At the Kenosha County Eye, we have been extremely critical of BLM sympathizer and all around unethical person, Kenosha’s DA, Michael Graveley. One such article that featured private communications between Graveley and a violent BLM activist, has been seen around the world and re-tweeted by blue-check-mark political pundits across the globe. It has been referenced on hundreds of other websites. This information has been seen more than one million times. This angered Graveley and essentially ended his chance at re-election. He sent us an email shortly after the story initially ran, stating “What a slimy, cowardly thing you’ve done..” and later “we can have the type of respectful, mature conversation those who raised you could be proud of?”
It’s obvious we got under his skin. Since then, we’ve learned that Graveley and many of his liberal minions at the DA’s office have been using tax-payer resources to investigate us. For example, he’s researched a photography business that took photos for us a few times in court. Graveley learned that we made a typo in using the business’s name. We added “, LLC” to the end of the business’ name. The business changed its name 2 years ago and nixed the”, LLC” but the rest of the name was correct.
In what is obviously a petty move from the county’s top law enforcement official, Kenosha DA Graveley has threatened legal action via a letter to Walworth Co Circuit Court Judge David Reddy dated 7/28/2021 against the Kenosha County Eye and the local photographer for violating WIS. Stat. 183.0903. Graveley doesn’t know much about civil law – there is nothing that prohibits using the “, LLC” suffix here. It is however proper to omit the “, LLC”, so we have made the corrections in our articles, and we sincerely apologize to out readers for this grievous oversight. </sarcasm>
Graveley has also been reportedly telling Judges not to allow KCE into the courtrooms to photograph. We have already been allowed to photographed may times in court. After a KCE photographer was in Judge Wagner’s court room, she told us that the KCE was professional and courteous. It would be very suspicious if we were cut off now, at the request of Graveley.
Graveley has made it very clear that he is, perhaps, a daily reader of our website. For this, thank you Mike! Have you noticed the distracting ads the last several months? As you know, every time you click, we get paid. We use some of that money to hold you accountable. By all means, keep clicking. We also want you to know, that the Kenosha County Eye isn’t going anywhere, sir. Threaten us and use your influence to attack us. Our readership numbers are very high. We are competing with the local rag and doing well.
2 Responses
Yes, the. KCE is very good for our community. For far too long, the Kenosha News has failed the public in its responsibility to hold the powerful accountable. Because the self servicing and incestious Kenosha leadership has been able to operate in the darkness, they have become irrevocably corrupt. The Kenosha News, by its active indolence, has created and allowed these corrupt leaders to grow.
KCE, please continue with your important work.
Hi Mike,
I want to thank you for being a view of Kenosha County Eye. The events in the city last summer were very disturbing. Equally disturbing are local officials like you who are BLM sympathizers. Long before last summer’s riots, burning, looting, and other domestic terrorist activities, I researched what BLM really is. What I found out was appalling. The appealing name does not describe the true intent of this Marxist organization and does nothing about really caring for individual black lives. For the record, black lives do matter as all lives matter. Something that Mike Gravely will never say in public. What I did see from you, Mike Gravely, is a coward in an elected position, who is willing to allow and, worse, promote double standards of the application of Wisconsin Law in our county. Particularly with regards to various events surrounding the unfortunate shooting of Jacob Blake. As a self professed BLM sympathizer, many see you as a domestic terrorist sympathizer. You’ve lost the respect of law abiding citizens and should resign. You are a disgrace.