Kenosha County Board Member Who Resigned Suddenly, Is Dating His Biological First Cousin: Daughter

Brian Thomas – Former County Board Member, Laura Jenkins – Cousin And Alleged Lover of Thomas

Kenosha County Board Member Brian Thomas abruptly resigned his position on the board only a couple of months into his two-year term. He didn’t tell KCE nor the Kenosha News why. According to his daughter Murphy, however, we may know now why.

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Murphy, the adult daughter of Brian Thomas posted a series of TikTok videos that have been seen by more than a quarter million people around the world. The first and most popular video was short and to the point: “It was absolutely not on my 2024 bingo card to find out that my Dad has been having an affair with his cousin, but here we are.”

KCE made contact with the content creator and were able to verify that the woman is indeed the daughter of Brian Thomas. After the video went viral, many of Murphy’s followers asked her to elaborate. In later videos she gave more details:

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Alright, story time, let’s get into it. So, this news is about three months old to me, so I’ve been sitting on this for three months, there’s more information that just keeps coming in constantly. Honestly, him fucking his cousin is like the least fucked up thing about the whole scenario, okay? Okay.

So, my dad and my stepmom have been married for about 20 years right now and I guess my stepmom started feeling a little weird, a little suspicious about his rekindled relationship with his cousin. So, he had not seen his cousin since like early, early childhood and then they reconnected at his mom’s house in 2022, okay? So, this was two years ago and after reconnecting, he started going down to spend time with her, to hang out all under the guise of like, oh I’m helping her work through the loss of her parents, I’m helping her with financial planning, just like all sorts of things, all sorts of weird excuses and my stepmom was like just feeling real weird about it. It should also be noted that this is not his first extramarital affair, so there’s already like a history there.

So, just feeling a little weird about it. So, started like doing some digging around and found some pretty, pretty solid evidence that he was having an affair with his cousin. Cousin Lara, as we like to refer to her as because that’s her name.

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So, back in May of this year, she confronted him with all of this evidence, all of these facts, these little, these credit card receipts, these, you know, just, just all the things that she found and he was like, oh yeah, yeah, I guess I am fucking my cousin, sir, excuse me. So, then after this, he proceeded to leave. He left her.

He left my stepmom. He took all of his shit, left his living somewhere else. They do own and run like a business together and this man is just continuing on like nothing is happening, just texting her as normal, oh I miss you.

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I’m thinking of you. He is a psycho and not only is he a psycho, he’s also continuing to have this relationship with his cousin, his first cousin, mind you, his first cousin and it’s getting out now. He’s kind of, he, he was like a local politician in the area.

People loved him, loved him, which if you know narcissists, that’s what they do. They like make the public love them and then they are horrific to their family but so now like words getting out, he resigned from his position a few weeks ago and no one knew why but now word’s starting to get around that, um, that he’s fucking his cousin but yeah, I don’t know. That’s kind of the gist of it.

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That’s kind of the gist of it. Married man cheats on wife with first cousin. Let me know if you have any questions.”

KCE also spoke to another family member of Thomas who confirmed the relationship. An attorney for Ms. Jenkins also sent out a legal document seemingly admitting to the incest and affair with a “cease and desist” letter. Apparently, someone sent Jenkins a “bag of dicks” glitter bomb in the mail.

KCE spoke with another relative of Thomas who confirmed Murphy’s allegations. KCE attempted to make contact with Thomas and Jenkins. No response.



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95 Responses

  1. Dem eggheads who look at that dna don’t know nothin’. In Europe cousin lovin was for dem kings and queens. That feller has nothin’ to be ashamed of! I’m real proud of my son with 12 toes myself. They outta appoint folk like that to run Kenosha’s Child and Family services

  2. Now here’s a little story about a man named Jed, kinfolk said “ Jed move away from there”…….. wait what????? This is crazy!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. Kudos to Kevin for finding out the details behind Brian Thomas’ resignation. I wonder why Thomas isn’t labeled as a Republican in this story. I’m a loyal reader of this blog, but there seems to be a double standard on the identity of people’s political affiliations. When Democrats are in hot water, they’re listed as Democrats in stories on here. When they’re Republicans such as Thomas, their party affiliation is rarely if ever mentioned.

      1. I have no clue what party he affiliated with but I can tell you that every interaction I have ever had with this guy was nasty. He treated everyone who did not agree with him in a demeaning manner. Good riddance! (And what a sicko!)

      2. Dem or Republican, a POS is a POS. Mr. Thomas is one of them.
        IMO Kevin should keep looking into this guy. I bet there is a lot of shady background to his perversions coaching kids too.
        Next thing you’ll know he’ll (cough cough) “retire” in Portugal (or some other ex Pat favorite tax shelter w/his….FIRST COUSIN?
        Jerry Springer Gold here folks.

        1. Good grief…lets not start all this line of comments again ,anonymous, and straight white male. Just give us a break. It’s getting soooo old…..

  3. I feel so sorry for his wife and daughter. In many states first cousins can marry. Illinois is not one of them. He’s too old to father more children.
    He was a financial board member. Didn’t need to resign over this. He’s not a threat to society.
    His daughter may hurt her own image by carrying on like this. I know what it’s like to be involved with a narcissist, it’s shitty. They always come out ahead.

    1. I believe that you meant to write that Illinois IS one of them, since he is over the age of 50. (Over 55 in Wisconsin)

    2. He did. We’d to resign since he moved out of his district to continue his affair with his cousin. Hope this helps!

    3. Men can father children until they say they die. Did you miss that part of health ed? She’s likely too old, but you never know

  4. I knew him and never could’ve seen this coming, shocking to say the least and I’m sure his family, colleagues, and constituents feel betrayed and humiliated. Wow.

    1. Wait until the daughter has an affair with her step mom. Clearly, by her videos, she’s just as weird and narcissistic as her creepy dad.

  5. There must be some sort of deep psychological problems in some
    people to even think that this is acceptable behavior in our society.

  6. Consanguinity is a huge genetic problem all over the world —— YOU CANNOT FUCK YOUR FIRST COUSIN!!!!! By the looks of it there is already a problem with that in his family tree which may be more like a family wreath 😬

  7. Well you would be wrong! She is married with beautiful children that are suffering through the disaster that is her father’s disgusting behavior. You may not approve of her words but she has absolutely every right to yell it from the rooftops! Insulting her for her bravery is weak minded and ridiculous. All of the adult children (there are 6), Brian’s mother & his wife of 20 years have been pushed into a nightmare and I will support them in however they choose to voice their disgust!

      1. Maybe a little drama queen…but if you were in these shoes…and didn’t put on blast….then one might think you’re okay with Mr Thomas’ behavior (issues. Clearly,)

  8. Twenty-four states prohibit marriages between first cousins. Twenty states and the District of Columbia allow cousins to marry; six states permit first-cousin marriage only under certain circumstances. WI allows it.

  9. Yeah she doesn’t come off as crazy at all. Seems like a real creditable news source. (Sarcasm) what a wing nut. I would not trust much of anything she says without verifying. She may be treading on slander with her accusations. She needs to get some psychological counseling. Or maybe just get her 46th tattoo.

    1. Your opinion might matter more if you had the balls to sign your name! Everything she says is true, it is her life! Attacking her appearance is pathetic and says way more about you than Murphy!

  10. Wow! We supported him. Supported his campaign. We thought he was a man of integrity. How fooled we were. I do think that having an incestuous relationship with a FIRST cousin is grounds for arrest, isn’t it? He should not be above the law

  11. 😆😅🤣😂😆😅🤣😂



  12. If they aren’t reproducing, it’s about the same as homosexuality to me. Don’t care.

    Carry on, weird old people.

    1. Still wrong. Soon they’ll force it on all of us, then we’ll see cousin- couples all over TV, commercials for it, books celebrating it and most likely a whole month for it. “DNA disaster December”

      1. You aren’t wrong. Look how quickly it was to get the liberals to support sexualizing our kids in school and supporting no time limits on abortion. It’s a slippery slope and they keep hammering it.

    1. Very much so. With all the tats and the rainbow in the background, she screams “Pay attention to me!”

  13. Total vanity all the way around !!! …well it’s obvious that this guy is possessed and he’s dealing with demons! I’ve seen it before many many times already! Obviously he knows what he’s doing wrong and has no remorse for it …but you know you cannot do anything in this world without it coming back at you like a rubber band – both here and now and in the after life!

  14. LMAO @ the people making this about a political party, as if both parties aren’t absolute trash. The more involved & supportive of an organized political party, the worse the human being.

    Stop 👏🏼 supporting 👏🏼 party 👏🏼 politicians 👏🏼

    1. Ok , I’m back ! Gotta 55 gallon drum of popcorn !
      No, really . I can’t believe this story. It sounds like a great Citcom , or shitcom as it were . I’ll finance the whole thing ! I have tons of cash , and my couch is getting tired. Send plot suggestions to :
      Thank you

  15. I’m generally not here for Kenosha County Eye, but this was extra salacious, and I love the tea, so I had to click the link.

    I will say though, the comment section is absolutely unhinged lmao.

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