Tonight, the Kenosha County Finance and Administration committee voted to affirm the double demotion of Kenosha Sergeant Bill Beth, little cousin of Sheriff David Beth, for misconduct. That wasn’t the topic of conversation, however. We wrote an article this morning titled County Committee Expected to Uphold Demotion of Sheriff’s Sergeant At Tonight’s Meeting: Sources. We saw the writing on the wall and we heard from confidential sources that told us Beth’s demotion was expected to be affirmed. Supervisors Jeff Gentz (D), Monica Yuhas (D), Jeff Wamboldt (WamBOLDt) (D), Ron Frederick (D), Ed Kubicki (D) and a few other democrats are upset. Gentz began a profanity-laced monologue that contained several loud bangs against the desk with his fist. “There is a leak in this room!”. Gentz called for the FBI to “independently investigate” the County to check for leaks. Several people in the audience let out slight chuckles. “I want subpoenas issued to the Kenosha County Eye to ask them who their sources are!” he wildly exclaimed. The majority of the committee members voted to conduct the investigation as Gentz had requested. This vote was likely illegal as decisions of committees must be noticed ahead of time to give people a chance to speak against something like this. It is likely many taxpayers will oppose a measure that will likely cost many thousands of dollars and it is proposed for political reasons.
What Gentz does not know but probably should read up on is Wisconsin Statute 885.14. This statute is known as the “Shield Act” or “reporter privilege.” It provides journalists with an absolute privilege to withhold confidential source information and a qualified privilege to protect other news gathering information.
Ironically, Supervisor Ron Frederick said in open session that “the vote was 6 to 1.” This was information ostensibly talked about in closed session. He said this in violation of the ethics ordinance. Gentz also broke the ethics rules by acknowledging in open session that our (KCE’s) prediction was correct – this was an admission in and of itself of what was talked about in closed session.
Gentz and some of his colleagues don’t like the KCE. Gentz takes issue with us placing the (D) after his name signifying that he is a democrat. He was heard complaining about that extensively. He wants to be seen as “non-partisan.”
Gentz and some of his colleagues want the public to be in the dark about county government. Remember, they voted to close the hearings to the public – every member of the committee except Terry Rose. When we tell you what you deserve to know, they get upset. Gentz wants to spend a great deal of tax-dollars on a sham investigation to intimidate us. It won’t work.
This isn’t about a leak, this is about Jeff Gentz and his fellow opponents-of-transparency throwing a tantrum when we tell you about all the stupid things they do. That’s it. As for the “leaks,” we will tell you two things.
- The Kenosha County Eye was NOT given any privileged information from any elected officials that was discussed in closed session.
- We always have and always will keep our confidential sources confidential. PERIOD
Mr. Gentz, go ahead and send us a subpoena. If there is another TP shortage, we will save it to remove the crap from our butts.
8 Responses
This is an example of the importance of the KCE to our community. Our corrupt public officials now have something to worry about. Before the KCE, they could do what ever they wanted because there was no local media to call them out. Keep up the great job you are doing, KCE!
Sorry. I put the wrong name in. I am actually “Q”.
“You know you are over your target when you start taking incoming fire”
Bravo Kenosha County Eye !! The cloking
device used to operate behind for years has been taken down . FBI investigation well they should be careful of what they wish for you never know what else might be discovered.
God only knows what these guys have done behind closed doors and without the knowledge of the citizens of Kenosha .
If you got a leak, then call a plumber.
Apparently Gentz thinks it’s ok for public stewards to conduct public business in secrecy. Does he think cancelling out the truth, as Facebook and Twitter does, is an acceptable norm?
Gentz and the other Bozos are idiots.
FBI will have nothing to do with a Kenosha news leak.
KCE should put videos up of these “clowns” acting up
There is a wide variety of studies indicating a consistency in failures linked to Democratic control. While many States introduced bills to make violent protesters accountable for their unlawful riots, the Kenosha autocratic mayor hides in his condo and sticks his head out to push his democratic agenda. These so called De-mo Crats are an absolute offense to the core of this country. Surprised to see their gang like behavior surface even at the county board? Of course they go after anyone who opposes them using threats, intimidation’s, coercion. They act like a virus: if it is not restrained and contained, it spreads and kills. So when will the anti- democrap vaccine will be delivered? Stand up Kenosha or you are doomed to perish.
Maybe they will send Kevin and never stop media to investigate. Lol