Update: Martel Lee Released From Jail Just Before 4:00 p.m.

Jenifer Jones, and Her Sons Cameron (12) and Martel Lee (16)
(Photo by Keivn Mathewson)

Just before 4:00 p.m. today, Martel Lee is out of custody, after more than eight months behind bars. He was greeted by his little brother, 12-year-old Cameron, and his mother, Jenifer.

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“It’s a long time coming,” said Jones. “My baby is home and I’m so excited he will be home for the holidays,” she added.

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Earlier today, a Kenosha Judge has ordered the release of 16-year-old Lee. In a courtroom filled to capacity last week, Judge Dougvillo vacated a guilty verdict for 16-year-old Martel D. Lee. On August 15, 2024, Lee was found guilty of second degree sexual assault. The assault allegedly occurred at Indian Trail High School earlier this year. Lee was supposed to be sentenced on October 28, 2024, but three jurors sent letters to the Judge, expressing remorse for agreeing to a verdict that they did not believe in.

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Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Smathers (D)
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

In court today, outgoing Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Smathers (D) stuck to her “win at all costs” approached and asked for Lee to be kept in custody for another year or two, until a possible second trial occurs. Since she plans to appeal, it could be longer. Oddly, Smathers made reference to Lee’s tattoos and his family’s Tik Tok videos as a reason to keep Lee behind bars.

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Defense Attorneys Carl Johnson and Patrick Cafferty
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Martel’s new attorneys are Carl Johnson and Patrick Cafferty. Johnson made note of the lack of strength of the State’s case and the packed courtroom full of supporters of Lee.

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Judge Dougvillo also mentioned some of the case’s weaknesses such as a lack of physical evidence. Dougvillo noted that he has not just heard argument, but actually witnessed the trial and heard from the witnesses. “With all of that and all that information, the court does find it appropriate to modify Mr. Lee’s bond to a $10,000 signature bond,” said Dougvillo.

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Martel Lee In Court
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Dougvillo also ordered a “no contact” with the complaining witness and his family. He also put Lee on a 10:00 p.m. curfew and ordered that he remain in his mother’s care and obey her rules.

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Smathers then mentioned the fact that she will be appealing this case and asked for a date before she leaves the office. The appeal, however will be pursued, or not pursued by incoming DA-Elect Xavier Solis.

The next court date was set for December 18, 2024.

Lee is looking forward to a pizza dinner and playing his PS5.

Jail Exit
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Jenifer Jones Waits For Her Son Martel’s Release
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Jenifer Jones and Martel Lee
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Jenifer Jones and Martel Lee
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Martel Lee Hugging Little Brother, Cameron (12)
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Martel Lee Hugging Little Brother, Cameron (12)
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Martel Lee And His Little Brother, Cameron (12)
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)



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60 Responses

      1. You don’t know anything and you don’t know my son my son is not a trouble child at all trust me, I know I’m his mother

          1. But you know what his parent’s name is from the article…so there is that. But you are anonymous as well. So put your name on it.

      2. as someone who personally knows this kid, he didn’t deserve that. he is NOT a kid to do something like that. stop being ignorant and racist towards a teenage boy.

  1. Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Smathers if you read this article, you are a stupid ass cunt and the epitome of everything that is wrong the the ‘justice’ system in America. Now take your butch bitch ass back to watching Rachel Maddow and FUCK OFF!

      1. C’mon seriously? Let me guess, you were fired and now you happen to be so angry, or even worse, you were the most fanatic follower of loser McNeil and now you are asking for reference letters. It sucks to be you

  2. Cameron I am so happy for you to have your brother for Thanksgiving. I know your “singing” this holiday for sure.

  3. Just glad the Kenosha teachers union is “mad at the system”…. But won’t call the “migrant” accuser a liar…. Either the victim who “arrived” last year is a liar, or Lee is…. I guess another jury will decide, but one of them has to be lying.

    1. It’s noted that the illegal alien was lying to gain citizenship. Martell didn’t lie about nothing. Noted that this system is messed up and we happy the jurors came forward

      1. Citizenship is not gained by fabricating a story. But hopefully this brings light to the ‘victims’ family and their immigration status. Lets hope the orange man deports their bitch asses back to where they came from.

  4. He deserves to be free and the district attorney needs to be fired. Judicial system is corrupted in Wisconsin. And they want to see us black folks sentenced behind bars for crimes we didn’t commit. I hope y’all send that damn illegal alien back to where he belongs for lying on a citizen to just gain citizenship. Free Martell and keep him freed

      1. Point taken. How can one explain sexual abuse involving penetration under these circumstances? Only someone seeking to win an election or advance their career would pursue such a weak case. There was no evidence at all, and the accuser appears to be mentally unstable. What if the accuser lost his marbles back in his country of origin, or even worse, during his journey to the U.S.? The only issue here is America being raped by 10 million undocumented immigrants doing whatever it takes to gain legal status.

  5. “Smathers then mentioned the fact that she will be appealing this case and asked for a date before she leaves the office.”

    Just a question on this, did Smathers say this herself? I saw you mention in another article that she was quitting the Kenosha DA’s office but I wasn’t sure if that was official or just a rumor. What happens to all of her active cases? Do they just get reassigned to others prosecutors?

  6. I’m happy he’s getting a second chance at justice.

    It makes me wonder how many other times this
    has happened and jurors were afraid to come forward.

    I would like to know who they were bullied by.

  7. Does Ms. Smathers have personal liability from any civil lawsuits that might come out of this or does she simply walk away and leave taxpayers holding the bag?

      1. Judging him because he is black and has tattoos at the age of 15. I got my first tattoo at the age of 16 and today at the early age of 40 I’m a retired millionaire. But ignorant people will always judge a book by the cover. Enjoy your son being home and don’t listen to the racist asshole.

  8. What a true blessing and so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!! Enjoy your pizza, PS5 and spending time with your family!! Hopefully with a new trial, jurors will find you not guilty and you can hopefully put this nightmare behind you!! Wishing you all the best along with a joyous and blessed holiday season!!

  9. Smathers you are a disgrace! How are you going to try and hold him 1-2 more years due to his tattoos & their TikTok account! That has NOT one thing to do with the case! Bye bitch🤬
    There is NO evidence to this case & the accuser changed his story 3 times wtf! Then 3 jurors were bullied into his guilt! That there is fucked up alone! I wish they would have tried that shit with me because I would have called them out immediately! THIS is ALL bullshit! Leave this young man alone!

    1. Makes you wonder what was going through the heads of the 9 other jurors. Guilty for being black in my guess. Kenosha is an extremely racist city, thanks to our friends that come from the boot.

      1. “Makes you wonder what was going through the heads of the 9 other jurors”

        Yeah, no doubt many are wondering the same thing.

  10. Mom and family, if the victim is truly illegal, then PLEASE contact ICE and get the family on their radar. So tired of these illegals being granted the same constitutional rights as citizens. The ‘victim’ should be arrested and held in a detention center awaiting their deportation. Go anywhere in the world and overstay a visa, or enter the country illegally and see what happens. You will be hit with hefty fines, if one cannot pay, you will be incarcerated until you can pay.

    Trump is bringing back his version of the 1954 Operation Wetback, better run roaches.

  11. I’d like to read the details of the case. There is a reason why he was waived from juvenile court to adult court-usually done in cases that are severe in nature. There is a reason why he was house in a county jail and not juvi. There is a reason why his tik tok and tats came into play. I’d like to learn these answers before I rush to judgement.
    Because its sexual in nature and involves juveniles, we may never know the details-only speculate. But a good rock to look under is the victim witness department of the DA office who press prosecutors into cases. Just saying….

    1. What’s stopping YOU from starting your
      own site and posting things that YOU think are?
      Ask Kevin for a refund.
      Useless slug!

  12. I wish we could get more information on this story. But if this young man is innocent, Kevin god bless your heart for helping this family. I will tell you this, this is not Kenosha’s first time charging someone for a sexual assault that was completely innocent. These DA’s only care about the conviction rate, most of these cases have no evidence or reliable witnesses. They only care about ruining people lives, or finding the truth.


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