(Still Photo from KPD Body-Worn-Camera Footage)
Kenosha County DA Michael Graveley has dropped criminal charges against a violent and deranged Kenosha man for the second time last week. Terry J. Feest, 59, of Kenosha had a naked, armed standoff with Kenosha Police on November 29, 2022. Kenosha Police arrested him and asked the Kenosha DA to charge him. Only after KCE has inquired several times about the status of the charges, did the DA’s office file charges against Feest – 4 months later.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
According to the criminal complaint:
A woman called 9-1-1 just after midnight on November 29, 2022. She told police that a man just threatened to kill her. The woman went outside to check on a man who was laying on the horn for several minutes. When she approached the vehicle he asked her if she “wanted to die.” The woman said “no” and the man said back, that she should go inside or he will kill her. The man then took off at a high rate of speed and hit a neighbor’s mailbox. The woman saw the man driving back towards her and some neighbors. Police began to search for the vehicle and some other neighbors outside pointed out Terry Feest’s house. The KPD officer felt the hood of the car and indicated it had recently been running. There was a small scratch on the passenger side mirror.
Officers then knocked on Feest’s door and yelled “POLICE.” Feest finally came to the door, armed with a handgun and exposed penis. Officers took cover behind the garage and ordered Feest to drop the weapon (gun). Eventually, Feest dropped the gun and showed his hands to police. He refused to come outside and shut the door. Kenosha Police Officers then were deciding on how to proceed. Feest then exited the home and surrendered. Feest denied driving the car in the last couple of hours, but a nearby ring doorbell contradicted this statement.
While enroute to the jail, Feest told a KPD officer “I fucking hate the police” and called the officer an “asshole” and “motherfucker.” Feest was photographed and fingerprinted. The officer escorted Feest back to his squad car to take him home. Feest told the officer “you obviously don’t know me.” The officer took that as a threat. Feest then smiled, shook his head, and laughed at the officer. Feest then gave the officer the “1000 yard stare” and appeared to want to fight him. His face appeared to have tightened up and his teeth were clenched. The officer ordered Feest into the car, but Feest stopped short, and said “have you ever met a real Navy Seal?” This was an apparent attempt to intimidate the officer.

(Still Photo from KPD Body-Worn-Camera Footage)
The sole count against Feest was a misdemeanor. This isn’t his first DC arrest. Feest was accused of pushing a private investigator when he was being served civil papers on October 14, 2019. Feest was apparently upset because a local gumshoe used a ruse to get him to exit his house and accept service. According to the police report, a Pleasant Prairie Police Officer could detect the odor of intoxicants emitting from Mr. Feest’s breath. Upon viewing the body cam footage, Mr. Feest repeatedly refused to answer the officer’s inquiry as to if he pushed the P.I. The Kenosha DA’s office dismissed the criminal charge back then as well.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
According to court records, the state alleged that Mr. Feest has acted similarly to two other men who attempted to served him in the past. One was alleged to be hit by Feest. Also, it is alleged that Mr. Feest threatened a City of Kenosha weed and grass inspector with a baseball bat after being given a warning for tall grass and weeds. According to the inspector, he said “fuck off” and “if you come on my property I’ll beat the fuck out of you!”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Feest missed court and had a warrant put out for his arrest during the pendency of this case. Even with his history, the DA’s office dismissed the criminal charge last Wednesday. We asked Kenosha DA Michael Graveley why his office keeps giving Feest breaks and he didn’t give a reason.
16 Responses
I can imagine that Terry Feest’s mouth will eventually end up writing a check that even
Gravely will not be able to cover.
So…what information does Terry have on Mike?
He has pictures of Gravley doing it with a goat that was wearing a mega hat.
He’s not black and a member of BLM so it’s a mystery why Gravely is afraid of him.
Graveley, are you filling up your kimono with anti-American fortune cookies? (Wink Wink.)
I hope the county has deep pockets!
Sadly it’s just a matter of time before an innocent person (or pet,) is put in a grave by this thug or another rabid violent lunatics that knows they can commit serious crimes because limp puppet district attorney’s and judge’s bow to these dangerous thugs!
IMO, allegedly… “lock him up!”
Man government is so great. From the public schools to the non justice system. Great job gov, more gov please and a side of fraud too
As the officer in the video states, “He’s got a history of 10-96!” (10-96 is mentally ill person). The other officer didn’t want to push it and therefore RUNAWAY!?!? Right, let’s leave a gun toting mental case for the neighborhood to deal with! Did D.A. GRAVELY drop charges because he believed Feest to be a mentally Ill person? Isn’t there a process in place to determine someone’s mental capacity to know right from wrong? Did Gravely skip that little step when he released this 10-96 back into the community with his gun(s)? So what do these innocent neighbors do when Feest decides it’s time for his “last call?” Gravely, you more than dropped the ball and any offenses by Feest from this point forward should include you, Mr. Gravely, as a co-defendant! Hell, if you don’t have the balls to do your job then just call your Crony in Walworth County to come and take care of your heavy work..you loser!
I’m outraged
Looks like cat hair and tuna all over himself.
I’m not even gonna go there…
This is strange and I suspect there is more to the story. My guess is that the “more to the story” is that this was switched to a mental health commitment (which may be a closed proceeding). The charge itself of a simple disorderly conduct is pretty much a giveaway that seems to say that it was a place keeping charge. If not, then some folks have some explaining to do!
How does this guy keep slipping away? Is he some sort of “snitch” for the cops? Maybe he has something on someone of power?
Serious question here, what exactly has to be done to get rid of Gravely as soon as possible, and have any of the announced candidates for mayor come out with any public statements for or against him and his office’s handling so many cases that they’ve given a slap on the wrist to people who should have been thrown in the hole? Is there an impeachment procedure that could be initiated? Are there any current offices that could fire him, it would be impossible for me to vote for any mayoral candidate that doesn’t step up and say they would not only fire him, but look into whether or not he himself could be prosecuted for criminal malfeasance in office.
The District Attorney is a state elected official elected by county. City has zilch to do with it.
Anonymous, I have thought the same thing! I understand that he is elected, but I would think with all the people who are not charged for their crimes and given some time of consequences , Gravely is putting the public at risk with his decisions. I would think that would be considered dereliction of duty. Any elected official can also be recalled in WI, but I’m not sure who has the authority to fire someone over dereliction of duty.
Sounds like a politician response! You never have zilch to do with ANYTHING! Having ZILCH to do with anything is quite simply a choice you make! Citizens look to community leadership to address these egregious concerns. WAKE UP KENOSHA COUNTY!
Terry Terry….
Unlucky in love…
Lucky with the law.
Unreal this feest guy must know someone in the courts to be getting this type of behavior and charges dismissed. I can’t stand Kenosha county sherriff dept and the courts crooked ways!!!!