KCE Editor Sues KUSD, Superintendent, For Concealing Serious Misconduct From Public Records Request

KUSD Headquarters, Jeffrey Weiss, Superintendent
(File Photos by Kevin Matheson, Kenosha County Eye)

KCE made a public records request on May 20, 2024 for “Any document or combination of documents that list[s] the name and title of all KUSD employees [on] administrative leave as of today.” This was a spot check to keep an eye on the embattled district.

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On May 22, 2024, KUSD denied our request in a two-page letter, written by one of KUSD’s attorneys. KCE threatened to sue, and on May 29, 2024, KUSD provided us with the list that contained one name. KUSD is not naming the employee yet. He was a Technology Support Technician for Tremper High School.

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Over the next several months, KCE checked on this employee’s employment status. On September 8, 2024, we made a public records request related to this employee, asking for “any disciplinary, coaching and training, investigative and separation documents with [name redacted], Technology Support Technician[.]”

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On October 4, 2024, re received the below, two page record wich KUSD said were the only two pages that met our request:

A one page leave letter stating that the employee was being placed on administrative leave while KUSD conducted in investigation into “alleged inappropriate interactions [the man] has with a(sic) KUSD staff at Tremper High School” and a resignation letter was all that was released to us. He was allowed to resign about three weeks after being placed on leave, citing nothing about the alleged inappropriate interactions.

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What KUSD did not know, is that after receiving our request, this former employee must have told many people about our request. We received calls and emails from many alleged victims of this man’s behavior. We know what was investigated by KUSD and that KUSD collected evidence and questioned many staffers at the school. In other words there was a full investigation and that was well-documented.

Kevin Neir – Human Resources Director, KUSD
(File Photo by Kevin Matheson, Kenosha County Eye)

KCE, in a lawsuit filed last Wednesday, October 14, 2024, is alleging that KUSD intentionally withheld and concealed the records from KCE, we believe, becuase the allegations involving this man involve sending unsolicited “penis photos” to other staffers at the school. KUSD has been though many sexual assault/harassment/grooming scandals in the last several years and neither the Superintendent, Jeffrey Weiss, nor the School Board seem to care.

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We sued KUSD and are asking a judge to order KUSD to provide the records. For the first time ever, in our 17 public records challenge victories, KCE is asking for punitive damages. For KCE to win punitive damages, we have to show that KUSD and Weiss acted arbitrarily and capriciously.

We think that is an easy task. How can KUSD “forget” to give a journalist a many-pages thick investigation about sending photos of male genitalia to another school employee? This must have been widely known at KUSD. A Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge will soon decide.

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Jeffrey Weiss – Superintendent, KUSD
(File Photo by Kevin Matheson, Kenosha County Eye)

KCE asked KUSD staff many times why we weren’t given the documents, why they hid them, and whose fault it was. No response. KUSD’s Chief Communications Officer Tanya Ruder even said “we can’t comment due to pending litigation.” We won’t know for sure until we depose Jeffrey Weiss. That’s right Jeff. You’ll be in KCE headquarters soon under oath and you’ll have to account for your alleged misconduct of hiding sexual misconduct.

KCE also filed a verified complaint with Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Gravley (D) asking him to charge KUSD with violation the Wisconsin Public Records Statute. The Winnebago County Deputy DA, Eric Sparr, did what we’re asking in 2021 against the Town of Omro. Neither Graveley, nor his Deputy DA Carli McNeill, who wants to be the next DA, will take any action on this complaint. We’ve sued Graveley three times for himself for violating the public records law – twice successfully, and the third is open and active.

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KCE will donate all punitive damages awarded to Kenosha Alliance Family Services. Alliance Women’s Clinic exists to provide reproductive healthcare services to women. Alliance Women’s Clinic does not provide or refer for abortions.

As soon as KCE gets the records, we’ll share the details with our readers.



Kenosha Sheriff’s Deputy K9 Riggs Retires After 10 Years Of Heroic Service: Photos

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School Employee Faces 125 Years In Prison For Raping 12-Year Old Friend of Son, Other Child Sex Crimes

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Journey Church Pastor Charged With Ten More Felonies For Stealing Nude Photos Of Woman

Today, a Kenosha pastor for Journey Church / Christian Life School was charged with ten additional felonies for Capturing An Intimate Representation Without Consent. He now has 12 such charges pending. He faces 42 years in the Wisconsin Prison System if convicted with all charges. According to the criminal complaint: Detective Traxler with the Kenosha Police Department originally arrested Gabriel E. Mills on September 30, 2024, at approximately 2:03 p.m. He was then charged with two

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Judge Keeps Bail At $500,000 For Man Who Killed Two Friends, Testimony Taken In Hearing To Suppress Evidence

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Educational Assistant At Riverview School Arrested: Sex-Related Crimes Alleged

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Journey Church Pastor Re-Arrested After Today’s Court Hearing For More Charges Involving Second Victim

On September 30, 2024, Gabriel E. Mills, a pastor at Journey Church/Christian Life School, was arrested for two serious felonies. Today, he was arrested again, seconds after a court hearing was concluded. Mills was alleged to have stolen intimate photos of a woman off of her husband’s phone. Mills told the woman’s husband that Mills wanted to install some audiobook files on the victim’s husband’s phone for him to listen to. While he did that, he

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Peter Barca Can’t Be Trusted, Especially With Illegal Immigration: Opinion

Kenosha County Eye agrees with Kenosha County Sheriff David W. Zoerner – Peter Barca can’t be trusted. In 2016, Peter Barca (D) voted against a bill that would have banned so-called “sanctuary cities.” Here was the roll-call vote that occurred on Tuesday, February 16, 2016. Even though just eight short years ago, he was a big supporter of “sanctuary cities,” he has now flip-flopped and says he no long supports them. Why the flip-flop Peter? We

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Kenosha Sheriff’s Department Solves 35-Year-Old Baby Homicide Cold Case: Prosecution Denied

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Journey Church Pastor Accused Of Capturing Intimate Photos: Holding On $7,500 Bail

The Kenosha Police Department is investigating Gabriel Mills, a 41-year-old Kenosha resident and pastor of Journey Church in Kenosha, for allegedly transferring intimate photographs without permission from the victim’s phone to his own. Gabriel reportedly borrowed the victim’s phone and proceeded to search through phone until finding intimate photos of the victim. He then sent the photos to his phone without consent. Gabriel was arrested by the Kenosha Police Department on September 30, 2024. Today, October

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Kenosha Board Member Calls For Vote To Discourage The Relocation of Refugees or Immigrants Without Proper Planning

One of the top issues for voters in the November 5, 2024, presidential election is immigration. Typically, it ranks as issue #2 after the economy. First-term Kenosha County Board Supervisor Keith Gray is listening to residents of his district and has proposed “A Resolution to Discourage the Resettlement of Migrants in Kenosha County”. The text of the resolution reads: WHEREAS, the immigration crisis in the United States, which involves a large influx of refugees and immigrants

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Women And Children’s Horizons Executive Director Resigns Week After Shelter Re-Opens

A week after Women and Children’s Horizons re-opened and after being closed for almost two months due to “staffing shortages,” its executive director has resigned. Yvonne MacDonald-Hames was on the job for less than three months and refused to talk to KCE today. The board president, Sandy Riese, did call KCE to answer our questions. “Our shelter is back open and the board has a plan to keep Women and Children’s Horizons a great resource to

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No Truth To Rumors Of Shuttered Schools Being Used To House Migrants: KUSD, City of Kenosha

Since the fall of 2023, Kenosha County Eye has received countless tips via phone calls, text messages, anonymous emails, and other methods, about rumors of migrants being housed in KUSD schools that are now closed.  In January of this year, we spoke with unified who assured us that there was no truth to these rumors.  A renewed round of speculation has been circulating the county with people asserting that the schools would be used to house

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16 Responses

  1. If he wasn’t placed on leave until 5/15/25 he wouldn’t have been on the list when you made the request on 5/5/24, right?

    Not sure if you made a typo, just curious about the timeline.

    But, KUSD has a history of covering these things up so I’m looking forward to see the records if you win again.

  2. Thank you for looking into this ! There is more they are hiding you should look into the IT department at the main ESC. They have covered up a lot there . It’s a whole good ol’ boys club. Between affairs with lower employees, and now they are together and still working . To the head of IT have allegations that have been thrown under the rug. I have been here a decade and there is so much they are hiding .

    1. Why dont you speak out about it since you know so much information about it and what they’re hiding. Your part of the problem if your not speaking

  3. Kysd schoolbiard is not working for you. Your kid is being abused and u are doing nothing. Wvwryone involved in this needs to be fired without a letter of recommendation and doi needs to get involved..but hark. Dpi was run be evers. I doubt much has changed. Get your kid to a charter school or group together and home school. The fn unions are out to ruin your kid, either directly or thru the chatter they are all subjected to as if adults. You are stealing childhood from your kid..and encouraging it by lack of action. Pathetic at all levels. Keep theses names active, as they will not escape a search. Use official and nicknames and get search hits in all ways. Always mention @kenoshacountyeye to get hits hits hits.and share share Shar to email Facebook. X. Truth social.. everywhere!

  4. Kevin,

    You might want to call KPD and ask about Officer Christopher Hendly who is still on probation and has been on administrative leave for 3 plus weeks!

  5. I love that you’re donating to Alliance.

    At a time when so many “men” believe that supporting women’s rights means to support candidates who believe in abortion, it takes a strong Man to realize that uplifting & supporting women at every stage- including during unplanned and/or difficult pregnancies is the way to truly support & advance women’s rights.

  6. Mr. Mathewson,
    After reviewing your articles, there’s no doubt that there is a pattern where the police conduct investigations, but the district attorney often chooses not to prosecute or delegates cases to ultra-liberal prosecutors in other counties. There is a concern that prosecution may sometimes create special arrangements for undocumented individuals, while those born in the U.S. face lasting repercussions on their records for committing the same crimes. Now the liberal authorities at KUSD are hesitant to grant KCE access to files that could potentially reveal inadequate administration of the care and education of our children.
    This situation calls for CHANGE. We should consider supporting a real leader like Trump. We should consider voting for professionals such as Attorney Xavier Solis, who have both legal expertise and a commitment to holding accountable those in high positions who fail to justify their roles to us, the taxpayers.

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