“Forward Kenosha” is a far-left activist group founded by Kenosha Democrats Gina Walkington, Jodi Muerhoff, Lori Hawkins, and others. Hawkins is also the chairman of the Kenosha County Democratic Party. The Forward Kenosha website is now defunct and their Facebook page doesn’t list the board members any longer. It is unknown if the group is still active. They didn’t respond to our email that was sent to the address on the Facebook page.
Forward Kenosha has run several candidates in Kenosha-area elections. All of them have lost. Lori Hawkins challenged State Senator Van Wanggaard (21) and lost by 17 percentage points. Gina Walkington ran against Samantha Kerkman in November of 2018. In this election, her celebrity endorsement by progressive democrat Mark “The Hulk” Ruffalo” didn’t move the needle and was destroyed, losing by 23 percentage points. The Kenosha native Ruffalo hasn’t done much for our City since he became a millionaire, but he did attack the editor of this website and call Kyle Rittenhouse a murderer who was “gunning people down for breaking curfew.”

In 2019, she ran for a different district, and lost to Tip McGuire by 18 percentage points – another devastating loss that wasn’t close.

Walkington then focused her eyes on the embattled John O’Day (D) who is the current chairman of the County Board. She turned in her paperwork to the county clerk’s office. She needed 100 signatures to be added to the ballot. She turned in 104 signatures, which a big mistake. Most politicians double the amount of signatures. Some signatures get removed for many reasons. In this case, Walkington got identical signatures to one of her opponents, Daniel Nyberg. Nine signature were tossed, leaving her with 95, five short of the amount needed. See below letter from Kenosha County Clerk Regi Bachochin (D):

We reached out to Walkington for comment and she didn’t answer. The two remaining candidates in the 9th Supervisory district are John O’Day, the disgraced chairman who fled the state during the riots and Daniel Nyberg. The election is April 5, 2022.
4 Responses
Well take a look around the country and see what the political leaders with (D) behind their names has done to destroy our country from within. Is Kenosha a automated Socalist voting block? Looking around seems everyone in politics has the (D) parked behind there name.
Seeing what has happened to our country after one year of Democrat rule, only a Raging Psychopath would have proclaimed a “vote blue no matter who” slogan and supported the totally destructive policies what these Marxist candidates represent.
She keeps trying to primar other democrats. She must think she’s AOC.
I assume Gina is a SHIM, look at its’ picture. That tells me all I need to know. Pure shameful and “NASTY”, as Trump would say!