Lawyer’s Son, Career Criminal, Charged Today With 58 Felonies Including Child Sex Crimes – Quarter Million Dollar Bail Ordered

Trenton B. Kmiec, 24, of Salem Lakes and Defense Attorney Benjamin Schwarz In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

A 24-year-old Salem man was charged today with 58 felonies and 4 misdemeanors and faces nearly 1,000 years in the Wisconsin Prison System if convicted of all charges. He faces a mandatory minimum of 41 years if convicted of all charges. Today, Trenton B. Kmiec, 24, of Salem was charged with the following:

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Felony Child Exploitation, Lifetime Sex Offender, Repeater (4 Counts)
Felony Child Enticement – Expose Genitals (3 Counts)
Felony Possession of Child Pornography (4 Counts)
Felony Bail Jumping, Repeater (31 Counts)
Felony Child Abuse – Cause Harm, Repeater (2 Counts
Felony Strangulation and Suffocation, Repeater (2 Counts)
Felony Manufacture/Deliver Cocaine, Repeater, Second and Subsequent
Felony Exposing Genitals to a Child (6 Counts)
Felony Possession of Cocaine, Repeater, Second and Subsequent
Felony Possession of THC, Repeater, Second and Subsequent
Felony False Imprisonment, Repeater
Misdemeanor Sexual Intercourse with Child (3 Counts)
Misdemeanor Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

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Kenosha County District Attorney Xavier Solis (R) In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

In court today, Kenosha County District Attorney Xavier Solis (R) asked the court for a $250,000 bail, speaking about the seriousness of the charges, the mandatory minimums, and Kmiec’s current open cases. Kmiec is also on probation in many counties and is expected to have his probation revoked. Solis personally charged this case and will be personally handling the prosecution. The previous DA, Michael Graveley (D), would have sent this case to a neighboring DA to handle since he is friends with Trenton Kmiec’s father, Ted Kmiec.

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Recently, marijuana was found by police in Ted Kmiec’s bedroom and in his office that he told police “no one else has access to.” Ted wasn’t charged with any crimes as of today.

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Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner William Michel II In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

“The court has reviewed the criminal complaint. The court takes this very seriously. From the strength of the criminal complaint, I mean, it’s alleged that the majority of these crimes that were allegedly committed are on video,” said Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner William Michel II. “So the State, from reading this criminal complaint, has a very strong case in this matter. The court does take these types of offenses against children very seriously. The court is going to impose a $250,000 cash bond,” Michel added.

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Ted Kmiec And His Salem Home – Local Attorney And Former Politician
(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

In the home of Theodore (Ted) B. Kmiec III on 238th Ave in Salem, many bad things have happened. Kmiec’s mistress died in his bed of a drug overdose. A 17-year-old girl was battered. Kmiec’s son allegedly had sex with at least two under-age girls. Just last month, on December 17, 2024, the house was raided by the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department S.W.A.T. team. Many more very bad things are now being alleged to have occurred in this home. KCSO detectives searched the residence and found Kmiec’s cell phone in a dog toy bin in the living room under a pile of toys. His phone was found by its vibration when being called by a detective. It was reported that during the tactical response team’s arrival and call outs for occupants to exit the house, a detective called Trenton, who answered his phone. “This shows that the defendant had his phone prior to it being placed in the location found. It also was in a location that appeared to be an attempt to hide it from us being able to find it during the warrant execution.”

The 29-person S.W.A.T. team search warrant execution yielded:

From the front entrance, kitchen area:
o A broken unidentified pill

From the living room of the residence:
o An “Ozone” jar containing 3.2 grams of a green leafy substance. A Nark II test kit showed a presumptive positive for the presence of Tetrahydrocannabinol.

From the west office (Ted Kmiec stated it was his office and no one else has access to it):
o A small container containing .2 grams of a green leafy substance. A Nark II test kit showed a presumptive positive for the presence of Tetrahydrocannabinol.

From the bedroom in the upper level of the residence (Ted Kmiec’s bedroom):
o One package of “Shroom gummies” that when checked online showed there was no Psilocybin in these gummies.
o .3 grams of a green leafy substance. A Nark II test kit showed a presumptive positive for the presence of Tetrahydrocannabinol.

From the bedroom on the north side of the living room (Trenton’s bedroom):
o 14 vials of various anabolic steroids
(These items were found in the jacket pocket of a coat within Trenton’s bedroom, as well as within a locked safe in Trenton’s closet.)
o Boxes of new needles and hypodermic syringes
o A scale, which when tested, showed a positive result for the presence of cocaine from the residue on it
o Two, individual $1 bills rolled up, which when tested, showed a positive result for the presence of cocaine from the residue on it
o 2 boxes of Narcan
o Charred tinfoil w/unknown residue
o Small pieces of ChoreBoy
o Four (4) glass pipes
o Razor blade
o One syringe with needle
o One pill bottle containing 6 yellow pills and mini cotton balls
o Multiple steroid vials
o Two (2) packages (one open w/2 pills; one unopened w/15 pills)
o Box of Anastozole
o Safe containing several vials of what was later determined to be steroids; needles, drug paraphernalia, digital scale, and other miscellaneous items.

On Trenton’s person, located during his arrest was found:
o Pen turned into straw w/brown residue inside which, when tested showed a positive result for presence of cocaine

According to the criminal complaint and search warrant:

Child Sexual Assault Allegations

Last month’s S.W.A.T. raid was sparked by an investigation into serious violence and child sexual assault and child pornography.

On Sunday 12/15/2024 I, Det. [Redacted] #[Redacted], was contacted by Deputy [Redacted] regarding a case he was working on. He informed me of the following information which was listed in his report:

  • On 12/14/2024 at approximately 2004 hours, Kenosha County Sheriff Department (KSD) Deputies were dispatched to [Redacted] 238th Ave, Salem, WI, for a check welfare call for service. The caller “Christy” [Last Name Redacted] requested Deputies to check the welfare of her friend “Jenni” [Last Name Redacted]. Christy told dispatch that Jenni lied to her (Jenni’s) parents, stating she (Jenni) was at Christy’s house. Christy was not home and believed Jenni was at Trenton B. Kmiec’s house. Christy stated Jenni was 17 years old and Trenton was 24 years old. Christy was worried about Jenni’s welfare due to the history of physical abuse between Jenni and Trenton.
  • On 12/15/2024 at approximately 1715 hours, I, Dep. [Redacted] #[Redacted], was dispatched to the Kenosha County Center, 19600 75th St, Bristol, WI 53104, to meet with Jenni regarding having photos of physical abuse done by Trenton to her. I met Jenni at 1724 hours and we went inside the Kenosha County Center to speak. Jenni was identified verbally. I asked about the incident yesterday 12/14. Jenni told me her friend Christy called because she was worried about her and that Deputies arrived and asked her if she was ok. Jenni told me she responded she was fine and that was it, and Deputies later left. Jenni told me she later left Trenton’s house on her own.
  • Jenni stated that Trenton grabbed her by the neck, at his residence of [Redacted] 238th Ave, and pushed her against the dresser. Jenni stated it was difficult to breathe at that time. Jenni stated Trenton let her go and she tried to walk away. Trenton then grabbed Jenni by the neck again. Jenni stated Trenton then went to push her against the bedroom door and she went through the door. Jenni advised the door broke when she went through it. Jenni told me Trenton also slapped her on the face with an open hand that night.

I would confirm this information with Jenni on 12/17/24 when I would meet with her and her mother at the Public Safety Building. Jenni told me this happened on 11/30/2024. Jenni ultimately showed Deputy [Redacted] pictures she took of bruising from the incident.

Jenni would also admit that her and Trenton were in a relationship, have sexual intercourse, and that Trenton has known that she was 17 years old since she met him at Country Thunder. She stated she told him how old she was when she first met him.

Jenni would inform Deputies and I, when I spoke with her, that she has had sex with Trenton multiple times at his house of [Redacted] 238th Ave and Trenton would record it. She stated he would also send her nude photographs and she would send him nude photographs. Jenni would allow a consent download of her phone and it would be downloaded. While doing a manual search of her phone, I would observe there to be a large amount of fully nude photos of both of them sent between them along with a large number of videos of Trenton and Jenni having sexual intercourse. It was clear Trenton was recording because Jenni’s hands were shown not holding a phone and taken from the other subject’s point of view. Jenni advised me that they did not use protection and that Trenton would also send her the videos of them having sexual intercourse.

When checking the videos and images, I would see they were taken from an iPhone 16 and that they would be labeled at the top “from Trent”. When I would press the information button on the videos or photos, it would show a map location attached with the photo which showed an arrow type bubble at [Redacted] 238th Ave showing it was taken at Trenton’s house.
Jenni stated she slept over 15-17 times at his residence between July and December 2024 and knows that’s where he lives. She also stated that Trenton’s father, Ted Kmiec, and a female would be there and that she told Ted her age of 17. Jenni also said Ted and his female half were there 70% of the time she was at the residence or staying the night.

Jenni was asked about drug use with Trenton and she stated that at Country Thunder he provided her with cocaine. Jenni stated while staying over at Trenton’s house, she would notice a large ball of cocaine in his bedside drawer and that Trenton was taking steroids which he would hide in his jacket pockets in his bedroom closet. She believed Trenton might have been selling cocaine based on texts messages observed on his phone she believed to about selling it.

Jenni also would inform me that Trenton drives a red Jeep Wrangler. This has been seen in the driveway of [Redacted] 238th Ave multiple times.

I would speak with Trenton’s probation officer on 12/17/24. His PO [Probation Officer] would contact him about the check welfare on 12/14/24. Trenton would advise his PO that he was in a relationship with a girl named Jenni. His PO asked him to come in for a meeting on 12/18/24 about the police contact. Trenton did not show. KSD Detectives conducted surveillance on Trenton during this time and his Jeep never left the driveway. Prior to giving Jenni’s phone back after download, I would observe a text from Trenton to her saying, ‘I have a warrant for my arrest.’ Which was dated 12/17/24 at 2:06 PM which was right after his PO contacted him.”

Trenton B. Kmiec, Latest Mugshot
(Kenosha County Sheriff)

According to the victim, Ted knew that Trenton’s girlfriend was 17-years-old. Ted was also aware of at least two other underage girlfriends of Trenton, per a source. Trenton’s mother, Connie Kmiec also seemingly knew her son was dating a 17-year-old – she follows her on Instagram:

Victim’s Instagram
Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Gerad Dougvillo
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Trenton was recently revived with Narcan twice. Judge Dougvillo only gave Trenton three months of jail for these violations of probation. The State asked for the maximum possible jail sentence. Racine DA Patricia Hanson (D) wouldn’t charge Kmiec for possession of drug paraphernalia or felony bail-jumping.

Trenton would be in prison today, if not for multiple breaks from the Kenosha County DA’s Office, Racine County DA’s office, and several judges. A young child might not have been allegedly harmed physically, sexually, and emotionally.

Trenton B. Kmiec, 24, of Salem Lakes and Defense Attorney Benjamin Schwarz In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kmiec is on felony bail for a serious incident from November 24, 2021. Police and prosecutors say that Kmiec lead multiple police officers and agencies on a 25 minute long, 22 mile police chase while armed and under the influence of drugs. Kmiec refused to pull over for police and drove erratically at speeds up to 85 miles per hour. He endangered many people’s lives by swerving all over the road and narrowly missing innocent bystanders. At one point he swerved around stop sticks, was rammed by police, did a 360 degree spin, but continued to evade. Eventually, Kmiec flipped the car and crashed in a ditch. Police found a Glock 19 in his possession with an extended 30-round magazine in the car. A drug recognition expert determined that Kmiec was under the influence of stimulants. There were also empty bottles of Cyclobenzaprine and Tramadol in his upside down car. Kmiec also had two Buprenorphine narcotic patches on his body. Kmiec also had a powdery substance on his nostril. Kmiec was charged with (1) Second Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, (2) Fleeing and Eluding – Causing Damage to Property, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, (3) Felony Criminal Damage to Property, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, (4) Possession of a Firearm While Intoxicated, and (5) OWI (2nd). One of the victims told police that Kmiec caused $8,000 in damage to his property. Believe it or not, Governor Evers (D) appointee, Judge Tricia Walker, gave Kmiec a no-cash bond. He was released without having to pay a cent. He is expected to take a plea deal in October.

Trenton Kmiec (24)

Kmiec’s Criminal History

OWI #1

Kmiec was driving while intoxicated on June 26, 2017. He was later convicted.

Kenosha County Drug Possession

In 2017, Kmiec was involved in a crime involving drugs. He was arrested. DA Graveley (D) sent this case to Racine County to be “fixed” and progressive Racine County DA Patricia Hanson did not charge Kmiec, but allowed him to participate in a drug program.

Kenosha County Drug Possession #2

On September 2, 2022, police and prosecutors say that Kmiec was pulled over and had schedule 2 narcotics in his vehicle. Kmiec tried to throw the drugs out of his car, but the astute Deputy Tifft reviewed his squad footage and saw Kmiec throw the bag. DA Graveley sent this case to Racine County and DA Patricia Hanson’s office dismissed it.

Winnebago County Drug Trafficking Arrest

Police and prosecutors say that on February 19, 2023, Kmiec was located in a bar by police, which was against his bond conditions. On his person, they found 13 plastic baggies, each contained fentanyl. Police obtained a search warrant for his home. When they arrived, they were met by Kmiec’s high-school aged girlfriend. They found cutting agents and other drug manufacturing items in his bedroom. His minor girlfriend said that she didn’t know he sold drugs, but was “suspicious” of him. She thought he was selling vitamins to people posing as cocaine. Winnebago County prosecutors charged Kmiec with (1) Possession – Intent to Deliver, (2) Maintaining a Drug-Trafficking Place, and (3) Felony Bail Jumping. They could have charged him with multiple counts of bail-jumping, but did not. Believe it or not, a liberal court Commissioner named Eric Heywood gave Kmiec a no-cash bail and he was released without paying a cent. He is awaiting trial for this case.

Domestic Violence

Kmiec was charged in court on May 3, 2023. The charges include felony child abuse – recklessly causing bodily harm, six counts of felony bail jumping, and intimidation of a victim. According to the criminal complaint, Kmiec’s high-school aged girlfriend called the Sheriff’s Department just before midnight on May 1, 2023. She was upset and crying when a deputy arrived. She asked the deputy to drive her down the road so she wasn’t talking in front of the house. She then told him that she and her boyfriend, Trenton Kmiec, had a fight. She said that Kmiec threw her very hard and her head hit something. She had a visible “goose egg” on the right side of her head near her temple. She then tried to call 9-1-1, but Kmiec took the phone away from her, hung it up and said “you’re not doing that.” She then begged for her phone back, but Kmiec called her a “whore” and told her to lay down and sleep or walk home. He then said he hoped she got abducted.

Domestic Violence #2

According to another criminal complaint, on May 26, 2023, deputies responded to Ted and Trenton Kmiec’s residence in Salem. The caller was one of the girl’s friends who heard her and Trenton arguing loudly which he was on the phone with her. He heard her say “ow.” This friend called police and summoned them to the Kmiec residence. The Sheriff’s Deputies are very familiar with this home. Deputies investigated the death of Kmiec’s mistress recently. She died on Ted’s bed. Deputies knocked on the door and Trenton answered the door. He denied that his 17-year old girlfriend was there and denied ever having contact with her. Ted also came to the door and claimed he didn’t know if she was there either and didn’t hear the loud arguing. The girl later exited the home to talk to deputies, and Ted apologized and stated that he was not aware of her presence in the home. Deputies arrested Trenton for obstructing, since he lied to police. Deputies decided against arresting Ted Kmiec. We asked Ted why he would knowingly allow his son to violate conditions of his bond. He didn’t respond to KCE’s request for comment.

Connie Kmiec (Wife of Ted Kmiec and Mother To Trenton Kmiec)
(Kenosha Sheriff’s Department)

Kmiec’s mother, Connie Kmiec, was once arrested for domestic abuse from the above video, but the Racine DA dropped all charges.

The duo most responsible for the white-glove treatment of Kmiec, aside from Graveley himself, are Racine County DA Patricia Hanson and her Deputy DA, Chris Steenrod, both democrats. They keep giving Kmiec over-generous plea deals. The judges are going along.

Kmiec is due back in court on January 22, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. for a preliminary hearing.



Governor Tony Evers Denies Pardon For Kenosha County Serial Arsonist

Silver Lake, Wis. – Governor Tony Evers (D) has denied the pardon application of 48-year-old Allen M. Dunski, Jr., a former firefighter and convicted serial arsonist from Kenosha County’s west side. The rejection, issued on November 15, 2024, came despite Dunski’s claims of rehabilitation and community service. A letter sent to Dunski by the Governor’s Pardon Advisory Board stated: “While the Governor’s Pardon Advisory Board commends you for the positive strides you have taken since completing

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Kenosha Man Charged with Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child, Held on $1M Bail

Kenosha, Wis. – A 43-year-old Kenosha man was formally charged today with Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child in Kenosha County Circuit Court. If convicted, Jesus Alcocer-Bautista faces a maximum sentence of 60 years in prison. During his court appearance, Kenosha County District Attorney Xavier Solis requested a $1,000,000 cash bail, citing the severity of the allegations and the need to protect the community. Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner William Michel II granted the request and

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10-Year-Old Girl Still Too Terrified To Return To School After Sexual Assault on Bus

**Explicit Content** Kenosha, Wis. — A 10-year-old girl from Nash Elementary School remains too afraid to return to school months after she was allegedly sexually assaulted by two male students on her bus ride home. Despite criminal charges, Title IX investigations, and pleas from the child’s mother, the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) has yet to remove one of the accused students from the school, leaving the victim in limbo. KCE first reported on this matter

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Two Twin Lakes Men Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

Twin Lakes, Wis. – Two Twin Lakes men have been arrested and charged with multiple counts of possession of child pornography following separate investigations by the Twin Lakes Police Department (TLPD) and the Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. Arrests and Charges Nathan H. Bollow, 20, and Micah D. Griffiths, 20, were taken into custody in January 2025 after search warrants were executed at their respective residences. Bollow was

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Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office Welcomes K9 Joy, A Peer Support Dog

Kenosha, Wis. – The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) has a new four-legged recruit. Sheriff David W. Zoerner announced today the addition of K9 Joy, a law enforcement peer support dog, to the department. K9 Joy’s handler, Detective Adam Barnard, is a 10-year veteran of the sheriff’s office, currently serving in the detective bureau as a general assignment detective. Detective Barnard also plays a key role as a lead investigator on the Major Crash Assistance Team

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Kenosha Judge Reversed Again as Court of Appeals Overturns Child Custody Ruling

Kenosha, Wis. – Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Chad Kerkman (D) has once again found himself overruled by a higher court. On January 22, 2025, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals reversed a ruling made by Kerkman in a child custody case, marking yet another instance in which his decisions have been overturned—spanning cases from homicide convictions, public records cases, and even termination of parental rights. In the latest reversal, the Court of Appeals sided with a

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Kenosha Murder Trial: Defendant to Represent Himself in Court

Kenosha, Wis. — “The man who represents himself has a fool for a client.” – Abraham Lincoln. A high-profile murder trial is set to begin later this year, with 35-year-old Tiron M. Washington opting to represent himself despite facing life in prison. Washington is accused of orchestrating the December 10, 2021, assassination of 35-year-old Maximmillion A. Moore in what prosecutors describe as a hit-style execution. A Murder Linked to Federal Gun Investigation According to investigators, Moore

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KUSD To Host 62nd Orchestra Festival

Kenosha, Wis. – Kenosha Unified School District’s 62nd annual Orchestra Festival will be presented on Saturday, March 8, at 6:30 p.m. at Indian Trail High School and Academy, 6800 60th St. This event will showcase nearly 1,400 elementary, middle, high and charter school orchestra students. Tickets are available at Field house seating is $10 (a maximum of 3). Tickets will not be available at the door and field house seating may sell out in advance. The

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City of Kenosha Employee Charged with Misdemeanor Theft From Taxpayers

Kenosha, Wis. – A City of Kenosha employee has been charged with one count of misdemeanor theft, according to court records. Jamie D. Watkins, a 54-year-old arborist employed by the city, is accused of stealing Menards rebate checks meant for the Parks Department. Watkins is scheduled to make his initial court appearance on February 27, 2025. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of nine months in jail, a $10,000 fine, and possible restitution. City Administrator

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Casey Family Options Funeral Home Accused of Predatory Practices, Families Speak Out

Kenosha, Wis. – A Kenosha-based funeral home, Casey Family Options Funerals & Cremations, is facing public scrutiny after a family accused its directors of predatory behavior, price gouging, and a lack of compassion during their times of grief. Allegations from Grieving Sisters Two women, Alexis Quirk and Kiki Nicole, recently took to social media and Google reviews to share their troubling experiences with the funeral home. Their accounts describe an ordeal that exacerbated their grief as

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Vote No On February 18 To Give KUSD $115 Million Dollars: Opinion

Do not miss your chance! You have between now and February 18th to VOTE NO on KUSD’s $115 Million property tax increase. Last week, newly reported national NAEP test scores – also known as the Nation’s Report Card – revealed that 69% of Wisconsin K-12 students cannot READ at grade level. The math scores were nearly just as abysmal. Wisconsin ranks dead last in teaching black students to read, and the opportunity gaps in math are

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Follow The Money on KUSD Referendum Campaign

Wondering where all of the KUSD referendum propaganda is coming from? Not surprisingly, this aggressive effort to tax you out of your homes is coming from the teachers’ union. People are still struggling to afford gas and groceries, but the teachers’ union believes they deserve more of your hard earned money than you already contribute. It’s in your mailbox, on your social media, and you can’t scroll YouTube without seeing their constant ads. Quite a hefty

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95 Responses

  1. It would be interesting to hear what his dad has on others within the court system…. that they repeatedly let him pull himself and his kid out of trouble. Maybe the kid is the main dealer for Kmiecs “friends”?

  2. So let me get this straight…all this happened under Gravely’s watch and nothing was done? Thankfully we now have a real DA – Xavier Solis.

    1. Are you really asking this question ?

      Have you not been paying attention !!

      These are the questions a low information voter has. That is if they even pay enough attention to read a news story every now and then.

      Not only has our new DA taken this case seriously as he should but by doing so has set the tone on his philosophy going forward. Charge the crimes that are there. Every one of them.

      Let the chips fall where they may

      Great voting Kenosha County. Now let’s educate the rest of these voters

  3. And that’s how it’s done Gracelyn in charging people. Thank you Solis for actually charging this scumbag who never should have gotten all of these chances. A regular person would have been in jail after the first incident. So glad Gravely and all his people are gone.

  4. I pray Ted runs and wins seat on the bench and I pray Trent gets these trumped up charges dismissed as they should be

    1. That’s cute. I believe the deadline for candidates has already passed, and I didn’t see his name on the list.

    1. Bet ADA Smathers would like a threesome with Patricia Hanson and Connie Kmiec. Wouldn’t that be a great horror movie?

    1. Either you have money or you don’t. For the majority of the sheep the law only APPLIES to them. People with money have their own set of rules and laws. Keep drinking the kool aid. The USA is officially a third world nation

    1. True. Besides the DA charging him with what he has always gotten away with, and possibly not intentional, the DA probably just saved his life. Something his political lawyer Dad didn’t care at ALL about. Thanks DA Solis!

  5. I heard it through an acquaintance that Trent was a big admirer of Andrew Tate. It looks like the matrix got Trent too! It’s honestly sad. To be that jacked up at 24 years old points to some serious home life issues!

    The big question is, how can a father, that is an attorney, sit idly by while their 24 year old son is copulating with a 17 year old? Does Ted Kmiec think he is the Godfather or something? This entire spectacle is bound to be a special on Dateline or American Greed in the near future. Keep up the good work Kevin!

    1. it includes Graveley corruption of all the previous “dealings”.

      As for Ted, I can’t imagine anyone one giving him the time of day much less national exposure.
      Even if it’s negative.
      I wouldn’t watch it on a bet.

    2. Trent is an adult, why is his father responsible for his adult son’s actions 🫣 Like everyone has control of their ADULT CHILDREN’S ACTIONS 🤦‍♀️WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

      1. Clearly he has enough control of the courts and court representatives to allow his son to continue illegal activities.

      2. Stop!!! Under his dad’s roof. Especially, considering he (Dad) was supposed to be looking out for him(son) on probation this comes with rules that Mr. Kmiec should know. Mr. Kmiec must have thought drugs and underage sex was ok, allegedly. Seems hard to believe he was unaware of the activity of what going on in that house. His son almost died there twice that we know of. If this happen outside of Ted’s home, totally different story. Let’s be smart. I pray for this family, they need an intervention, too bad it didn’t happen a few years ago, so much damage now.

        1. I think his Dad used his son for drugs and maybe other things. I also think there is alot more that will be discovered as the new DA continues to start charging people as they should be charged! Let’s get rid of the swamp!

        2. According to someone familiar with the family, his dad (Ted) was made aware of everything Trent was doing under his roof including the drugs and underage girls. Funny how the fathers an attorney and Trent studied government yet neither of them used their knowledge to recognize their behavior is ILLEGAL and morally wrong. You’d think they’d at least hide it better lol. Lock em both up.

          1. Hillbilly soap opera
            Disgusting 🫣 BYE TRENTON daddy can’t save you no more I think Ted is done Noone is going to do any more favors for his ass anymore

      3. Where were her parents when she has been spending the nights with Trent. I’m sure her parents knew she was dating Trent.

  6. Another victory for the non-united states of Israel’s war on drugs. Next up, is the war on poverty. Or what about the war on homelessness, best country in the world, i have some ocean from property in arizona to sell you if you believe that.

    1. Absolutely. The sheeple are being had. Billions every year for Israel and billions to Ukraine, yet people can’t afford medicine, rent etc. Btw, the war on drugs has been going on since 1970.Hows that working out.


  7. Saw this while driving, pulled over, stopped my car, got out in the middle of the road, did a standing ovation, did a back flip into the splits, screamed hallelujah for DA Solis, got on my hands and knees and prayed, and then went on my way.

  8. I enjoy reading KCE, and I also enjoy reading the different comments and perspectives. But come one, how can any of you defend this white trash?

    1. I won’t defend him one bit. But I will say Kenosha County’s drug treatment resources are terrible and addiction can strike any family. Perhaps all the legal maneuvering to “help” young Mr. Kmiec in the long run didn’t help. Kicking an addiction is difficult, takes time and a lot of support (and that includes “tough love”). Daddy should have urged him long ago to get into the drug court program.

    1. I agree. How about the next article just reports NEW news? The entire history does not need to be included in every article.

      What I want to know is has Ted made a keg into a mailbox or is that the tub from a washing machine on a pole in front of his house? Can some county people please explain?

  9. The sheriff , the county executive in the former Da…. All part of this.
    They’re all friends with the dad….
    Kenosha county small town at its best.

  10. This is how we the people’s voice gets heard, operate within the four corners of the constitution. BIG SIGH OF RELIEF.

    1. Not only Gravely, how about a deep drive into all of Kenosha departments. Start with the City Assessor, Public Works, Mayors Office and City Administrator & Mayor. Let’s get to the bottom of real corruption as apposed to individual criminal activity.

  11. So glad Gravely is gone and our new DA isn’t afraid to file these charges and try the case himself! This speaks volumes, in that we have a DA who is willing to do the job that he is getting paid to do by the taxpayers!!! I’m already starting to feel safer in Kenosha County knowing we have a DA who is willing to prosecute all these criminals!!

  12. Prime example of the level of corruption in are former DA office, that this many events can take place with nothing being done and no one being held accountable.
    These are very serious crimes there are deaths involved and life changing events for a victim at the hands of obvious criminals. I hope are new DA Solis who seems to very on top of these, puts this guy away and the father cause pretty sure he is involved deeply. Then when that is all said and done let’s get Gravely and Hansen to explain why the past charges never got done, and then charge them with whatever they can be charged with for not acting and being corrupt with these cases, Gravely and hansen have sent Men and women to prison for a lot less than this,
    sorry Kenosha this makes me sick that we have had these people in are offices acting like they are doing their jobs to protect are community.

    And how in the hell does serious crimes with evidence get dismissed
    and then look at the charges they are all similar in nature over and over and over
    he had open cases in fond-du lac wi for almost the same stuff
    this guy is a monster and needs to be locked up
    and gravely and hansen to answer for why and how they dismissed these charges they are guilty of letting this guy commit more crimes
    they are currupt as hell and the father is behind it all with gravely and hansen
    this is very very bad , stop this kenosha please


  15. Steroids and an uncontrollable idiot son. This is exactly the same story as the thug, deceased thankfully, of Michael Bell, Jr. Someone who was given multiple chances by courts in Illinois and Wisconsin and yet, allowed on our streets.

    Hopefully, this idiot “adult” goes where Bell junior should have always been, in prison for his entire pathetic life.

  16. Comical Joel trolldell reads and reacts to comments on the Facebook post but to scared to say anything. You have a true fan here kevin

  17. Overcharge much?

    This guy deserves some prison time but 58 felonies for a 17 year old girl?

    Point is if Solis is going to be so zealous in charging this guy, then I sure hope he is as zealous prosecuting everyone. He obviously won’t be and then he will be rightfully criticized.

    So this guy is facing 1,000 years and I’m sure you will plea him down to 3 years and that again will open him up to a lot of criticism. You don’t think before you publicize this stuff, do you?

    1. Overcharging? How many chance before the light bulb kicks in. The law is 17, not consenting age, period. Like, .08 is a DUI and .07 isn’t, welcome to reality. Why have laws? if you going to fudge.

    2. I can understand Mr. Solis’ frustration with this revolving door. Maybe 58 counts will be a wakeup call. But it could also backfire as the burden of proving the element of each and every crime charged beyond a reasonable doubt falls on the prosecutor alone. We’ll need to stay tuned to see how this plays out. As it does we should understand that while this mope has a serious drug addiction that alone does not provide him with an excuse to be a nasty person. There are plenty of people who are addicts who, surprise, get up every day and go to work and otherwise don’t commit crimes other than drug possession. Why is that? The answer is simple: If you steal or commit other crimes you get arrested and if you go to jail you get cut off. This little creep doesn’t seem smart enough to grasp that and too many people have failed to hold him accountable as well.

  18. Look at Trents mug shots. He looks absolutely terrible. He’s a drug addict. He needs help. He’s been given a lot more breaks than most people in his situation. Some prison time he will be forced to clean up his act. Or he will die. Fact!

  19. May want to put a WARNING before viewing Racine County DA Patricia Hanson photo. Omg! She should consider growing a beard to hide her face. Showed my teen while he was having breakfast. Said I bet she has a wooden leg with a kick stand. Where have I heard that?

  20. I would look deeper into the activities in the home, I think it goes deeper than just the son, i think the father has major involvement in the drugs and sex that is going on in that place, almost sounds like a future NETFLEX Documentary,

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