Kenosha Board Member Calls For Vote To Discourage The Relocation of Refugees or Immigrants Without Proper Planning

Kenosha County Board Member Keith Gray
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

One of the top issues for voters in the November 5, 2024, presidential election is immigration. Typically, it ranks as issue #2 after the economy. First-term Kenosha County Board Supervisor Keith Gray is listening to residents of his district and has proposed “A Resolution to Discourage the Resettlement of Migrants in Kenosha County”. The text of the resolution reads:

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WHEREAS, the immigration crisis in the United States, which involves a large influx of refugees and immigrants without family, jobs, housing, or other resources, has placed a significant and unsustainable demand on the public resources needed to support these individuals in the communities in which they have arrived, specifically in the areas of law enforcement, education, health care, and housing; and

WHEREAS, more than 10 million people have been reported as illegally entering the United States since January 2021; and

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WHEREAS, Kenosha County believes it is in the best interests of the health, safety, and welfare of Kenosha County and its residents to properly prepare for the arrival of any large influx of refugees or immigrants who cannot care for themselves; and

WHEREAS, some bus services have been retained to drop off large numbers of these individuals, including children, in a manner that leaves the individuals exposed to great risks and the communities in which they arrive unprepared to assist them adequately; and

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WHEREAS, Kenosha County requires support and advanced notice to ensure that proper care for these refugees or immigrants is available rather than responding on an emergency basis to unexpected dropoffs; and

WHEREAS, Kenosha County cannot safely and effectively address a sudden and unexpected arrival of large volumes of individuals in need of assistance without careful planning and resources; and

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WHEREAS, “sanctuary cities” provide a safe haven for unplanned refugees or immigrants and discourage local law enforcement from reporting the immigration status of individuals and honoring requests by ICE to detain undocumented immigrants whom they apprehend; and

WHEREAS, Kenosha County is geographically located along an interstate that connects Chicago and Milwaukee, two cities that function as “sanctuary cities;” and

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WHEREAS, there is a legitimate concern that this proximity could result in the unplanned relocation or resettlement of refugees or immigrants; and

WHEREAS, some of these refugees or immigrants are dangerous criminals, including those involved in the illegal drug trade, human trafficking, and gang activity; and

WHEREAS, “sanctuary cities” and an open border increase the probably of violent criminals coming from other countries and committing crimes in communities across the country, including Alejandro Jose Coronel Zarate, an affiliate of the Tren de Aragua transnational gang, who was brought to Prairie du Chien from the Dane County area and was arrested and charged with domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and strangulation; and

WHEREAS, fentanyl is pouring into our communities and poisoning our citizens, and is mostly coming in from the United States’ southern border;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors discourages the relocation of refugees or immigrants without proper planning in Kenosha County; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors encourages all appropriate federal and state officials and agencies to seek settlement options in areas better able to absorb the volume of and potential illegal activities of such individuals; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors encourages efforts at the federal and state level to give local officials a greater voice in determining whether their communities are appropriate for resettlement efforts; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors respectfully requests the Wisconsin State Legislature enact laws to prohibit “sanctuary cities” in Wisconsin; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to Kenosha County’s state and federal legislative delegations, Governor Evers, all other Wisconsin counties, and the Wisconsin Counties Association. 

Supervisor Gray commented on his resolution, “I believe it is appropriate for there to be a public statement making clear to the taxpayers of Kenosha County and any organization, elected official, and individual, that our County has limited resources to serve our citizens.  That any plans to send or establish here an unanticipated influx of unemployable people should be discouraged.”

Supervisor Morrissey, who chairs the Legislative Committee told KCE that “[Supervisor Gray’s resolution] will be placed on the legislative committee agenda for committee review.”

Since the immigration issue is so important to voters this election, and we have a hotly contested congressional race in Kenosha County, KCE reached out to Congressman Bryan Steil and candidate for congress Peter Barca for comments on the resolution.

Congressman Bryan Steil (R)
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

KCE received the following response from Steil, “Every state and local community is feeling the impact of the Biden/Harris border crisis. The flow of illicit fentanyl killed over 40 people last year in Kenosha County. Local community resources are being strained by the border crisis and support for sanctuary city policies, which my opponent has supported in Wisconsin. It is imperative that we secure the border and stop this crisis as it continues to impact our communities.”

Peter Barca (D) – Candidate, Congress
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

KCE made contact with Peter Barca directly on Saturday, September 28th for comment. Barca said he would “take a look at it tomorrow (Sunday).” Then on Monday Barca texted “We definitely would need until at least Tuesday.” It’s Wednesday, and KCE still has not heard from Barca. In the Wisconsin Assembly, Barca fought to protect sanctuary cities in Wisconsin.



Kenosha Sheriff’s Department Solves 35-Year-Old Baby Homicide Cold Case: Prosecution Denied

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Journey Church Pastor Accused Of Capturing Intimate Photos: Holding On $7,500 Bail

The Kenosha Police Department is investigating Gabriel Mills, a 41-year-old Kenosha resident and pastor of Journey Church in Kenosha, for allegedly transferring intimate photographs without permission from the victim’s phone to his own. Gabriel reportedly borrowed the victim’s phone and proceeded to search through phone until finding intimate photos of the victim. He then sent the photos to his phone without consent. Gabriel was arrested by the Kenosha Police Department on September 30, 2024. Today, October

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Women And Children’s Horizons Executive Director Resigns Week After Shelter Re-Opens

A week after Women and Children’s Horizons re-opened and after being closed for almost two months due to “staffing shortages,” its executive director has resigned. Yvonne MacDonald-Hames was on the job for less than three months and refused to talk to KCE today. The board president, Sandy Riese, did call KCE to answer our questions. “Our shelter is back open and the board has a plan to keep Women and Children’s Horizons a great resource to

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No Truth To Rumors Of Shuttered Schools Being Used To House Migrants: KUSD, City of Kenosha

Since the fall of 2023, Kenosha County Eye has received countless tips via phone calls, text messages, anonymous emails, and other methods, about rumors of migrants being housed in KUSD schools that are now closed.  In January of this year, we spoke with unified who assured us that there was no truth to these rumors.  A renewed round of speculation has been circulating the county with people asserting that the schools would be used to house

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Tremper English Teacher Suspended For 10 Days, Demoted, For Using “N” Word And “F” Word In Class

According to an English teacher’s personnel file, obtained by KCE, he used the “N” word in class and told a student “Fuck you.” Paul Mommaerts admitted to the actions, was suspended for 10 business days, and was demoted, costing him $10,000 annually. Mommaerts filed a grievance with the union, but lost. According to the Mommaert’s personnel file: Mommaerts admitted to his principal that he used a racial slur during his third period English Perspectives class. He

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Law&Crime To Premiere New Original Documentary, The Trials of Kyle Rittenhouse

Top legal and true crime network Law&Crime announces the premiere of its newest original documentary, The Trials of Kyle Rittenhouse, which will air on its network on Friday, Sept 27 at 7pm CST and be available on Law&Crime’s video-on-demand offerings.The 90-minute documentary, directed and produced by award-winning journalists Brian Ross and Rhonda Schwartz, sheds new light on the investigation into the events of that fateful evening in Kenosha August 2020 when Rittenhouse shot and killed two

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Kenosha Unified School District Seeks Community Input On Operational Needs Via Survey – Referendum Likely

The Kenosha Unified School District is asking all residents to participate in a referendum survey to evaluate the district’s operational needs, consider possible solutions, and contribute feedback as it plans for the future. Residents can take the anonymous survey online at It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and is available through Thursday, October 10. “While our schools are a big point of pride in our community, KUSD has financial needs stemming from the state’s inequitable

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KUSD Teacher, Who Is Also A Powerful Milwaukee County Democrat Politician, Disciplined By District

Kathleen Vincent (D) is a powerful Milwaukee-area politician. She is the president of the School Board in Greendale, and she is on the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors. Her full-time job, however, is a middle school english teacher. According to public records, she has a hard time juggling the three roles and has actually been disciplined several times by the Kenosha Unified School District for doing elected duties while working for KUSD as a teacher, among

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Grooming Case Against Fired Teacher Goes To Trial – Motion To Dismiss Denied

A 29-year-old fired KUSD teacher named Christian Enwright is headed to trial on 22 counts of Disorderly Conduct for allegedly grooming a 14-year-old student. Judge Gerad Dougvillo today, denied Enwright’s attorneys’ motion to dismiss after extensive briefing and short oral arguments. Enwright is now scheduled to go to trial on April 21, 2025. He faces over four years in jail, if convicted of all counts. Enwright’s attorneys brought up a recent bill signed into law that

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Congressman Bryan Steil Endorses Xavier Solis For Kenosha County District Attorney

A key endorsement has been announced in the Kenosha County DA’s race. Carli’s McNeill (D) is running against Xavier Solis (R) for Kenosha County District Attorney. “Xavier Solis stands with law enforcement and is committed to keeping Kenosha County safe,” said Congressman Brian Steil (R). “I believe everyone deserves to feel safe in their communities, and that’s why I’m supporting Xavier Solis for Kenosha County District Attorney.” “I want to sincerely thank Congressman Steil for his

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Root-Pike WIN Celebrates Wisconsin Stormwater Week With Presentations Focused On Stormwater Ponds

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New Title Company Celebrates Grand Opening Friday with Ribbon-Cutting Reception

Harborside Title is the latest addition to downtown Kenosha’s business community. The staff at Harborside Title welcomed the community to its office this past Friday for its Grand Opening Celebration. The celebration was well-attended by many dozens of local supporters and the event was standing-room only.  “We’re humbled by the outpouring of support from the business community and others”, stated Anthony Nudo. “We accepted our first title order on July 15, and it’s been nonstop since

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51 Responses

  1. I’ve already got a huge list of addresses of folks that are supporting ILLEGALS coming to Kenosha that are begging to give them a place to eat, stay and use their bathrooms.
    All you have to do is drive down the road and see the signs….like Harris, Barca, Baldwin, McNeil, DeSmidt.
    I’ll be putting more of those addresses on here very soon.

      1. You dimwit!
        I’m not voting for those people to come here, you are. I would argue YOU are the one entering dangerous territory.

          1. Since you pay rent that is your home and have every right to remove the sign that your landlord placed there.

    1. I’m confused by your revenge plan. How are you going to get immigrants to those addresses? Are you suggesting that immigrants are reading Kenosha County Eye comment sections? I know immigrants are very smart, having some sort of technology called phone apps.

  2. FUCK EM ALL. DEPORT EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. NO ANCHOR BABIES EITHER. Drop em off 10,000 miles further than where they came from. They’re invaders looking to exploit our already fucked up country. Fine all companies that employ them. Absolutely NO TAX FUNDS to support these criminals, and they will start to leave.

        1. Straight White Male:

          You are one angry dude!

          You are angry because you are aggressively repressing your long-standing and deep-seated desire to lay with a man. You were raised to hate members of the LGBTQ community. Now that it turns out that you are a closeted homosexual, you project your hatred of yourself on others.

          You need to set yourself free and accept who you really are. It is OK to be gay. Stop fighting it.

          1. Anonymous .. Can you just stop harassing straight white male?it’s getting old with you two going back and forth. Just stop the judgemental assine comments.

            1. I will certainly consider stopping when he stops attacking and casting hate on the LGBTQ community. Until he stops, I will continue to expose why his hatred is so intense. It is not normal and it is because he is a closeted homosexual himself. His life would be better if he simply accepted that. We would all be better off if he stopped with the hate.

              1. Joel, you don’t have to keep coming here projecting and looking for validation in your personal life. Perhaps up the time with your therapist or find another one if they aren’t helping. There is much more to life than acting out on message boards…

              2. You’re supporting the alphabet people in the wrong place. More M4L members than alphabet people, in this locale 😂

              3. It’s not hate. It’s disgust! You’re degenerate. An abomination. Repent of your degenerate sins, and accept Christ into your heart.

              4. Straight White Male

                More evidence of you projecting the hatred you have for yourself onto others. You are a textbook case of a self-loathing closeted homosexual. It is clear to everyone but you. You need to accept your sexual preference. Your denial of your true self has locked you in a cage. Only you can free yourself.


              5. Did that disgraceful pastor at that Journey Church accept Christ into his heart, or is he just another sexual degenerate member of the clergy?

    1. anchor babyies are US citizens. The legal status of “anchor babies” in the United States rests on a firm constitutional foundation rooted in the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868, contains the Citizenship Clause, which unequivocally states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

      maybe you just never read the most important document we have.

  3. This country was built on the backs of slaves and immigrants all of you look back on your history I’m sure many of your families were immigrants especially you Italians for you to talk so badly and ugly and so maliciously about a group of people shows what kind of nasty human beings you are. i seriously hope non of you call yourselves God Fearing or Christian because you definingly don’t know the meaning of that.

    1. My ancestors came to this country using proper channels. These are ILLEGAL entries and then you and I have to support them.

    2. Yes this country was built on LEGAL IMMIGRANTS who LOVED THIS COUNTRY. They gave up their languages life stocked and family traditions to be “Americans” they weren’t ruing the country.

    3. My parents came through the correct channels and my grandparents came through as well (Ellis Island). Don’t lump my family in with the criminals who enter illegally.

  4. Just watch….once people Vote To Discourage The Relocation of Refugees or Immigrants, a new committee WILL BE MADE, QUTCKLY TO PROPERLY PLAN TO Relocate Refugees or Immigrants HERE IN KENOSHA!


  5. It will never pass. Yuhas has packed the committees with her far-left minions. She’s ensured her “side” holds a majority vote on every committee.

  6. For cripes sake start handing out one way tickets on Metra from Chicago to Kenosha and set up relocation services and voter registration at the train station.
    Plenty of empty KUSD buildings that can be used to house and feed thousands of those who provide low cost labor.

    1. Hecho en Mexico
      No Way. Only American citizens have the right to vote. And post your address, you house and feed them. Come here legally or don’t come at all.

  7. How hard is it for Barca to comment? Too busy getting a free meal with his other libtard leech friends.Ask Rockford Wirch what he thinks.

  8. I am voting absentee from Mexico for Harris, BarfKa, and the other terrible DemoRats. The worse the candidate, the better for my gold price, and that is my number one issue. My second issue which is dear to my heart, is supporting war and protecting “the Jews” Once again, the DemoRats are like John McShame on steroids. Fighting wars for their little big brother. Please start the draft, and send those young non-proud Americlowns over to some foreign entanglements. USI needs a strong leader like Lindsey Grahms South Carolina Senator. He loves wars. Vote MAGA making America a graveyard again.

  9. Illegals are handed phones and prepaid Visa cards worth thousands and then are given free housing all paid for with our hard-earned tax dollars. Ukraine gets close to 2 billion of our hard-earned tax dollars.

    Harris just announced she’s giving Americans hit by the hurricane $750. Wow. Make it make sense.
    We live in upside down world.

    1. For those people affected by the hurricane, they deserve more than $750. $750 isn’t a drop in the bucket for the suffering they are enduring

    2. Ukraine has received over $200 BILLION dollars in total.
      Illegal invaders that have entered our country are being welcomed with “Red Carpets.” While our veterans are being turned away, many homeless because their benefits have been denied.


      1. Thank you for correcting me, I forgot the zeros in my number. Yes, 200 billion to Ukraine and mere pennies for Americans.
        Something is awfully awfully wrong in America.

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