(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A Kenosha Judge has ordered the release of 16-year-old Martel Lee this morning. In a courtroom filled to capacity last week, Judge Dougvillo vacated a guilty verdict for 16-year-old Martel D. Lee. On August 15, 2024, Lee was found guilty of second degree sexual assault. The assault allegedly occurred at Indian Trail High School earlier this year. Lee was supposed to be sentenced on October 28, 2024, but three jurors sent letters to the Judge, expressing remorse for agreeing to a verdict that they did not believe in.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In court today, outgoing Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Smathers (D) stuck to her “win at all costs” approached and asked for Lee to be kept in custody for another year or two, until a possible second trial occurs. Since she plans to appeal, it could be longer. Oddly, Smathers made reference to Lee’s tattoos and his family’s Tik Tok videos as a reason to keep Lee behind bars.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Martel’s new attorneys are Carl Johnson and Patrick Cafferty. Johnson made note of the lack of strength of the State’s case and the packed courtroom full of supporters of Lee.
Judge Dougvillo also mentioned some of the case’s weaknesses such as a lack of physical evidence. Dougvillo noted that he has not just heard argument, but actually witnessed the trial and heard from the witnesses. “With all of that and all that information, the court does find it appropriate to modify Mr. Lee’s bond to a $10,000 signature bond,” said Dougvillo.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Dougvillo also ordered a “no contact” with the complaining witness and his family. He also put Lee on a 10:00 p.m. curfew and ordered that he remain in his mother’s care and obey her rules.
Smathers then mentioned the fact that she will be appealing this case and asked for a date before she leaves the office. The appeal, however will be pursued, or not pursued by incoming DA-Elect Xavier Solis.

The next court date was set for December 18, 2024.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
26 Responses
Want to bet how long it takes for him arrested for something else?
Judge much, why because he is black? Don’t know him, but know how to search CCAP and this is the only thing on his record. I bet the charges are ultimately dismissed in the future.
Probably arrested soon because he will be targeted, not for actually committing a crime. Kenosha is corrupt— they will target him, set him up, plant evidence. He won’t actually be guilty of doing anything— they will just target him & make his life a living hell, because the Powers That Be won’t look kindly upon being proven wrong.
You watch too much TV.
There it is, the dumbest thing I’ve read all day.
Well he is 16 so more than likely anything on his record is in juvi….
I definitely think the decision was just in terms of releasing him. However, that doesn’t mean this kid is an angel, either.
Not sure we really have enough info….
Yeah, but if he was arrested for anything serious, even at the age of 13, he will be tried as an adult in WI. And yes, we do have enough info to know that these are bullshit charges that should have never been pursued. Bravo to him for rejecting any plea deal and going to trial, now there is still a chance he will escape this nonsense with no record and get on with his life.
Thank you Kevin for the excellent reporting.
I have no idea whether he has a record but I doubt very much the database you searched would give the criminaö histories of juveniles. That information is not usually available to the public. The judge head all of the evidence at the trial so I trust he considered the liklihood of conviction when setting bail.
All he knows is thuggery
Yes. Look at his hair
What does his hair have to do with anything? There goes that racist Kenosha thinking.
Well of course she wants this done before she leaves, she doesn’t want people to know the corruption she used to win the case the first time.
win at all cost whether innocent or guilty – that’s the real problem here with our DA office. Isn’t it innocent till proven guilty? But our DA likes to muddy the water, make false claims and statements and use corruption to get themselves to look good. Even the jury said wait, something is so wrong here we need to stand up and do something. And it’s about time we stand up to this DA office and their abusive power they hold.
Make Kenosha great again get these guys and gals out of are DA office and court system!
Fuck Carl Johnson. I will never forget when he defended that fuller murderer and made the mother say she was lying after she was shot and her daughter murdered. Loser fucken attorneys
Who thumbs down this? Murder supporters?
Justice!! Now they need to drop these ridiculous charges. The ‘victim’ change their story several times, probably being coached. Lies are hard to remember, zero credibility.
He is just a legit bad attorney. He isn’t any better than Barth so….
That’s the word: Coached.
Can incoming DA Solis review the case and elect to not press charges?
Smathers can take a straight pass to he double hockey sticks ! She is a evil soul along with McNeil !
That DA is crooked and evil !
Thank you, Mr. Mathewson: If it weren’t for your diligent investigation, this kid would never have been released again. This highlights a couple of things: first, you are not the supremacist they want to portray, and second, thanks to your articles, We The People, have learned about the extensive wrongdoing of many shameless individuals living it up at our expense. Carli and crooked followers, you are fired!
Who in their right mind would give this comment a thumbs down? You people are disgusting, so thankful I moved far away from the trash of Kenosha.
Another thug on the streets
It is unfortunate that the manager of the local State Public Defender did not select her best attorney to handle this case, especially since everyone has been discussing it widely in the office; she cannot claim ignorance. Furthermore, she appears to be part of the crooked establishment and hesitant to confront Carli and her minions.
Thank you for the “feel good” story especially at this time if season. I literally got chills when reading this story And i’m sure you must feel very thankful as well since you were advocating for this kid and of the great research youve done. And I will say this again…Shame on all of you for stereotyping and playing the race card. It Has absolutely no bearing on this case. I will pray for a fair trial and for him and his family.