Educational Assistant At Riverview School Arrested: Sex-Related Crimes Alleged

Anna Crocker (33) of Salem
(Kenosha County Sheriff)

On October 9, 2024, the Sensitive Crime Unit of the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department began an investigation involving sexual misconduct allegedly committed by a 33-year-old female staff member of Riverview Elementary School. This misconduct involved a current and former student of the school. “We are early in the investigation but have determined the alleged misconduct did not occur during school hours or on school property,” said Lieutenant Dan Ruth with the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department. “We acknowledge the potential impact of this incident on the community. The School District is cooperating with the investigation. “

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According to the Sheriff’s Department, the staff member was brought to the Detective Bureau from the school and is currently held at the Kenosha County Jail on related charges. More charges may be forthcoming as the investigation continues. This is an ongoing investigation; we will provide the community and media with updates as appropriate.

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Anna Crocker (33) of Salem
Riverview School District

We encourage anyone with pertinent information to come forward. Anyone with information can contact the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department Detective Bureau, Detective Moro, at 262-605-5102.

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Sheriff David W. Zoerner (R)
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

“In light of these events, we want to remind everyone in the community about the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all individuals.  It is crucial to be vigilant and report any concerning behavior to the appropriate authorities.  Additionally, we encourage open communication and support for those impacted by such distressing news.  Let’s work together to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone in our community.” – Sheriff David W. Zoerner.

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While the Sheriff’s Department isn’t naming the suspect, KCE has confirmed that Anna Crocker is in the Kenosha County Jail with the following requested charged:

1st Degree Sexual Assault/ Contact With Person Under 13
Exposing Genitals / Public Area /Intimate Parts To A Child
Child Sexual Exploitation / Video Records, etc
Possession of Child Pornography

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Anna was allegedly caught by her husband having an affair at least on one occasion, according to court documents.

Ashlyn Witting – Mother
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Ashlyn Witting, a mother of a child at Riverview School became an advocate for anti-grooming and school misconduct following the Christian Enwright incident at KUSD. She told KCE today that she’s been advocating for anti-grooming like changes in policy at Riverview school. “I don’t believe this issue was caused by any oversight involving the district. I commend their swift decision to place Ms. Crocker on leave as the investigation unfolds. The board has been receptive to my ideas and I believe their intentions allign with the best interests of the students.” said Witting. “At tonight’s board meeting, I was the only member of the public present. I wish the community would take a more active role in the district in supporting our teachers and administrators.”

Silver Lake – Salem School Board Meeting Tonight
(Cell Phone Photo by Kevin Mathewson)

Tonight’s board meeting was scheduled many weeks ago and had nothing to do with the recent developments. Board President Brian Hopkins started the meeting by explaining that today’s incident would not be the topic of discussion.

Kim Taylor – Administrator, Riverview School

KCE District Administrator Kim Taylor, who issued KCE the following statement:

“As you know, we are addressing a critical incident involving a staff member at the school.  To that end, we are working with the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department to provide them with the resources to fully conduct an investigation.

We are aware of a parent inquiry about the possible adoption of a grooming policy.  The Board follows a policy adoption process, and we work closely with state associations in the formation, adoption and modification of policies to align with state and federal law.  Our policies are reviewed twice a year and we follow best practice based on the guidance we receive from these experts.

It is noted that in the situation at hand, there is no evidence to suggest that any illegal conduct occurred at school or on school premises.  In addition, there is no evidence to suggest that the alleged perpetrator used her position as an employee of the school to facilitate any criminal conduct.  As noted above, the District is deferring to the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department with regards to the investigation.

The District took immediate and deliberate action to address the safety of children immediately upon learning of the allegations.”

According to Crocker’s bio on the school website:

“Hi, my name is Anna Crocker my family and I came from Australia to move to the United States. I have raised my own family and was a stay at home mom for 8 years! I started to work in the school system and started subbing at riverview in the year 2020. The following year I started to work full time for riverview as a educational assistant. I have three children that attend riverview. I am excited to continue to have a great year with the children and coworkers! “

Crocker faces over 100 years in prison if she is charged and convicted of all counts. She is expected to be formally charged tomorrow or Friday.



Civil Suit Against Fired Groomer KUSD Teacher Moved To Federal Court, More Defendants Added

Kenosha, Wis. – Former KTEC West science teacher Christian Enwright is facing a civil lawsuit and criminal charges after allegedly grooming a 13-year-old student, later 14, over an eight-month period from June 2023 to February 2024. The lawsuit, filed on May 20, 2024, in Kenosha County Circuit Court, accuses Enwright of manipulating and emotionally abusing the student to establish a future sexual relationship. The Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD), which originally faced the lawsuit in state

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KUSD’s Choral Fest Marred By Referendum Advocacy From Guest Conductor

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75-Year-Old Bar Owner Sentenced to Four Years for Fatal Hit-and-Run in Kenosha

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Runnin’ With the Devil: KCE Q&A With Attorney and Author Michael Cicchini

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KUSD Cuts Law Enforcement Access to Student Database, Citing Privacy Law

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Governor Tony Evers Denies Pardon For Kenosha County Serial Arsonist

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Kenosha Man Charged with Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child, Held on $1M Bail

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10-Year-Old Girl Still Too Terrified To Return To School After Sexual Assault on Bus

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Two Twin Lakes Men Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

Twin Lakes, Wis. – Two Twin Lakes men have been arrested and charged with multiple counts of possession of child pornography following separate investigations by the Twin Lakes Police Department (TLPD) and the Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. Arrests and Charges Nathan H. Bollow, 20, and Micah D. Griffiths, 20, were taken into custody in January 2025 after search warrants were executed at their respective residences. Bollow was

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91 Responses

  1. Elementary student?? Nasty!! Where’s her mug shot? They had one for the Pastor that had pictures of a grown woman….

  2. Parents, make it a daily habit—DAILY—to go through your minor children’s cell phones. Read the texts, look through their photos, look at browsing history. Download an app on their phone that will send all activity to YOUR phone so you know what your kid is doing. You could save your child from being groomed by a pervert.
    It is your job as parents! Don’t be afraid to do it!

    1. Kids don’t need cell phones!
      I battle this fight all the time with my child !,$ this is part of my reason. They are NOT mature enough to handle them and obviously we can’t trust the school to hire honest and proper teachers.

      1. Yea, because it’s the schools fault that they don’t know every little single little detail of everyone’s lives when they get hired. Give me a break dude.

    2. Hey so this actually has nothing to do with phones! This is all about the nasty people in the world who like to touch little kids

        1. A pedophile will find a way to communicate with a victim whether it be cell phone or otherwise. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

        1. Social media. Free porn. Groomers on social media. Teachers grooming kids on social media……In case you didn’t know, you can access all that talmud garbage ON YOUR PHONE!!!

              1. You need to stop hating yourself for having a deep-seated and long-standing desire to lay with a man. Your struggle with your repressed fantasies of having sex with another man may someday lead you to use your rope.

                PLEASE GET HELP!

        2. Smart cell phones are the best and the worst things that have ever happened to the planet.

          But it really falls back on the PARENTS !!


          IT’S YOUR EFFEN JOB !! DO IT !!

  3. This is so sad that our society has decayed so much. I would think she may have an immigration issue if she is here on a work permit or green card. I feel for her family, mental health is failing in our country, to where you read about these incidents with school personnel daily, so sad.

    1. I love when people say our society has decayed when it’s literally the best conditions humanity has ever lived in. We live in the most non-violent, safe times in all of human history. But you go ahead and keep living in this doom and gloom mentality.

  4. Obviously the accused has a lot to answer for and sounds like quite the predator based on the arresting charges, but she will be getting plenty of attention as this egregious case unfolds and I don’t feel the need to give her more. Conversely, Ashlyn Witting sounds like a total badass and promotes the kind of parental involvement that is so clearly lacking throughout KUSD. I hope decision-makers take a critical look at the numerous abuse allegations that have been made in recent years and make an earnest attempt at implementing such anti-grooming policies, as they appear to be desperately needed!

  5. This is amazing reporting on a very sad story.
    Kevin always brings the facts and is a great investigative reepoter of truth!

    I always thought Riverview was an anti woke school and free of the nonsense we see in many schools. If they are teaching with toxic porn books or AMAZE programs, it normalizes inappropriate contact and behavior that studnets should not be discussing in school.

    If Riverview plans to go down this road, we will see one of the last good and purly educational schools fall then.

    It’s time for local parents and voters to wake ip and get to the school board meetings!

    1. They teach that shit in schools now. The Bidens and Clinton’s are ok with it. And all of the music industry and Hollywood. Take a deep dive into who runs all of it……

          1. Gay joke? Cool dude. Seriously, how much hatred towards others do you feel in one day? I bet it’s nonstop. You’re the one we should all be worried about…. Again…. Douche

      1. The beginnings of this started in schools 35 years ago ……….. and almost no one did anything about it in all this time …

  6. They are too busy instilling the fact that parents cannot discipline their children anymore. Now the main concern is childrens feelings and if they get a little hurt! Back
    In my day, a swat on the butt was ok as you knew the difference between that and a true abusive beating. Hence these kids today and their sense of entitlement.

        1. We are not talking about having an affair here.We are talking about a grown woman molesting children! that is hardly an affair!

  7. I would never ever put my kids in any of the KUSD schools. It seems to be a predatory pools of sex offenders and groomers!

  8. Most screwed up part of this is that some of the upset parents with kids there will still cast votes for Kamala, Baldwin, and every other libturded democratic candidate that they can vote for in Kenosha county too!! To those dumbass parents who will scream about this and vote that way I say 🖕

    1. “Support the movement”, says Kamaltoe, who would probably be trying to raise this teachers bail money if it wasn’t an election year.

  9. The problem is, they’re hiring teachers aids like crazy and are desperate. Schools all over the area. Kenosha, Kenosha county, Burlington, Salem, all of them. I know one lady who’s a raging alcoholic pope pills daily and she’s a teachers aid. Like HOW?

      1. Why do faggots steal identity of others to promote their sexual deviance?! Take that rope, wrap it around your neck, and join the only good 45% of the lgbtp freaks, and end you life already.

        Switching names again because faggots won’t say it.

          1. More evidence that Straight White Male is a closeted homosexual, No matter how much he denies it, he makes it clear every time he posts by his abnormal and psychotic expressions of hate,

  10. Relax, the countries that invade us and divide us up will all do it with soldiers and small children who are very proficient in math and science.

  11. I new Anna Crocker for along time now she was so sweet and kind surprise me that you would ever do something like this and I know somebody that loves her deeply and they doubt what happened. They’re gonna be so super sad.

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