(Google Streets)
A popular Kenosha Business is under attack on social media. Boathouse Pub and Eatery owner, Jack Petersen, wants to clear the air. Yesterday, (Jan 2) just before 11:00 am, Mary Kressin, 72, of Kenosha, posted a sharp criticism of the popular business on Facebook :
“We had a terrible experience yesterday at 4pm. We were meeting our friends at The Boat House in Kenosha. Where we have eaten many times. I parked in a handicapped spot in back for my husband who uses a walker. A large Land Rover was parked horizontally to sidewalk leading up to ramp. Blocking side walk for 15 extra feet. My husband (Tom Kressin) has difficulty walking and parking place is on a slant. Because this is added difficulty we asked our friend to go inside and ask for it to be moved. A young man comes out and immediately tells us he won’t move it. I tell him my husband has difficulty walking. He demeans my husband and says it should be no problem for my husband. I lose it. I’m furious. And this man is the Owner of the restaurant and this car! I can’t believe it . He was obnoxious and rude. Told us we were not welcome to come in. Refused to help us or be sympathetic to our needs. Our friend (Jeff Homan) heard the entire exchange. Of course we will never go back. They won’t either. We have never experienced treatment like that.”
This post has been shared on social media thousands of times and strangers have taken to multiple social media platforms to bash the establishment, leaving negative reviews. KCE made contacted with Boathouse owner Jack Petersen and he was eager to tell his side of the story.
“I can appreciate the many concerns people have shared, but it is important to have all the facts before you make your opinion. First, let me assure you that our goal at the Boat House is to provide a welcoming and accessible environment for everyone, especially those with special needs. I take matters of accessibility seriously, and we do our best to ensure that all of our guests are treated with respect and care. We have many elderly and special needs guests and accommodate them as much as possible,” said Petersen.
“To be clear, I was not aware that the vehicle was blocking any access. I was asked to move the vehicle to provide access to a special needs person. I did what any other person would do – I went outside to move the vehicle. I was berated by a woman as soon as I walked outside. She shouted obscenities at me and escalated a situation that needed no escalation. Her exchange became increasingly heated, and I made the difficult decision to refuse the business of the couple and their friend (the “witness”) after they became belligerent,” he added.
“I ask that before sharing misinformation, please consider the source and any one-sidedness. Why would I refuse access to a paying customer? I wouldn’t. I encourage visitors to the Boat House. My customers are literally my business. I want them there. Why would I go outside to say that I’m not moving the vehicle? I didn’t. I went outside to move the vehicle. I wanted them to come into the restaurant.
As a business, we strive to be accommodating, but also to maintain a balanced approach when handling these types of situations. While I respect the couple’s perspective, I stand by the way I handled it. We value all of our customers and their experiences. Based on the details of the shared posts, it seems there have been some misunderstandings. I hope that with further communication and understanding, we can avoid miscommunications in the future. I want all our customers to have positive experiences at the Boat House, and sometimes I have to make the unfortunate decision to refuse to serve a belligerent customer for the benefit of my staff and other customers.”
Petersen told KCE tonight that his vehicle, pictured above, was generally in the same spot Thursday afternoon, but was a little further back, making room for handicapped patrons to access the ramp either in front or behind his vehicle.
KCE reached out to the Kressins, but did not hear back.
247 Responses
That doesn’t even look like a marked parking spot. Usually businesses have their employees park in the furthest spot away from the doors and preserve prime spots for their VALUED customers. This owner says he cares about accessibility but his actions say otherwise. Why would he park there? Doesn’t seem too concerned. I believe an accessibility complaint should be made to insure ADA compliance by the business.
OK, Karen.
Is that the most intelligent thing you had to say? Apparently you must have the education level of a fifth grader to have that kind of remark
“OK, Karen.” is the go to comeback for people who only give a fuck about themselves.
Wait you’re complaining because I’m a piece of shit???
OK, Karen
Omgosh, yes. This.
“Ok, Karen” is the go-to response for d’bags who lack consideration for others.
I mean he is parked partially on the sidewalk…..it’s obviously not a parking spot but an “I own the place” spot.
Hard to see how anyone in a Walker or wheel chair couldn’t gain access. The ramp is behind the vehicle. Something is a miss. I know the customer is always right, but doesn’t mean they aren’t difficult.
Agreed. My first thought is if he parked there they could have went around.
Again, the truth is somewhere in between both stories AKA both parties are probably shitheads.
The Handicap spots are behind the building. They’d have to walk all the way around the truck. To get to the ramp.
Where the truck is parked, if he was in a chair they would have to go all the way behind the truck in order to access the ramp and having to park in the back of the restaurant going at an incline of already hard to do. If the owner wants to park there, fine it’s his restaurant, but at least park back far enough that his patrons can access the closest part of the ramp.
Maybe the handicap spots should be by this ramp so these folks don’t need to go around the building and up the hill. Unfortunately the owners Range Rover might lose his prime parking spot.
Stay home if it’s to difficult to get around. No one owes these people anything
If you don’t like to bad
Won’t Get My Money There Lots Of Other Dumps In Kenosha 🤣
No, actually you’re wrong.The parking spot is right to the right of where he parked his vehicle.That is the handicap spot.
Blaming the victim I see. Perhaps the owner should park in the furthest spot if he really cares about his customers.
exactly. what a douche.
Call the Director of the City Inspection Dept. to conduct an inspection of the supposed clearly marked handicap parking spaces nearest to the entrances. Should they not be clearly marked I’d have to wonder how this place received their occupancy permit to open? While his inspector checks if in fact the parking is not compliant with ADA requirements the department needs to bring it in compliance. I wonder also if the rest of this building is ADA compliant? Such as an ADA auto door opener, hand rails in restrooms etc? If you get nowhere with the city get TMJ and the State of WI. involved. There may be more to this story than just this incidence. Could be the place was never in compliance, someone dropped the ball perhaps. ADA is real folks and you may call this woman, husband, and guest names though the disabled have legal rights.
these people got ass blasted for a minor inconvenience and became hostile. just because your ADA that doesn’t mean you get to abuse people. they didn’t want the problem resolved, they wanted to berate the owner and responded with hostility- a common problem with customers and in our society. The ADA is important but also, the world doesn’t revolve around the handicapped. They aren’t owed a perfect experience. crap happens! seems like he was going to move the car. access wasn’t denied. minor inconvenience or delay is not denial. she even said she’d been there before and even came back so that tells you something positive about this business.
seems like you want another successful business to close down. bitter much karen? get over yourself loser. this appears to be a basic mistake and you want to crucify the owner for it. good grief!
a customer’s favorite activity is complaining
My husband and I own a small business. People today use social media to bad mouth businesses if they don’t feel they were treated with respect despite the fact that most time it is the customers attitude and hostility that set the stage. A business owner most times will try very hard to make a customer happy. If things go south it’s usually the customers hostile attitude and them being unreasonable.
There are laws small Kenosha business owner in place for disabled peoples access. Look up American Disability Act and learn. By parking where he did he denied access. If he didn’t know any better like you, he needs to comply or be fined minimum.
What is the name of your business? I can tell by your ignorance you never were inspected. City may have dropped the ball in you and your husband’s case. If in fact so, prepare to spend lots of money.
You’re such a bitter loser…
The owner literally went to move, can you not read you ass.
To access the ramp you must go all the way around and behind his vehicle for someone with a disability all those extra steps are exhausting he should not be parked there. Even after the issue with 1st complaint he still continues to park there!
007 is watching. Waiting to hear more!
All I can say is 007 is out there and watching. Waiting for the next comment.
Connie you have a valid point. Back in the days when 007 was around, things were sweeter!
This is a Google Streets Pictures. Not an actual picture of his vehicle the way it was parked.
If google has a picture of it parked there it must be a pretty common thing!
No it’s not
He sure does
I guess he has a sense of entitlement because he owns the place but he can’t park out with the Lesser employees because that would not make him look that important
I completely agree with this!!!
Lmao, sounds like the complainer is now meowing on here
That’s what she does. She’s entitled
Everyone is entitled to be treated with decency and dignity. Even this fucken POS that owns the Boathouse.
Treat everyone with decency and respect……..while trashing a person you don’t know. Stay classy.
How do you know they don’t know him?
quit assuming Karen
It’s Karin
He can park anywhere he wants. If you don’t like it don’t go there
Good point. I will take it and not go there anymore.
No one will miss you
That’s true. But I will also not miss the poor quality food and service. Win-win!
So it took this but not the “poor quality food and service” yo not go there anymore. Got it.
He’s the owner. He brings items in when he arrives. And he can park wherever the hell he wants. It’s his private property lot!!
I agree. The owner also states he didn’t even know he was blocking access, so he couldn’t be all that concerned about it.
A friend of the owner I’m sure lol
Listen Karen, maybe he had a large delivery to make at his restaurant and parked there, so as not to hurt his back carrying in the boxes of tomatoes and lettuce?. He made alot of sense in his reply, which also had some sincerity to it. Thinking it this way, when you out on that cheap old lady coercive to go into a restaurant, it’s appalling, in know, id prob ask you to use one of our meat showers or kindly have a cigar outside. We might even call you Phyllis after that.
Did you ever hear of ADA laws? Just curious, the way you compose your sentences, your level of literacy I have to ask. Are you in 4th grade or maybe a teacher at a KUSD school? By all means you are not a literary genius that’s for sure.
I live on 5th Avenue right by this restaurant most of their drunken patrons Don’t give a hoot about the people that are trying to come in and out of that location, Including the owner as you obviously have been able to see by the way he parks. If you want to make your place accessible then make it accessible you park down the street where the rest of your workers must. I have been almost hit at least 10 times from people pulling out of that restaurant you should be able to go in off a fifth but must go out on 50th I wouldn’t use this restaurant is a last one in town
AND it always smells like chemicals and urinal cakes in there! YUCK!
Maybe he parked there temporarily to bring supplies in, then became side tracked before he could move it. Did you ever think about that?
It was blocked the day my husband and I went there!! And it was NOT A THURSDAY!!! I was not the only one to have experienced this!!!
His story doesn’t really add up.
You own the place and park there daily yet didn’t know it was blocking the ramp?
As usual….the actual truth probably lies somewhere in between the two stories. I just find it hard to believe this woman would completely make this up and actually name witnesses who can back her story up.
When did Boathouse sell to new owners? Wasn’t the one owner’s soon a huge coke head? Not sure if it was the old owner or new one.
What does the former owner’s son have to do with this?
Yeah! More than likely it wasn’t his coke it was Hunters.
did the son take over?
Matzur’s? No.🤣 He’s a dope fiend and a police informant
Worse yet. He said he knew if the issue and yet he still parks there. He doesn’t care.
Same person keeps righting this bs
Write on !
Isn’t it right arm?
just proves he doesnt care about his costumers. park in a parking space.
Just proves you don’t know how to spell!! Fyi …It’s customers
Your last paragraph what does it have to do with the topic here you can check records to see when the boathouse was sold, but why bring up a son being a coke head has nothing to do with the story
you find it hard to believe that a woman would make up a story?? lol, lmao even
The Boathouse was sold a couple of years ago and the owner is named Jack Peterson.
Jack, if you care about your business and customers, you could just park somewhere else and not insult your customers and make your business more accessible for the disabled. It’s simple. Care enough to do it!! If you lose business from this incident, it is deserved.
This guy is usually sitting at the bar drinking while his wife does all the work.
No matter what the truth is it’s a bad look as the owner to park there.
Ok Karen
You have never once witnessed this happening, ever.
Yep, I just made that up. I have seen it at least three times.
100% making it up
What do I have to gain by making this up? His wife busts her ass in there.
Feel sorry for the wife suffering all this embarassment busting her ass to succeed. Please dump your big mouth drunken jerk of a husband , they’re real men in this town for you. More than like will lose the business anyway with a drunk in charge.
Shut up douche
Many scenarios are possible here.
You have a customer that had a bad
day’ or is drunk and just begging for
somebody to give them an attitude.
Or, has a legitimate complaint.
Or, an owner that always parks wherever
he wants and finally happened to get called
out on it this time.
Or, he can spot trouble brewing and decides
not to allow it to escalate inside the business.
His business, his choice.
You either run a business, or let your business run you.
His regular clientele will continue to stand behind him.
One time visitors that have a complaint probably
aren’t worth having anyway and are probably shitty tippers.
Plus, I never choose a business based on something
I’ve read on Facebook.
And, they rarely use their real name.
They said they have eaten there many times before
So they said. I doubt it.
Enough said. Truth. 👍🏻
I’m sorry if your the owner you should park in a parking spot just like your employees- lead by example. That’s just be lazy if you ask me. Sorry I believe the customers story.
Ok Karen.
PS, it’s YOU’RE
You are wrong. It’s your, showing possession. NOT You are.
Nope. Read the sentence. You are the owner. Your the owner is incorrect.
You need to stop posting because YOU’RE wrong
Uhhh no….. You are incorrect!!!!
Angry family
The photo largely substantiates the claim that the vehicle is blocking the handicap access. The customers have no advance knowledge that it is the owner’s vehicle. The allegation the vehicle is legally parked is specious, since it is blocking the entrance, ADA access, and a fire lane. The owner would do well to park we elsewhere.
I call bs
Exactly, the customers didn’t realize the vehicle belonged to a god, they thought it was just some dick head who THOUGHT they were special.
I believe the customer . Why would they blast the owner if the facts were wrong . Seems to me his arrogance is in the way along with his ego , personality and pride . Give it up Jack .
Because some people feel entitled,some people are just ass hats. If that is a handicapped designated spot I will say the owner should not block access from it in any direction.
Why would they refuse to comment for this article if they were right?
That’s what this sick family does
crazy world we live in. 007 sees and shakes my head
It’s his business….
For now.
I wasn’t there so I don’t know for sure who’s story is more accurate but the owner’s explanation at a bare minimum violates the basic rule that you never win an argument with a customer. And the photo above doesn’t look good, either (parked over the curb).
If a Customer or other employee were to park in that spot would the owner have made them move their car ? If the answer is yes, then he should have kept his mouth shut and moved his car.
Welp here goes, I’ve played golf with said owner it’s my belief he definitely has anger anger and pride issues, I only say this from my first hand experiences with him breaking a golf club because of a bad shot. The rest of the story.
Which club? I want to make sure he’s got a new one!
That could have been the balls fault. Lets not point fingers (or clubs)…..
Fair point!
Owner blocked a handicapped ramp with a Range Rover. Wants forgiveness for enraging spouse and violating ADA.
I was on a date there once and he pulled up a chair and started a conversation with my lady guest. I’m not surprised by any of this.
Without looking it up, you and everyone else here doesn’t even know what ADA stands for. I also call BS on your story.
Assistant DA Lunchbox?
Like I said…..you had to look it up.
American disabilities act
what do I win?
A free meal at the Boathouse genius. Get a Tetanus shot first!
without looking it up, I bet you can’t tell me where the Boathouse is.
by the way I’m going to act like an assbag like you and say you looked it up no matter what BS you spew
Who cares
Americans with disabilities act = ADA
Fuck the Boathouse, stopped going there years ago after a hospital visit due to food poisoning.
sorry you can’t handle it
You mean you went there when it was owned by completely different people and had completely different employees? Got it.
The food sucks, the city is dirty and…..
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I would eat there is he was paying me.
Our city is not dirty.
The entire city is dirty ? 😂
Yep, but not as dirty as Racine
Ponders? To close to call.
Piggly wiggly is after Mr yankervwas there
Your spelling is of an illegal
unfortunately business owners must learn how to deal with the handicapped,the geezers,minorities and other entitled people.
The comments by some people on this post are ridiculous. We live in a kindergarten society where everyone wants to be the victim and blame other people because they appear to be slighted. Grow up, move on. You’re going to be ok.
Anyone wanna bet me that his wife makes him move his car.
As my son would say IDIOT
WOW ! The computer warriors are beating the drums ! This is a prime example of how one social media post can damage a business.
Somewhere in between both stories lies the truth . But the twist people who were not involved have to put on a minor problem and then continue to move it forward thus doing lasting damage to the business. In todays world of social media has become a great monster of people wanting an excuse to beat down other people from the safety of a keyboard so no one can actually see how depressing of a person they actually are . Finding a job and a place to live ( other than parents , friends or relatives place.) will go along way to make you regain your self worth. And you wont have time to troll the internet to weigh in on something that is none of your business in the first place . Note. I actually put my name on my post .
Looks like just enough room for a wheelchair or a walker but what about the help that has to be on both sides to maneuver.
Does anyone on here actually know Mary Kressig?
What kind of person is she ? Just curious.
Sorry, Kressin .
Can’t you tell by what she is doing! Obviously is a angry person
How about make Jacks parking spot a handicap parking space…
Normal people would drop off the person with a walker at the ramp and then go park. Unless he is so unstable that her requires assistance the entire way. Either way, the way you approach a situation makes all the difference. With grace, people are more accommodating, with vinegar – most people will dig their heels in. The choice is yours Karen.
I am the wife. Of this disabled husband trying to have a nice meal out Thursday night. It was cold and windy. Disabled parking spots are down a slope. My husband had trouble even getting out of car due to this. He didn’t think he could maneuver his walker up the slope that distance around the big vehicle, plus all the extra feet. I asked our friend to go inside and ask it to be moved. Never imagining it being used as a parking spot. Young able bodied man came out. I yelled for him to move car as my husband could not walk around it. He was immediately nasty and refused. Said it was legal and my husband could walk around it. He ignored my husbands disability. Tom is then standing outside car with walker. Man stands on the porch and yells at us. Says it should be no problem. I say Look at him. He can’t do it. I’m ready to cry. I am shouting. Not swearing. Yes my husband was swearing. The hurt we felt. Then he tells us he is the owner! I couldn’t believe it. Said it was his car! And because of damage of old one he wasn’t going to move new one. Said we were not welcome there! We were hurt and angry. We are in our 70s. This has never happened to us before. We have eaten there many many times before. It was inappropriate and unfortunate behavior by a business man. He needs disability training and etiquette. Mary K
The fact that you are so hurt and angry that you can leave a comment here, but not comment for the article tells me everything I need to know. I’m sure when you “yelled” for him to move the car, you were as polite to him as you wanted him to be to you. Both parties could have handled the situation better. The fact that you take no accountability for how you and your husband acted, is why I side with the owner. You get treated the same way you treat people.
The owner NEVER should have parked there! It was windy, so maybe she yelled to be heard. The owner’s pride got in the way. He is the one that should be held accountable for this very avoidable situation.
First time ever hearing the “it was windy” argument.
If you don’t like then don’t go there. What’s the problem ? He owes you nothing and from the sound of things you get off by posting bs. Nice life you live 🤔
You both sound angry and entitled. No one owes you anything, I’m disabled as well but I don’t go around making a scene. If it’s difficult to access (a private business) I don’t go there.
Sounds like you have a big agenda here. Enjoy your 15 minutes of infamy
You already said all of that. Except now you added the part about your husband swearing and you yelling
If the parking was so bad, then why didn’t you park on the street, or drop him off at the curb. If you had friends with, they could have helped him at the curb.
She says he said he wants his car close so it doesn’t get damaged on site.
Is that because it’s on camera there ?
If that’s his argument, he can install cameras to cover his whole lot. They’re really not that expensive.
Or better yet. Buy and drive a beater to work and keep the expensive car at home in a garage.
So many ways to do this right.
So easy to do this wrong.
LMAO, yeah- okay Karen.
“It was dark, I had to walk uphill both ways…”
Such a poor, borderline stupid choice for dining that evening based on you knowing ahead of time what the parking situation is at The boathouse. If there is a level square foot anywhere near an entrance (other than actually parking on the street), I’ve never found it. With the situation you described, I absolutely would not have headed for The boathouse compared to many other fine establishments in the city.
You need to file an ADA complaint. I also think ADA is a Civil Rights issue and Civil Rights complaint may be in order. Try contacting a civil rights attorney. You should not be subject to this abuse and neglect of the laws.
A quick google of these terms will give you some numbers to call.
The comment’s about some people’s disregard for those with disabilities is appalling.
The front door is also just a few feet away. What is the problem?
I would have kicked that bitch of my property as well. If she doesn’t like it don’t patronize the place. Loser.
Actions speak louder than words. If the owner believes in his own bs, he wouldn’t park directly next to his business. On the flip side, as frustrating as it may have been for the customer, they still felt the need to spike the football instead of keeping their lips zipped. If the parked car was a major issue, they should have kept driving or not attempt to get out of the vehicle until the parked car was moved. I agree with previous comments that both parties are arrogant hot heads, nothing more, nothing less.
Mary Kressin obviously has no life. This is what her and her family do. Pretty sad life!
That’s a horrible spot to park a car – completely blocking half the walkway! Plus – it can be easily scratched by anyone walking by with a walker, cane, purse, etc. Both parties could probably have handled this situation a bit different but – bottom line – that car should not be parked there. It’s NOT a parking spot. I bet they don’t allow customers to park there!!
I don’t believe the customers would put their names out there if this wasn’t true…not at 70 years old. Peterson claims he was basically polite but his golfing etiquette of anger & breaking a golf club say differently…. I won’t be patronizing this business…don’t need the drama. I’ll go to Fin & Ale where the prior owners of the Boathouse are.
You’ve obviously never golfed.
You mean the prior owners who ran the Boathouse into the ground?
Fin and ale is so much better than the Boathouse and the owners are much nicer and decent than the new Boathouse owner (not so new, he has owned it since 2021 I believe. This whole situation could have been avoided if the owner was decent, did not insult the customers, and move his car and not park there again. What a jerk!
Certain the owner is attempting to save face due to the social media responses. Someone mentioned he sits at the bar and drinks while the wife works. I’ve witnessed that myself. I don’t eat there anymore as the food tastes like shit. One of his employees told me two years ago they were going to sell the Boathouse. Not sure about that. Overpriced shit food is a hard sell. This guy and his wife are typical Kenosha left. To me left=liars.
Really. Tell us more so we know what’s going on
I guarantee you have never seen him sit and drink while his wife works. 100% certain of that. Nothing you said is even remotely true. You’re here to cause problems and spread lies. Go back to your mom’s basement.
Well he’s definitely accurate about the food being shit.
I hope Mary gets sued for liable. I see a court date in her future 😜
She won’t.
If the owner was going to respond on social media he would have been much better off accepting responsibility and stating he would correct the situation. He still can do that. People are forgiving.
A lawsuit will go nowhere. To continue to fight this will only result in more negativity for the business. There are two sides to every story. Anybody with knowledge of the ADA laws will tell you the business has a problem here. Fix the problem, eat some humble pie, take responsibility , and move on.
I don’t go there often but will go there again soon if I see the owner take positive action. People make mistakes.
Google says
Mary Kressin was born on 06/07/1951 and is 73 years old. Mary calls Kenosha, WI, home. Other names that Mary uses includes Mary Joan Kressin and Mary J Kressin. We know that Mary’s political affiliation is unknown; ethnicity is Caucasian; and religious views are listed as Christian. Currently, Mary is married. Linda Perrault, James Sereno, Cathy Fletcher, Susan Sereno and Candice Staaden, and many others are family members and associates of Mary.
Thanks Google. Good to know
Currently we know there is at least one cowardly individual on KCE who is a complete asshole.
Is she that nasty neighbor on 45th Ave?
Simple question: where is the video?
The owner has not posted it for a reason.
Don’t tell me there is not a camera on that entrance and his Range.
So you have no idea if there is a camera there but you demand to see video???? Got it….
Who cares. Get a life
Stay classy!!!
Bingo. I remember a murder case from west of the I where the video surveillance suddenly wasn’t working on the night in question. Worked every other night… But….. Self defense and shit!
Your dick is swollen like your brain.
Is this Sgt Hard ?
Only when in your mouth
I do not know the Boathouse Pub and Eatery owner, Jack Petersen, or the Kressins. However, handicap accessibility is very important to me. I can understand the frustration of the Kressins, but personally would not have spoken up. I would have noted it to management and left.
For full disclosure, I visited the Boat House once several years ago (before Covid) and was underwhelmed. Also note the ADA law specifies requirements to be ADA compliant.
1. Yelp has several reviews of this particular issue at Boat House, but most seem to have been added after the date in question. That said, there are pictures of the handicap ramp being blocked. (the picture is different than the one shown in the article). IMHO, any vehicle parked there should be towed, independent of the owner. As it was the owner, it clearly indicates to me that his statements concerning welcoming customers and accessibility are not in good faith.
2. Looking at satellite imagery of the parking lot and Google streetview of the parking lot, a few things can be noted. Keep in mind, I do not know the age of these images
a. There is only 1 handicap parking spot identified in the images. It is directly across from the ramp. It is not properly marked nor is it ADA compliant. It should be marked in blue with a blue sign and be twice the width of a regular parking space.
b. I can see why people would mistake parking spots in the rear of the building as handicap spots as there is a section in front of steps that are block, similar to a handicap spot, but in yellow, not the required blue. The spaces around it are NOT marked as handicapped in any way.
3. This can easily be escalated if so desired and not even by the Kressins. As I noted it appears that the parking lot is not ADA compliant; I assume that the facility is also noncompliant. There are organizations and attorneys that specialize in identifying businesses that are not compliant and suing said businesses for compliance. I am not an expert, but such a case that could cost Jack Peterson tens of thousands of dollars. (Note, as I said before, I would leave a note and leave the establishment rather than pursue litigation but that is the way I am).
I ask both parties in this case to use this as a learning experience, for Jack to improve customer experience and for the Kressins, when you have an issue, try to remain calm. I know it can be difficult, particularly when the actions of others endanger the safety of a loved one.
Notably that the handicap parking spot has to be the closest one to the entrance of the building.
Also, any changes or repairs or re-striping of the lot after 2012 requires compliance with the latest standards specified in 2010.
Call the city to check compliance.
The Karen thing is so real . I see it where I work weekly. White women between 50 and 70 that act super entitled and threaten bad reviews if they don’t get what they want. Often being volatile for no reason
Uh, pretty much most women.
I can’t let that slide . White women ?
Homey don’t play that game .
Sorry to hijack but when is the Coffee Pot reopening. I need me a carnivore!
The Pot was struck by Italian lightning.
Sometimes known as Jewish lightning.
Mostly Greek lightning
Seems Kenosha is still divided, what a shame. Hopefully DT & DA Solis will heal the pain.
Imagine this, will you ….
An owner parks furthest from the door, allows all patrons to access his new business freely. Makes closest spot, handicap only.
Capitalism thrives, the masses are happy.
You argue, “make a point” and get all your psychofants to double down on social media.
Capitalism thrives, the masses are unhappy, and drives out a business where someone else will have a shot at it…….
The fact that this many people are enraged over this issue is shocking. I’m sure the truth is somewhere in between both parties stories. There are so many things to be concerned with in society today. Maybe if we put this much interest and effort into improving the world we wouldn’t be trolling online arguing over an escalated misunderstanding. That said, it really isn’t worth it to go out to eat anymore. Service at most places is usually poor, servers seem genuinely annoyed that customers are patronizing business as it interrupts their texting and socializing. Prices are through the roof. Quality of food/ drink, typically lacking. I am a former server and bartender – back when I did it we had to be pleasant, kind and provide quality service. I rather stay home, cook my own food and enjoy my family. Before you comment, yes I’m fun at parties. Society is soft. Goodluck people.
Was gonna say the same thing. Thanks for saving me the typing
“it really isn’t worth it to go out to eat anymore.”…….Certainly not in the City of Kenosha.
This place has been going down hill for a bit, the owner uses this place as a hang out for him and his drunk buddies. Not a family place anymore. I myself will not be walking in there anymore, used to be a great place now drunk dip $hit ran it into the ground. Not long until Bar Resue wil be needed
You nailed it, exact same here.
lol……ran it into the ground. Yet, you continued to go. Got it. Do better at not completely contradicting yourself in the same sentence.
Having read some of the replays its disgusting. Sounds like both parties had a bad day and took it out on the other party. Get over it people.
Kenosha: There are pedophiles in your school system = 1 repost
Also Kenosha: A man did not move his truck at a local restaurant = 1000 reposts
I was thinking the same thing
Probably because we don’t have to fight a school board and public relations liar to get revenge on a hot head business owner who parks like an idiot?
So angry over a parked car.
Kevin, you can get the video.
It takes a real man to block a handicap ramp.
What about that 4 foot tall ash tray blocking the ramp more than the SUV? My wheelchair would barely fit past that. These smokers are now more important than my wheelchair? Dadgummit
I work here. Jack is a pig. I’ve only ever known him to be an asshat to people. On top of this, Jack openly uses the word “retard”, so it’s actually laughable that he wants to act like he cares about people with special needs. He’s trying to save his own ass.
lol……you work there???? Bullshit.
Why is that so unbelievable? Many people work there. Also, how many people do you think their boss is an asshat but go to the same job day after day. Bet the percentage is way higher than you’d expect.
Such a pig and asshat to people……yet you continue to work there. BS.
why do you work there? It’s a dump now and owner treats employees terribly. I’ve seen it when we used to go there.
Food not so good either. There’s better places to work.
Not that it’s any of your business, it’s because I have to work somewhere. Money doesn’t fall from the sky.
Referred to the handicapped as feeling entitled. He reminds me of Archie Bunker though Archie wasn’t a drunk. If anyone loves this guy do an intervention as more than likely he is heading for bankruptcy and a divorce. Btw, anyone know his wife? I’d like to ask her out. Take her to a real diner, see what her interests are. Sure she needs a break from the big mouth abusive bully slave driver.
This Karen’s family is out of control. Karma will get them. Sad lives these people lead!
The Boat house has been going downhill for some time , The new owner is not very good
the food has not been good the service sucks i choose not to got here at all
may be the owner need to take this experience and take a close look at himself and business and
do better.
Make the boat house a great place again. Because it once was the place to go ,
not no more that should say alot !
The Range Rover prioritizes the torn green awning hanging off the front of his establishment.
I love the die-hards trying to protect their fallen restaurant.
I’m better than you, I don’t need your business.
And my golf game is just fine!
You are an arrogant asshole and hopefully your business suffers.
There is not enough room for a wheelchair to get around. He should move the freaking car to a spot.
Jack is an egomaniac with a short fuse. I’m unsurprised that he “banished” these people from his restaurant. However, it also sounds like the people “jumped” all over him as soon as he came outside. Inappropriate behavior by both parties. You both are in time out until further notice!
why do you work there? It’s a dump now and owner treats employees terribly. I’ve seen it when we used to go there.
Food not so good either. There’s better places to work.
Okay now. Let’s get out our mat’s, it’s quiet time now.
Kevin. It would be great after reporting the news you’d leave your final thoughts. Would be like Paul Harvey. “The rest of the story.”
As a handicapped customer of the Boathouse I feel I need to speak out. Although the handicapped parking (to the left of that parked vehicle, there are handicapped parking spots in the corner), it is not the most convenient as you have to cross the deck to get to the entrance in the back of the building. This is sometimes a challenge when the deck is crowded but any customers or staff in the area just move, if need be and even offer to help! I will continue going to the Boathouse for food that is very good with and the menu very extensive!!