(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A five-year veteran of the Kenosha Police Department was suspended for eight days last week. Kenosha Police administration was made aware that the officer gave a small portion of her prescription to a loved one. Both had prescriptions for the same non-opioid drug. The loved one was short on pills due to a shortage at the pharmacy. KPD turned the matter over to the Pleasant Prairie Police Department who conducted an outside investigation. The results of that investigation were turned over to DA Mike Graveley (D). Graveley declined to prosecuted the Police Officer. Graveley refused to provide KCE with his reason for letting the officer off. Technically, by the letter of the law, the Officer committed a felony. However, prosecutors have discretion. In this case, the point is being made that each of them had a valid prescription and this is something that many people do with their significant others or spouses. This publication disagrees with Graveley pretty frequently, but in this case we agree with his decision. The public would have benefited, however to hear from the County’s top prosecutor. According to a local defense attorney, Graveley’s office has charged people for similar conduct in the past. The Officer cooperated with the investigation and admitted to the allegations.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha Police Chief Eric Larsen, however believed that stiff disciplinary action was required and gave the Officers 8 unpaid days off. The Officer didn’t dispute the discipline and waived her right to a hearing in front of the Police and Fire Commission.
***Editor’s Note***
KCE is not naming the Officer involved. The Officer was not criminally charged. We believe the Officer learned from this experience and do not believe this is indicative of a credibility/integrity issue.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
15 Responses
The district attorney is right but for the wrong reason. The officer had a valid prescription for that drug and therefore it was not illegal for her to possess it in the 1st place. The chief of police is the one who acted perhaps illegally. As a matter of law the officer committed no crime.
Agree that it would be a peculiar situation for the officer to be found guilty.
What did family member snitch after!? Why did someone tell on her?
With all the crime in Kenosha THIS is what the chief of police worries about? Yes, there could be a situation where he should (and nothing wrong with questioning the officer about it) but gimme a break. More important, be a prudent user of city resources. The police department came to city taxpayers hat in hand and then we see time and money wasted??? Ordinarily I support the chief but heaven help our city if he can’t see the forest for the trees. It’s no secret that KPD can be a hostile work environment and this is a good example of how not to manage people. (And, by the way, it’s not uncommon in this town for pharmacies to not have stock on hand.) This was worth no more than ten minutes of management time. Sheesh.
The sooner Larson is gone the better!! He worries about non event what about our roads nobody stops for red or speed limits? Maybe he can find a razor and learn how to use it, as chief he should look professional.
I can’t believe the Chief of police punishment for this so called crime. If a family member of mine was without a prescription that was exactly like mine ,yes I would share with them . they got their prescription and they could pay back .
What a joke!!
First off, who in their right mind would turn in their own family member? WTH
Secondly, if this wasn’t a police officer but a local citizen, I am sure Gravely would have prosecuted that person!! How is it that we can make exceptions for those that are in uniform but not for others?? Perhaps Gravely is getting paid under the table to look the other way, as he does with so many of his cases!!
Where’s the proof of that?
I bet the investigation into the officer took more police work hours than what KPD allowed for the atrocities that are occurring across our city, shootings every night and murder. Look at the KPD Chief lost face, he has no idea what to do. Where is the outrage KPD? Where is your plan? You stand back and react, leaders do more than that. The divided KPD needs a leader, get rid of these clueless desk huggers put em all back on the road.
This is a no-win situation. If the police chief does nothing people will scream for his firing because he gave one of his own special treatment. If he disciplines him there is screaming because it is a violation of far less magnitude then what other people get a slap on the wrist for.
As long as they fire/get rid of him it’ll be a win. Clueless, directionless, and planless. Complete waste of space riding it out until retirement while the Kenosha community suffers. Step aside and let a real leader step in.
The chief did not have to do nothing. He could have met with the officer and and cautioned them. No need to spend $50000 worth of effort for a 50 cent answer.
Shootings…fentanyl deaths…unsolved riot cases…and the police department devotes time and resources to this malarkey? How about dealing with REAL crime.
It’s all the poor KPD leadership will allow. They only investigate when someone is cooperative and give them all the answers. If there is an investigation requiring further they have to send it out of the city for real work to begin. Divided, directionless, planless KPD. I’m tired of our city being in complete chaos. Where are your voices Kenosha? Demand a plan!