Joint Services is a governmental agency that is funded by Kenosha County taxpayers. It provides services for 9-1-1, police records, police identification, evidence, and fleet maintenance for the Kenosha Police Department and the Kenosha Sheriff’s Department, as well as a few small services for other agencies. Joint Services, under the leadership of Josh Nielsen and before him, Tom Genthner, has had many scandals and misconduct instances over the last four decades. Their staffing levels are at a critical low point due to poor employee morale.

File photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye
At least one whistle-blower told Sepanski’s boss, Director Josh Nielsen, about some troubling allegations. According to the whistle-blower, Nielsen ignored the complaints. He/she then brought the complaint to KCE. We don’t ignore allegations of misconduct.
He/she alleges:
Sepanski regularly gains financially though his position.
Sepanski collects scrap metal (rims, rotors, exhaust systems, radiators, etc.) from the agency and sells the metal for money, keeping it.
Sepanski keeps rebates from Menards for purchases made on behalf of the tax-payers
Sepanski purchased vehicle lifts for less than market value from the agency and later sold them for a profit.
Sepanski is storing many personal items in a maintenance garage, taking up space desperately needed for operations.
Sepanski brings his personal vehicles to the shop to work on them, using Joint Services supplies, tools, and parts – sometimes while on duty.

Police Chief Eric Larsen, County Board Member Mark Nordigan, Alderman Curt Wilson, Civilian Board Member Joshua Barker
(All Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye) Except Mr. Barker, Facebook
Theses allegations are very similar to those levied against the former Director of Public Works of Pleasant Prairie, John Steinbeck, Jr.
KCE brought the allegations to the entire Joint Services Board, pictured above. No one responded. Finally, after repeated attempts for a response, the Joint Services Chairman, Monica Yuhas (D), responded on August 28, 2022, and she told us: “I will be following up on Monday with Director Nielsen regarding these allegations and will ask for them to be thoroughly looked into.”

Six weeks later, we still haven’t heard anything. Even though there are two county board supervisors on the Joint Services board and one Alderman, it would take leaders not on this board to get answers. Kenosha County Supervisor Terry Rose, who is the Finance Chairman, and Kenosha Alderman David Mau contacted Nielsen and demanded to know the status of the investigation. Nielsen announced today: “This is currently under investigation and at this point I am unable to provide a timeline.”
Alderman Mau, unhappy with the short and evasive answer pushed further saying, “Is it being investigated by your agency, or by law enforcement? There seems to be criminal allegations here, so I just want to be sure we’re all on the same page.” Nielsen responded that it is only being investigated by Joint Services internally and not with law enforcement. We made contact with Sepanski who did not wish to comment.
Of course, KCE will continue to monitor this investigation.
24 Responses
Any word on the “supervisors” such as berg and others who were very vocal on the Jacob Blake shooting but when other shootings happen as the one last night where someone was killed, not a word? Is the agenda different?
Berg is too busy pretending to be father of the year on Facebook so he gets a favorable ruling in his divorce
That is true. The look at me with my kids post is an over reach. Never did that before. But hey, he’s a politician right?? Gotta fake it to make it. His support for Mandela Barnes also is a hypocritical movement. No cash bond for Wisconsin? He’s a joke he’s only in his position because he never has an opponent.
Also. Must be election season right? He suddenly posts about republican opponents. F the Kenosha crime and murders. His hypocrite ass is more worried about shaming republicans. Kevin where is the story about wack Kenosha political affiliates and their hypocrisy like berg?
I’ve written many articles about Andy Berg. He is irrelevant
True. But the hypocrite he is, it’s fun to call out his Facebook posts is a easy call out to the left. If only someone cared about Kenosha
No one cares about Berg anymore……he always has been a nobody. Bigger fish to fry…..
Why am I off the subscriber list ??
This new post from yesterday is not in my email ? inbox ? what’s up ????
Made a mistake……
I jumped the gun bro-ham ?
Cell mates with John Jr.
John Jr. has been bragging to his clown friends at Rivals that he is getting off due to pulling strings. Speaking of Steinbrink Jr. he got into a fight at Rivals when someone heckled him regarding his felony case. This guy’s douchbaggery never ceases.
I can also confirm this fight occurred as I was there. Should have gotten a bail jumping charge by the amount of booze he chugged alone.
Can you contact me ?
Almost all bonds restrict defendants from being on licensed premises and consuming alcohol. The only bonds that don’t are for privileged white defendants. The accused murder Mark Jensen was able to drink in bars with his new flame since he had no such bond restriction.
I also believe that the boy wonder was able to drink with his mom and the other boys while he was out on a bond that had no such restriction.
Daddy had cut cut a nice check, to keep him out of prison.
Rivals is a shithole….they should put some of that stolen money into fixing the place up.
Nielsen, you are so incompetent. What makes you think you can do any investigation? Pass the investigation to law enforcement. Perhaps the same agency who is investigating Steinbrink. They might as well clean Kenosha as our elected officials won’t.
Another do nothing by go along to get along Samantha Kerkman.
Meh, what’s one more corrupt city employed turd getting his piece of the action in backward-run Kenosha. Drove through there today and saw first hand what an absolute shithole it has become. Great reporting, but unfortunately there appears no end to the train wreck leadership culture.
An occasional drive around Kenosha absolutely reinforces what “absolute shithole” means.
You got that right! Kenosha has turned into a shithole in record time! None of these criminals care to help any of their constituents! All they care about is lining their own damn pockets with our money!
Corruption is in the DNA of Kenosha County Governments.
Any update on the investigation? Sounds like an additional snake was discovered and currently suspended.
Looks like everything was a bunch of BS!! Fake news to get everyone bitching about it!!