Allan Sommer, 72, of Salem Lakes defended his “We are Antifa” yard-sign to the Kenosha County Eye Wednesday. The sign sits prominently in his front yard which is on a busy County Highway. A passerby sent the above photo to KCE. In 2018, Sommer was appointed to the Salem Lakes planning commission and his place on the board is set to expire this year. Sommer is retired from a local heath-care company and says he is a democrat. He placed the sign up because he is extremely happy that Trump is gone. He voted for president Biden and is proud of his vote. We mentioned that many Americans view Antifa as a violent group with fringe beliefs and he scoffed. He said he is anti-fascism and Antifa is not a bad group at all. Many in Kenosha County disagree. Some think the Antifa movement is responsible for a lot of the rioting, burning, looting and violence that recently plagued Kenosha.
Allan has no immediate plans to remove the sign but admits it will “probably come down soon”. He mentioned that there are still some Trump signs up in his community.
We spoke with a resident of Salem Lakes who didn’t want their name published who took issue with the sign. “I personally find it outrageous that somebody who makes important decisions on behalf of our village would openly support a group that is synonymous with domestic terrorism. He should resign or the village board should remove him immediately.”
We reached out to all members of the village board, but we didn’t receive an immediate response.
2 Responses
Rebuttal to ANTIFA Sign Article
This letter is to counter the very negative slant of the recent article in this publication. I do not remember saying I was proud to have voted for Biden, I did say that I am pleased that now we have a president who doesn’t mock science, who is not likely to label verified and vetted news items from television and newspapers as “Fake News” while he has relied on more than 11,000 lies in public addresses and in Tweets in his four years (i.e. Largest crowd for an inauguration ever [first day of the term]) and who has among other unwise things permanently separated hundreds of immigrant children from their parents.
I put the sign up to express my elation that QAnon, the Three PerCenters, the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers
and other conspiracy adherents did not get to dictate who was going to be President over the will of the majority of voters in this country.
I view Antifa as people who demonstrate PEACEABLY for:
Black Lives Matter
Stopping Climate Change
Women’s Rights
Income Equality
Immigration Reform
I strongly resent criminals taking advantage of any kind of large demonstrations and protests to join in and start fires and break windows so they can get at loot to load up their cars. I am NOT for defunding police.
My response to the person who is so offended by the sign: The FBI and other domestic security agencies are warning that terrorists from internal groups (several listed above) are responsible for for more deaths in this country than international terrorists. I view Antifa as opponents of these domestic terrorists. My support is of people that oppose violence and looting to achieve desirable outcomes.
Question to the editor of KCE: Did the person who wrote to you objecting to my sign also write to you objecting to the the president inciting a seditious riot at the capitol?
Mr. Sommer, your words are spoken as a true hypocrite.
Your misguided views are that of a indoctrinated progressive.democrat.
FYI, There is no difference between a democrat and republican,
being they both place party before country.
Continue to blindly live your life of lies and deceit. Should Antifa burn down your house, remind us how peaceful BLM and Antifa protesters are.
Enjoy Nancy’s fence surrounding the White house, now making it look like the Banana republic as it really is.
Enjoy the video: