Upon advice from my attorney, I have refrained from talking publicly about my pending defamation lawsuit against a deranged and violent Kenosha man. Since he is telling people the lawsuit was dismissed and making other false statements, it is important to set the record straight and my attorney told me this post was appropriate.
Raymond Roberts is a self-proclaimed Black Lives Matter activist. During the riots of 2020, he inserted himself into the national media. Roberts told the associated press that police in Kenosha are racist against black people. He also told the media organization that he was a data scientist. He said black people are in jeopardy of being killed in Kenosha. He told the New York Times that he was a real estate investor. He said that black people are mistreated in Kenosha County.
Roberts inserted himself into the public eye and claimed to be a prominent mover and shaker. I learned that Roberts has a very troubling and violent past:
In 2017, Roberts was arrested and charged with two felony counts of Physical Abuse of a Child – Intentionally Cause Bodily Harm. According to that criminal complaint, he was alleged to have beaten his children with a belt buckle for not doing their homework correctly. The children reported the beating hurt and left marks and bruises. Roberts plead guilty to two counts of Neglect of a Child. Because of the 2017 charges, he lost all custody and placement of both of his children that he beat.In 2012, Roberts got his first OWI conviction. In 2020, Roberts was charged and later convicted of his second OWI. This time, he was carrying a gun and charged with endangering safety by use of a dangerous weapon. On March 27, 2010 Roberts was arrested for Domestic Battery. In 2012, a ex-girlfriend of Roberts obtained a restraining order against Roberts.
Of course, a man who claims to be an activist and claims that police are racist, is free game for the press. I published stories about this conduct. Roberts didn’t like this at all. In fact, he had to remove himself from consideration from a local governmental commission because his nomination was sure to be voted down.
Roberts began a multi-year campaign of disseminating false information about me. I mostly ignored it -until it escalated. He started to post my home address, where my 9 and 10 (at the time) year old reside with my wife and me. Friends of his, gang members and violent thugs shared my home address also to incite violence. He then started to make claims about my children, again 9 and 10 years old at the time – and my wife. I understand that I will be the subject of criticism and even hate. I am an opinionated dude and am passionate about my work. I get it. My wife, who doesn’t particularly enjoy my website, and young children, should not live in fear because of my choice to tell people the truth about our community.
Here is what Roberts has falsely claimed about me and my family:
I am a domestic terrorist.
I am associated with a terror cell out of Michigan
I was involved in the attempted kidnapping of the Michigan Governor
I have threatened to kill military veterans via phone and email
I am training my two children to become suicide bombers and blow up the school they attend
I am listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center as a white supremacist
I use my private investigator license to attack “marginalized communities”
I ran for Alderman as a conspiracy to defund my minority district and send money to the rich areas of the city, and then later move to the rich area of the city and enjoy the fruit of my corruption
I harassed an African-American business owner
I use my private investigator license to illegally run background checks
I was hired by a man who beat his wife to locate her at a confidential women’s shelter so he could
beat her again
I work as a Private Investigator in Illinois unlawfully
My wife and I are training my children to start a terror cell with our kids
I am a racist
I am a white supremacist
I am a white nationalist
Most of these statements made by Roberts were made hundreds or thousands of times on social media and verbally to others. Roberts admits this. Because of the escalation of these absolutely crazy accusations and false statements about me, I involved the police. I then decided to sue Roberts for defamation on March 4, 2022. You can read the lawsuit here – this contains most of the statements he made. In court pleadings, Roberts has even admitted to lying about some of the more outrageous claims.
Roberts’ attorney, who is likely working pro-bono, is the president of the ACLU here in Wisconsin. Roberts made a motion to dismiss the lawsuit on May 20, 2022. The judge DENIED Roberts’ motion to dismiss the case. My attorney asked the judge for partial summary judgement on June 2, 2022. This means we asked the court to side with me on some of the accusations, not a jury. The judge DENIED this motion on November 18, 2022. The judge said the jury will decide, not him. On December 16, 2022, Roberts’ attorney made a motion for partial summary judgement on three accusations: I’m racist, I’m a white supremacist, and I’m a white nationalist. The judge GRANTED, this motion today, saying that all three terms are “opinions” and thus, claims that people can’t be sued for using these terms, even if proven to be false. According to the judge’s ruling, anyone in Wisconsin can call anyone else a racist, white supremacist, or a white nationalist, and even if false, can’t be the subject of a defamation lawsuit. Of course my attorney and I disagree, and we are considering an appeal.
The judge then sent this case to a jury trial that will occur in the week of July 10 of this year. That’s the story. My lawsuit will be decided in Kenosha County by a jury of Roberts’ peers. All of the Kenosha judges have recused themselves, so a Walworth judge will preside. So when Roberts tells people “the lawsuit was dismissed,” he is simply lying. Anyone with a computer can look it up on CCAP and see for themselves. The lawsuit is very much NOT dismissed. I look forward to my day in court – to hold Roberts accountable for his terrible behavior.
20 Responses
Thank you! Please keep us all updated on the actual date the hearing is and maybe we can come and support you! You are a great reporter!
I agree ?
I’ll bet that him and Clyde are drinking buddies.
Roberts is a radical Satan in my opinion. The words that come to mind by those I have spoken to that know him well are, pathological, psychotic, violent, narcissist, bullshitter, bipolar, race hustler, liar just to name a few. Unfortunately ,of course he found a home within various radicalized circles in Kenosha. Hopefully with any luck this POS will step on his own dick again one day soon and go find another community to try and destroy. North Chicago, parts of Racine, or the boys down in West Garfield park Chicago should be able to set him straight. Our Mexican brothers in Waukegan would definitely make him shit his pants in a heartbeat. The good news is that when he leaves there will be parade and celebration.
Why doesn’t he “invest” in the uptown area and provide beautiful affordable housing to the many fine african americans in our community? If all the homes in that area were purchased by someone as great as him, think of the progress that could take place! I think that could really spur some opportunities for the african american community.
Public school would be free
Transportation and 2 meals at school would be free
Jobs would be posted online, and on doors where all citizens could find them
Oh wait………. Thats already the situation for every american citizen ( and resident)
So he isn’t as educated and smart as he appears on fake book? Beat his kids and don’t have custody yet tells others how smart and educated he is? I remember when he was a slumlord and a failed business owner, always acting like he was loaded, and ccap shows otherwise
Still is a slumlord from what I understand. The way he treats his tenants is despicable, too. Sad thing is he seems like he could be a good dude but he is too busy trying to upscale his peers. His heart seems to be in the right places for the wrong reasons.
His address according to CCAP is a $250k shack….I mean who are these peers he is upscaling short of unemployed/poor people? This guy isn’t shit and has nothing.
A year ago or so I happened into a downtown bar. This guy was in there wooing people with his stories of his great military history up to and including how he was top of his class in Ranger School and how he was selected for specialize training and what a great war hero he was. Having served with 1st/75th Ranger Bat for a couple of years and then 1st Bn 5th Special Forces (Airborne) for about 10 years I could not help myself and started asking questions that only people who have really been down that road would know. Bottom line in the end, if bullshit was a brass horn this guy would be a marching band !!
Lol. Sure. Dude failed outta airborne school, and can’t even see his own kids because he beat them. Someone showed me his page and he’s doing
Said shit about the case. Not a word about when Kevin mentioned he beat his kids so
Bad he can’t see them. The hypocrisy of the left when they want to try and spread “truth”
Him and Berg (equally as criminal) are butt buddies.
Roberts is the racists.
I nominate Raymond Roberts for the Martin Luther King Humanitarian Award.
Thank you Kenosha ,for giving our children another Black History Month icon.
Whoa. I can solve 10 problems with one solution. Mass transportation to expand to the jobs in the west of Kenosha County. See win win. Idle hands work for you know who.
Genius, the solution to people on welfare is to give them more welfare to get to work so that they can spend their paycheck on non-essentials since they have the taxpayers providing the essentials. No thank you
Wonder how is lawyer would like it if everything that’s been done and said about you was suddenly done in an Earnest campaign about him/her starting out with the attorney’s home address, Google Earth pictures and complete bios on his family? Then maybe the piece of s*** would go back underneath a rock and save his bar membership for worthwhile causes instead of trying to tear flesh out of American society.
Go Kevin Go!
Roberts is your typical 21st century race baiting POS that isn’t held to account for their lies or actions by the public because they are so terrified of becoming a target of the leftist commies who promote this behavior to forward their agenda of division to gain power and control!
May you deliver the punitive consequences that Roberts has earned and deserves – God bless!
feel so sorry for the twoyoung children and ex wife that had to deal with this psychotic piece of shit. Hopefully he winds up in prison where he will undoubtedly get his face caved in if he runs his mouth the tiniest bit. Karma baby karma.
He reminds me of Biden, who knows nothing he says will be questioned or challenged so he just makes it up as he goes along
Raymond Roberts is a puffed-up, arrogant cult leader with literally zero credibility. To the keen eye, he comes across as paranoid, deranged, and he seems to over-estimate his own value in the community, and with his slickly packaged ‘words’, he gets his 1,500 asinine, duped sheep minions to all clap, cheer, parrot, post and re-post all of his hype, propaganda and unfounded ramblings across social media as they gleefully drink-up the Ray Kool-Aid to validate their lives. It’s pathetic. Ray even stated himself that a desperate man is a dangerous man. He couldn’t have described his own insecure, irrelavant self any better. I’m convinced he somehow, subconsciously is unhappy with his own self. Sadly, everyone in the Kenosha community worthy of the brain in their head all laugh at him behind his back and view him as Kenosha’s version of Alex Jones. ‘Nuff said. Let’s all move on now. Let the big mouths all stand on top of the hill and continue to blow more insignificant hot air out of their mouths.