLIS WAS SITTING ON? !
I don’t usually respond to people of such low intelligence and mental health issues, but I feel I must tell you, Xavier Solis was never on the county board. He never held any position that was even similar to being a member of the county board. Second, the county board does not approve such a program. So you have just one the award for this stupidest comment probably for the entire year. You really should research things before you make yourself look so foolish
This same ignoramus posted this comment on Carli’s FB page. Perhaps her followers should know…
Ummm excuse me dumbass….Solis was never on the county board.