Journey Church Pastor Charged With Ten More Felonies For Stealing Nude Photos Of Woman

Gabriel E. Mills (41) of Kenosha In Court Thursday
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Today, a Kenosha pastor for Journey Church / Christian Life School was charged with ten additional felonies for Capturing An Intimate Representation Without Consent. He now has 12 such charges pending. He faces 42 years in the Wisconsin Prison System if convicted with all charges.

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Gabriel E. Mills (41) of Kenosha
(Kenosha County Sheriff)

According to the criminal complaint:

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Detective Traxler with the Kenosha Police Department originally arrested Gabriel E. Mills on September 30, 2024, at approximately 2:03 p.m. He was then charged with two counts of Capturing an Intimate Representation Without Consent. 

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Following this arrest, the Kenosha Police Department posted a press release via the local news media and Facebook, informing the public of the defendant’s arrest, indicating how it is believed that there are potentially more victims. These posts asked for any potential victims to directly contact Detective Traxler. 

On October 4, 2024, Traxler received a voicemail from a woman who he later spoke with in person. She reported that Gabe Mills told her husband that he had stolen one image of her partially nude. Mills told the man that Mills was “addicted to porn, which led to other things.”

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Mills had confessed to the man that he stole the photos off of the man’s computer unbeknownst to him. That same day, a search warrant was executed upon Journey Church and multiple items were taken for further investigation. 

Kenosha Police located intimate photos and videos of the man’s wife. Mills also made several jail phone calls to his wife where he made incriminating remarks. For example, his wife Serah Mills told Gabriel that “I just said he took some pictures.” Gabriel then asked his wife “What did [Don Taylor] do?” Serah then responded “just working things out, trying to help you, just talking to people.” Don Taylor is the wealthy man who posted Mill’s initial bail.

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After the defendant’s second arrest, he told Serah “Don’t say anything about anything or anybody,” and later, “I’m sorry I put you through this… I’m sorry about all this… It’s kind of hard when all I can, all I can do is just sit and think about how I screwed up… I don’t know how I could have done this to our family.”

Gabriel E. Mills (41) of Kenosha In Court Thursday
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Thursday was a probable cause and bail only hearing. Mills wasn’t formally charged until today.

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Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney T. Clair Binger In Court Thursday
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney T. Clair Binger yesterday only asked for a $10,000 bail yesterday.

Kenosha County Supplemental Court Commissioner David Hughes In Court Thursday
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kenosha County Supplemental Court Commissioner David Hughes only set bail at $5,000 cash even considering the ten new felonies.

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Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Smathers In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Smathers told Court Commissioner William Michel II that she thought that the low cash bail of $5,000 was sufficient.

Gabriel E. Mills (41) of Kenosha In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Mills arrived to court today with a smaller group of church members and his wife, Serah, who still seems to be standing by the man who may yet face more charges. Don Taylor paid Mills’ second bail of $5,000. He’s paid $12,500 in total to keep Mills out on the street.

Kevin Taylor, Lead Pastor – Journey Church

KCE has been contacted by many current and former members of the church that allege the church had “swinger parties” and that some members “groomed” young female members. Mills was alleged to be one of the people committing this behavior. Many have told us this church is extremely “cult-like.” KCE cannot confirm these allegations, as Kevin Taylor, the lead pastor won’t talk to the media, or police.

Mills is due in court again on October 25, 2024 for a preliminary hearing.



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32 Responses

  1. I have known many members of this church over the years. Many of the members are police officers. So many of these people were sanctimonious hypocrites who strutted around with an air of superiority. Their swinging behavior seemed to be part of their doctrine. It was an open secret. I am amazed this reprehensible behavior went on for all these years.

  2. On the “Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office Facebook page it says at the bottom of the transcript of Serah and Gabe’s conversation “Don Taylor posted the defendant’s bond in 24CF1443 and this newest file”

    Doesn’t that mean he posted the bond of these newest charges?

    1. Thoughts:
      “Birds of a feather flock together.”
      “You are the company you keep.”
      “How many of those photos does Donis Taylor have on his phone that his buddy forwarded him?”
      “Pat Caffertys retainer is $10,000, jury trial is $20,000+.” “Who’s paying that?”
      “Who else did this guy forward the photos to?”
      “Why was this guy handling so many phones?”
      “How many people within Journey church invest their money into Don Taylor, is he running a Ponzi scheme ?”
      “With so many law enforcement officers and lawyers attending Journey church, how much will be buried by the good Ol’ boy system?
      “Investigate and audit Don Taylor.”
      “There is nothing worse than using Yahweh and Jeshua to enrich yourself.”

      13“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. 14[g]Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. Therefore you will receive greater condemnation.“

      1. Great questions! Be sure their sin will find them out. Which honestly is the mercy of God to them cuz then maybe they will actually repent (in jail) and not find themselves standing before a holy God

    1. Ya its a cult full of a bunch of arrogant perverts. All churches are pretty cult like but especially this one. Not trying to “conger” up anything. Whatever the hell that means.

  3. Porn is evil, I wish they’d ban it. It absolutely lives. Hopefully the church will be outspoken to the congregation about how terrible porn is; not all sermons should be happy-go-lucky, there is a lot of evil in the world that people need to guard their hearts from.

  4. I have in the past attended Great Lakes church.Does anyone know how they quietly merged with Journey church and why?

      1. journey just took of the racine campus but they wanted to do this quietly, while there is not direct affiliation there is merging that did happen.

        1. They definitely didn’t merge in any capacity. The Racine campus of Great Lakes Church closed for financial reasons and those who attended the Racine campus now attend the Kenosha campus. Great Lakes Church stopped renting the Racine building, and had no control over who rented it after them.

  5. What the heck is going on over there? Good job KPD & Kevin M. This is not normal behavior on both sides of this (from a Christian perspective). I have a friend who posted the KPD booking on their fb page AND many Journey people attacked this person for just posting the KPD booking FB post.

  6. So what is next? Will they keep looking for more victims? What is the realistic punishment he will be looking at being given? Will they try to see if he was sending these out? Will the school/church be under investigation for anything?

      1. No matter how many times you say that, it does not become true. It is all one entity with two names. ‘pastor’ Kevin is in charge of the whole shebang. Stop trying to spread misinformation

          1. What “good work” do they do besides grooming kids and smelling their own farts? I can just tell by looking at him that Kevin Taylor is a diddler.

  7. It is all very sad and disheartening this all happened.I feel great sorrow for Gabriel Mills wife and his children.I also feel sad that the lead pastor Kevin Taylor has to be subjected to this wrongful scandal.I believe they are all just innocent bystanders and I’m sure are going through a living hell now.If the court system finds Gabriel Mills guilty as charged for all charges then he has to pay the consequences of his actions. It’s extremely sad that Journey Church and it’s members who are legitimately
    God believing born again Christians are under attack.My personal opinion is that the church itself happens to be very biblically sound in it’s believes and teachings.The Church serves as a sanitary for broken people in need of God’s help.Every individual that attends the church are all broken in so many different ways.All who seek the lord Jesus Christ as there savior and invite him into there heart and soul and repent of there sins will be forgiven.God sees sin of any magnitude as sin,sin is sin and is forgivable in his eyes by sincere repentance.I pray that justice will prevail over any wrongful doing in this most disturbing matter.The consequences for any poor action “must” be paid in any situation
    or circumstance.I pray the Church will soon be able to overcome all negativity it’s receiving over one man’s alleged poor decisions to do these things.We need to all remember and remind ourselves that we are not without sin as well,no one is.
    God forgives those who forgive others.We are not to judge or we will be judged.
    Once again I’m not trying to make any excuses for what this man “Gabriel Mills’ is accused of doing in any way shape or form,if he’s guilty he’s guilty!! From what ive read the evidence in this case is definitely overwhelmingly believable.The court system will allow him due process..I believe its not entirely the ‘Church” itself at fault and really shouldn’t be condemned in the way it currently is.Im sure there are still some very good Godly people involved there.

    **These are all just my own personal thoughts and feelings. I am in no way trying to justify any wrongfull actions by “anyone” that is currently involved and under investigation. May almighty God be the judge over all things and may God bless you all.

    1. Real question here.

      Are all Christian Life members born again Christians? Hasn’t CL been around forever? At least as far back as I can remember and I’m in my late 30s. Come to think of it….I do remember classmates going to their youth groups back in high school and there were rumors that it was kind of cult-like due to certain kids being involved in stuff and then overnight turning very Christian. It just didn’t seem believable.

  8. seems excessive for stealing nude pictures. just saying. yes, he is a perv and all religions are cult-like. I inspected a couple of multi-units over by tremper for this perv, 85street and 30th ave, corner buildings. They were buying the units to house future perv pastors and some were already living there at the time of my inspection, i think. they seemed abused and if I remember correctly were imported boys from asia. no joke.

    also who keeps nude pictures of there self or others on their phones? answer is pervs, female and male. all pervs.
    peace from my ranch in Yaxcaba Mx, home of the peaceful honey makers

    1. Well. How would you feel is some peeping Tim was looking in your window at night while your spouse was undressing etc? Because this is modern day peeping Tim stuff. The law is the law & everyone should come under the law. Whether you believe in God or not. I am sure there is MORE to this story & more will come out about it.

  9. Pretty small potatoes. If people don’t want nude or semi-nude photos leaked, then don’t take them. It’s as simple as that.

  10. I’m pretty sure the more you dig the more you will find out. The whole thing is corrupt. Check into the financial of the pastor and the leaders of the church, i think you may be very surprised what is found, these guys are nothing but thief’s and perves hiding behind the church , Kevin and kpd , great job

  11. STOP taking these types of pictures (men and women alike). There is literally no controlling what happens once they are taken. Clouds are hacked all the time.

    Someone peeping in a window is one thing, but this kind of electronic peeping is 100% preventable!!

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